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Posts posted by bravofan27

  1. I would have loved Buddha's dish, because I love fish and fresh ingredients mixed as a salad. I think if Buddha would have flaked the salmon and mixed it with the ingredients with a light dressing and made it a side it would have been more appreciated. I think the judges just felt it was fish with a bunch of crap on top of it and not integrated.

    Chicken NEVER wins or comes close on Top Chef. You make chicken, you are really really risking it. Not sure why she made chicken given she knows the Top Chef shtick.

    Buddha definitely took the comments from the judges personally--  the judges knock on each other at times, so it just goes with the territory. But it can be tough if you are used to always being the best or one of the best dishes. I think it took it fairly well given how much they hated his dish. LOL.

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  2. I don't understand why Scheana and Katie hate each other. Also, Scheana makes mean comments about Katie, but Ariana, Katie's bestie never says anything, and Sheana doesn't seem to mind that Ariana and Katie are friends. Sheana made a comment that Kristina probably hasn't changed much since she is friends with Katie-- but Ariana and Lala are friends with Katie... I don't get it.

    I don't think anyone really likes Sheana, and most of the guys are there for Brock. 

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  3. 13 hours ago, sharifa70 said:

    True story: I was 18 and living in Boise, Idaho when I had my first scones. They were a local staple, you could find them all over town, and the best way to eat them was smothered in honey butter. I loved scones. Fast-forward a few years, I’ve moved back home to Washington state, I walk into a coffee shop, and they have scones! I’m delighted: I order one….and they bring me this biscuit thing with jam. Happened again every time I went anywhere. Like, what the actual hell were all these cafes serving? I ask for scones, they give me biscuity things? Finally, I gave up on trying to find proper scones because clearly everyone in Washington had gone mad.

    One year, while attending the blues festival in Portland, Oregon, I stopped at one of the many food stalls for some lemonade, and lo! There did I see my beloved, real scones! My first true non-Boise scone sighting in ten years! I ordered one and sat down to eat with joy in my heart, happy at last. And what, pray tell, was this delightful confection?

    Y’all, it turns out that in Boise a scone (found in restaurants) was what fair-goers know as an elephant ear. Yep, a ball of dough that you stretch and then deep-fry. 

    I’ll happily accept Buddha’s comparison of scones to American biscuits. At least they’re in the same ballpark.

    Nice story!

  4. 8 hours ago, saracen7 said:

    I’m an Arsenal fan so I can’t speak objectively on Tottenham (they’re massive North London rivals), but this is all accurate. Just want to add that Man City/Man U/Liverpool are also outside of London so it makes sense that the football challenge would be a London team, especially one with a shiny new stadium. 

    Echoing everyone, I’m really loving all of the cheftestants and sad to see anyone leave. I’m actually watching last chance kitchen for the first time in years as a result too. 

    Tom seemed quite annoyed at the end, I hope he’s relaxed again in the next few episodes, his attitude put me off watching the show for a long time.

    I'm guessing he doesn't want to be there. And then next he has to go to the last chance kitchen.

  5. I love how everyone is getting a kick of how funny the non-USA based chefs are. I also LOVED how Amar's comment when the biscuit guy hit his biscuit against the plate and said, "Wow, I'm so British now." LOL. Everyone hated that British biscuit guy. And the one chef that just refused to make a biscuit. LOL.




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  6. Dawn's attitude I think is what got her eliminated. The other two dishes were also flawed-- the Poland chef, even though she was on the bottom, seemed pretty thrilled to have some good comments about her dish, and she was like, "Well, you kind of like it! Which is great, because Poland is just potatoes!" She had a nice personality and was vulnerable. Dawn, IMO, felt intimidated by the others and shut down. She wasn't even trying to stay.

    Interesting, I grew up eating French, German, and Jewish inspired food, and I don't think we ever had rice unless we went to a Chinese restaurant. I remember having this southern style rice at an event Sean Brock was cooking at, and it was really thick and creamy-- maybe like congee, but I don't know enough about rice to say that for certain. In any case, it was gross, so gross that I still remember how much I didn't like it-- like they tried to recreate a grit recipe using rice. 

    Does Dawn make Southern food or African Diaspora food? I would think with the latter she would rock rice dishes.

    But again, I'm not an expert at all, and please correct me/ enlighten me as I'm eager to understand. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, dleighg said:

    Zach's method of "getting to know you" seems to be putting his hand on a woman's inner thigh and kissing her.

    LOL. All Zach needs to know about someone is they like him. 

