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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 11 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Natalie obviously is a pescatarian for health reasons but should not pretend it’s because of her concern for animals.  It was just less confrontational for her to say an animal died for your tomahawk steak than what she was really thinking -  you are an overweight slob who eats unhealthy food and drinks beer and will drop dead of a heart attack by 50.  Of course then she can sell the land and find someone her type but she hasn’t thought that far. 

    Yes. She's pretty grossed out by Mike. But compared to Uncle Beau, Mike is a health nut. Uncle Beau takes 10 whiskeys every 4 hours followed by a pancake with butter and syrup every 5. The french toast probably was the highlight uncle Beau's days. Which is probably why Mike does fireworks-- he's used to entertaining the easily amused uncle beau between his drink periods, snacks, and nap entertainment hours. 


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  2. I feel like the big girl farm hand that is "helping" Julia is really who Brandon's parents want him with. And/or they want Julia to feel competitive with her and emulate her. 

    Which will never happen. The big girl farm hand being pushed on Brandon is probably why he was desperate and found Julia to squash that. 

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  3. Shannon is a mess, but she seems very authentic. She's savvy but naive. I feel like what she says is true. Same with Brawnwyn. She may be experimenting, and may be kind of old to experiment with her sexuality, but it doesn't seem like anyone really has ever pushed Brawnwyn to do or be anything. She was/is rich and spoiled, but the expectations for her are very low. Which is why I think we see a rebellious teen with her. She's extremely immature. I don't think anyone really cared much about her growing  up, and it seems people still don't. Her husband is a gross sicko. She treats him, IMO, way better than he deserves. He's a nasty fuck who should also get real with his life and what he fostered with his wife. He wanted kids to seem normal and wants a lot of sex with people. He also does not seem straight at all, so I do think their threesomes probably involve some men from time to time. In any case, he's fucked up and fake and a liar, which is likely why Brynwyn can't stand him. 


    Elizabeth is a one and done and a grosse one poser. She won't be able to keep it up. Gina seems like she is telling the truth. I do find Emily and Shane both repulsive. They think they are so smart FOR  OC, but outside their bubble, they would be taken down intellecutually in 2 seconds. Shane continues to repulse me with his tiny bald head and huge super white teeth, and really unfortunate personality.  Neither of them seem to engage in any intellectual pursuits. They both are dumb and lucky that Shane's family has money and he has a trust fund. 


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  4. I think Elizabeth lies about a lot of things on this show. Everything she says, and then gleefully laughs afterwards, I think is a total lie.  I think she mostly lies about things. When people call her out on the lies, she makes up a more elaborate lie. She is really obsessed with coming off as rich and "cool." She reminds me of Dana from BH a long time ago, but no one cared enough about her to follow up on anything. 

    Was she raised in a cult? I don't know, but the FBI is never a first responder. So that she told a neighbor, and the neighbor reported it, and the next day the FBI showed up is complete bullshit. The FBI wouldn't come in unless they had been investigating for a long time and the local police/ crime units couldn't manage it and they were requested. 

    I work in federal government, so I know how it works. Again, Elizabeth just trying to sound cool. Someone should just put her on a yacht and let her sail away forever.  

    I didn't get how she lied about having a seperate place for her clothes, and then when called out on it, she said she didn't trust women. Brownwyn immediately backed off. I was like, NO! That makes no sense! Not trusting women does not give you a pass to try to impress the women you don't trust! It's very cat and mouse with these people. You get called out-- you admit to a fault (not related to what you were called out on), people forgive, and the cycle continues.

    Exhausting and boring. 

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  5. I think Mike is really a dumb ass. He wants a hot wife (NATALIE) she's religious, not going to cheat, isn't trying to be famous, just wants a kid. Is she any crazier than all the drunk ass druggie welfare moms in his area? NO!


    She's a keeper. He's going to do better? All he needs to do is stock the fridge with veggies, let Natalie cook (he could stand to lose some pounds), and turn the heat up! I know old-school folks and they are all about low temps, but it will maybe be an extra 3 bucks a day to keep it warm and it's so worth it. I kind of feel like he is her charity case.


