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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. The end where they are talking before aerobics was hysterical to me. Dorinda comes  in hot about Bethanny getting what she thought was a make-up type gift which she didn't get, and feels injustice. Then Dorinda runs off, and Luanne, exasperatedly says, "Now where is she going?" It's like they are all children parenting each other, taking turns at being the parent/ the child. It seems they all know each other very well and are pretty comfortable around each other. They are like a dysfunctional family.

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  2. On 6/19/2019 at 6:28 PM, Angry Moldolvian said:

    Obed definitely has an agenda, did he date Nicole? He has a very gay vibe to him

    Obed is gay. He said that Nicole broke up him and his boyfriend, and it sounds like it happened after Chantel and Pedro were married. Now he's a man scorned and is ready to call out Pedro's wonky family.

    I was very impressed that Pao pulled off the natural birth. I was NOT impressed that she and Russ started immediately bickering as soon the baby was born. I don't think they will last-- my guess is Pao will stay with him for a couple more kids and then split, or anytime before that happens. They just do not get along and it's so annoying. 

    The next annoying constantly bickering couple, Libby and Andrei also don't seem to very stable as a couple. They fight  over everything and they never seem to be having any fun together, or even just chill together. They both annoy me, can't stand to listen to it.

    Ashley and Jay-- thank god it's over. Also, you don't have to be licensed to do tattoos in Maryland, so if Jay was just practicing like Ashley said to stay fresh on his art, there is nothing wrong with that. 

    Colt and Larissa. Clearly, that relationship is FINALLY over. FINALLY! They are the most toxic couple ever.

    I don't hold much hope for any of these couples on this show. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    Bravo is playing (I think) Season 1 reunion.  I loved Beth so much back then!  Seeing how naturally funny and much more muted makes me sad.  Happy for her success at least monetarily in life, but wish she still was that more self-aware, naturally funny person.  Also sad that the relationship with Jill and Beth didn't work out because they were gold together.

    I never watched season 1 so I'm watching now. FF anything that is Jill or Alex.  First, Ramona is very pretty. She and Mario treated Avery very respectfully and lovingly. Luanne and her husband together was sweet as well. Luanne seemed to be very happy being married and really proud of her children and husband. She had the iconic haircut that Rinna still sports. I think she may have stayed at home when her husband was around and went out when he was gone. Which it seems was a lot. Her pretentiousness was more evident back then when she was with others who weren't rich, like Alex and Bethanny. She makes a lot of comments that are pretty rude.

    Bethanny was pretty much the same. Hanging and chasing rich people. Dropping that she went to boarding school, and bragging about having her room paid for by the owner of the hotel. Trying to get her boyfriend to have a baby with her. Talking about how important her career was. She talks about her dad a lot. She doesn't talk about him now. Something must have happened between Season 1 and his death.

    The most incredible difference was the production value. The first season seems like it was shot with a camcorder and definitely with a much much much smaller budget. It had a Real World vibe.

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  4. Man, I thought that Shep and Whitney were being reasonable. Craig is too emotional, and it's been his problem for many things. He wants to be applauded for everything he does. He half heartedly throws some burgers on the grill, dousing them with salt, and then gets mad when people are like, "that's too much!" If I were Craig,  I would have played it so different. I would have made food for myself, and that's it. 

    In any case, Craig is not going to be coupling up with Shep or Whitney any time soon.

    I finally figured out the deal with Shep's hair. He is channeling 1990's Kirk Cameron. They have the same same hair! 

    I thought they guys were funny at the campsite. Shep and Whitney, IMO were rightfully calling out Craig who was totally half assing it. 

    That said, I think Craig is adorable and fun. But I also think he might have some mental problems. I don't know what they are, but something about him is off. He's cute though. Austin is another one of those dudes that if his parents weren't taking care of him he'd be homeless. There is about 1 brain cell that Craig and Austin both share. I think Shep and Whitney are legit intelligent. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, lizajane said:

    Just caught this again last night and here’s my take.

    Not discrediting all the things that Beth has allegedly done to help Lu - but Beth was getting amped up in her resentment and anger toward Lu for days, maybe weeks. That morning, she started lining up soldiers – feeding Barbara an antidote to Lu’s “Kool aid”. You could feel her agitation escalating and Lu was just giving her more and more gasoline to add to the fire. Look at how she freaked out when Lu went to give Barb a hug at dinner. 

    Man-- that bummed me out. I thought Luanne looked a little sad, and I think Barb needed a hug, and Bethanny just insisted Luanne sit down. Luanne should have completely ignored her, taken Barb away, and talked to her. Sadly, everyone counts on Bethanny's energy to run the show, so people have, in a way, some learned helplessness.

    Is there a county or town or something that Bethanny can be the mayor of? I'd love nothing more than to never have to see her annoying face again.

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  6. 20 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    This is Bethennys personality. One day she is crucifying Luann in another season, and two days later she is doing something nice for her. Isn’t that like comparing a marriage?  One day you can have a fight with your husband and practically hate his guts, and then two days later he falls off the lawnmower, and you run to help him with concern.  It’s human nature to love and hate at the same time.  I don’t think that Bethenny does nice things to look the hero.  That is too obvious, but you can look at it both ways, I guess.  I myself think she is a helper without motives, but those who don’t like her will see it as not sincere.