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    20 hours ago, Mswldflwr said:

    I would think a Catholic boy from Texas would just as soon raise his children in the same faith that he shares with his wife.  I highly doubt Ariel would give up her faith and I can't see Zach converting to Judaism. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.  Trying to raise them in one or the other or in both faiths just always makes it seem incomplete.  I wonder if anything like that occurred to him at any time earlier as it seems it would have been kinder to let Ariel go earlier if he realized that was a nonstarter.  

    Do we know if Zach knows Ariel is Jewish? Or what that means? He doesn't know her middle name or birthday-- maybe figuring out her religion/ faith is part of how he gets to know someone years later. LOL

    Given Zach doesn't seem to tolerate any type of discomfort, I will say one visit to temple he would be out out. 

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  9. On 3/20/2023 at 8:25 PM, DEL901 said:

    I can’t sat Zach’s expression was joy when Ariel told him her feelings.  And she had to lean into him for the kiss.    With Kaity, he was so different.  

    Kaity and Zach are both basic. He knows Ariel is too good for him. He's not looking for someone with a different culture, he's looking for a cute soccer mom who will mesh with his family.  I think that Zach and Kaity know they will end up together and he promised her no sex, but then sort of had second thoughts with Maddy. Now he's in the doghouse. 

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  10.  Darcey needs therapy and some help with her body dysmorphia. Her obsession with how she looks is pushing away a lot of people. It's just too all-consuming-- I can't even imagine how long it takes her to get ready. Like all day.

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  11. I haven't really ever liked the matchmaker for Darcey. The matchmaker is very conservative, and so are her clientele. BUT she is also super fake and I think really jealous of Darcey. Check out her picture on her matchmaking site!

    Michelle G Matchmaker Ghttps://michelleg.com/

    She says: 



    If oooey, gooey, cupid love is what you are looking for, I’m not your girl. I view love, like I do life, with areas in which we always can improve. I am obsessed with helping my clients discover, grow and evolve in their definition of love all the while showing them what one could look like through strategic matchmaking within my international database of savvy professionals.

    Yes, matchmaking with me is part relationship coaching, part strategic deep dive into the reality of your life, and 24/7 support on all fronts. From how to reply to a text from a date to what to do if someone ghosts you – I am here for my matchmaker clients around the clock because I understand that love doesn’t hold business hours.


    Maybe Darcey liked her because she said she was always available. But given all Darcey wants in life is ooey gooey cupid love, it was obviously a bad match.

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  12. Darcey broke up with Georgie because he would get caught cheating, his response was to propose (and now she has the cheeky ring replica on sale, funny) but nothing would change. After 2x she was sick of it. 

    I think a lot of their clothes on their website are really cute and very inexpensive. I really like the beige double breasted blazer, and their high rise jeans (no bling, no studs, just normal jeans). I also like the boyfriend denim jeans-- I like a lot of their stuff. I also like their models are a size 8-12-- no one is super thin. It's just really cute and I love it. 

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  13. How it goes on 1:1s with Zach.

    Zach: So, how are you doing? How was your day today? Did you enjoy London (already setting it up like she should have no issues because she was in LONDON-- single girls should never be sad if they can be in London).

    Girl: Well, I loved it. But, well, it's been a hard week.

    Zach: (Frowning, clenches his jaw. Closes his eyes and does his tic thing while stuttering) Yes, yes. It's hard. But I'm on a journey to find love. (Completely ignoring any chance to provide comfort or offer support).

    Girl: Oh! Of course! It's all part of this process! I know that. And I'm happy for the other girls who spend more time with you, but I wish I could also have that time with you.

    Zach: (Eyes now glistening, stone cold face): IT's not about the others. It's about you and I. I would think you would focus on US. I thought that you would do that if you really cared about me.

    Girl: (Now totally freaking out and scared): But I do care! That's why I want more time with you, so I can show you! (Tears welling)

    Zach: (Long sigh. Long disappointed look, shakes head in disgust). I think I should walk you out.

    Girl: (Panic attack happening, can't speak) Nods and follows him obediently to the car. Descends into tears. Zach tells the camera that something has been off with her and now he realizes it's because she isn't that into him. He's happy she's gone. 

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  14. 13 hours ago, dleighg said:

    That may well be, but what normal father says "yes, I see you're a good man, and I see that you love my daughter along with three other women you are considering asking to marry you, so it's all good. Be well my son."

