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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 45 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    I thought the 80’s prom was fun and liked looking at the outfits. At least it was something different than people lying around the beach. Something seemed off with Aaron suddenly pulling Tia away during the prom. I wonder if it was producer driven so Tia wouldn’t be alone with no attention. Chelsea doesn’t seem interested in the guys or the show so I think she is there for more followers.

    I'm glad you said that. I had that icky feeling that, as a POC with natural hair Chelsea would be overlooked because she wasn't the commercially pretty talent, but she really hasn't put much effort into anything regarding and relationship. And she did wipe  her mouth after Aaron kisses, which was sort of telling. She spends a lot of time gaping, looking annoyed, and rolling her eyes without actually doing anything to understand the situation.  Then again, to me, she looks super young, so I'm not sure how much dating experience she has either. She would be benefitted by upping her game in general. 

    We see what no effort did for Abigail and Noah. 

    Regarding Aaron-- he saw the opportunity with sad Tia to take advantage of the opportunity and he did. I'm kind of impressed to be honest. (Though he would be a nightmare to have to deal with in real life).


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  2. Abigail is cute, but she comes off as very church girly-- scared to do or say anything that might look improper. In the beginning of the season, Noah complained that Abigail refused his advances. And all we really see them do is lay next to each other, looking up in the air, with Noah's arms behind his head, and legs straight out, and Abigail next to him with a leg sometimes over his and the rest of her body away from him. I feel like he is just laying there waiting for her to cuddle with him or give him a kiss.

    Then there is Noah that does not move his head, or mouth or blink when he talks. It's like he has a bunch of marbles in his mouth and loses his train of thought after a few sentences. 

    Maybe I heard wrong, but did Noah not tell Abigail two times that he was falling in love with her, and each time she said nothing back? She said something that he said it so fast it didn't register until way later.  So he just said it, and then continued to lay there? I mean, could have said, "hey did you hear me? I said I'm falling in love with you. What do you think?" Very wierd. It's like they are 6th graders and being chaperoned.

    So Aaron passed over McKenna for Chelsea, and then passed over Chelsea for Tia once he realized that James and Ana were working out? What a game of cards.



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  3. 7 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    Kendall is crying over a man who wears socks with sandals. Gurrrl. If “Joe’s [your] person,” then why didn’t you try to work it out in the year you’ve been broken up? No declarations that she would be willing to go to Chicago to give it another chance—so their big issue that they broke up over is still an obstacle, even if he did still have feelings for her. Poor Ivan. He’s the one I feel sorry for. 

    LOL! My husband was watching the show with me, and he demanded to know why  I (nor anyone on the show) wasn't talking shit about Joe and his socks/sandal combo. He was like, "You would NEVER let me wear that!"

    I said only people as cool as Joe can get away with that look. 

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  4. I like Mari and Kenny as a couple.

    Now that Demi is gone, the show is kind of boring. Ivan and Aaron fighting over a girl neighter of them like was pretty lame. That said, now that Demi is gone, we have to rely on Aaron's sometimes witty commentary for laughs.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Jax7917 said:

    I think James has a good looking face but could benefit from a different hairstyle . I think he’d look good with shorter hair and no gel . 

    James kind of comes off as a boarding school/prep school guy. Like when he's just in his normal world he is wearing a white shirt, blazer, and tie. He seems a little sheltered and eyes wide open. He's overall pretty sweet, at least, considering the people he's hanging out with.

    Kenny is definitely the guy that expresses himself with his body. Not at all surprised he makes his connections with women in the bedroom. He's confident on his sexual abilities. 


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  6. After watching this Reunion, with Angela and her showgirl outfit, Ansuelu and his tribal tatoos with shorts and flip flops, Kalani with her big belly and big boobs kissing each other in that velvet gear, the farm people, and the fat lady, I'm pretty sure this is the modern day variety show. It's just comedy at this point, and everyone is trying to hard to be the "top show."


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  7. 13 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    I'll scoot right in next to you on that broken record turntable.

    I totally agree with you.  Further, I don't think Mike ever intended to marry her.  I think he probably planned on getting an "easy" TLC paycheck and let her come over so he could break up with her and send her packing back to her homeland.

    I think COVID fucked up his plan and he ultimately had no choice but to go through with the marriage.  So much for that "easy" TLC payday.  

      Reveal spoiler

    There's speculation that Natalie will be on 90DF Single Life.  I'm wondering if Mike will be on it as well.  


