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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. I think I may get this. Shannon doesn't want to talk on camera about her relationship. But she has problems and shares with others. The whole point of the show is to be vulnerable, so they are calling her out. I know Tamra particularly hates that- which is probably why she brought it up. 

    Jenn seems super fake. She is so guarded, which I think is why she talks in that sing-song voice trying to seem like some missionary doing God's work.  The Ryan that she is dating talks in that same way. I'm not sure if Jenn will last another season, because a range of emotion is important for this show. It's not a pageant. 

    Shannon always asks what low-fat low calorie is on the menu, but then ignores what they say. She has been doing this since the beginning on her dates with David. It's her schtick. I think it's funny. 

    Heather did something to screw over Shannon. Heather really has never liked Shannon (and vice versa). 

    • Like 8
  2. I have some thoughts on the David engagement ring. My first thought is that everyone is going now go to the Phillpines to get an engagement ring at 80 bucks.

    My second thought is that he spent way too much on costume jewelry.

    I'm not sure about Jasmine's butterfly clips but maybe I'm behind a trend. Jasmine does not seem to understand that Gino is cheap. Everytime she wants to buy/have something it's going to be power play. To have to scream, yell, get hysterical to get your point across is not good.


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  3. 18 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


    What am I misunderstanding here?

    That he is making 3200. No one knows but him, but my educated guess is that given his low paying part-time jobs, and the fact we don't know how many hours he works-- probably not many given his disability, he is also drawing in SSDI.  Just thinking how it's likely to actually be playing out. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    If you earn money through working, SSDI and SSI payments can be reduced depending on your income, all the way to zero.  Makes sense, since the payments are for people who can't work because of their disability.

    He said he makes $800/week, which is over $40,000/year.  I'd be shocked if income like that didn't put him over the threshold.

    This is the first episode I've watched, but that's what it sounds like to me, too.  The general sound (kind of breathy and not crisp), but also when she says a soft "e" it sounds like a soft "a"--like "sex" sounds like "sax."  I'm not sure why that happens, but it's something I've noticed when listening to some hearing impaired people talk.

    He gets a higher check because he works. It is a percentage of your income that you pay taxes into. It's supplemental. Different than welfare because it's social security which is a different program. Bascialy, David gets the SS back that most people pay in their W-2s.


    How Much Money Can a Deaf Person Get Through SSDI?

    Social Security doesn't pay a higher SSDI amount for deafness like it does for blindness. The amount of SSDI benefits paid for deafness or severe hearing loss depends on your lifetime earnings. Social Security will calculate your disability benefit by looking at your average income over your lifetime from jobs where you paid FICA taxes or self-employment taxes. For more information, read our article on how much money you can get through SSDI.

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  5. Riley is not going to be happy until Violet admits she kept her dating app active after asking him to take his down. She's not going to do this. He's tried to bring in a private detective, his horrible female friend to get this information out. I think at this point, he needs to move on with making this point. 

    Sattler is hobosexual.


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  6. On 8/14/2023 at 8:47 AM, Stuckathome said:

    Amanda---holy hell, what a stone cold bitch. Watching her as she kept applying layer after layer of makeup (curious what others thought of the long camera shots lingering on her makeup bag)

    Yes, and the constant pans to Ravzan's hands when he was talking to producers was odd as well. The need to up their game when interviewing outside of the set up interview sessions. 

    on her very plain basic girl face and being so cold just affirmed what many said. She had zero real feelings for Razvan. She just seems so stunted, it was like listening to, you know, like a teenage girl, like talk about the boy in class who like, TOTALLY thought he had a shot with her, but she had to tell him as if.

    I heard Amanda's mother was a drug addict and she had a really dysfunctional upbringing-- grew up super poor. I think that's why she seems stunted and really immature. Plus, didn't she work at Hooters? That place you are required to wear make-up, and lots of it, so I just think that is what Amanda knows to do/is normal. She has the typical Hooter girl story, IMO. 


    I LOL'd when she mentioned how when she met Jason, he was just a manager at a restaurant, but he stepped it up to provide for her. OK, so you want a provider for you and the kids. Next breath, talking about how she takes care of herself and her kids, her bills are paid thank you very much, and she isn't about to bankroll Razvan's pipe dream (dont' fault her there). Ok, so which is it? Strong, independent mama or sugar baby?