    It would be very hard for me personally, to manage feelings toward someone I don't like who is helping me. I have an aunt who does this-- she makes herself useful and helpful, without asking, and I take her help because it's just easier and she puts more energy into it than I can muster to send her away. But she definitely uses her "help" as a way to brag about how great of a person she is to others. I don't like her that much, and I don't think she likes me.

    My guess is that given Luanne and Bethanny are not friends and have had many arguments and generally just don't like each other, Bethanny jumping in and bringing Dennis into it, was a way for Bethanny to have control over someone. That's just my opinion.

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  7. The wine tasting seemed super fun. I hope Teddi realized she meant impersonations and not interpretations. Kyle's Teddi walk was spot on. 

    Trivia-- John Mellencamp had surgery for sclerosis. I wonder if Teddi inherited it as well. I have some spinal disks that are fused and it's hard to have good posture since my back is straight where it should curve.

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  8. 28 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    Speaking of friends, I wish they'd bring Kristen back as a friend for Tinsley. Kristen is younger and mostly held her own with the women, except for Bethenny who was a grade A asshole and bitch with a capital C in season 7. Kristen is still with her jizz sock of a husband, but Tinsley needs to see someone who is close to her age, married with kids, whose life isn't perfect and still finds things to do with her time. Tinsley biggest problem is that she's fucking bored and isn't passionate about anything. I think Kristen would be great at making Tinsley understand that getting the husband and kid wouldn't necessarily make one happy.

    That's a very sweet and caring insight. :)

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  9. I think Jay is adorable. I'm not at all surprised that girls want to meet him, and he's so young I think he might just want to hang out with some people and be a kid. He may have a grown up sex drive, but he really seems to want to connect with people his age and have fun. 

    I just can't get into Ashley. She seems to try really hard and I don't get why she is still with Jay when she is clearly unhappy and constantly yelling at him and calling him names. I can't really tell if she's just trying to make a story for the cameras or if her feelings for Jay are real. I sort of feel at this point that she's over Jay, and is playing along to make a show.

    Andrei is the opposite of Jay. Andrei takes everything extremely seriously, is super devoted and has tunnel vision on Elizabeth. He wants her all to himself. I think with his competitive drive he's be a great sports coach or something. Doesn't pay enough though. I also think Andrei likes being around Elizabeth's family because of all the beautiful women. I say this because any man would love having a room a beautiful woman all focused on him, negative or not. Plus, Andrei is pretty hot and very alpha manly man. I think the ladies find it hot-- they sure got dolled up for a family event in a house. 

    I love how Elizabeth just yells right back at Andrei and tells him he's being an idiot. He backs down a little, but man, that family LOVES drama. I wouldn't be surprised if Andrei was fucking all the sisters or they all want him the way they dressed so sexy for the shower.

    I ff all of Pao and Russ scenes. I don't really like either of them. Russ appears devoid of personality and spiteful. Pao is okay, but there is an arrogance about her that I just can't get into. She seems like someone that only cares about herself.

    I'm not sure if it's Colt's facial expressions, his mom's speech impediment, or both, but they both are skeevy. I'm not sure what Colt does or why he is living with his mom, but they are definitely a team, and you just can't fight culture. So yeah, Larissa is going to be booted out of that one. Having said that, I can't imagine that Colt would be so influenced by his mom if she wasn't supporting him in some way. I'm not sure what Colt makes, but I don't think it's nearly what Larissa thinks he makes. If he wasn't dependent on his mom for money, there is no reason why she would control his bank account, and there is no reason why they would have a joint account. That's just bizarre as all hell. 

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  10. Yeah, Chantel and Nicole are very jealous of one another, and they are both fighting over Pedro. I'm sure Pedro is loving it. Nicole is definitely a mean girl, but she seems like someone that has been picked on a lot. Personally, I wouldn't want to mess with Chantel. If she won't get you, her family will is the vibe I get. 

    • LOL 2
  11. In listening, unfortunately, to Bethanny's "snap" because she just couldn't after Luanne made fun of Tinsley for slurring her words, what I understood from her diatribe, was that she did all this stuff for Luanne. It does not appear that Luanne asked for any of her help. 

    I sort of see a pattern of Bethanny to find people who are vulnerable and make herself helpful, without their consent. I can completely see this rough night with Luanne wandering in fields in underwear that Bethanny insisted on staying, insisted on calling whoever, insisted on taking her to treatment, insisted on paying for it since she insisted on Luanne going, and now is pissed off that Luanne isn't praising her for being a savior. 

    And for Bethanny to scream all that very private stuff about Luanne in front of everyone, IMO, just made her look bad, and also made it seem like she had an agenda from the beginning. 

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  12. After rewatch, of Sonja's fragmented declarations of the horrors of AA, I *think* I got  it, when Luanne told Dorinda that she was not particularly worried about Sonja because she was completely fine in the car ride back to the house after the AA meeting. The look on Dorinda's face was priceless. She just looked at Sonja and I could hear her wheels turning.