    My thoughts that after she dissed him and threw the ring at him in the Ukraine he was done. He never got back in "that space" with her, and he did seem tortured most of the time she was at his place. She kept chasing him and trying to convince him to chase her, with her, "I'm very intelligent, I'm so beautiful, I was on TV in Ukraine" constantly letting him know how desirable she thought she was.

    I think what she ended  up doing is just solidifying Mike's opinion of her as a snob, and given his laid-back country life-style, he knew she would never be happy. 

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  8. 18 hours ago, Dobian said:

    Jovi is the first dad I've seen who is jealous of his own baby.

    Jovi seems to be a mamas boy. Fortunately, Gwen is very easy-going and sweet, but Jovi appears to be extremely spoiled, and his mom still treats him like a kid. I'm not 100% convinced that Jovi's money comes from his job. I'm sure he makes a good living, but the way he throws around money makes me think there is a trust fund somewhere. He spends money like he didn't earn it.


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  9. On 8/3/2021 at 1:45 PM, Xebug67 said:

    I think we lived the same exact life, BravoFan27.  My life went down the toilet both financially and emotionally after my divorce, whereas my ex-husband's lifestyle didn't change one iota.  Unfortunately I had been married to a divorce attorney, so needless to say I got the short end of the stick in our divorce.  I couldn't even find an attorney to represent me and would be willing to go up against him in court.  He tortured and tormented me after we separated until I just gave up and walked away with NOTHING (and I had brought quite a few financial assets to our marriage that I never recouped because he had mentally and emotionally beaten me down so badly that my preference was to just walk away rather than go through any longer on a daily basis the hell he was putting me through).

    That a-hole got married within four years of our divorce.

    For me it took 11 years being out there in single world hell before I finally found my second, current, and hopefully only other husband.  And it took going online back in 2020-2003 to find him.   Talk about meeting a lot of frogs before I finally found someone (I'm not going to say kissing a lot of frogs, because too many of them were nightmares to even kiss, LOL).  Before doing the online thing I had tried meeting good men through the charity organizations I was active in, through introductions by friends, and even at nightclubs, all to no avail.  A good friend of mine used to joke that unless the food delivery guy and she matched up with each other, she was never going to find love either.

    I love blues music and used to regularly go to a couple of blues clubs which I thought would be different than a dance club, in the hopes of finding someone who also wanted a serious relationship vs. one-night stand guys (which I don't do - never have, never would).  MASSIVE FAIL.  I think any clubs you go to at all, dance, blues, jazz, whatever, if you're single and going there you're not going to find a serious relationship. 

    My online dating experience was during the early days of online dating in the millennium.  I don't know that I would go that route now.  I think it's much scarier than it was back then, and is much more seriously effed up what with social media being attached to it.  What I read about online dating now scares the beJesus out of me, what with sites like Tinder, and the swiping left and right, and competing against women who virtually bare it all on their profile pages. 

    Funnily, while still dating in the real world, I came to the mature realization that I don't want a man who doesn't want me for who I truly am.  This thought came to me while out with a friend and a friend of hers.  HER friend had had a ton of plastic surgery done, and she looked like a Playboy model had just stepped out of her centerfold.  The girl had platinum blonde dyed hair, giant boobs that were always up and out, and in incredible nose job.  She was as plastic as they come, and she attracted so much attention whenever we went anywhere with her.  Not that I was a slouch.  I used to model, and am 5'10", and weigh 135 (when I modeled I weight 117 lbs).  I have hair down to my waist that is highlighted blonde.  I'm smart, well-read, college-educated with some graduate (law) school.  I also have a wicked sense of humor.  But guess what?  That's NOT in demand, while Miss Playboy was.  Then I realized, "Do I really want to be with someone who wants THAT?"  So why bother being jealous of her and her conquests!  A guy who doesn't see and appreciate me for who and what I am is not the guy for me.  From that point on in time, I went out with a totally different perspective on who I hoped to meet, and then ultimately did end up meeting. 

    Meeting someone after that realization still wasn't easy or even better, but at least I felt better within my own skin.

    We have parallel lives!!! This is literally my life story and I resonated so much. My ex was also an attorney, but I did manage to snag a pretty good one who was a feminist and luckily knew the judge that was assigned. As far as mates-- finding someone that appreciates you AND wants to commit is very difficult. It really made me rethink whether I should have got divorced (even though I truly hated his guts) and at least have the commitment part. 

    It all worked out eventually, but put me way behind my peers. I'm a citizen with a degree from a US university and speak English. Natalie would have an extra extra incredibly hard time making it on her own. 


