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Everything posted by pdlinda

  1. I also noticed that by the end of the show, Lee had somewhat of a "makeover" replacing what can only be called his "bad boy biker " (wannabe) appearance with a more conservative look. That also must have cost a nice bit of change...
  2. I think the producers agree to pay for the trips KNOWING that azan will always renege. Whether the tickets are actually ever purchased is another matter.
  3. What in the WORLD would make you believe that azan would even ENTERTAIN "sexy time" with nicole????? That was always his point: HE DIDN"T WANT sexy time with nicole and saw in her a physical and mental FORCE that was overwhelming and repulsive. The only thing azan could do to keep the $$$ coming IN and her physical presence OUT was to play this obvious "game" of tantalizing her and never coming through because he KNEW she was "addicted" to him and the "relationship" and would do anything to keep the "drug" in her life. The main victim in this sleazy, disgusting scenario is MAY!! Her scars from this appalling level of parenting will be long lasting!!
  4. I agree with the poor decision making. HOWEVER, what about Tory??? What was HER role in all this poor decision making?? Wasn't the new house HER idea?? I get the impression that Zach doesn't blow his nose without Tory approving. Jackson is HER dwarf child, too so I'm curious whether she gave sufficient thought to all the unintended consequences of the cascade of the decisions you describe.
  5. I did want to mention that although I never experienced organ damage from all the years of being so overweight my joints suffered greatly. I had both hips replaced (in 2008 and 2017) and I'm due to have my right knee replaced this October. BOTH ortho surgeons made special mention of the fact that my "small size" would contribute greatly to the success of the operation and recovery and they were right, To this DAY, when someone makes a remark like "you're tiny" I immediately snap backward to see who they're talking about because I still don't see myself as "tiny."😃 Regarding our "poundicipants", knowing what I do about maintaining a low weight, when I don't see as many "where are they now" episodes for all those we know and love, I immediately think that maybe many have slipped back into old ways of coping with life. Knowing the challenges of daily "work" to maintain weight loss it is not surprisinng.
  6. Absolutely CORRECT! I watched a small segment then it went into numerous ads and some ADS were REPEATED (like torture🤨) so off it went. What I was PRIMARILY interested in was whether the precious little boy, Landon, was coming out of his "shell." I'm not a clinician by any means but simply as a "functioning" adult, his behavior showed signs of being on the autism spectrum. Lastly, her husband, Chris, is a saintly individual who gives Dottie so much love and support. Unfortunately, I don't see that level of reciprocity on her part and that was refreshed in my mind when I caught the little snippet of the episode (prior to the ad rampage) Chris came home from work (looks like he has a hard, manual labor job) and immediately asked: "What's for dinner." Dottie replied: "Oh, I just thought about that. How about pizza?" She takes out a box of frozen bite-sized pizzas and throws it in the toaster oven. I have no further comment. I hope Dottie is continuing on with her psychotherapist, but, somehow I doubt it. I have nothing but compassion for Chris and Landon.
  7. I lost about 100 lbs 15 years ago and have kept it off (got out of a bad marriage and that helped a lot to ID WHY I couldn't stop eating....) ANYWAY, when I saw that scene it was almost like something "triggered" in me and brought me back to those long-ago days when I started to eat (especially carbs) and I literally could not stop...it was like a runaway train...horrifying, terrifying and altogether horrendous when you cannot (not will not) stop eating, eating eating...anyway, that's why I watch this show religiously. It points out what could have happened to me had I not had a # of positive influences in my life and the burning desire to change my life for the better. These two, of course, took my behavior to unimaginable lengths and depths and that resulted in them experiencing a lot more physical damage than I ever had. HOWEVER, I was very encouraged with the fact that each had empathy for the other and genuinely possessed the compassion and consideration regarding what each was going through so the inevitable crises each experienced could be shared. I'll be very interested in their "Where Are They Now" show that, hopefully, will air next season. I hope they do better than Dottie who has a massive transformation but then squandered a lot of her progress on how she dealt with her recovery from the first skin removal surgery (smoking and doing other inappropriate things). It's never a simple road recovering from food addiction. I live it every day but never waver because of the knowledge that getting "back on track" after an "indulgence" could take years!! I'd prefer to STAY ON TRACK (one day at a time).