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  6. Stephanie looks great for her age, but her mind is definitely cognitively aging. She's about 5 - 10 seconds behind everything, and she does have the old lady voice and gait. Very pretty though.

    Brandon's mom, Brandon, and the dad, but Julia is about 10 times smarter than any one of them. Same with Yara and Jovi, but Jovi is more lazy than dumb.


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  7. It's weird that Jovi couldn't stand to be with Yara for a few hours in the apt without going out on the town, but he was fine going to his mom's house and doing nothing. He seems like a mamma's boy. Problem there. Jovi seems okay, and he does seem to care about Yara, but he is trying too hard to be cool IMO. I thought Jovi's mom, Gwen, was a nice lady. The faces and expressions of Yara and Gwen are kind of the same.

    I think the Brandon situation is more complicated. The mom appears to manage the farm which is where Brandon works. I think momma Brandon is most worried about losing her labor with Brandon, and is terrified Julia won't want to work on the farm and take Brandon away (which a baby would do).  That said, Brandon seems to truly love the farm and working on it, but why he chose Julia is strange to me. We will see.

    At least this batch of couples seem like real couples.


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  8. I tired to watch the happily ever strikes back, but I wasn't too interested. Colt and Debbie disgust me and they have the absolute worst personalities. I believe Jess was really hurt by Colt, and he just laughs it off and puts her down. Debbie is also really into slut-shaming and judging women for hooking up yet she encourages Colt to do it. She's as dumb as a rock, and IMO, Colt is not far behind. He may work in IT, but maybe as a receptionist or dispatcher. I don't believe he is any way intelligent or makes more than 40K a year. He acts like a super poor poser, trying to seem like he has more money than he does. I am mad that more a minute I thought he actually had a viable career and some direction-- but he's just a dumb ass living with his mom playing with cats and drinking rather than smoking pot downstairs with friends. No difference though.

    I can not stand Libby. She's beyond hideous, her family are all disgusting, and the fact they think they are so rich and so powerful makes me laugh. Andrei sees through it right away. They keep trying to prove they are important, and he keeps reminding them they aren't. And this insistence of Libby to make it seem like her dad has money-- please. Your dad is probably just counting the days until year 7 when he can file bankruptcy again.

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  9. I think Darcey's kids are pretty sweet and cute. I don't know that Darcey is around a whole lot though. Just maintaining that face and hair is going t take a lot of time and she apparently works as well. I do think her girls really love her and I do love the way she talks to them-- she really adores them.

    So I'm a Darcey sucker! Shoot me! I think she's sweet and the lovable loser that I like to root for. 

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  10. The latest episode. My husband went to bed early. He thinks they are both annoying and can't watch it. That's fine.

    I actually like Darcey a bit more than Stacey. Stacey's boyfriend is not very smart, not talkative, and complains a lot. He also says, "angel" a lot. He gets annoyed when he is caught cheating. Bad Stacey, not letting your boyfriend have a girlfriend! UHG. How desperate IS this woman??

    Then there is Darcey with her strange bet on Georgie who not only looks like a ground mole, but has no clear job, ambition, nor goals in life, except to be in America.

    Neither relationship will last. These guys are going to want kids, a real family, and all that once they grow up. They are literally college aged! These ladies are both old enough to be grandmas.

    Are these ladies really so dumb? I guess so!

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  11. I think that it may just be that the Real Housewives have run their courses. They keep trying to mix it up and bring in new people, and keep old people, and create this "family" but I'm not sure how much longer they will last. Maybe a few more years? I wonder which city will be the first to go? Maybe Dallas or Potomac? (I've never watched either).

    I will say that I was at one point really into the HW of OC, BH, and NY. Now I don't even watch all the BH episodes, I was done with OC with the Brooks and Vicki cancer scam, and find myself only interested in Dolores in the Atlanta show. But you know, we grow out of our toys. It could just be that it's not that interesting anymore cuz our lives are different from when we first started, but the shows are about the same.

    I felt for Denise at this reunion. Garcelle sort of defended her, and so did Teddi, but they weren't anything like the Kyle-Teddi-Rinna team that was all about taking Denise down. It was gang like with everyone taking their turns with the punches. Not impressed at all. These ladies seriously have issues if they are going to put that much effort into taking Denise down because she has a douche husband and might be better friends with Brandi than she says. It's just.. I felt stupid watching it, and it's one of the first times that I doubted my intelligence watching this show. It just got too dumb.

