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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 10 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Riiiight, a friend shared it with her.  I would have thought Angela and Michael were on a joint phone plan and she has put a tracing sort of app on his phone where she can read his texts and such.  

    Michael is not innocent in this relationship, I am not sure why he can't just put on a act when that witch is in town, do whatever she wants, say what she wants to hear, etc...the second she gets on the plane home he can go back to running around with his knucklehead friends and run around after the ladies.  I am sad he has not figured out how to play the game when they are together in person. 

    Angela is a bully, whether she is fat or thin it does not matter her insides are caught up in whatever behaviors she has had since she was young, the louder she is the righter she is and for some reason nobody in her life has set her straight.  I hope what ever money Michael gets from her because there is absolutely nothing attractive about her.

    I think maybe initially Michael thought he would marry Angela and they would have a kid and all live in the US. Angela tried to get her daughter to provide the egg (Angela, as famously noted would tote it), and the daughter said no. So that idea died. Michael pulled away once Angela started to focus on her body and not on the baby as Michael, I would assume, still is pining for his own children and why is on the prowl.

    Usman's brother looked older than him, has a young child, and a young wife. Usman has time. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

    I’m having a hard time remembering Ed’s little abode when he first started this crap fest,  was it a sleek modern medal and glass mid  century that is his taste?   I don’t think so , I thought I remember tacky stuff on the wall with him on his couch which was practically in the kitchen. Anyone? 

    He was on Before the 90 days first and he was in the same place as he is now-- at least it looks like the same place. It was really tiny, very outdated, and super cluttered

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  3. 22 hours ago, Chalby said:

    I don't  think it's fair to call him a f*ckboi because he's stating his truth; he's 27 and not looking for a commitment. To me, the FB nickname is for those players that drift from one liason to another, while keeping the women in the dark. He's just being honest.

    Everything is fair on a forum. Every voice is equally valid and allowed as long it isn't against the rules. Some people might see Jamal as a F*boy (myself included). Unless there is a gag order or cease and desist, anyone on this forum can share their opinion. If you want to censor people's comments you could consider being a moderator as well. Your definition of a f*boy is no more interesting than someone else's. 

  4. I feel like Colt and Debbie have been on this show forever, but they made their first appearance on Season 6 at the same time as Kalani and Fernanda. When they first show him, he talks very quietly, slowly, has his hair nicely combed, and he brags about being a mammas boy. Debbie brags about spoiling him. At the tell all he said he hasn't called her "mom" in 20 years or something like that, but he calls her mom all the time on his first season. He also treats Larissa just like he now treats his mom, and Debbie didn't slur nearly as much. 

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  5. Michael is goofiest goofball there, too. Their relationship is dead end. I don't see Michael ever moving to the states, and I think Angela prefers being a glorified sex tourist-- she is just using Michael for her ego and does not seem remotely interested in anything about him. Her surgeries seemed to make her even more insecure.

    Ed needs exorbitant amounts of attention. 

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  6. Ed is definitely a dick. He loves the chase, and then when he gets the prize he doesn't know what to do. He is a love bomber. I don't think his mom and daughter issues with him are about Liz, but more about him being a user. He didn't do anything for his mom or daughter-- he needed them for his self-esteem. Now that he has a new track on life he doesn't need them anymore.

    Ed is a complete piece of shit from a dating perspective. As a person, as all people, he has to find his way. He has some work to do there. All said, and something they don't talk about, is that both Ed and Liz have drinking problems. Of course this makes for some drama, but they both need to lay off the sauce. Right now, they are completely co-dependent and it's going to lead to nowhere. 

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  7. Libby talking to her dad about her idea that someone from their family reported Andrei to immigration is such a crock of shit. First, they have already discussed this with her dad at least two times, and yet again they act like it's the first time they are telling her dad about it.  No one in the family reported Andrei. Andrei got into trouble in a different country, and they are investigating him. It's opportunistic that they are using it as a storyline, and trying to "hint" at who did it-- was it Charlie? Was it his wife? Their conversation was lame and pointless. Also, what happened to Libby's nursery rhyme business? Now we are back to who reported Andrei? (No one).