  8. I still say (said it before) that she was never eager to do the show, that they "pressured" her to do it because someone thought it would attract a "new generation" of viewers and probably offered her a lot of $$$. It's almost like she's "passive aggressive" in how she's showing up but not caring about how she looks or how she cooks. She's just "sleepwalking" through each episode. What they SHOULD have probably done was to re-run the ORIGINAL shows when her ideas were fresh and lively and useful and she looked pulled together and neat.
  9. Angie's the dictionary definition of SELF DESTRUCTIVE!! If her blatant acts of self-abuse and destruction were only impacting HER it would be one thing. HOWEVER, she has already infected her daughter, the daughter's relationships and the daughter's children with her venom so the collateral damage of her behavior is metastasizing onto future generations. Angie is a toxic minefield of abuse. She should have a "WARNING LABEL" affixed to her forehead (one of the few parts of her body without a visible tattoo...) to keep all potential "victims" away from the danger she poses.
  10. Her (and her husband's) slovenly appearance may play into the many references I've read over the years of how cheap she is (tipping service people as an example) despite probably being a multi-millionaire many, many times over!!
  11. The most disgusting thing about the "garbage bowl" is that she mixes liquids in with the solid garbage (including oil). There are also cans with jagged lids in there. I picture emptying the bowl and hoping the person doing so is wearing extra-heavy protective gloves!!
  12. Doesn't she have some pet food line and other product lines (like I see that boxed broth with her name on it that she grabs from the pantry) and I think she has a "foundation" but I don't recall what it's for at the moment. Her line for QVC is also featured on Amazon and she did come up with certain unique items (like that kitchen towel with the pockets) and the utensil that she places on the rim of a pot she's cooking in for the messipes she features. HOWEVER, I'm not sure if she originated these items or someone else did and she grabbed the credit.
  13. She comes from a "family system" that enables her and created the dire circumstances she couldn't possibly understand fully without YEARS AND YEARS of intensive therapy (that, of course, she would never engage in due to the "family system" that encouraged her "delusion and denial" and that she relies on for "support.)" That "family system" allowed her to believe she could bring 2 innocent children into the world (with whichever sperm donors were available) thinking this was her prerogative to "express herself" with a partner or WHATEVER. That's the true tragedy here: That this broken, dysfunctional family system seemingly will persist into the next generation. How do we get community agencies (like CPS and the schools) to become more involved with protecting children in the context of Mercedes' parental "rights."
  14. I think BOTH nicole and azan are slimy GRIFTERS intent on scamming anyone and everyone they come in contact with in any way possible. Suffice it to say, that NEITHER strike me as "hard workers." Instead, they prey on those (like her mother) who actually work for a living. Regarding their TLC gig, let's face it, neither has to dig "deep" learning lines or otherwise doing anything other than what "comes naturally." I think BOTH of them love picking up the cash TLC offers, have BOTH become international "reality TV personalities" and regardless of anything nicole says would NEVER willingly give up that platform regardless of nicole's words to the contrary. The obvious story line both are cooking up is to prolong the "marriage" as long as possible and maybe having a "false" pregnancy, or miscarriage or some other stunt to get around azan's cultural taboo of not having sex before marriage. Both families seem respectable and dignified. Not sure how each produced a child of such disrepute. However, I know many families where the children do not match the reputation and status of their family. It happens all the time.
  15. Everything about the show led me to believe she couldn't wait for the run of the show to end. On the appearance front I got the sense that simply sitting for the required "hair and makeup and wardrobe" was extremely annoying to her. The histrionics with producing the messipes were simply her way to trying to force the issue of how engaging and clever she is. However, my guess is that the shows did not pique the interest of enough people to warrant FN investing any more $$$ into her now or in the future. Of course, I guess stranger things have happened.
  16. I agree she does look like she's gained weight but that could simply be out of "emotional" eating but if she IS pregnant that would be NIRVANA!! Nicole's strategy from the "get-go"was to ensnare azan with a baby (or, hey, maybe a baby every single year). She's dumber than a rock but VERY manipulative and shrewd.