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  12. I was going to lose my mind with Kyle's "be open and honest!" constantly throughout the whole thing. And Rinna-- omg, just way too much vitriol on Denise. It was like every little thing Denise did, Rinna was going to "expose" her.

    I feel like there has to be a back story to what's going on with Rinna and Denise who have said a million times they have been friends for 20 years.

    I LOVED Denise making, unscripted, Rinna legit squirm when she said, "You don't even like Brandi!" and Rinna was like, "No, I don't... but I've been nice to her lately.. but no I don't like her..." and then Denise, "Does she know you don't like her?" and Rinna, haltingly, "Well, yes. She knows, but I've been nice lately, but she knows..."

    That was the best.

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  13. I do think Brandi and Denise did some private things together. I do not believe that Brandi was misled to believe that Aaron was okay with it, and then after the fact told not to ever tell him. I don't think Denise told Brandi she had an open marriage. I do think she told Brandi not to say anything to Aaron. Brandi is spinning this like she is some type of victim who was forced to be a "cheater." Which makes no sense. If you thought she had an open relationship, she told you as much, then you aren't a cheater. Please don't make it seem like you feel so guilty. I do not believe Denise told her she had an open marriage, and I do not believe that Brandi feels guilty. I feel that she's trying to win over Kyle and stay in Kim's good favor and is selling Denise out, because she feels slighted by Denise. Which I get-- Denise is claiming that she barely talks to her and she's some sort of stalker with her 10:1 text ratio.

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  14. Season recap storylines:

    1) Kyle and Teddi are friends. People jealous

    2) Rinna did not contribute to daughters anorexia. Daughters are not affected by mom's behavior

    3) Ericka's dreams of Broadway came true

    4) Denise lies. Denise does not own it

    5) Rinna is now friends with Kim because of family connection-- Kyle is now friends with Brandi because she takes care of her sister (leaving her less responsible, and gives her more free emotional time). As such, Brandi and Kim, now besties with Kyle and Rinna, run the narrative of the show, which is that Denise is bad.

    What is a true issue? Nothing spoken. Maurio's absence and being stoned when present, plus partying without Kyle. Rinna not really doing anything but crashing daughter's photo shoots and lambasting Denise because she lacks any relevance...

    The stories that we got:

    Rinna-- her daughter is paying for her own apt. but she's super fucked up, but she still needs to model to pay her way. (Even though modeling is fucking her up)

    Kyle-- she is soooo busy and traveling everywhere that she can't be the perfect mom she wants to be

    Dorit-- not sure. She designed a room at chain restaurant??? She doesn't like Kyle and Teddi's friendship

    Ericka-- she's going to Broadway and her dreams are realized, and she tearfully thanks Tom for her life.

    Denise-- Likes to have sex and is attracted to husband. Does not want ladies to talk about sex in front of her children. Chaos ensues.

    Teddi-- role is to point out others flaws. She is the less witty Bethanny Frankel. No real talent, no beauty, no appeal, but an opportunist taking advantage of an opportunity. Average girl making it despite odds. Rough and tough. Horse person.



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  15. I'm thrilled Denise won't return-- for her! She doesn't need the gig, she's already famous, and has a full-time acting job. This show just made her look bad, and all the ladies are like, "YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS!" Total bullshit IMO.

    I'm sure this is probably her greatest regret. At least with Charlie, she got fame (arguably) and children. This show offers her nothing except a pay-check, but it comes at great cost.

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  16. Darcey's cringeworthy date with Georgie was just... so Darcey. Loving everything, even the tiniest gesture is like, "ooh! How amazing! You opened my door! You touched my hand! oooh!" She seriously acted like she was on a date with a real prince and going to a ball. No Darcey. You met in some dreary corner in NY, he brought you flowers (nice), he looked like he hadn't taken a shower in a few days and was clearly exhausted, you went to an Italian restaurant that is only cool because Sinatra? ate there, and you acted like you had ever heard of the place. You gasped when you got your average plate of pasta, and then decided you should take your smelly, hungover, and, frankly, ugly guy to the hotel to bang because you felt this connection.

