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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. 6 hours ago, Drogo said:

    Like Tom's "caviar tin."  

    I feel like I remember in the earlier seasons Tom C being vehemently against "anything we're not supposed to eat" (garnishes/ingredients that add nothing to the dish) as opposed to "things we can't eat." 

    Yeah, I don't think things like shells, bones, skin, etc., count because they are part of the dish or part of the food and contribute to how you eat it and how it tastes. There is a difference between making the food palatable for a 4-year old (although some adults do seem to expect this) and garnishing. I know for a kid, I wouldn't give them chicken or fish with bones (choking hazard, won't eat it, grosses them out) and many adults (myself included) prefer meat with bones, and prefer shrimp cooked and served in the shell (tastes way better) which is COMPLETELY different than a garnish which the whole idea is to make the dish look pretty. Oyster shells are critical for how you eat them-- they are the vessel. But the banana wrap thing, people just took it off and put it away. I don't think it was even used to season or flavor the matzo balls.

    I have feelings about this because when I learned that the proper way to serve food was with an edible garnish (if you need a garnish) I was kind of sad about it. They called me out!

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  2. 7 hours ago, Drogo said:

    He's definitely funny.

    Buddha: "Tom what are you doing right now?" 

    Tom: "None of your fucking business." 


    And his "climbing over the railing" during the Wellington judging was top tier.

    I like how he is always deadpanning, "living the dream" when asked pretty much anything while cooking.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Doesn't every element have to be edible? I don't know where I came up with this, so please correct me if I am mistaken. 

    I feel like old episodes of Top Chef they got on people for garnishes-- like all garnishes should be edible. I will say, I eat the parsley garnish, but digressing.

    No one ate the banana leaf that Sarah made, and I feel like she didn't intend for it to be eaten. 

    Agree the corn husk could have been a better vessel, but she probably wanted it to look pretty, and the vibrant green might have been a way to make it pop.

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  4. I wonder if Buddha has had an extra extra advantage this season, having worked in London for Gordan Ramsey (who is famous for his Beef Wellington) and just being familiar with the fine dining scene there. A lot of chefs on this show have bragged about their talent/pedigree/superiority, but they usually don't get close to the final rounds. Buddha can relax trying to show-off and prove himself and make sure everyone understands he is super talented. It's obvious. It makes it seem almost like he looks down on the others like they aren't good enough and he wants to put a special light just on him. I definitely get a stuck-up vibe from  him. And no, I'm not going to provide examples. It's just my opinion.

    I wonder if Gabri got in the winner list because he used his dishwasher story and the last episode heavily featured Finish dishwasher detergent. LOL. If he was thinking about that, that was genius. That said, it's not a new idea: Sponge

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  5. I think Sarah's food was good, and Tom's wasn't that great. If Sarah had made something edible to wrap the matzo ball in to make it look like a tamale, she might have done better. 

    I got that Sarah's matzo balls were awesome, and Tom's seaweed caviar was gummy.

    I didn't think Gabri's dish looked anything like a sponge, but whatever.

    The turtle shaped whatever made me kind of feel bad for Ali. Maybe he thought he was making a kid breakfast.


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  6. 2 hours ago, nexxie said:

    She’s the biggest bully on the show imo.

    The top sign of a bully is someone who validates their right to bully, i.e., "This is BRAVO, so you can't complain you are bullied!" Lala is on point at times, but she is a mean girl, and she's not humble in the slightest, and she is really starting to be ridiculous with her insecurity-- I mean, her only ally was James (the hallmark bully). When Sheana talked about being bullied by Lala in the past, Lala was not at all sympathetic-- it was like, "you are on a reality show and you need to deal with it" regardelss of the fact that Sheana wa clearly hurt. I guess there is a new rule or truth that if you are on TV you aren't hurt by bullying, and/or if you are, you should just suck it up and be grateful you are on TV.

    I did like that Lala told Lisa off from the jump of the reunion. She really but that b*** in her place. Lisa looked a gobsmacked after that that.

