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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. He said, "if anyone isn't going to finish their salmon,  you can pass it over here." or something like that, since it sounded like they were dissing on it. Or it could have been the potluck comment-- he said something like if this dish was at a potluck, they would definitely be invited back." Or something like that.

    In both cases, it was pretty funny. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    Can someone else answer this?  I know you didn't mean to single me out but I'm tired of having to defend my opinions.  It was just an impression I had. 

    The way he worked impressed me. He had total command of the kitchen, his space, was authoritative yet a team player, took control, great communication, was a real leader. I think he can win. I personally wouldn't define him by some poorly cooked fish--  I think he's talented enough to learn quick how to up his game, AND I think he said this dish was the most technically difficult thing he has ever made, so pretty good sign he is willing to take chances and push himself.

    I think he's cool as hell. I don't care what others think, and if you don't like him, that's your problem. I'm not changing my mind. 


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  3. 4 hours ago, Rammchick said:

    I did notice that Kristin didn't drink her beer in the last toast they all did at the dinner.  She lifted the glass and then put it down on the table.  I don't know if she drank any of it previously.

    As for beer chaser after a Bloody Mary, isn't that what a Michelada is -- beer and tomato juice and spices?  I've never had one but it sounds good :)

    Beer is really filling, so maybe Kristin is trying to save some room in her stomach. Or maybe she is being really picky about what she puts in her stomach. She's pencil thin, and she was talking in an article about her strategy for handling all the eating. I think she said she was going to be extremely picky, just bites and only really eat something if it's beyond delicious. One thing good about Padma was she wasn't afraid to eat and gain some weight.

    A Michelada is in the same category as the Bloody Mary, and I've actually used my beer chaser and added it right on in to the Bloody. The chaser is supposed to cut the spice and salt of the Bloody. A palate cleanser of sorts. So Kevin with the accent did have the right idea for the salt bomb, at least for me, as I have been known to order a Bud Light for dinner on more than one occasion and can appreciate the type of food that goes well with beer. But because it is so filling, it's hard to have with a lot of food- definitely best with snacks. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, mlp said:


    I don't like Amanda.  Apparently, Charly is brighter than he looks.  I like Michelle.  The rest of them are still in a "to be determined" category.  I don't even have most of their names straight yet.


    Charly really impressed me with his command of the kitchen. He really is confident and competent, lots of super focused exacting energy. I see him going far.

    Personally, I think beer complements everything, but maybe another thing that made this challenge hard to cook for was that it was introduced as "make something goes go well with beer" and "snack food go great with beer." I should write for these guys. Instead, the intro should have been something about making a progressive meal that would pair well with beer, that most people would never associate with beer. That would make it more difficult and interesting to see what they would make to pair with it.

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  5. 3 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    That sounds awful.

    Drinking beer out of the champagne glasses was cheesy.  Why didn't they use champagne flutes?  They're just skinny beer glasses.  Or just give everyone a flagon.

    I thought the soup that the losing chef made looked great and sounded like a great concept.  That's the problem with not getting to taste anything.


    Regarding the champagne glasses, it's how they brand the beer, and Miller High Life was paying big bucks I'm assuming, so champagne of beer it is. The brand ambassador was there, and man, she was SERIOUS. The only thing she said that made it to the edit was about one dish being perfect with beer. The challenge was pretty cool, as all those salty snack foods do taste great with beer as beer is pretty much sodium free (why people crave junk food when drinking). Also really popular in Wisconsin, which I love, is having a beer chaser with a bloody mary. It's awesome. 

    It seemed like Valentine's "soup" would have been better as a dip of sorts. Fondue maybe?

    Michelle is a smart chef and smart shopper. She incorporates the high end proteins and saves with cheaper ingredients and less of them. (lobster and corn for example). Manny's dishes being Mexican seem like they require a lot of ingredients, but he is pulling it off. 

    It's been awhile since I've been to Madison, but I would love for them to stop at Ellie's Deli (I think it's a museum now) and the Dane County Fair. They show them at the Farmer's Market on the square, which is awesome. Those were my favorite places there in the 80s! Also would love for them to make a stop at the Cave of the Mounds, and Baraboo for the circus!