    Sonja is completely using Bethanny's hatred for Luanne to  her advantage. If Bethanny likes you, your in. If Bethanny doesn't like  you, then you are screwed. Sonja is totally taking advantage of any opportunity  to get attention at the expense of Luanne. 

    Now that Barbara has verbally stated disapproval of Luanne, she's part of the gang. It's not crazy, but a little ironic. Now that Barbara has verbally declared her distrust of Luanne, she's in. THey will stop ignoring her now. 

    I don't really think Bethanny has a point either. Luanne is in Luanne world. She always has been. Bethanny has gone off on Luanne countless times. It's not going to change. She really doesn't owe any of these ladies anything, and I kind of admire her for not kissing their asses and doing her own thing and not crying about being left out. 

    The lady is tough. When Carole was ignoring Bethanny in Colombia last season, Bethanny broke down and needed an emergency flight out of the country. 

    If Bethanny wasn't on this show, no one would even notice, and would probably be having a ball at cabarets. Cabarets have men, and these ladies all love men. I think Bethanny has just decided to destroy Luanne, that's her storyline, and she's going at it with a vengeance.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, swankie said:

    Did anyone else think it was strange that none of the other patrons turned to look at the commotion Bethenny was causing?  Only one woman at the end even looked at her.  

    Anyway, Bethenny needs therapy.  That was a major meltdown she was having.  I was so wishing for Luann to say, "So be cool.  Don't be all, like, uncool."  🤣

    For some reason, I can't see Bethanny either sitting still long enough, and/or listening to someone else long enough to hear two whole sentences in a row. I think she'd be interrupting and jumping around screaming after the first sentence. 

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  14. 51 minutes ago, Steph J said:

    I thought Luann was strapped for cash (compared to the other women, not compared to, say, me).  Isn't that why she asked Bethenny (or Dennis - I'm not really clear on who she was looking for a loan from) to buy her a house?

    Luanne is FINE. She does not need Bethanny for anything, thank god. Bethanny waited for her to come home one night and she's losing her mind. The stuff Bethanny was spewing at her, I'm like, "that's not really that unusual." I think Bethanny DOESN'T really care about Luanne, and she did it as an "investment." She determined to make Luanne pay her back.

    Good luck with that. Tit for tat is a miserable way to live. 

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  15. 5 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

    If she were that well off, why would she need to steal from her kids?

    Girl! If Bethanny was so rich, why would she need to tell a judge that she ramped up Cookie's death to pay the bills?

    Being worth a certain amount of money doesn't mean that's what is in your bank account. It's an estimation of what someone is worth given their bank accounts and assets, which could be real estate, trusts, property, businesses.... who all knows. 

    Someone could be worth 100 billion dollars and have 10 dollars in their checking account. 

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  16. Girly friends, I don't blame Luanne for not wanting to hang with any of these ladies. These are not ladies to hang with when you aren't drinking. 

    I'm was raised to believe that people don't owe people. Like, if I help out a friend, it's not right to expect payback. My mom always tells me, and she's in her 80s, that my I don't owe my husband anything. She doesn't want me to get hurt or taken advantage of.  If you want to help friends and expect a return, then be a a lawyer says my dad, cuz you will have to sue, and suing is expensive. That's what my dad always says. But my dad is a sweetie, and he always helps people out when he can and he never expects anything in return. I think that's a healthy way to approach friends and helping them.

    Or you can circle around them, so EVERYONE in the group, and ALL the cameras can hear how you saved this person and they didn't appreciate it. It's just so ignorant. I couldn't even watch I was so grossed out by how disgusting and low B has gotten. No wonder no man wants anything to do with her. 

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

    I can’t blame Bethenny, she just boiled over.  She’s said that Dennis helped find Lu lawyers and then Lu didn’t seems too caring toward Bethenny after his death. Bethenny and Barb were there helping LuAnn to a much greater level than we ever knew.

    Probably because Luanne didn't need or want  her help. Bethanny is just trying way to hard. Luanne isn't into her. Luanne doesn't seem to care about Bethanny because she doesn't. It's very clear since season 1. Nothing has changed. 

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  18. I'm just laughing. This show is like work release and have fun time without socializing.  I love Craig. He's just so effortlessly funny. Why has no one discovered him? He's really just making pillows!?!? Bravo-- let your talent roam! 

    Shep's impersonation of Austin was hysterical. The family stabbing reaction was pretty spot on. But please, everyone, don't stab your family. Shep has been watching too many late night crime shows like me. hehe. 

    Everyone sort of seemed a bit a awkward at Craig's. I think it was cuz Whitney was there.

    Cameron's back to being adorable, which I love. I hate it when she's mean to others. 

    Didn't get Kathryn's crying. I thought she was maybe high or coming off something? Craig seemed remarked uncomfortable, but this is the land of no emotions and just eternal happiness too. That said, I think Craig sealed his fate as a non- Kathryn suitor. 

    Chelsea is cute, but damn is this girl in enabler! Is this a southern thing to just let guys do totally dumb things and laugh appreciatively? Just can't relate, don't agree, don't get it, nothing. 

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