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  10. 23 hours ago, A-Lo said:

    My only concern about the Mike/Natalie breakup is what's going to happen to Natalie's pet rat?  That's how invested I am in those two . I care more about a rat than either of them.

    I don't think Natalie will leave. She doesn't have to work and has the place to herself almost all the time. She does have to put up with him, but a lot of wives put up with a lot more for a lot less.

    She won't leave Mike unless she finds a better man, which may be tricky. Look what happened to Fernanda. She thought she'd be all big time in Chicago, ended up getting dumped by a douche cokehead, and is now dating her stoner roommate. 

    IMO, Natalie isn't going anywhere. She's got it too good (in that she doesn't have to worry about money, which is a pretty big deal), and that's IMO, exactly why Mike's mom hates her. She's jealous. 

    I divorced my husband because I hated him and knew I could do better. I ended up living in poverty for years, jaded, and dating in your 30s is total hell. It sucked. 

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  11. I don't know if they are just pretending because of the script, but how does his mom and sister NOT know that Ansuelu and Kalani have no money? They have to know that Kalani doesn't work and that her family is paying for everything. Maybe they want a piece of the money Ansuela is making from the show? If I were Kalani or Ansuela, I'd be straight with them. I'd say, "Listen, Kalani is special and very attached to her mother. She isn't able to work away from the house because she will have separation anxiety. I can't hold a job making more than 10 an hour, and Kalani wants me at the house all the time anyway to look after the boys so she she can have a break when her mom takes a break. 

    All the money we get from 90Day goes into clothes and make-up to make us look presentable, and buy the favors and onsies that we wear to events. 

    You want money, you need to ask Low. I have no money that I'm authorized to spend. 


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  12. The glorious clitorius. For whatever reason, I don't mind Angela and I enjoy watching her scenes. I remember when Rosanne Barr first came out with the Roseanne show, and so many people hated her because she was crass and fat and didn't act "like a lady." I remember my friend's at school weren't allowed to watch it-- I guess seeing a woman not act a certain way made people angry.  I feel for Angela, and I think she is fine-- she's a little blue collar and her communication style lacks, but she is who she is. I actually feel really bad for her, and her anxiety and insecurity just overwhelms her. She literally has no one for support. 

    Michael and his family are beyond if they think a 50 something woman with 6 little grandkids is going to start a whole new family. THAT is arrogance. 

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  13. OMG, the pajamas at the tree shopping event! I forgot to talk smack about that. Kalani, IMO likes onsies because she's really overweight and it probably hurts to have a clothes with seams on the thighs and waists. When I was overweight (and I never even close to obese), I couldn't stand the feel of my stomach protruding over my pants and my inner thighs would get chaffed rubbing against each other in pants with the seam. Just anything tight. With a onsie you can get away with it being super baggy and you look cute instead of sloppy. 


    It doesn't bother me that Kalani is fat. It bothers me that she won't acknowledge it. Plus, she's always making fun of Ansulo's clothes, but then she comes out in public as a grown up wearing onsies. Think of Regina George in Mean Girls. The character unexpectedly gains a few pounds and is promptly humiliated for wearing sweatpants. “But these are the only thing that fit me right now…” she says, devastated. 

    Or maybe Kalani is just trying to hide the fact the kids are in diapers. No way is she potty-training if she is taking them out in onsies. And how do they poop in those things? They have to have it all hanging on the floor with piss all over. Gross. 

    Not to be mean, but if they weren't all fat, none of them would be wearing those hideous outfits. 

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  14. 9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    On some level, I think Chuck has some genuine affection for Andreii. He is different than the kids.

    Definitely. Andrei does bring something different to the business than Charlie. He will pick up the dad (dad marveled at having a chauffer!) he will drive a huge RV across the country (Andrei was a truck driver!), and he will demolish houses (he whacked that refrigerator door off in less than a minute). 

    Charlie and Chuck used to be a clique, always agreeing with each other on how worthless Andrei was and picking on him together. Now, Chuck is on Andrei's side, and Charlie just has his glow stick wife to stick up for him.

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  15. On 7/17/2021 at 12:19 AM, Frozendiva said:

    So, Angela can afford to consult with a psychic or fortuneteller? She sounded like she was feeding Angela's insecurities about Mykull just wanting her for the Green Card. At this point with all of her abuse, he probably deserves one. I will want to watch that scene again on Sunday.