    I think her point was that she didn't need Razvan to pay her bills/support her, and he shouldn't need her to support him either. BUT, if he was going to move in and be part of their family, she would expect him to prioritize supporting/providing for them, which I think is a fantastic expectation. I think that when the had their private talk, Razvan expressed that he would not be looking for a job, and expecting Amanda to support him while he worked on his art/music. She was like, hell no. 

    Girl, you are NOT that cute or special. I think she gets off on playing with his emotions and having a guy lust after her. 

    She's very pretty, and unlike some of the other women on this show, she's very chill. Doesn't add ridiculous, pout, cry, yell, scream, etc. She really doesn't show much emotion at all, except to scoff, smirk, or snicker-- extremely quickly-- but then in seconds returns to blank face. Not great TV, but a guys dream girl. 

    Edited to add: I think Razvan was just using her for a green card and thought this show would help launch his "career" in the US. His tears were faker than fake. So she definitely is dodging a bullet there, but she is no prize. "maybe we are both just broken." Honey, quit trying to make this into some epic romance that couldn't overcome the obstacles. He was a vacation fuck (finally). And how edited is this crap? They are rolling around in bed, supposedly the morning after the marathon sex session, he says let's get ready to go see the castly. And.....she is wearing the same hideous leggings at the castle as she did in bed. 

    I think she has some body dysmorhpia. She is always hiding her legs. She had the exact same look every single day. 

    Tyree that was just painful to watch. Am curious how much they paid "Carmella" to appear. And she looked a LOT larger in real life than in those pics....she showed up in a track suit? I was expecting the full escort glam look for a tv appearance. And girl is that blind that she needed glasses to see a huge guy sitting two feet away? I think he was dragging this out to play up his pitiful story to get a spot on single life. He was so tongue tied and awkward with her.....THAT is a reason you are single, not just your weight. But, he will blame his weight and how females are just so superficial as a reason and not own the fact that he is just socially stunted. 

    He is so naive, sheltered, and ignorant. His face when he has to think or has a thought-- he looks like he is about to cry or throw up.

    David and Sheila. That contractor jacked up the price as soon as he saw David and heard American. And still, considering all the work to be done, it isn't a lot. But I am guessing DAvid has spent most of all his savings on this trip and yeah, when you earn minimum wage, it takes those two jobs to just stay afloat and it takes time to build up savings. I am sure he could float it somehow, which is what he should have said to her. Does he not realize even if she gets a job, she will earn pennies a day. It did seem a little cold when Sheila made the comment about not wanting to die poor and now she had doubts he could be a provider. I get her point, but let's not pretend there are wealthy dudes lining up for her. There is no end to young beautiful women in her country who are lined up for the same thing....sad but true. I do hope they can work it out because I think she does care for David. 

    David is deaf, so he gets a little extra money in social security, but he's still poor. I was pretty surprised that David has such low-paying jobs, I think he could do more, but maybe with his disability he is scared to try.

    Cleo and Christian---holy hell, what was that mess? I sort of believe douchebag here. I can totally see him checking in with her to confirm what she told producers so that he didn't overshare. She kept saying he was denying they were intimate. I never heard that---he said there was intimacy. He just didnt' specify what type. I think she overreacted and WTF with bringing a friend. To me that sort of rings of when a person is fearful for their safety they bring a friend along. So I also see his perspective that it was hella awkward to have her friend sit there and listen to this discussion. Every other word out of Cleo's mouth is autism or autistic. Then again, I def saw red flags with the way Christian twisted the conversation into him being the victim and made her end up apologizing. What a mess. 

    It's tough out there for anyone single, but it must be extra extra hard if you are trans. She seems so desperate and emotional. My guess is she's been through some pretty horrible experiences with relationships. 



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  7. On 7/27/2023 at 6:23 PM, ZettaK said:

    Jenn said already on the show (at the country and western clothing store before the trip to Montana) that Ryan cheated on her with a common friend while on a break. Heather and Shannon were present, and questioned if she could trust him. Jenn is on a reality show, and it was to be expected that her relationship would be questioned. She knew it, and she probably thought it was a good story line.

    These are things I've picked up on that I have no idea if I'm right.

    1. Ryan sent the dick pick to Heather A. during their "break." When caught he resent it to a bunch of people and said it was a mistake and meant for Jenn. 

    2. Tamra and Heather A. believe Ryan sent to dick pic to Heather A. and it was FOR Heather A.

    3. The person Ryan slept with on their break was Heather A. (which is why Tamra knows everything and Heather A is so invested).