  17. I'm not sure but I think I heard her say the oval shape was intended to stretch over 2 burners.
  18. I think the only thing that would justify a 2-hr show would be 1 hour leading up to the surgery and the next hour with a follow-up with how the participant is faring in the year (or more) after. If the sequencing of this type show posed a problem, it would be great if the show followed up with prior pounders in the tradition of the "Where Are they Now" shows. Of course, any follow-up show presupposes that there are enough success stories to justify filming, because if success doesn't occur there might be resistance to having the cameras around.
  19. For me, it's her disheveled appearance, her clumsy moves (that she thinks are "cute"), her contrived "hysteria" and the CALORIE LADEN choices she uses to produce her meals. The tomato soup and reuben salad in this episode I just watched must have had at LEAST 2,000 calories per serving (maybe more) with the greasy meats, cheeses and sour cream dressing leading the assault.
  20. I just watched the re-run of this last evening and, aside from what I would call the ASININE attitude (and facial expressions) of Cynthia toward the entire weight-loss "project" if she said (paraphrase) "I have to take care of my kids","my kids need me"... ONE MORE TIME I was going to explode!!! It's clear that Cynthia's arrogance and non-compliance with Dr. Now's program are the WORST possible messages to transmit to her children. I was also interested in the fact that even when Cynthia was so morbidly obese that she had to pause on her way to her classroom where she was a teacher, that school board apparently allowed her students to suffer in favor of allowing her to keep her job.
  21. I was watching her chef salad episode today and she looked so disheveled the "homeless" vibe struck me. Her "salvation army reject" sweater hem was actually frayed on the bottom (I considered that the fraying was intentional to give her an "edgy" look but upon reflection I don't think so. Aside from the 3 "salads" being disgustingly caloric and rich, her hygiene made the episode impossible to watch after a few minutes. She used her hands to mix the ingredients, then touches her sweater, then goes to the refrigerator...I could go on and on...her crew and production staff must be very intimidated by her (or maybe they need the job) to not insist she clean up her act and act responsibly.
  22. I feel exactly the same way you do!! At this point I think we may conclude that the pool of appropriate candidates ready, willing and able to participate in this show is dwindling to just about ZERO!! Maybe the show has run its course and Dr. Now should gracefully drift into retirement. His son's production team will be faced with finding a new way to earn a living but, hey, that's life in a market economy! It's about supply and demand and my belief is that they will receive residuals from the endless loop of past shows that will no doubt flood the airways of TLC for years to come. The bottom line is that there is really no justifiable reason to keep airing "new" episodes with essentially no redeeming value to the viewer. Simply forced BOREDOM!!
  23. I believe Tori and Zach HAVE A JOB. They're on a popular reality TV show that's been on for years. I don't know what they get paid per episode but my belief is that the income from TLC is substantial and that for all the years the show has been on the Roloff family has accumulated a lot of wealth. I think they must have competent financial advisors and lawyers who negotiate their contracts with TLC. As the popularity of the show progressed I'm sure their fees per episode also increased. They probably have a corporate entity that takes care of their health insurance and other expenses an employer would provide. The story lines intentionally portray Zach and Torie as "struggling" financially to imply that as neither "work a job" (other than appearing on TV) they should not be shown as "rolling in dough". However, their purchase of a large, new home with (apparently) every amenity seems to substantiate my theory that they have a lot of $$$ in various accounts (investment and other) and they have a sizable, ongoing cash flow from TLC. Unlike Jer and AuJ (who, apparently, believe they can make a living from their enterprises (as inane as they are to some), Zach and Torie seem to be clinging to their role in the show for years to come. Matt and Amy fall into that category, as well. Molly is a highly paid accounting professional (from the little they revealed about her getting her CPA) and Jacob probably has enough savings from past years on the show to support his "writing" and simple way of life.
  24. That fact simply boggled my mind!! I guess some people eat with absolutely no attention to nutrition and I get that maybe she's offering alternatives to fast food,for people who indulge in that frequently, but simply seeing Rachael's weight gain is enough to sour me on her recipes. However, I will watch the show for entertainment and I do pick up some tips on how I can prepare certain foods (veggies mostly) using my own food choices.
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