    Yara and Jovi do not have a crib for the baby? It is time to get one for her and not keep her in the bed.

    I have a Ukrainian heritage and for those folks who do celebrate Orthdox Christmas and New Year, it is a big celebration. The event is not going to start at 4 and folks will be sent home by 6 pm. Very rude of Yara. She could easily put Mylah down on the bed and check on her every 15 minutes/have the baby monitor hooked up. It's not have people over, have them wait a half hour for dinner, have them eat, and send them home 15 minutes later. Have some margarine tubs or Tupperware tubs, fill them up with food if anyone wants any leftovers and then send them home after a respectable time. Jovi's mom and cousins drove 2 hours to come to dinner.


    I think Yara kicked them out because they were all ganging up on her about Mylah's sleeping place, which is absolutely none of their business and it was shitty of Jovi to complain to everyone.  Personally, if I put that much time and effort into a dinner for people, and then they came and picked on me, I would ask them to leave too, but I wouldn't be so nice about it. In fact, I did have a aunt come awhile back who took advantage of me being trapped in my house to let me know how I was doing everything wrong, and then ask my husband to verify that I was indeed wrong. She's not coming back again ever. 

    I saw the whole episode on Discovery plus, so I don't want to post any spoilers but the Andrei thing and going into business together with the dad and outrage from the grown adult sisters with their own children and families just doesn't make any sense, and the dad is helping out Andrei just like he did everyone else. So maybe they think it's a good story to make it seem like they are jealous, but it makes no sense, and the outrage makes no sense. 



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  16. 37 minutes ago, Johann said:


    Yeah, Andreii should be more willing to start somewhere other than as full partner, but does anyone think any of Chuck's kids started at the bottom?  Yeah, maybe they had to slowly (because they don't seem that bright) learn the job, but I don't believe Daddy didn't give them a full paycheck from the start.

    Chuck earned the money, his kids got to ride the gravy train, so if Chuck wants to extend the same privilege to his son-in-law, that's his business.

    So true!!! All of it. Charlie knows this, that's why he ignorantly spewed, "Most IMMIGRANTS who come to the country work from the ground up." 

    His emphasis on "immigrants" made me think he was covering his own ass, because of course Charlie has never worked his way up on anything. 

    It's something that "immigrants" should be expected to do.

    Also, I LOVED how Chuck's hideous sister who just wanted a place where "everyone could love each other" bragged that Chuck worked his way up from the bottom after taking time off to care for the mom, and Chuck quickly said, "You supported me a lot. And dad gave me a loan."

    Libby immediately says, "So it's okay to borrow money!" and dolt-faced sister scrambled to explain that even though Chuck was given a loan from his dad, he still worked his way up. Never saw someone try to switch gears so fast, and the blank globness of her face was hysterical. 


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  17. 6 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

    Don't count on it.

    When she got pregnant right after giving birth to Oliver, she said in a TH the reason she'd gotten pregnant was because "you can't be on [hormonal] contraception when you're breastfeeding".

    Which of course you can. 

    It's part of postpartum healthcare for a ob/gyn to discuss contraception with patients, so when Kalani said that I wondered whether her ob/gyn was misinformed, didn't discuss contraception with her, or if Kalani is someone who doesn't trust science and was influenced by some crazy pseudoscience she found online saying if you're on hormonal contraception and are breastfeeding, your baby will grow another head...or something.

    Good insights and memory! Well then. Given Kalani is breastfeeding, and condoms are for sluts, she's probably already pregnant again. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, greekmom said:

    What I don't understand is the TLC money isn't that great. I would be embarrassed to act that way in front of a camera for only a measly grand or two per episode. Plus all the dirt that is then spilled about that.  The Potthasts have no pride.

    Charlie yelling at Andrei for sitting on his ass for 3 years is incorrect.  He was at the beginning unable to work due to the visa process and then he stayed home to be at home dad while Libby went to work. 

    I am hoping Kalani is smart enough to take some type of contraceptive behind Asuelu's back. 

    I'm not sure what Kalani has to do in her life but have babies. She probably will have another one, and another and another... she seems to be completely unmotivated to do anything, is completely infatuated with herself, and will do anything she can to stay the focus of everyone's attention and be taken care of by mom and dad. For her, having kids is a way to keep from growing up and come off as important, gives her a reason to complain, and TBH, she's so big that she probably can't do much physically anyway and I can't believe she isn't depressed. She can't feel good being so out of shape. All the make-up, long sexy hair, and low-cut shirts to expose massive boobs in the world can't correct obesity. 