    • Like 5
  7. 3 minutes ago, snarts said:

    As an LVP fan it pains me to say this but she really needs to STFU and stop coddling & defending the Toms. It's coming across as sexist when compared to her utter disdain for many of the women whose actions have been far less egregious/hurtful. 

    LVP should not be here. She is making herself look really bad, and she is clearly not prepared. I wonder if she will step out at some point. From the jump she was aware of the length of the reunion and ready to leave.


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  8. 6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

      I thought that about the food at Le Bernardin.  One of my husband's rich clients took us and some of his favorite people there to thank us for all we did for him a few years back.  To look at it, the food looked almost too sterile and technically precise, but I was literally never so moved to the depths of my soul by a meal as by that chef's tasting menu with the wine pairings.  It took me back to my childhood, to days at grandma's when I was sick, to my mother's cooking, to restaurants I ate in as a kid, to food I had overseas, you name it, it took me there.  I was actually moved to tears by the entire experience.  


    This is super deep and I love all of it. Great story, and thank you for sharing and putting the human/emotion touch to fine dining and how impactful and meaningful it can be.

    To eat food carefully crafted and sourced, served with technical expertise, is very special. It's a privilege and honor to be part of these types of experiences (IMHO).

    I am coming around on Tom. He's getting more serious and stepping up. Gabri, who was kind of on the edge in the beginning has also really showed up and thrived under this type of pressure. I think Tom might have even come back from LCK too.

    LCK is kind of strange. Putting two people who lost together isn't that exciting. Maybe have one of the contestants in LCK be the winner of the challenge... I think they need to switch it up.

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  9. 23 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I laughed at the way James chews out Rachel on the phone, then says, “Bye!” all sing-songy.

    James is such a weird-o but he's so delightfully clever and witty and glorious.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

    Tom Schwartz things he can befuddle his way out of this like some kind of American Hugh Grant

    He actually seems pretty nervous. At least, he isn't interrupting someone talking to him with random unrelated comments for no reason other than to be disrespectful and promote what he hopes is this lovable loser schtick that will catch on.

    Ariana is very very pretty. 

    Tom looks like Kevin Kline in "I love you to death" if anyone has ever seen it. I don't get his style. It's sort of Smashing Pumpkins, sort of Houdini. Swartz always looks to me like an IT guy. Kind of plain, clean-cut face, and socially awkward. If I remember correctly, he never worked at SUR? I can't remember, but I always thought he was a little on the outside until Tom took him under his wing. 

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  11. Tom and Racquel and their weird relationship and the galaxy lights. Just wow. Tom found his partner that he can quality time with his same penchant for psychedelics. Well, he talks about it too much to not be using hallucinogens on the regular. It's hard to say if Raquel is into it, or if the galaxy lights are just a conforming thing.

    Weirdly, I kind of want some galaxy lights now. I might try it.

    Everyone should directly ask Coors Light for compensation. This season I have seen too much Coors Light drinking and specific asks for beer followed by.. a Coors Light! I guess they need to pay all these folks their money.

    I think Swartz has some real problems. He never seems to be really honest, makes a joke out of everything and pretends he is clueless about everything-- never really takes anyone seriously or seems to have any true feelings or care for anyone. He is just hanging on hoping each day people will still hang out with him. His dumb comments all the time... UHG.

    Kristin looks like she just had some surgery done on her face and she's really really swollen. Her face was way calmed down on WWHL, but on this episode it looks like she was a few weeks out.

    Oh, Lisa V. Circling the cast around her place and acting like she cares. She makes the most of everyone per episode, so I get her trying to keep the show alive and have some screen time, but it's just SO FAKE. Her concern that is. 

    Previous tabloids have said that Scheana knew the whole time, or at least at her wedding, that Raquel and Tom were hooking up. I sort of believe that-- and I think she liked having some gossip and tea for the producers to use, since she is the least interesting or relevant on the whole show. Especially since she is the most upset of everyone-- she's covering. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    James’s mom! 🙃

    LOL. I had to laugh when she said that. She clearly doesn't talk to James or Abby. Also, her plastic surgery is really unfortunate. It looks like her facial implants are infected and why her face is so distorted and swollen. It looks really painful. 