    It's all laughable. I feel like this is what Darcey does on every first date-- acts like very tiny thing is super gasp worthy amazing, has sex, and then wants a relationship. 

    It's great entertainment for me. Darcey makes me thrilled to be married.

    Stacey has a different personality than Darcey, thankfully for Stacey for love. Her boyfriend, to me, seems like a loser. I don't find him attractive at all, with his deep sunk eyes with super dark black circles, messed up teeth, and anorexic body. Plus, he's moody and pissy like a hungry toddler. I can't even fathom what she likes about him. He looks  like he just got out of a concentration camp, plus has no personality, is mean, and controlling. Oh, and broke with no job. Uhg.

    This show really should be called "Sugar Momma." It would make a ton more sense, and the narrative would fit much better. 

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  17. I don't think Denise is right for this show. She does not seem to care one bit about anyone, she doesn't want the camera time, and it seems like it is a job for her. Ericka, Dorit, Kyle, and Rinna, are SUPER into it. They get glam squads for their outings to the park. They constantly bring drama and consumerism. Ericka, Kyle, and Dorit are obsessed with luxury and appearing rich.

    I don't think Denise cares about that. She's not trying to prove she is rich or that she has a lot of money, If anything, she's told people she doesn't have a lot a money and needs to work to support her family. The petty drama probably is getting to her, because she doesn't have the luxury of not working like the others. She has a contract and she is an actor and that's how she makes money. So she has weird hours and I do think she is very very tired.  I feel for Denise. And I don't think she remembers what's going on/ what was said, because she isn't taking this as seriously as the others who consult with others and practice their interviews.

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  18. Both Stacey and Darcey are so insecure. It's very sad that they find their worth in keeping a young model interested in them as their proof of worth. 

    For whatever reason they have no interest in the men except that they are interested in them and are attractive. Then they are shocked with their boyfriend cheats on them, even though they have the most superficial relationship ever. It seems to work for Fabian or whatever, as he seems as interested in talking and thinking as Stacey does. But Darcey's Tom and Jesse seemed to want to talk a bit. THey were both asses, but the fact Darcey couldn't maintain a conversation I think irked them both.

    So what I'm saying is that Darcey and Stacey appear to be one-note. A guy that wants to talk about things or have maybe a conversation will be lost here. 

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  19. I think Garcelle is okay, but she does seem very fake and mean to me. Her comment about how tight she was after having sex for the first time in 7-years was really gross and immature. It said a lot about her to me. Her questions to the other ladies aren't "deep" like she says. They are rude and immature. Like she can't think of anything else to say. She knows very well she didn't pay the 5K. She was just shocked that Kyle called her out on it. Her text to her "manager" was to request a payment to be made asap. 

    So yes, Garcelle fits right in on this show with a bunch of dimwitted aging actors of differing degrees of success. No one, IMO, can act for shit. The only person that has ever had any true acting talent is Kim, and her day is long gone.

    Lisa Rinna was extra loud and tattle-telling and what is wrong with her? Denise might have been acting a little clueless and condescending, but gaslighting-- I don't think so. Lisa Rinna, if that's her def of gaslighting, is the gaslighter.

    Dorit and Sutton win this season. 

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  20. Larissa is an "interesting" person. I'm sad for her children. I mean, the mom isn't battling a disease. She's not sick. She would just rather chase plastic surgery than be with them. That's pretty hard core horrific.

    That said, the fact that Coltee felt a connection with sociopath Larissa does not surprise me. He is also seems to not care about the people around him and create drama.


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  21. I kind of understand why Darcy and Stacey have these problems with men-- their father is very controlling and they are submissive to him-- he has their best interests at heart, so it works, but they are definitely looking to be taken care of IMO, just based on what they are used to.

    Why does their dad look like he's in the mafia and the mom look homeless?

    Darcey's girls seem like they are really sweet and loving.

    22 hours ago, magemaud said:

    Georgi’s wearing a high ponytail like a 50s “Bobby soxer” 


    Man buns are still pretty common place in DC. They separate the gay men from the military men from the church men.

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