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  1. I believe they will do anything for ratings but this is too much trouble. She's a loose cannon who will stop at nothing. She's just more trouble than she's worth, IMO. I knew she was behind this the whole time but seeing her reaction was really chilling. She is just stone cold. It was crazy. I feel bad for those cute little boys. I don't believe Porscha for minute. I don't believe she was crying until she realized she may have just screwed herself out of a job. Then the tears flowed. I don't think she cared one iota that she was ruining Kandi's life and reputation. But now she does as it may cost her all of her "jobs" and she'll be just another ex Housewife trying desperately for another fifteen minutes. Wanna bet she's on Marriage Bootcamp next?
  2. I think Rinna's place as shit stirrer secures her spot. She's the one making the "stories" happen to some extent. I also think she, Erica, and Eileen are a group of sorts. I don't see any of them being asked to leave. I think Eileen's there to be a sounding board for Rinna and friends with Erica. She also is the one with a real acting career, albeit soaps, and I think they like that connection. They also asked her and Rinna to do the promotion for that movie on Bravo which makes me think they are quite secure as they're being given work representing not only Bravo but a studio off the show. JMO, of course, and I am often wrong but I think that's what is happening. Dorit may be back but if you watch the interaction between LVP and Rinna, it was not nearly as bad as last year. In some ways, it was almost as if they were amused with it this year. I think those two realize they need to keep something happening and LVP may have backed off from being in the middle, but she can rely on Rinna doing the dirty work on her own. LVP is smart about these shows. She knows what she thinks they need. I also thought her making up with Eileen was strategic, as well. These shows are all about alliances and angling. I would bet it's all about politics behind the scenes. Who has whose back and who can make the stories move and who can play what part and how does that play out with the fans? That's obviously been LVP's plan all along as Kyle called her a chess player way back in season two. It's all about the strategy and many may not like her, but I think Rinna's learned how to play it and has no interest in losing it. It's helping her and her kids and Harry can do what he wants. She is a hustler. I believe that completely. And I think she wants Eileen there to have her back.
  3. I think Phaedra is one dumb lawyer. Any first year student knows what libel and defamation are and I don't care what waivers have been signed. She's asking to be fired from any show with the trouble she's causing. She is being filmed for God's sake. She may not know exactly what's being filmed but she's not a moron. She's acting so reckless, it's ridiculous. I don't see how they can have her back but I've been wrong before. She's just obviously trying to torpedo Kandi's reputation with a probable lie or ten and that's unacceptable to any employer. She's more trouble than she's worth. And she was funny but now she seems bitter and mean. It was clear she was hurt about the Apollo girlfriend issue, as she's not a good actress, and I did feel a little bad for her. But she's out of control and needs some help. She doesn't need to be on TV but maybe in therapy to deal with her issues and focus on her children. I miss funny, snarky Phaedra. She was my favorite for a time. Now she's just too mean and looks like a bully. I didn't believe Porsha for a minute at the cemetery. Her sister's tears, yes, Porsha, no. I don't believe anything she says anymore. That Todd is an idiot and media whore. They belong together. I doubt they are real or will last when she's fired with Phaedra. I don't see her purpose if Phaedra is dismissed. Everyone hates her and she's just a tool. Too bad. I kind of thought that party was a tryout for next season- who should come back? It was Sheree's home for wayward Housewives and random Bravo people. She said she also invited that DeShawn Snow who is possibly the most insufferable yet dull housewife ever.
  4. The rewatch is enlightening to say the least. Bethany was much less abrasive and abusive in the past. I don't know if it's the fame or the money or the divorce or what, but she was much less unlikable in the first three seasons. The change in Sonja is outrageous. I feel bad for her as she seems to have been deteriorating the whole time she's been on. I think she's lost her mind. She was pompous and haughty early on but now she's just a mess. That's sad. Jill was way too into being on the show. She got less likable, as well. She was just a snot in the beginning but she became a megalomaniac. Alex and Simon was insane but very entertaining. I actually miss them- him more- as they were so whacky I found them very enjoyable. Luanne is just Luanne and Ramona is Ramona. It was funny watching her marriage, knowing it's a sham when maybe she didn't. I realized I only liked Carol when she was with Heather as they seemed to be genuine friends. They were sweet together and likable and I enjoy that more than fights. I always liked Heather and watching season five reminds me why. She seemed like a real person and the only housewife in any of these shows that I'd probably have as a friend. Kristin was fine with them, too, but that husband was the worst! Aviva is psycho. I think she's in a tie for my least favorite housewife with Kelly Dodd and Danielle Staub. All crazy and not in a good way. And that father???? Forget about it.
