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Everything posted by pdlinda

  1. Maybe I missed it but did they read her Miranda rights to her so she knew she had the right to an attorney when the police first brought her in for questioning??? It always irritates and frustrates me when an accused thinks the police are there to get "their side of the story." So much aggravation and misery (and probably $$$ for lawyers) would be avoided if the accused would simply say she wanted a lawyer present before she answered any questions from the police from DAY 1. In Skylar's case, she seemed so frail and uncertain about everything having to do with the case, and everything having to do with her life in general, it would be hard to understand how the case could have unwound any other way. I do believe the sentence was fair in her particular case because I don't believe she would have physically/emotionally survived in a jail/prison setting (speaking from years of working in criminal defense).
  2. I would agree with that theory but am not sure Jen and Bill wouldn't automatically conclude that instead of focusing on the inappropriate behavior, the other kids were reacting to Will's size. In either case, I'm sure Jen and Bill can appropriately guide the kids on how to handle taunts made by other kids as they've experienced similar incidents themselves. I recall that in a recent episode reference was made to Jen's size (or maybe Bill's) by children of their friends and it was immediately handled in a most effective way.
  3. I do recall that when the kids were younger there was an episode where Jen and Bill were reading to them from children's story books about "Little People" . I also recall Bill stating how he was bullied about his size growing up and remember Will stating that his karate buddies kept calling him a "baby" so it is reasonable to assume that the issue of the kids status as "Little People" really can't be swept under the rug and ignored. I do believe that the kids will definitely benefit from our society today where people's "differences" are accepted and there is an emphasis on "diversity" and "inclusion."
  4. I re-watched the episode last evening (fell asleep while the original was playing) and was struck that with all the emphasis the Klein's place on the children's "CULTURE" I didn't see ONE child from Zoey's Bollywood class (friends) with parents and/or ONE child (friend) from any Chinese enrichment activities Will has ( I think the karate classes were in Houston but maybe he continued with some cultural activities in St. Pete)? The guests appeared to all look like Jen and Bill. To me, if you're intent on giving the kids life experience in "diversity" (as the Klein's claim) the most authentic goal would be having people of all cultural/ethnic backgrounds at your social occasions. Maybe I missed seeing all the guests????
  5. LOLOLOL....the entire monumental extravaganza reminded me of how much I detest events like that one!!
  6. I think the producers may like to inject a "down home" vibe to the otherwise lavish spending of the Klein's...something that might be more "relatable" to the audience. My sense is that if the party was given independent of the show there would have been a caterer involved.
  7. I happened to visit the website of the Catholic School both Klein kids attend and, no, the tuition is FAR from the tens of thousands of dollars charged by typical private schools in our Country today. From the material provided by the admin, the focus of the school is to encourage all its students to become participating members of their community and reach their full potential. I didn't get the impression AT ALL that the student body is comprised of children coming exclusively from "wealthy" homes. As a matter of fact, I got the exact opposite vibe. Even glancing at the families who attended Will's lavish birthday party, I didn't get any indication that they were upper-class "snobby" types who relish their "designer" duds and leave the running of their homes (and driving) to others. The families appeared to be very down-to-earth middle class American (and maybe some from other Countries) folks.
  8. I guess if the numbers work for TLC and the Klein's they might consider it; however, they can still keep us up to date on the kids activities and progress on Facebook/Instagram and can do books (and book signings), get promotional fees for various products, market other items and generally keep in the public eye without the production staff interfering with their daily routines. Maybe when the cameras are shut down there won't be the need for the constant lavish entertainments/parties/events/trips/purchases that, IMO, give the kids a completely distorted view of how most everyday Americans live their lives. I guess we'll see....
  9. I agree the show has run its course; however, I'm sure Jen will keep a heavy presence on social media and keep the family in the news. Maybe when the TLC contract expires Bill will have the opportunity to shill his "pee pads" and/or other business ventures. I'm sure the family will miine their huge social media presence to the max!!
  10. I was just on a message board from a shopping channel and there was a thread about the show. The consensus was that the show has become boring, the kids are not well behaved and continuing to watch it has become pointless. On the other hand, there are thousands and thousands of Facebook posts where adoring fans relentlessly fawn over the family and the kids. Not even ONE negative comment. My guess is that the show has run its course. It will not be renewed. That is probably best for the kids as once they're out of the media spotlight their development might be more prone to "normal." Of course, the family will have to adapt to the loss of income. Bill, for one, will probably regret not being seen as a "celebrity."
  12. The buzz was that Jamie was offered a job at Google. I believe that would be a high-paying job (of course, if he performs at whatever it is he does). As for Beth LOLOLOLOL......I see a direct financial pipeline to "daddy" at any time (regardless of frequency) financial shortfalls occur in their household (the cost of living in CA is ASTRONOMICAL...I know because my daughter and her family live in the L.A. area and a small 2 BD condo/house will cost at least $3K/month). I do not see Beth as "career" material and don't expect her ever achieve gainful employment. I don't believe her personality lends itself to effectively functioning with others in a business environment. I see her dad fronting for her financially in each and every instance that Jamie tries to "pull the plug financially" on her or control her spending. When that becomes loathsome to her and the sparks start flying, well....we can all surmise what Beth's next step will be. LOLOLOL....