    Liz and Ed's story keeps changing. First, they didn't know if they could get married if his family didn't accept her. Then, the family likes her, but now she doesn't know if they can get married if the mom and daughter don't accept her. Then they don't know if they can get married because Liz wants to work. Now Liz is saying she needs to work full time to be able to support her daughter and the courts will see her as a provider. She doesn't think getting married to Ed will show stability and will keep her from getting custody of her daughter. The partner storyline is beyond fake to me, and the only thing that I think is real is Ed is cripplingly insecure. Of, also Ed didn't know if he wanted to marry Liz because he thought she was a lesbian and not attracted to men.

    Also, Ed works there too. Weird they don't talk about that.


    Also, Ed said he doesn't want a partner that works 80 hours a week. He wants a wife. Then next episode he says he doesn't want to be pressured into marriage. Aren't they engaged? What the heck? He's saying really confusing things. 

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  8. Veronica and Jamal hooking up is cute. They seem to really like each other. Jamal is a cutie and quite the player. He looks so much like Kim, but in a good way. Sad though that Jamal isn't into Veronica the same way she is, but man, he is good looking. He has the same bags under his eyes as Veronica does.

    Tim has the most annoying vocal fry I have ever heard. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, gaPeach said:

    Natalie is uncomfortable to watch and needs a lot of therapy.  She obviously doesn't want to make a decision between Mike and Josh.  She wants Josh but does not want to cut ties with Mike until Josh proclaims his undying love for her.  Not going to happen.  

    That's exactly it, and pretty much exactly what she said. She is using Mike to literally console her from Josh's rejection. She needs Mike because she needs sympathy because it's not working out with Josh.

    Josh is way richer, hotter, and has a better personality though, and I don't blame Natalie for holding out. It's Mike's problem that he is trying to play the game with her too. 

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

    I missed this week's episode - will have to try to remember to watch it. (I mean, yes, I;ve seen a million of the coming attractions so I am familar with a lot of the scenes you mention such as Debbie crying into Tony's armpit).

    I think I asked this way back so I'm sorry if it's been answered but what is the deal with Debbie's speech?? Yes, her voice is annoying but it's her actual speech or diction/elocution?  that gets me. Originally, when she was the matronly mom in the beginning, I had thought she possibly was a stroke victim due to the way her words were so slurred. I don't think that's the case, but there is something so off with her speech.

    (and I will forever remember what she wore to Coltee and Larissa's wedding. It was a pink man tailored blouse, not a stich of makeup- looking like she had just finished scrubbing the floor and quickly put on a fresh shirt. I was absolutely astounded).

    Anyone care to opine re her speech?

    I think she has a speech impediment, along with dentures, along with being drunk much of the time. She is also hard of hearing and a smoker.

    Sucks to get old. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    She is full of shit. You stay 4 months after finding out Ronald is cheating, still gambling and taking money from the woman he's cheating with? Go away, liar!

    TLC stop pranking us. There is no way Caesar, Tiffany, and Tania's stories are real. Caesar open to threesomes, Tania open to anything that will give her a story, oh and lets not forget Nuttalie. Staying married until one of these dolts decides to be with her. The preview of her running into Mikes lap and crying nestled in his shoulder makes me want to hurl right now!

    Also, Debbie can keep her healthcare in the US. If she has any health issues she will have to cross the border to go back home for care. People do it all the time. 

    Speaking of crying Debbie. Dear god that woman is irritating. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Tony gets his fill of her and sends her packing. Is it any wonder she raised an ungrateful ingrate of a son like Coltie? 

    Tiffany is desperate, insecure, and fake. She's fat, uneducated, and has two kids. She goes back to Ronald because he is the only one that likes her and treats her like she feels she deserves-- like shit. 

    Mike and Natalie have the same pouty spoiled stubborness. They both want to be treated special, and they both are harboring major grudges and trying to get the other one to chase them. They are only back together because they need to stay on TV and the really have nothing else going for them. Big Trish and Mike have more of a buddy type relationship.