    Andrei did a good job driving that RV. His trucking license was a good idea for him as he seems good with handling those large vehicles. Probably Chuck got the RV knowing that Andrei would drive it. That was strategic thinking there.

    I read somewhere that the 90 day "happily ever after" money is about 2-7k an episode, which isn't millions but can probably definitely help Brandon get an apartment. I do think that the 90 day money is really helpful for some of them, like Brandon, who needed his parents to sponsor Julia. I just looked it up, and you have to make $21,775 a year to sponsor someone. So Brandon was pretty f-ing poor AND he worked full-time (allegedly).  The 90-day show is probably a huge get out of poverty pipeline for them. Good for them. I'm sad to think that without the show they would be stuck in that hoarding situation, with Julia and Brandon being additional hoarded objects that Betty can't get rid of.

    Mike and Natalie are the two most insecure and stubborn people ever. They also seem to be very uncomfortable being happy, and much more at ease with turmoil and drama. I think they are both desperate for the others' attention and neither get attention unless there is a problem. I wonder if Natalie felt that if she told Mike about the surgery, he wouldn't be there for her, so she kept it from him, knowing that THEN he would care because it was something he could use for attention, "You didn't tell me about the surgery."

    Back when I first saw them and they were in Ukraine, Natalie was the exact same. She was cooky, confrontational, demanding, and I remember Mike getting upset and walking out, strolling around the streets in his PJ pants. Natalie was really worried about something happened to him and being a target. I would have been done with him then-- you can't just walk away because you don't like what you are hearing/ aren't getting your way. 

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  19. Grandpa Chuck did clear something up for me regarding Andrei that I didn't understand, and I now understand it's part of a completely stupid storyline-- he wanted to borrow 100,000 to use for going into partnership.  Grandpa Chuck apparently does not understand that this was part of a ridiculous story line, and he seemed genuinely furious that Andrei wanted to borrow money from Chuck, so he could pay Chuck to partner. It's so ridiculous. I mean, how would that loan even work? Chuck just writes a check for Andrei and Andrei signs it back over to Chuck? So fucking stupid. I thought that Andrei wanted to borrow 100,000 to start his own business, and the partnering thing was a storyline, but now I see it is ALL a storyline. Every one of the Chuck kids has the exact same snotty attitude, is confrontational, and the way they treat each other is horrible, fake or not. I can't believe they speak to each other the way they do, and I can't believe how completely useless every one of them come off as being. 

    Also-- marriage, family, etc. is not cheap. Why the heck are these stupid losers asking their parents to sponsor husbands for them? If they can't find someone in the states and actually have to buy a husband/wife, that they CAN'T even AFFORD the DOWNPAYMENT on, and need their parents to do it for them, doesn't that scream that there is something REALLY wrong with the person (reality, delusional, immature, not understanding basic economics, thinking)? I mean, I want a fancy car, but I can't afford one. So guess what? I don't have one! It's called being a grown-up. 

    My husband continues to insist Brandon is trans. 




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  20. Okay, so it's finally on. I'm extremely confused how Kalani and Asuelu have any money, with neither of them working, and from what I can tell, not skilled to do anything that would create any type of substantial income. Why don't these people work? Why do they not want to work? Why are they just focused on buying cars and houses? What trust fund is Kalani working with? What weird Morman thing is that family involved with? They are both so completely unrelateable to me- no education, no jobs, two kids, nice house, nice cars, live-in nanny (mother) who also doesn't work. Kalani even said that her dad had to sponsor Asuelu since she didn't make the income requirement (which is not much, I qualified to sponsor my husband and I was a full-time grad student with three part-time jobs making about 20,000 a year). It just annoys me to end how lazy and useless Kalani is. I don't see anything redeeming about her-- she isn't funny, she has no personality, she's immature, and she's super overweight and doesn't seem to take care of herself or her body at all and she looks like shit almost all the time. 

    Julia must be looking for a father figure, because that's what Brandon is. I think they will work out actually, because they each give each other the attention each wants and fills that void. Brandon wants to be the provider/ man in the family that makes the decisions. Julia wants to be taken care of. Seems to work-- Brandon's parents can be there to help with the resources.

    Tiffany complains about everything. TBH, she comes off as just as lazy as Ronald. When the baby was crying, I saw her son try to help out. I think in the real world, Tiffany's mom probably does a lot for her and takes care of the kids, because she was having a hard time getting off the couch to get the baby-- no way she does that all day. 



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