    4. Tamra really dislikes Jenn 

    5. Heather D. really wants everyone to know that she bought Mark Cuban dinner


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  8. I'm glad they are showing Gino and Jasmine getting along. I think they have cute personalities.

    Amanda and her smirking and covering her mouth with her hands at everything must be a nervous thing. Razvan telling Amanda that his mom would like her because he would bring her to America was a dumb move. He thought this would console her that his mom would like her, but it just came off as shady. And she did explain that to him, but he didn't get it. 

    I was glad to see her eat something, because she seems to be starving herself.

    Cleo looks almost exactly like my 12-year old niece. I sort of wish I could post a picture-- it's like the exact same face. 

    I'm not sure what Cleo sees in Christian. And somehow she thinks they made love-- or at least she said that, though her face and Christian's face and explanation didn't excude any sort of happiness. And Christain said they didn't have sex. I sort of feel like it is Cleo that is lying, but I'm not sure why. I'm also not sure why Cleo being trans is that big of a deal-- like excusing Christian because he hasn't been with a trans woman before. He knows Cleo, and what to expect. He needs to catch up and stop using it as an excuse to be weird and emotionally unavailable, IMO.

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  9. On 8/2/2023 at 11:51 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:


    I did agree with Tamra on one thing - what the heck was Ryan wearing on the boat?  When someone with as bad of taste as she has is calling you out 😬.

    Oh my gosh Princess doll, this made me LOL so hard. 

    3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Yeah.  I don’t think John was being smothering when he went to the bathroom with Shannon.  I think he just wanted to get away from the other couples.

    They probably took the opp to bounce to do their real lives until producers called them back. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, J80134 said:

    ike Shane, and sometimes his insecure, my wife is out of my little guy league so I'm gonna take a few chunks out of her self-esteem with cruel jokes gets the best of him.


    You nailed it. 

    3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I almost feel sorry for Heather, that she thinks there is a chance that she will make a come back in Hollywood, 20 years or so after she left (supposedly) to be a wife and mother. 

    Delusional. She got work during the height of the Sopranos and was cast as an Italian. 

    Sopranos is way over. And people are better at casting within culture. There is no work for an older woman who looks like they have had a lot of plastic surgery.

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  11. Emily must have really bad self esteem to put up with Shane constantly making "jokes" at her expense. He doesn't seem to really like being around the family-- doing family stuff. At their dinner when they both ordered steaks, and his was bigger, OF COURSE he had to make a rude comment that the "small guy" gets the big steak-- insinuating that Emily should have been given the larger cut. Rude. He also made fun of her and told the kids to treat mom like a Scarecrow, and was just mean and did not seem like he wanted to be there at all. He couldn't even keep his shit together and his bad attitude and mean streak in check to take a family photo, and Emily nervously asked him about taking a happy family picture. It's clear that Shane's parents are wealthy-- if they got divorced she probably wouldn't get anything, and then she would lose that funding stream. 

    Tamra's comment that she couldn't stop looking at Ryan because of how silly he was dressed made me laugh. He looked like he wandered off the set of Sopranos. He is not good looking-- he looks strung out and I think he just tells Jen what she wants to hear. 

    So Tamra pretends to bury the hatchet AGAIN with Jen. Tamra is not going to rest until she Jenn to break. Jen, again, kept her composure throughout the whole evening, which means, Tamra is in no way done. 

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  12. I STILL like Tamra! She is relentless trying to wear down Jenn and get her to admit Ryan cheated on her. I thought what they were saying earlier in the season was Ryan cheated while on a "break" with Heather Amin or something. Heather A and Tamra are on a mission to get Jenn to admit it-- and I think this episode she did-- she said that she wasn't with anyone on their break, and it hurt that he was, but she is over it, and doesn't want to go back there. I think there is A LOT more to the story and Jenn is no way going there, and Tamra way is.

    I like Taylor's supporting role. She's around, but she isn't obsessed with camera time, and she adds some fun commentary here and there. 

    Heather Dubrow has been desperate for Tamra's friendship forever. Back when Tamra got married, and Tamra said something about not caring if she was in her wedding, Heather literally broke down. I think Tamara is the popular girl that she always tried to hang with, and now she is living out her teen dream. 

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  13. I have no idea why Jasmine wants to marry Gino. And she has sons-- I would be worried having Gino as any type of father figure.