    That's the casting magic. They need the right girls and the right families who are easily influenced and believe in and want the romantic Hollywood romance. I think of Bachelor as Playboy lite. It's surprising, how many fathers are actually PROUD of their daughters being in Playboy. Didn't Hugh Hefner meet all of his gf's fathers? Some people just want surface.

    Ariel is out of George Clooney's league. Zach could never get her-- but I hope he tries. There is no way she could actually like him. He's best for Katy or Gabby- who are goofy and kind of dumb, but look pretty and talk like babies.

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  15. 8 hours ago, dleighg said:

    So when Greer meets up with Zach, she says "it's been three weeks." Is that them playing with real time vs watching time? I mean people are rarely in quarantine for 3 weeks...

    And I have trouble with this whole idea that one NEEDS to meet the fams to decide whether your partner is right for you. I've been married 33 years. I met his parents when we were darn close to being engaged (we lived on the other side of the country). My decision on my husband was not going to be based on how that meeting went; and in fact his mom (as many moms of sons are) was not sure I was the right one for her son LOL. We got over it. It seems to me this is just another way to have a different plot line than buggy rides and skydiving and snorkeling in glamorous/fun places.

    I think, maybe, since the idea is for the guy to propose at the final rose, and this is supposed to the full romantic package with all the stops-- whirlwind courtship, fabulous vacations, loads of attention and a beautiful perfect partner, the girl wanting the full dream is going to want the man to get her father's blessing. So the hometown dates are for that purpose-- to get the official blessing from the dad. It complicates things when there is no dad, and we saw women see their fate and start crying when they revealed the no father thing. I think Zach is extremely traditional, and wants to marry someone with an intact family. Oh-- and who has no doubts and adores and worships him unconditionally.

    We've seen him take many girls straight out to the car that expressed emotion. And there are rumors that he dumped Rachel because in the fantasy suite she expressed true concerns about his age and readiness for marriage, and he completely turned on her. 



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  16. I dont' like Zach, I just can't get into him. He's too paternal, scoldy, and comes off as someone that wants to be the leader/director in a relationship and marriage and make the final decisions. To me, his rudeness/dismissal of Greer was annoyance that she was talking about something important to her that wasn't about him or relationships. That said, for someone that wants a nice, stable, good provider, loyal man, and a traditional marriage, he fits the bill. He's also 6'4 and only 24-- so very mature and tall.

    But, and not to be mean, he looks too simian for me, with his small super deep set eyes and flared nostrils. There is nothing that grosses me out more (I actually thought this was what they were talking about with the "ick" that makes you grossed out and not like the guy anymore) than being able to look inside someone's nostrils. And his tics--stammering while closing his eyes and turning his head away when he's feeling shy or vulnerable, to me, comes off as an effect of too many concussions playing football.

    Clearly, I'm not a fan. I think all the girls-- even the most obnoxious ones, seem pretty cool, and they are all very pretty. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, magemaud said:

    I think Darcey interprets that to mean any style goes as long as it’s black or white. 

    LOL! I liked that Darcey ignored the matchmaker's advice. She has to be herself, and the matchmaker's "ho" comment didn't get to her at all. And her rationale-- that her dress was designer and the current fashion was a good point. Matchmaker Michelle is always super covered up.

    Florian's dead sister story made me feel kind of bad for hating him so much. He's like a poached farm kid that Stacey dresses up. I think he just wants to smoke a joint and saw something in the woods.

    The modeling agency ladies were complete ditzes, and neither should be saying anything about anyone's personality.


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  18. 5 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    I mean at least it wasn’t Jesse.

    LOL at Jesse! Florian and Georgie, seem to me, IMO, counterparts. Not sure what happened with Georgie. He better looking than Florian, and slightly less lazy Since the twins want to be equals, Georgie is pretty darn near level with Florian. Might even be smarter (a tad). I don't have evidence, but me-thinks Florian is a sugar-baby to men on the side. I definitely think he is f*ing men for money, no doubt. And I'm sure Stacey is very aware. 


    Stacey has been with Florian for 7 years and this is all he is? Narcissistic much? 


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  19. I feel like Stacey and Darcey were normal-ish before. In their older pictures they don't really look that much alike-- it's clear who is Darcey and who is Stacey. Now, they seem to want to look exactly like each other. It has to be hard being a twin and constantly comparing yourself to --- well, yourself.