    Also, I'm not sure how this is really a "new" top chef. Besides the obvious missing Padma, everything seems pretty much the same. The format also has some changes here and there. 

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  6. I can't imagine having to make a dish with hops! I've never seen it in anything but beer. Michelle is either an amazingly talented chef AND really downplaying her comfort with the challenges (pasta, hops), OR an amazingly talented chef with amazing food muscle memory. For lack of a better analogy. Last episode, at least the way they edited it, the winner and the loser both were outspoken about making pasta, but Michelle killed it and David Murphy (sexy sexy) sucked. I think being competitive-- wanting to win and getting that adrenaline rush that creates focus and resolve and energy, definitely helps, but the best player in the world can't make talent. 

    I really like Kenny, although I actually kind of think he really should have gone home last episode since he really *ed up with not putting out the basics of the rules-- light and dark meat. IMO, he's really lucky the producers wanted sexy David gone, or that his food was really just that bad. Plus, he kept whining about how to cook "trash." Dude, praise the lord you are still around, boo!

    I love watching them all chit chat while they are cooking, keeping the mood light. 

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  7. It will be interesting to see the Emmy's-- my first thought was that it was strange that Padma would leave a show that has had so many Emmy nominations. She herself has had a dozen, either as a host or as a producer (granted, there are a lot of producers). But I see Taste the Nation was also nominated in 2023, and a MUCH shorter list, so maybe she thinks she is more likely to get the Emmy win with Taste the Nation. I don't think Top Chef has won an Emmy since the creative design team received one for Last Chance Kitchen. 

    It would be wild is Kristin was nominated and won an emmy for hosting Top Chef. I bet Padma would be so furious. I bet she didn't think a show set in Wisconsin would be special enough to get nominated for anything. Or maybe that is what I would think. Hehe. In any case, I bet she will be back at some point. That is of course, if it really was her decision to leave (or her decision to come back). 

    Kristin is a beast! She's just so killing it. She is donning the sleeveless shirts just like Padma did. I don't think Kristin can bring the same elegance that Padma did, which I think Tom and Gail appreciated, because it's the high class crowd that caters to fine dining-- people that look and act like Padma. But in some of the clips for the rest of the season I see a very glamorous looking Kristin. She is a model so she can pull it off. I just think she is the perfect replacement. 

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  8. So for this episode, it seems the "winner" is the one that can nail technique in each category. So the best pasta, the best chicken, and the best stock. For each one, someone could try to cover or emphasize something else, like the sauce or the filling, or side whatever, but I think it's really who does the basic best. I think the soup is the hardest. Here is a list I found-- pasta, roasted chicken, and soup is all on there, but for soup there are LOTS of types. https://www.foodandwine.com/chefs/classics-master

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  9. I was pretty sure David Murphy was heading home right away given just how clearly out of his league he was. Everyone worked with such focus and detail and precision, and he was just so sloppy. Watching him slop his dough together and roll and cut it, was painful. It's like he knew it was terrible and he just gave up altogether. Maybe he was banking on his "fun" eclectic personality and image to carry him through a few challenges. I actually didn't mind his personality that much, but his constant needling of Tom and the show-- saying Tom's hat game was "awg" and that he hates pasta, was probably not the best move. Especially if you hope to stick around because the judges like you.

    Kristin is doing awesome! She's really letting the judges shine and seems to really enjoy being there. I sort of wonder if Padma is more taking a break because she didn't want to hang out in Wisconsin. I think she may be back. Maybe she'll even make some guest appearances this season.

    Does anyone know who some of the guest judges will be? 

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  10. Veronica and Tim have an interesting relationship and life in general. I can see why they are on the show, they are both big personalities and thick skinned. Weird they are both okay with the other bashing them and complaining about them to others. That's pretty toxic and a red flag that 1-- at that age you are calling people names in general, and 2-- that they both accept that the other puts them down and makes fun of them to others. That said, I don't see any hope for either of them for relationships without some serious deep personal work. They are both immature and have a lot of issues. To me, Jamal seems more together than Veronica at times. Veronica and Tim seem to just want a partner to drink and party with and not really someone to engage in real world life. 