    Debbie is such a mean bitch. She was putting down everyone and being super judgmental of everyone. Colt legitimately can't stand her, and no one likes Colt. I also don't get why Vanessa and Tim have to school everyone, and Vanessa's bags under her eyes are distracting. Tim is strange as fuck.

    I don't mind Tonia, because at least she seems like she is having some fun. 

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  12. IMO Ceaser seems to live in a dream fantasy world. He really doesn't have the money to afford a woman from any country, so he just pretends and looks forward to an idea, and he loves looking forward and dreaming about the future. He does not have the capacity to actualize on his dreams. There is no way any woman will ever move in with him, and no way he will ever have children with them. Every "relationship" he has had has been fake, and I think he prefers living in a fantasy world. In this season there were a few women that seemed to actually like him, and he was like, "naw." He preferred the woman that he knew would lead him on. 

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  13. 10 hours ago, Cementhead said:

    deleted, wrong thread

    LOL. With the mix of married people on "The Single Life" (Tania, Singin, Ronald, Tiffany, Colt, Natalie) and the number of single (or unmarried) people on "Happily Ever After" (Liz, Ed, Kim, Usman), it's not surprising they get mixed up. It's all the same show divided into two sets of couples.

    Debbie and Colt are both rude, inappropriate, and emotionally needy. Colt is no more capable of taking care of himself as Debbie is of taking care of herself. They copy each other-- Colt got a makeover, Debbie got a makeover. Colt moved with his sig other, Debbie moves with her sig other. 

    Colt did not have the money at that time to support Larissa-- or anyone for that matter. They didn't have a couch or a car. Just tiny things-- like a shirt or flowers-- Colt couldn't provide. What happened to the horrible cousin? It seems like Colt is now making money on Only Fans and doing video messages or something.

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  14. The season was boring, so I guess it makes sense the reunion was boring.

    Regarding the highly censored content from the season and the reunion, I think they are REALLY trying to make this show and the "Bachelor Family" way more family oriented and family friendly. That, IMO, is why the only people to use the boom boom room were a married couple (highly emphasized that they met on THIS SHOW), and the previously married couple were both widowed and super virginal. They both left before the "fantasy suite" and now live "near" each other. I have no doubt that they haven't had sex and if they have, they are VERY careful to make sure they look as pure and innocent as possible. And the "new" bachelor loves it.  Personally, I think they look like middle aged people trying to look, act, and talk like innocent pure choir boys and girls. Michaels haircut and beard trim is atrocious, and Dani's little girl "the world is so magical and special" act is beyond. 

    With ABC being a Disney network, and the more and more conservative and "family friendly" Disney is getting, I'm not too surprised that it's now showing up now in BIP. I'm wondering if the sexy time in Bachelor/Bachelorette will cease as they recruit more and more "church people."

    Let's hope the move to more conservative doesn't bring in more racist bigots (hasn't there been at least three? And once they are found out we NEVER see them again). 

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  15. The reunion was pretty boring, I have to say. I'm guessing that everyone spoke and had stories, but only a few made it to the cutting floor.

    And it was STILL boring as heck.

    Victoria and Greg were cringeworthy but the only ones that interesting, only because of their weird immaturity and likely shared coke habit (they both seemed high).

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  16. Trish was so rude to Natalie-- punishing her like she was child. Natalie threw the ring at Michael back in the Ukraine and Michael never got over it and brought it up all the time about how much she hurt him. The mom egged on this hurt. Now they are claiming that Natalie hurt Michael by leaving him, although he did nothing to show her he wanted her to stay. I was surprised that Natalie took all the blame, because I remember Mike not committing or giving her an answer to getting married until the very end, and Trish had sent someone to oppose the wedding. 

    Are producers putting these guys back together? Because when they were together they both seemed to hate each other.

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  17. Angela is so ragingly insecure. Billy is 100% not interested in Angela. Angela's issue is she is a lot older than Michael and is very insecure about her age. As Angela said, Michael is not terribly charismatic or interesting. Angela isn't either. They are meant to be.