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  13. 22 hours ago, Jel said:

    I can never forget the story that her sister thought she should be on the show so she took her to some event with the express purpose of meeting James. I don’t know if that’s true, but it stuck with me.

    That's exactly how Abby met James. It was calculated too. 

    10 hours ago, gwen747 said:

    She also made a comment a couple seasons back around the time they were buying the house that if Tom didn't want stay in the house that HE could buy her out and she'll stay.  She had it completely backwards. SHE would have to buy HIM out.

    Also, she doesn't know how to buy batteries or toilet paper. Like, she doesn't even know what you need to LIVE in a house. LOL. 

    According to Tom, Ariana just thinks these things appear in the house and is unaware of how to shop for basic necessities or why they are necessary. 

    • LOL 3
  14. So, is Ariana saying that if they sold the house, her cut would be greater than Tom's because whatever he borrowed from the equity would be deducted from his cut? I'm not sure I get it. It seems like it would be really difficult to figure that out. Or is she saying that Tom only borrowed 1/2 of the equity that was in the home? I don't get what she thinks happened.

    Ariana definitely doesn't seem too "into" Tom and she is kind of dismissive to him-- she has this flat affect when talking to him. That said, it doesn't seem that hard for Tom to go for a walk in the neighborhood or make dinner together. Seems pretty basic to me. That all said, I don't think the "definition" of quality time is that. Not sure what Ariana was talking about that being the definition. They are in a pickle given what Tom wants to do together and what Ariana wants to do together are so different. It seems a lot easier to take a walk around the neighborhood, vs. do shrooms on the beach and watch the sunset or rise or whatever.

    Generally, Ariana seems really sad. Having so much loss, and the trying to be friends with people who all hate each other, and not being able to support them would be confusing. She is great friends with Racquel, which Lala and Katie don't get along with. Then she is friends with Sheana who oddly has it out for Katie. Her boyfriend is raging against Katie and Lala and screaming at them for picking on Racquel. It's a mess. 

    • Like 7
  15. 1 hour ago, HappyDancex2 said:

     Bad luck that a non RW chef drew a captain knife.  Her picks were pretty baffling.  Pretty sure when they stood as a foursome I saw flames engulf them.

    buddha definitely had his concept ready for RW.  Only thing surprising was that he didn’t use of of his specialty molds.

    Victoire seems pretty into Tom. And Vin Diesel. I think if Victoire took Sara rather than Nicole (the 2 people no one really wanted) it would have been much better. I think Nicole would have done better under Buddha's leadership as she didn't seem to have much respect for Tom who sort of assumed the lead role.


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  16. 45 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    They don't exactly live together. .

    They live together. It's a yes or no thing. Tom wakes up at 1 AM and Ariana wakes up at 1Am and they both want the kitchen; they will both be there. They live in the same house, share an address, and may be "roommates" but they live together. 

    The house isn't on the market either. 

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  17. 2 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    Ariana is dating somebody already. She is spending time in New York right now because that's where he is from. 

    I think that Raquel and Tom Sandoval are done, more, or less. The relationship (or friendship as he calls it) might drag for a little bit though. 

    From experience-- if you are still living together, regardless of how much or little money you have, your are still trying to figure it out. People with a lot less money move on and move out. The fact that they still live together speaks volumes, as an oldie like me I know. When you are done you are done-- out out. No one sticks around and lives with an ex unless they want to-- Tom's dumb excuse that none of his friends would put him up was lame. I was married to a guy with a lot more money than me and I moved out ASAP once the relationship was over, and stayed in some hideous places. But we didn't want to be around each other any longer. 

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  18.  I thought Padma looked stunningly beautiful at the dinners. Gail looked like she had been throwing up for hours with her large bags under her eyes. Tom looked, as usually, like a Freddy Krueger-- he just is not a good looking person, sadly. 

    I don't think Gabri is autistic or on the spectrum, but I do think he's getting super pissed off and doesn't have the assertiveness tools to have his voice heard which distracts him and may make these repetitive looking movements because he clearly wants to win.