    I'm so glad fuckboy called out Tyray on his "haha" giggle thing. I don't know though if anything registered. When people are real with him he seems to look really confused and he struggles to understand what is the reality. 


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  11. I watched it again, and I noticed some things I didn't see before. First, Sutton was out and "fine" for a little while when Kathy was there. When Sutton was still there, Kyle was extra sweet to Kathy, looking at her lovingly, petting her hair, smiling and laughing with her. 

    Once Sutton left, it seemed to leave Kyle. Kyle seemed irritated, short, and quick to correct Kathy. It was almost like her super sweet and loving behaviors were just an act to make Sutton jealous. Relational aggression for sure.

    Also, watching back, the paramedic was discreet and didn't say any personal information out loud-- it was the mics that picked that stuff up. So it wasn't as produced or scripted as I thought initially. 

    I think with Sutton they may be used to her medical issues and excuses, so they were less interested, even though it's insensitive. I also think Sutton did get dizzy, but I think she recovered, and was sort of going along with all that happened next. It didn't seem like she really wanted to leave but sort of was convinced to go.

    As someone who has had panic attacks and gone to the hospital, there is nothing worse than getting there, finally getting in to a doctor, and then feeling okay. It's like, Oh shit. I'm fine. How do I manage this with all the commotion I caused? How do I get out of here without looking crazy? So you go with it. 

    For fun, I watched season 1 yesterday. Kyle was actually about the same or worse in season 1 regarding mean girl behavior. She and Kim bickered back and forth constantly, Kyle was always pissed off at Kim and pretty nasty to her, her shopping and handbag love and obsession was a thing from the jump, Mauricio seemed a bit overwhelmed and avoidant of her even then, and she was very much besties and confidant with Farrah. I sort of think that Kyle is used to having a much younger best friend (i.e., Farrah or her daughters) and now that Farrah is more grown, Morgan sort of fills that void for her. As far as being "together" or girlfriends, I don't think that's the case. Kyle seems like a dick chick to me, and Morgan is so young, she's probably looking at Kyle like a mother figure. 

    Side note. Does Morgan look like she's turning into Justin Bieber? 

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  12. On 3/16/2024 at 4:53 PM, Chalby said:

    I will need to read all the comments again because who on earth is suggesting the first aid person was fake or that anyone was involved with the fake medical emergency? It was clear Sutton was going through something and I know firsthand that the combination no sleep, no food, dehydration, heat flushing and anticipation of hard conversations would have me fainting or having a horrible anxiety/panic attack. The high blood pressure would also be a result of aforesaid triggers.

    Are you gaslighting ME Chalby? LOL. 

    I see all sides, and let's be real, none of us will ever know the true story, it's not like this is going to trial, so it's all speculation. Personally, I think that some of this was produced, on a HIGHLY scripted reality show, isn't that far fetched. That's me. 

    In any case, Sutton is back home, and she is doing great, avoiding all scary people, and hanging out with Kyle again.

    • LOL 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    I couldn’t help but be reminded that all these women let Crystal go to the hospital (in a foreign country) alone.     

    If Little Kathy was on the trip, they all would have gone with Crystal to the hospital. Crystal might have even ended up there for 10 days or until Kathy came to visit. 

    2 hours ago, BluishGreen said:

    The EMT who took the first look at Sutton said her blood pressure out loud as he read it and Crystal said "It's as high as mine was!"   Now, I cannot imagine how someone could raise their own blood pressure to a dangerous level by will power.  

    That's not very professional and EMTs are 100% required to follow HIPPA, and someone's blood pressure is DEFINITELY medical information. 

    I am more convinced than ever this was planned/scripted. And the EMT guy was fake if he didn't protect Sutton's privacy, which he clearly didn't by reading it right into the camera. 

    • Mind Blown 1
  14. From what I have read about Big Kathy, Kathy Hilton seems to be a lot like her-- very gruff, mean, and insensitive. That said everyone in her family seems to love her and are very fond of her (late Kathy). A lot of the stuff that's said about her is super sexist and very judgmental, it's almost hard to read. In any case, both Lil and big Kathy seem to intimidate people and don't hold back on putting people in their place. 