    Sheeda and Bilah make no sense to me. Who is the stupid "friend" saying, "oh, just don't take your birth control pills." Why would she say this? That's the worst advise ever. And if Sheeda wants kids so bad, why wait until you are almost 40 to have them? This has to be a scripted thing because it makes no sense.

    Jovi is such a tool. He really doesn't get that people are needing help, and Yara wants to help her friends. Jovi is slowing her down with his need to party and drink with friends. I don't really get why Jovi would want Yara to sit by herself in New Orleans than be with her mom and let her mom spend time with the daughter. Having said all that, if he allows Yara to stay with Mylah in another country, it will be REALLY hard to get her daughter back. He should talk to an attorney asap.

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  18. Start off by Ed encouraging Liz to drink wine. "are you drinking coffee or vino?" Liz- "Coffee" Ed- "Boring."

    Angela is so annoying I felt for her at first, but she has much baggage, and Michael is so inexperienced, that he has no idea what is right for him or her or both. Michael wanting a therapist to tell Angela how to be a wife is not going to go well. Michael is sort of a little dweeb.

    Libby and her sisters are beyond--- what are they even complaining and angry about? I don't get it. Charlie sucks, but the sisters have never liked Andrei ever, and Andrei I think truly hates them.

    Poor dumb Kim is so thrilled to be the bottom bitch.

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  19. I think the guys have mostly stuck around because they love hanging out with the other guys. Jessinia called it on Andrew, saying he was just there to have fraternity party. Remember Michael tailing Andrew out the door and needing a last bro hug? They guys are way more into being with the guys than they are ANY girl.

    Pizza Pete only left when he realized the guys didn't like him.

    I can't wait for the reunion.

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  20. Ency is having a REALLY bad night. I've had those nights too. Usually involves way too much alcohol, a guy who I like but doesn't like me, and a blowjob, a guy that still doesn't like me, and then passing out under a sink in a bathroom. Funny, this happened in the 90s too.

    This season was boring because everyone got along so well-- the guys loved hanging out together, and the girls were totally into each other too. 

    I think Johnny is sweet. Logan is growing on me. Kate talks like a Christian marriage counselor.

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  21. 12 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

    Maybe it's because I don't know who Trish is, but I don't see anything necessarily wrong with Yara's mother wanting a bedroom in Yara's European apartment. 

    Yara said that she wanted her mom because her mom would babysit at any time. IMO, she wants the life she had before Jovi and her were married-- he sent her money, she partied, and then he would come occasionally and they would vacay. Jovi is gone for long stretches and she needs a baby-sitter. It "kind of" makes sense that instead of sitting in the apt in LA without Jovi there, she would be with her mom and friends instead, and Jovi could go there when he is off work.

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  22. 17 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

    I am perplexed by Kimbally’s fear that Usman will meet someone younger than her or prettier than her. If Wife #2 can’t be younger or prettier, who exactly does that leave for him to marry? Round 2 with Baby Girl Lisa?

    Usman would be very unlikely to sugar momma to support him, his wives, and kids period. It's Kim or bust.

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  23. Libby and Andrei's signs were really sad. I get they were trying to send the message with all three of them, but to use three different poster boards made it hard to read and understand how to read. 

    I think Andrei's dad was quiet because he had no idea what was happening.

    Michael dresses like Jon Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. I'm not sure he is playing with a full deck. He acts like a little boy, dresses like a square dancer, and doesn't seem to have much going on. He doesn't seem at all motivated to move the US. I have no idea what he is thinking.

    How does Yara think she is going to buy real estate anywhere? Jovi has the money. And if they got divorced, she would have to split it with him. This doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm not sure about the chances of Jovi and Yara working long term.

    Kim and Usman are ridiculous. And Jibral, her son, needs to put up some boundaries. And Kim's black man fetish is gross. Her desperate need to be the bottom bitch at all costs and direct the harem reads like a BBD porn script. 

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  24. Aaron wanted to hang out with Johnny, which I get, since Alex came in and it was awkward. I'm not sure why Genevieve got so upset, but she did, and Aaron decided to be a dick about it, instead of inviting her with them or going somewhere else. Aaron was coming off kind of roidy or high. He just wanted to be hanging with Johnny.

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