    German Tom, the villian! Has a lot of charisma and high verbal IQ-- he can speak very well, which I think is Gabri's insecurity-- English. I love Gabri and I personally think he is KILLING it. No matter what, with his honest, sweet, and humble yet go-getter personality and attitude, he has this. I think that some viewers might have thought Gabri would have been gone by now. 


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  19. I think Tom is keeping Ariana because he can not afford to break up with her, and they need their "brand" and he is emotionally and financially obligated to her. I also think Ariana might be allowing Tom his freedom and a break, while she gets "better" because of her depression and whatever issues she is going through. He will, IMO, continue to see Racquel, but I still don't think that he will ever truly leave Ariana.

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  20. I LOVED when Victoire's chose Tom first, and Padma like, "huh? Why Tom." Like everything was thinking. They way Padma was completely baffled and trying to compose herself was fantastic. 

    Nicole was being really difficult at first. She didn't like the "Roots" name, didn't want to make food from her home country, asked if people had different idea for a name  Victoire'said, "I love Roots" and then Nicole looks up at Tom and says, "Yea! Let's do it!" Totally disingenuous. Very smart of Tom though to get the team into the Roots theme so he could use his leeks.

    Both teams, when planning their dishes, seemed a little mismatched and weird together. 

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  21. IMO, everything that Lala said in her recap/explanation of all that was going on, happened, but was then filmed to be "like" it was, to sometimes ridiculous results. Definitely the scene with the girls making sandwiches at Lisa's and "doddering" (LOL) Todd spilling the tea was a "reenactment." I also believe that Racquel was late to work and gave the excuse that she overslept because she was out late with Tom, and the news got back to Lisa somehow because she looked really hungover-- later, they made it into a scene for the show, another "reenactment."

    I don't think it was this episode, but when Lala imitated Tom Swartz doing his little dropped head, sheepish grin, and biting nails, that was absolutely hilarious and dead on. 

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  22. 14 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

    Interesting concept.  I think she seems lost and depressed because her Grandmother and her doggie died, and her "bestie" of nine years was off taking a dump.

    I haven't watched this show in years-- I just joined again because of the major hype about this cheating scandal that has become international news somehow. The last season I watched was when Katie and Tom got married, whatever year that was. Ariana was never much of a storyline, but she was really pretty and seemed to have her shit together. Fast forward to now she seems really different. Tom said that she had mental health problems and suffered from depression and isolates.  That makes me really sad for her. It's sucks to be sad and lonely when so many people are around.

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  23. 1 hour ago, Steph J said:

    The editors are sure having a good time tonight.

    So, aside from the Sandoval/Arianna/Schena/Brock/Schwartz scenes, I'm assuming that all the other scenes featured in the first 10 minutes were constructed and scripted after the fact - except, maybe, the scene where Lisa calls Sandoval and bitches him out for Raquel being late for work.

    As bad as I feel for Arianna, Ken waltzing in, announcing the goss while looking like he's trying to remember his lines, and then waltzing right back out made me lol.

    Now that this show has so much attention, Ken and Lisa are both trying to get in as many scenes as possible. Lisa never was this around before on this show.

    IMO, Ariana is into girls and if Tom didn't move it forward and involve Ariana (given what Lala said about her and Ariana hooking up with Tom right there, and that the possibility of him joining was very real) with Raquel, then Ariana would have. My opinion. I don't get why Ariana is calling Raquel one of her good friends. Uh, Huh? How? Why? I think it's just Ariana wanting to get into Raquel's pants. There are people like that-- they have two lives-- 1 is the socially acceptable life and 2 is the life they want. IMO, Ariana is clearly not in love with Tom or really even that into him, so I can see his resentment, because he was getting used, especially since he was letting her get intimate with women. Anyway, watching this all unfold, makes me question if Ariana even has the emotional bandwidth to think about all this-- she just seems so sad and depressed, and looks incredibly unhappy in general. She's always just sitting quietly next to other people, looking a little lost. I don't think she should be on this show. 

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