    I sort of think Sutton and Garcelle bailed (knowing once Kathy came in they couldn't have a fair fight with Kyle and didn't want to sit there and smile patiently and listen like the others did as Kyle and Kathy blathered on and on about nothing). I HOPE it wasn't the same thing that happened to Wendy Williams when she fainted on her show that one time. Now WW is full blown wet brain. It wouldn't be too surprising if Sutton had wet brain given her malnutrition, which is what causes it mostly (alcohol induced dementia). 

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  15. 1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

    The fact that it was Garcelle and not Dr Ms 0.85 that assessed the situation quickly and said "Can we call somebody please" is ...interesting

    They both sure took off fast after Kathy entered the room. Maybe it was editing but it seemed like a quick exit to me. 

    The only time this entire season Kyle looked genuinely happy was when her sister came out and sat with her at the reunion. Kyle seems extremely pissed at Mauricio, like furious. Mauricio seems to be having the time of his life. 

    I'm thinking the only reason this season was so popular in ratings is because of the drama, tension, unknowns about Kyle and Maurico. I think people who wouldn't normally watch the show tuned in to see if they could pick up clues, get the gossip. Maybe, I mean, it wasn't to see what happened with Sutton and her horse or dating, and it certainly wasn't the drama with Dorit and PK. 

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  16. On 3/12/2024 at 1:07 AM, Chalby said:

    Am I the only one who thinks Yanis (I don't know the spelling) is good looking? I like most of his features and the only change I'd want is for his hair to be darker. His English is pretty good.

    Yes. (LOL!)

    It's strange to see people with large round eyes that are ALSO deep set. It gives him a skeletor look. Giannis that is.

    • LOL 2
  17. 16 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    Did anyone else find it odd that PK stayed in a hotel with Boy George when the latter was in L.A.?  What was that about?

    It was about Dorit finding a way to name drop and remind everyone that PK hangs out with Boy George. They are so close that they actually stay together on visits. That was her point, IMO. Now that Boy George has headed back to wherever, she and PK are in marital bliss. 

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  18. 3 hours ago, Ss55 said:

    What was Erika babbling about re: meeting the victims? 

    She met some of the victims because she was advised to-- the way she seemed to try to spin it was that she was also part of the victim group, one of them. She wouldn't say why she was there, but she did say that money she was owed was being held up in a fund. I think she was there to present herself as someone that got screwed over by Tom just like they did.

    Hence everyone's eye rolls.

    Kyle being mad at Sutton and Dorit for asking about her marriage on camera was telling. Did Kyle think they were only going to bring up topics they already agreed to? And miss the opportunity to be part of some juicy scenes? Being on TV is way more important to any of these women than friendships. That's why they are on the show.

    I completely forgot about AM-- they only showed her for a couple of brief moments. She doesn't hang out with people who talk about their wealth-- that's just not her world. However, all her friends do think they are doctors and that's not tacky at all.

    Crystal really is quiet. When she does talk, it's usually to say something really judgmental in a snobby way, and then retreat into her depression. Didn't she say she was quiet because she was too preoccupied with how thin everyone was to participate in discussions? Bullshit on that. She is, to me, just a huge phony liar.

    The way these women put each other down for their storylines or make fun of their storylines is so passive aggressive.  Kyle dissing Sutton's horse and dating storyline. Garcelle taking swings at Dorit's "kind armed robber" story. 

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  19. The best thing I saw all week was when Clayton told Jasmine she should have spent the 2000K on anger management classes. That was absolutely hysterical. 

    I think most of Jasmine and Gino's scenes are completely fake, I think Jasmine gets frustrated the most because Gino forgets his lines/ the storyline. Jasmine ALWAYS stays in character. 

    Gino looked nice without his hat on. He looks stupid with that dumb hat all the time. 

    Sophie's mom is TOXIC. She stirs things up for no reason. Rob is a loser though. They are both very attractive, but I don't see any talent or personality for either of them to be the big stars they want to be. 