    Nicola has no idea what to do with emotions. Both Meisha and Nicola don't seem happy with each other. I think when Meisha cries, it puts too much pressure on Nicola, and he doesn't know what to do, and he gets angry because he isn't used to any type of challenges. 

    I think Razvan's cheesy constant attempts to have sex are pushing Amanda away. 

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  14. If Chris does have a drinking problem, he can't help it-- it's his brain. He's out with Cleo, but his focus is on how to keep drinking-- he started the conversation with the table next to them to start a party so he could keep drinking. 

    Chris may not know much about autism, but Cleo doesn't know much about alcoholism.

    This relationship is doomed. 

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  15. On 7/20/2023 at 10:13 PM, Starlight925 said:

    Re:  People in restaurants, nail salons, etc., while filming.

    They have all signed a contract that they not only know there will be cameras, a crew, and filming, but that they agree to appear on film.  They sign this when they walk in the door for their reservation, so they are free to walk out if they don't want to stay.

    But that once filming started, the restaurant is closed, and only those who have signed, are staying.  

    What a pain. No wonder they do so many at-home theme parties


    This is the first time I'm watching OC in years-- only because Tamara is back (I KNOW you hate me).  In any case, Tamara is very beautiful, but she is jealous of people-- she was very very jealous of Gretchen back in the early days. She was also jealous of Alexis-- but I think ultimately, they didn't connect because Tamara is much older than them. She is more in the same age group as Shannon, Vicki and Taylor. 

    Did Taylor say she was going through menopause? Maybe that's why she's a little out of it.

    Everything Heather does and says seems like she is trying to impress people with her intelligence and money. No one is impressed with Heather's intelligence and money except Heather. 

    Shannon was right about Heather always trying to one-up her with money. I think it bothered both Heather and Terry that David-- lowly construction guy-- was wealthy. I wonder if Heather likes Terry having affairs since it keeps him busy. They don't seem to enjoy time together at all. Tamara and Eddy hang out, so do Jenn and Ryan and Gina and Travis. Heather's time with Terry is usually complaining about something in his office, where he dismisses her with sarcasm. Shane also seems to barely tolerate Emily for the few minutes that he obligates when he comes home. He gives an emotionless hello to Emily and Annabell, ignores the boys, and stands next to Emily and makes a few rude comments.

    Shane and Terry suck. 

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  16. I noticed that Emily had bright red nails at the salon, but the rest of the episode they were pale colored. Makes me wonder about the timeline of things. 

    I think Tamra is super pretty, she just has gorgeous bone structure and I can't help but really like her. I like her and Shannon together, and I know everyone hates me now.

    I sort of get why Tamra is so irritated with Jenn-- she has this somewhat flat affect and doesn't react to things-- she seems very controlled and the things she says seem scripted and practiced. Or maybe that's why I find her annoying.

    Emily's new thing is to say something in her interview and then laugh. Gina thought Heather was her friend? Really? 

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  17. I think that both of Heather's comments were digs at Tamra. First, she says that people that do manual labor are important and (basically) let rich people have beautiful lives-- all the ranch work they were doing was what Tamra's son Ryan does on the ranch he works on. I sort of think it was Heather's way of telling Tamra that she appreciates the work Ryan does, but obviously, it came off really offensively. Then of course, she tells Tamra that she is leaving her out and makes Tamra responsible for her low. 

    Travis seems like a nice guy. But I'm sure Gina misses Matt-- he was/is hot.

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  18. 16 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Heather Amin is the woman Ryan sent the dick pic to by "mistake" like Ryan, and Jenn claimed. There was a woman, another one of Tamra's friends who was filming and was supposedly considered for a HW, or friend spot (but she obviously didn't get it). I wonder if it was her, and if we will see her at all. 

    I think I saw something announced that Healther Amin was going to be on the show and was a friend of Tamra's. Obviously, they went with Jenn instead, and I don't think Tamra is very happy about it. I also don't think that Tamra likes Jenn at all, and definitely not Ryan. And I think she has a really hard time being nice to people she doesn't like or that try to hide things. 

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  19. Wait. So Sattler just goes outside and picks up wood/debris and makes comments on the bugs? Huh? That's called kindergarten.

    Cleo is a weirdo, but Christian is extra.

    Why are my posts gone?

    Riley's eyebrows look like a catepillar. They go almost to his hairline when he has something to say, which is always. 

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