  5. I totally agree with everyone who thinks Phaedra knew something was maybe going down that night. She had a stankface on when she walked in and it was not an "I'm sick" face. It was an "OMG, this is bad and I am trying desperately to find an angle out of it" face. I have no inside info and know nothing but maybe she got the heads up from someone that her comments were caught on tape and being used in the cut. I'd have that look on my face if I were her. I'd be throwing up all night and sick to my stomach. But it's not from illness. It's from panic. I think she'll be skewered at the reunion as Andy said he's still not over it and there's no one else to really get it. I'll bet she's going to be the new Vicki from the OC soon. The one who everyone liked and now hates. But comes back every season looking for a new ally. Bob is just so awful. The way he got frustrated with Sheree made me cringe. I just can't look at him anymore. He can apologize all he wants but he's one mean, scary man. I need him to go away now. I was never a Sheree fan but my heart really goes out to her now. She's stuck with that abuser forever because of her kids. I think Peter and Cynthia will pull a Nene and Greg but maybe not getting remarried, just date. Porscha is now making me sick. Done with that. She's insufferable and her boy is just a media pig. No soup for either of you. Move on.
  6. I tend to think much on these shows is scripted. I didn't believe the Bob/Sheree storyline for a moment. But I believed that scene in the car. It was frightening as hell and I felt really bad for Sheree. I don't know if she was seriously thinking of taking him back but she was abused by that man. That was horrible to see and he's one scary sociopath, IMO. I thought he was very entertaining for a while and now I just feel terrible for buying into his schtick. He's one mean SOB and I hope Sheree and her kids keep him at arms length. He scares the crap out of me. Poscha is a moron and just needs to shut her mouth. She's just making herself look worse with every idiotic word. Phaedra is such a hypocrite, I can't take it. And I think she's one of the funniest people on any of the shows. But I can't sit and watch her play "peacekeeper". It's offensive to me as a viewer. lol. She got busted by the camera and it is a little amusing that she has to sit through this whole season knowing the audience knows she's full of it. I look forward to her lack of excuse at the reunion. I can't believe I no longer hate Kenya. But I'm sure she'll get back to disliking her intensely next season.
  7. As someone who just lost her mother to dementia a few weeks ago after watching it slowly take her for over a decade, I found the Erica stuff very touching and real. I thought the same thing with Eileen earlier this season. I don't know if I buy Rinna's claims about her family and the disease but it doesn't matter. It makes me sick how many people are going through this, almost always with mothers. It's a special kind of torture for everyone to go through, not just the one suffering from the actual disease, and it changes people touched by it forever. I think this is one of the reasons Eileen and Erica seem to be real friends to me. They're in this sick club many of us here belong to. But it's the old Groucho joke come true. No one wants to be in this club that would have us as a member. I like seeing people not fighting and seeming to be genuine. I find that Erica, Eileen, Kyle (often), and Rinna (maybe too much) to be genuine. Rinna comes off too bad and screws up even more to be faking it. I watched her on Days. She's not that good an actress. She's a gossip with a huge mouth and a bit of a mean streak when she's mad. I also still believe her story about LVP last year. LVP always has a stooge. It was Kyle, then Brandi, then Rinna, and now Dorit- talk about bland.......... I am shocked by how bad LVP is coming off this year. She seems petty and nasty and just mean. I think she's always been this way but she's really showing it. I thought she was smarter than that but possibly she realizes she's losing her grip on this show. It seems Erica is emerging as more of the "star" and that might freak her out. She should retire from this one and stay on VPR where she can be above those moronic twits who worship her. Can we be done with Kim now, Show, please? When will people stop talking or doubting you, Kim? Never. You put yourself out there when you should have handled your issues in the private sector and you kept coming back for more. This will NEVER go away. You need to, though. Go off to have a private life and be sober or whatever. There is nothing else out there to make you interesting. I know it's mean but I just can't with her victim crap. I just can't.
  8. I agree with this completely. Whitney is pissed that he's not only the least interesting but comes off as an old, icky, superficial, bitter bitch. lol. Kathryn and TRav are nuts but they make fascinating TV. I think it's because they are legit crazy and have a really dysfunctional thing going on that obviously has some roots in the real world as things happen off camera and off season, like children being conceived, custody battles, blah blah blah. I wouldn't want to know them in the real world but I will watch it as it's off the hook. Whitney? EEWW. JD? He's just part of the Greek Chorus watching them. No need to keep him or lose him. He's a voice in the crowd and not very interesting or attractive or much of anything.