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  20. On 3/1/2024 at 7:03 PM, ww92 said:


    Annemarie best start banking that RHOBH coin in case she needs to start paying some fines.


    AM can call herself anything she wants outside of work. It's just if she calls herself or misleads patients that are in her care or could be that she is a doctor, the fine could happen. When I worked in a psychotherapy office, we had many therapists that had PhDs in clinical psychology or counseling, and were licensed and could be called Dr. in their work as a therapist. However, there were also master level licensed therapists-- clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, marriage and family therapists (there are a BUNCH of masters level therapists that are licensed), but only 2 types of psychology doctorates that allow someone to call themself a doctor WITH THEIR PATIENTS in their work. A PhD and a PsyD. In any case, one of the masters level patients came up to me, confused, because her therapist said that she couldn't be called a doctor (apparently, the patient was calling her doctor). It is not only the right thing to do, but an ethical mandate. So anyone that allows a patient to call them a doctor (and allows them to be mislead, doesn't correct) or outright presents themselves as a doctor, would be subject to fined, and just a really shitty and unethical person. Also, if a person has a doctorate in something else, they can't be called a doctor in their practice. So if I'm a licensed masters level therapist, but I have a PhD in history, I can't tell the patient to call me doctor. It's pretty duh, but some people like to play with the truth. I like to think that AM is doing this ONLY for a storyline, and  in her real work, would never consider misrepresenting herself in her actual work with patients. 

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  21. 13 minutes ago, ww92 said:

    I was curious if there were any legal restrictions regarding calling oneself "Doctor" in a medical setting and found this.

    So, the short answer is yes – in general, a DNP nurse may be referred to as "doctor," however, some states have regulations surrounding this. For example, California and Georgia forbid nurses, pharmacists, and other professionals from using the "doctor" title. Most states allow practitioners with doctorate degrees to use the title “doctor” as long as they immediately clarify their role and qualifications. For example, a nurse practitioner with a DNP must inform patients that he or she is a doctoral-prepared nurse practitioner. Certain facilities or organizations may also have restrictions on using the title of "doctor."

    Other regulations allow the term "doctor" to be used in academic or social settings, but not in clinical settings. However, patient education goes a long way – identifying oneself and clarifying roles upon initial greeting, and providing ongoing reinforcement of roles throughout a patient care encounter is essential to prevent role confusion and misrepresentation of title. It’s always advised to stay on top of your state’s legislation and regulations regarding this so that you don’t inadvertently run into a problem; for example, a doctorate-prepared nurse in California was recently fined nearly $20,000 for referring to herself as “doctor.”

    Annemarie best start banking that RHOBH coin in case she needs to start paying some fines.


    AM is NOT a DNP. She is a CRNA-- which is a type of registered nurse. YES, you can have a doctorate in a nursing field. AM does not have one. And it appears that even if she did, she still can't call herself a doctor. Which is pretty "duh." 

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  22. 9 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    It isn't unacceptable for a white woman to tell a Black woman she is attacking her, if that is in fact what is happening. It is, however, problematic when a Black woman is calmly explaining something and a white woman, who doesn't like what she's saying for whatever reason, labels it as anger or an attack. That's what Garcelle was trying to explain. And it probably "triggered" her because it happens often to Black women in every space that we are in and particularly around certain white women. Just because you don't experience it or notice when it happens doesn't it mean it doesn't occur. And it also wasn't the first time that Dorit did something like this. Garcelle had every right to call her ass out on it, especially when the original point Garcelle was trying to make about her kids wasn't even directed specifically at Dorit, but rather to the entire group in general. 

    I agree with everything you said. HOWEVER, Garcelle did not indicate she was triggered because of this happening all the time/historical trauma, racism, which she undoubtedly has to encounter all the time- especially in racist and sexist hollywood. What she DID say, is that there was something about Dorit's privilege that just triggers her. THAT, IMO, is not fair. It is what and how Garcelle explained why/how Dorit triggered her that raised red flags for me.

    This in no way discounts all the shit she does have to tolerate because of ignorance, racism, and white priviledge. 

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