  13. I thought a big deal was made of the fact that the diamond was "heart shaped". I believe that's a very expensive cut (more than pear, emerald, round, marquise). I'm wondering how a stone that small could be cut into a heart shape?? That said, I'm very happy for Amy and Chris. In all the time they've been together I saw Chris shower Amy with kindness, caring, consideration and AFFECTION. There was that one instance on the first motorcycle trip where he "abandoned" her for a while; however, apparently they sorted that type of behavior out between them and I never saw any behavior like that reoccur.
  14. YES and YES. End of story. End of discussion.
  15. I have a grandson who is a normal-sized 9 y.o. and, no, he has no interest in stuffed animals. There are "attachment" issues that kids like Will and Zoey have (in addition to their size) and I think it's a great thing that Jen and Bill are of similar stature to the kids. I think the kids are functioning in a world where a lot of people in their social circle look like Jen and Bill (although Florida is extremely multi-cultural) so I think the international adoption, the physical differences they have and their own physical identities are possible causes for things like stuffed animals (and Zoey thumb sucking) being important coping mechanisms for them. It's true that both kids are growing up in affluence and love with parents who shower them with every conceivable opportunity to thrive; however, each must have emotional issues that surface in different types of behavior that Bill and Jen should probably redirect when appropriate.
  16. LOLOLOL....I would have to agree with you!! Upon second thought, I think if Will had any clinical issues Jen would have jumped right on it. I guess I was trying to come up with any rationale to explain Will's intransigent behavior because he's 9 now (I believe) and before we know it he's going to be a teenager and we all know what potential there is for teen rebellion (especially as their driving age approaches).
  17. Is there a possibility that maybe a hearing problem with Will is involved?? I believe there were issues with his hearing when he was initially evaluated (unless I'm mis-remembering it)?
  18. That the parents of Amber's students are OK with her being an "authority figure and guide to healthy adolescence" model that middle school teachers are supposed to be, is beyond my comprehension. I am not suggesting Amber lose her job. I'm simply suggesting they give her some sort of "back room" admin job until the damage she did to her reputation and effectiveness as a teacher from appearing on this show wears off and the dust settles. I'm sure Amber has excellent benefits, including mental health benefits. She would do herself a large favor investing in some good counselling so a relationship debacle like she had with matt doesn't reoccur. She mentioned she had an $80K salary so if there were any co-pays for long-term treatment that shouldn't be a financial burden on her.
  19. Matt is an incorrigible reprobate incapable of any ethical behavior from what we saw on this show. These character defects are enhanced by his glaring ignorance about the emotional harm he causes those in his midst and the fact that's he's very "hard on the eyes". Maybe Matt will get a clue regarding his disgusting, behavior when his future opportunities dwindle to zero. I can't see any sane, principled person giving Matt the benefit of any doubt. WISE UP, MATT!!
  20. Oh, WOWWWW!! Thanks so much for sharing that info. I kind of got the impression he owned a student "tutoring" type operation but understand he's training high-level engineer/systems/operations personnel in very sophisticated areas. He also worked for Cisco Engineering which as very selective employer. It's fascinating that this highly accomplished gentleman chose to put himself in an emotionally (not professionally) vulnerable situation going on national TV to find a bride. I would think that through professional contacts/connections Greg would have been "off-the-market" marriage-wise many years ago. He really seems like a great guy!!!
  21. WAIT!! Weren't Will and Jasmine in the Philly season? If yes, wasn't the crux of the collapse of their relationship the fact that Jasmine wanted Will to support her 100% financially??? I seem to recall them talking about finances A LOT.
  22. OHHHH! That canned DRAMATIC MUSIC drove me NUTS!! I kept yelling: ENOUGH!!
  23. That's GREAT!! I hope they focus on "Where Are They Now" from past seasons. The episodes with new participants (with few exceptions) last year didn't really didn't really interest me as much as our "oldies but goodies" success stories from years gone by. I'd love to see progress from Janine, Erica, Doug, Gideon, Randy and many others who really stick in my memory. Of course, that would pre-suppose that these favorites actually KEPT their weight off and qualified for skin removal surgery. With Dr. Now getting up in years, and what he describes as grueling surgical feats to tie off those blood vessels in the skin removal surgeries, it's truly amazing that he's still "in the game." I think the gastric bypass or sleeve is more routine for him and likely he could do those surgeries in his (figurative) sleep! Thanks for the update. I'll look forward to the new season!
  24. Does anyone know if there will be a new season??? I keep searching and searching but find nothing definitive. Am unsure WHY TLC chooses to be so mysterious and/or secretive regarding this matter. However, find it rather annoying.
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