  9. Someone should discuss Joanna Krupa and Brandi Glanville with Porscha. Maybe her BFF, Phaedra, who tells us what a good lawyer she is all the time. Porscha needs to get that repeating a rumor can be libel. She's trying to back off it, as maybe it's been explained to her, but the damage is done. How long until Phaedra starts to back away and kiss up to the others as Porscha will be persona non grata? I agree with whoever said that Phaedra set this up. She did and got busted by accident. I don't think she can get out of it now as it was caught on tape. She's just staying still until she it shakes out and she can get a new strategy. But this makes Porscha look even more moronic- if that's possible- and mean spirited. It makes Phaedra look hypocritical and evil. Kandi is a bonafide freak- out and proud- so I don't think it makes her look like anything but a woman who doesn't want to be slandered. Anyone in the media with a brain knows that if you put out a rumor that is shadey, you need to back off once it starts to stink. Porscha should have just taken it back immediately and moved on. This is making everything worse. Even if there would be some truth to the "rape" conspiracy, without proof it's too bad to repeat on national television. She is a real, legit moron. And they are rare but exist. Look at Brandi Glanville............
  10. I thought Kim was wasted at the party. Still do. She looked rough, she had quite a quick excuse for the stairs, and I just don't like Kim. I easily will think the worst but I also think she's not interested in being sober. Just my opinion so Kathy Hilton can't sue me. lol. I love the soap girls as they seem to be real friends and it's nice to watch them have fun. I love Erica this season. She's funny and I also love her with Eileen as they seem to be real friends, as well. I just love Eileen and can FF'd the dwelling tendencies. Hello, my name is Roxy and I'm a fangurl. Dorit was less annoying as there was less of her. I don't care about her workout. She weighs twelve pounds and she knows it. She's not my taste and that husband is beyond icky. He's got creep written in neon on his forehead. I loved the looks he got when he compared the soap girls to the muppets. He's an idiot. I don't think he even meant to be rude. He's just a moron who is kissing up to Mauricio as he's now very successful. He needs to take his moist, sweaty self off my screen. Yuck. I get the feeling that LVP is going to leave this show soon. She seems beyond interested. I don't blame her. I like the white parties better. They are more intimate and look as if they were more fun. Oh, and I love Harry Hamlin. He has moved beyond simple hotness to some serious coolness. He's just hanging out with his whacky wife and being a regular person. I love that. He has aged a lot but, hey, it's either that or die, right? He's fabulous. I also wanted to add that it was nice to see a show that had no crazy fighting or yelling or stupidity. The Eden thing was annoying but not out of control. There was some fun, some friends, some food, and some great scenery. That's what I prefer.
  11. Okay, now I am totally bummed out. Not only did I NOT think that PK was a year younger than me- NO WAY, NEVER- but I've decided to agree with you all and not believe it. He should admit his age as he now is only fueling conversation about how bad looking he is. More Kim- really? No. She is icky and needs to go have a nice life in the private sector. And LVP seems to be a victim of rapid aging syndrome. I've only seen this in soap operas until now. Maybe it's the not age appropriate long hair and '80's make up but she just seems as if she was hit with the aging stick this season. And she's not very old. I don't know. Maybe hanging out with the morons on VPR is speeding up the process. I don't know. In other bad news, NO to Miguel Ferrer. I didn't know until I read it here. I was too busy crying over MTM yesterday and missed that tragedy. I loved him. He was so ugly hot, I found him really attractive. And he could actually act. He's my second favorite member of the the Clooney Clan. Good thing I have all the WKRP's on DVD with the original music. I think I'll go watch some to cheer me up. Thanks for that!
  12. I would lay money on Kyle negotiating appearances for Kim into her contract. I'd bet that she is the one motivating Kim's constant returns. Kim needs the cash and if she and Mauricio don't have to shell it out, this is a good deal for all of them. Unfortunately I'm the loser as I cannot stand the woman. I thought she was weird and dull before she was an angry addict. Now, she's just unwatchable to me. I just don't have sympathy for her. I don't know why but I think she's mean, entitled, and abusive. Issues or not, she's not interesting. She was outraged on WWHL. That was obvious. Her whole demeanor changed for the whole show. That Lisa had to talk her down a bit but she and Andy were right. If you don't want people talking about your problems, stay in the private sector. Her whole spiel is her illness and arrests. That thing with the dress was a mean trick, even to me and I can't stand her. She offers herself up to the jackals, really, so she has no right to seem upset when they pounce. Hell, she made Dr Phil seem like a nice guy. And that's hard to do.