    Stacey is a little cuter than Darcey naturally. In the older pictures before the plastic surgery got out of hand, Darcey looked almost exactly like Aspen (or the younger one). That said, I think Darcey is the funnier one and has a great sense of humor and she says stuff that makes me laugh. Stacey is sort of static in comparison. She isn't as much of a dullard as Florian, but Darcey likes some interaction and back-and-forth (which she got tons of with Jesse and to a lesser extent the England guy) where Florian just lays around and looks like something smells bad. Also Florian got the most horrible florescent white teeth in the world. He looks like a grandpa with ill fitting dentures. He is just so stupid-- I can't stand him at all. He's literally Stacey's doll that she puts here and there and poses and dresses and takes to the dentist and runs her errands. 

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  20. 5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    We have been watching in horror for years, why are we still amazed by their ineptness in all things, their odd and inappropriate clothing and their bad taste in men? What keeps us coming back? Asking for a friend.

    Their speech pattern is weird and hard to describe but I think I figured it out, they speak slowly sometimes but in the same sentence they speak quickly, blurring together words the repeat part of what ever they said, if anyone else has a handle on their speech pattern I'd love to hear your description.

    I really think they are like a variety show. They are super harmless, silly, but show their hearts (at least Darcey does), and they are sort of relatable in wanting to be loved and prioritize their children. They are also extremely easy to not be jealous of. LOL. 

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  21. From what Darcey said, her online dating style is to direct message people on social media she thinks are hot. I think the matchmaker thing is totally just a storyline and it's paid for by the program (cuz matchmaking services are around 10K or more) so Darcey is going with it. She seems not remotely interested in the matchmaker, her advice, and she DEFINITELY is not going to date a man older than her or use pictures without filters. 

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  22. On 2/8/2023 at 5:14 PM, Hotel Snarker said:

    Stacey bragging that she has never used a matchmaker but yet is married to a loser asshole! I agree that she’s definitely the mean twin and likes it when Darcey is down.

    I think Stacey is really mean to Darcey and picks on her a lot. 

    Every time I see Florian on my TV, with his bratty little sulk, I want to punch him. And then when talks, being annoying and extra entitled with his bratty little sulk I want to punch him again. 

    I don't understand how anyone can stand him. He's ugly as hell, no personality, acts like walking to and from a 200 foot distance is strenuous, and looks like someone dressed up a refugee.

    But he's younger than Stacey and will marry her. So he's in. ANd I think all Darcey wants is to keep up with Stacey, so if Stacey is dating a young international guy, that's what she wants as well. 

    Michael is tacky as all get out, but I think what makes him extra unappealing, besides his obvious drug use that makes him roid out, is just how dirty and smelly he looks. His hair is blue, but it's dry and oily and dirty and just nasty to look at. He looks sweaty and he doesn't seem to wear clean clothes. He's just super gross.

    I will say that Florian always looks clean and well groomed. I do appreciate his effort to wash and style his hair on the regular. 

    I also have no idea what Darcey and Stacey are talking about with "new bodies." They look shorter and stockier than ever before. Maybe because they made their butts and boobs bigger? 

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  23. 16 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Will Stacey's sons be at the wedding? Will Florian?

    LOL. It would not be surprising if Stacey and Darcey had twin weddings without grooms. If someone could figure out a way to do it, they could. 

    23 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    .  I notice Mike has been conspicuously absent so far this season.  I get that they are filming in Florida and he is in Connecticut but he hasn’t even been on FaceTime.  Maybe he has had enough with the farce.

    The way the Darcey Stacey show seems to sort of play off of Laverne and Shirley-- two ladies who are best friends, silly and childish, goofy, with a gruff and tough but loving father. With Mike not on this season, it seems they (producers) put the blue headed guy that they pretend is their brother as the "tough but loving" father-figure character.

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  24. 5 hours ago, John M said:

    I'm so confused about this "twin wedding" drama, 1. They are already married, 2. She is not even in a relationship, much less engaged, why would there be a twin wedding?

    So, maybe (no idea if this right), Stacey did a wedding lite with Florian? so he could get his green card. They did that. Then Darcey thought she and Georgie would get married, so they were going to have this big event and Stacey and Florian would go in to. BUT THEN, Darcey and Georgie broke up. So now, Stacey still wants the big fancy wedding. Florian was into it when Georgia was into it, but he doesn't want to do it alone with a bro. At least, that is my read.

    I'm also thinking that Darcey and Stacey are holding out on their clothing line being successful, and that's why they want young models. What is Fabian going to do for work besides model? And if did get modeling gigs, wouldn't that drive Stacey bonkers? She is holding him back from working, not him. IMO.


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