  13. Okay, I know Stansbury is a bitch but I find her most compelling of all these women. I think she's really depressed and lashing out as a self involved woman would do. She's lost the business which is also a huge public blow to her ego. She's losing her sister in law as divorces impact more than the couple. Inlaws can really be drawn into it. She's now moving to another country in another culture. Looks to me as if she's freaking out in general and of course won't admit it. So she's being uber-bitchy and defensive. I get it. I wouldn't want to hang out with her but I find her interesting to watch. I think Marissa doesn't want to move as she'd lose this show. That husband wants out NOW and I think she better agree. The look on his face during their gross sex talk tells me he'll think about moving without her if she doesn't agree soon. He seems over all this crap. I just don't like Julie. At all. And look, she's crying again next week. Ugh. I'm from Chicago and have a friend from near her hometown. She's from farm country and she needs to remember that. She says she does but I think she's trying to "overcome" it. Her attempt to become "to the manor born" crap is annoying me as much as it does Stansbury. I know Sugar Grove, Toots. And you're more of that than Lady Whatever. Own it and be proud. You're coming off as pretentious. Juliet is useless. Sophie annoys me and I'm sorry she's getting divorced but 30+ women getting too drunk and aggressive is gross. Not provocative. Fleming is so cool. I have nothing else to say. That Adela woman is a sad case and needs to stay off TV and away from drunks. I'm afraid she'll break if the wind blows.
  14. That is so funny because he reminds me so much of my wonderful niece when she was about ten. The unintentional spewing of the internal LONG dialogues and the need to be perfect but usually falling a bit short. The awkward but endearing insecurity. In other words, a really sweet kid. I was wishing they'd send him home as I can't stand to see the kid upset. I guess Juniors may not be for me either but he's the only one who seems really to be a kid, not a teen who is better equipped to handle pressure and rejection....to some degree. I just think he needs more practice and study and to then come back. The way she treated him wasn't very nice but she's a teenager and "nice" is not really in their playbook with a peer who may be causing them strife. Well, not to most teens, anyway. Or adults for that matter. But she's a kid, too, so she gets some slack from me. Deep down, I'm too much of a mom-type for the kids on this show. I just feel bad and think a few more years and they'd be better on the main stage. Then they can get sent home and ripped by judges and that's their choice- they signed up for it.
  15. I think I realized years ago that the women who last on these shows know how to play the game. They know how to create storylines but make it seem rather organic and "real". I think as the audience, many of us know it's not organic or real but we play along. Those who don't last are either trying too hard or get lost in the cross fire or both. I think Dorit is both of those. She did think she was being funny but I think she also thinks she's better than Erika. The comments about the people she has at her parties being very important, the way she mocks Erika in THs, and her general attitude toward her just proves that to me. PK's disgusting comment about the Havenots also shows he's a huge snob and aware of the camera. I think Rinna said it on the show. She thinks Erika is her persona- a whore- or a phony. By what Dorit says, she thinks Erika is a cold and distant. She's aloof but really a whore who wanted to show her vagina. Dorit is showing her insecure mean girl and it's not working in my opinion. She seems petty and obnoxious. She was the one wiggling her ass in that dress at her party. I also think Dorit is getting caught in the HW crossfire. The Soap Girls can withstand it and know how to start it. They get it. I think ED can prolong stories and Rinna can stir shit. They both then grab on to the "high road" crap and make others look bad. I'm a huge fan of them but I don't believe that they really act this way in real life. I think ED makes more of things on this show because they need conflict. I think Rinna works with trying to keep things moving and having trouble begin. I would bet she's a huge gossip and busy body in real life. But I doubt she's that obvious. They all know this is a show and need a story. LVP is the best at it and these two are playing right along. It's TV and they know TV. Dorit is just looking like an idiot. She and her husband are posers, or looking like them. The articles on his finances show that specifically. And the way they prop themselves on an aging 80's rock star is just sad. They are just a few years away from Marriage Boot Camp. LVP and Kyle know this is a show and know there needs to be stories. I think Erika is in on to that idea, too. And she floats above but enters in when necessary. I think she likes the way she's getting more well known and so she sticks around. Basically, it's obvious everyone is working on the same wavelength but Dorit. She's the Kelly Dodd of this show but she's not crazy or creepy. PK is creepy enough on his own. And Kim is always coming back to bring the crazy so I doubt she'll last more than a year.
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