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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. So funny. I remember loving that show, and the work those two actors did. Thank you Lennie Briscoe.
  2. I've always loved Lagertha, but this move of hers is questionable. Shooting an arrow into Aslaug's back seemed cowardly...not at all her style. This is the woman who took out Kalf at their wedding...a straight up kill. And killed Einer while looking him in the face. And now she's shooting an arrow into Aslaug's back after promising her safe passage...seems out of character, and weak, as well. And not killing Aslaug's sons? Why not? Generosity on her part, or stupidity? Poor Magnus...treated royally until he was found not to be a son of Ragnar...then tossed out like trash. Now I have to google what happens to him. Poor bastard.
  3. I stand corrected as well...her clothes in her final collection still remain in my memory, as does Laura Bennett's grey evening dress with pistachio belt...now that is design...all these years later.
  4. Or my personal favorite...Lee Ann Michaels. Not one of them even attempted an evening look, not one had a standout look for the closing. The fabrics they chose look so cheap...banana prints anyone, and khaki green canvas, or washed out housedress prints? Who are these people and why are they pretending to be designers? I still covet Laura's grey evening dress with the pistachio belt...or Lee Ann's killer cornflower blue bridesmaid's dress with the stunning bridal gown to finish. Or really anything that Christian did. When their models lined up...it looked amazing. And the same thing for Petie and Maya on the Juniors...their work was wonderful. We need real designers, who know fabric and color, and have actually seen a real woman in the flesh and have some idea of what would look wonderful on her. And no, I do not wish to revisit the 70s, 80s or 90s, unless you have something interesting to pull from that inspiration. No retreads. No craft projects. No gimmicks. Just real design.
  5. Agreed, but I try to force myself to ignore her personality, and look at her work...in an effort to be fair. But in truth she reminds me of Ashley...she had one good coat...which she proceeded to reproduce a half dozen times. She will stick any sort of decoration on her designs, hoping that the oddball quality will overcome her failure to actually design interesting clothing. She cannot work with prints...she chooses the washed-out housedress look every time. It was most telling to me that she was most proud of her "laser cut" sequins. Really? Maybe she could do accessories trim or buttons...but fashion..no freaking way.
  6. I have been rooting for Roberi...but for once, I agree with Heidi...cohesion, and a much stronger point of view is needed. And the paper bag waists seem so dated to me. For a designer who can do a lot with color and has done some good dresses...I was surprised that they were all separates...and nothing that stood out. Erin is a drag...her prairie dress looked remarkably like that sad jumpsuit from a week or two ago...and the print, no matter now it was made, would look dreary on the runway. The hand loomed sleeves looked heavy, and the bare belly over a leather skirt...just no to all of it. And Laurence is chic, her clothes not at all. The jacket and white pants...looked 80s sad...the jumpsuit cute, but not at all a runway look, unless it was filler between two killer looks...and the best thing was the naked back of the white T...which is not good. And Rik...just no. The leather dress was best, but he does tend to the cute...the purse, and the bow separating the color blocking...please no. There was nothing strong or distinctive here. No cohesion (hat tip Heidi) in fabrics or in design...one look leading to a fuller or different interpretation of the next look...even the color choices seemed scattered. I wonder if any of these designers have ever watched a great runway show? Which is not a question you should ask at the final run thru. For Project Runway...see LeeAnn Michaels or Laura Bennett for how to pull together a 10 look collection that shows how much you can do...from daytime to evening to casual...did any of them even attempt an evening look? I am disappointed, but not surprised...this is not a seriously talented group. Bring on the juniors.
  7. I hate that Adam won. Really. I think the show exploited his mom's illness, and that he colluded with that exploitation. All to win a million dollars. It was a pity vote...and that is hard to beat. That said, I think David and Jay played the best game...they were awesome competitors. I did not like Jay, but what a player. He had a great physical and social game. And David...my choice for an early exit, and he proved to be an ace. Bravo to both of them. And David with the fake idol...what a great move. Now that is gamesmanship...and great fun to watch. I would have loved to have seen them both at the finale, with verbal dueling. And my crush Ken proves again that he is not so smart...still great looking though. With Jay and David in the finale, and Ken or Hannah as the goat...who would have won? Not sure, but I would love to watch them play again.
  8. Ivar is giving me major creeps...the actor is killing it. And the scenes with Ivar and Ragnar are wonderful and raw. I am liking Ragnar, as I always have, but now I like his determination, and his willingness to start at the bottom again. he needs to avenge the Wessex massacre in order to appease the gods. Aslaug...I had forgotten how much I despise you...even though I had forgotten your cruelty to little Siggy. I find your smugness and your loathsome son Ivar too much to bear. I kept hoping that Lagertha would whack you this episode...but I will keep hope alive. After all, she kept her promise to Kalf...even when it seemed unlikely. Always glad this show is back...but the Odd Brothers reappearance does not bode well. I always figured they wanted to take out Ragnar...maybe they are after Bjorn this time. And Rollo...can't wait to see him again...is he overweight and bearded too. Is Gisla overweight and bearded? Is Ecbert still as crafty and evil as ever? Good times. Glad to have you all back.
  9. I am so sad that my crush Ken is so terrible at this game. But, I am liking David more and more. I do think Adam is a weasel, but an entertaining one, if he would only stop crying. And I remain firmly opposed to Jay. I feel he is the inevitable winner...and I am resisting his coronation with all my power. Hannah can't put a strategic thought together...Adam was right...target Jay. He is the strongest competitor, and if he wins immunity next week, it is game over. Brett is as terrible at this game as Ken is...but is not as easy on the eye. And Sunday is happily gone, as is Will. I am liking this season...though I found I missed Zeke's gamesmanship...he made TCs a lot of fun.
  10. Nina irks me no end, her ed-i-tor-i-al pronunciation bugs. But calling Erin's design "avant-garde" made me laugh...has this woman never been to Vegas? Seen the costumes for Cirque du Soleil? Nina needs to get out more. I liked Rik's and the styling...but Roberti's actually answered the challenge...he can sculpt metal into something wearable and sexy...and the mask was a great add. I smell an Erin win, just as the Ashley win became inevitable. Not good design, just iterations of the big pockets, big sweeping coats, and bright yellow. I think Roberti is the most innovative, Rik the most wearable...both will not win based on their attributes.
  11. Ivar is seriously creepy...not just weird creepy, but murderously creepy. And watching him drag himself around like a snake adds to the effect. And impotent...well, the real Ivar had a reputation for stunning cruelty...abandonment by his father and impotence may have contributed to that rage. Loving Fimmel as Ragnar as always...but man, they have made him look old and hefty...he has that old man's belly now. Lagertha still looks as fresh as ever...I need her anti-aging secret. And Aslaug..still as smug and irritating as ever. I do hope Lagertha has a chance to take her out. And Floki...where's the guy liner?
  12. The more I see of Brett, and his drinking and his underlying frustrations, the less I like him. The thought of him with a badge and a gun is not reassuring.
  13. "I see a lot of resentment and open misogyny against her " I respectfully disagree. Brienne is a fascinating character, but what Grailking said is true...Brienne has integrity, courage, and moral standing. But, she focuses so intently on her goal, that she is reluctant to listen to anyone else...possibly the result of a lifetime of ridicule directed towards her as a knight. She was dismissive and openly insulting to Podrick, who had the same focus and determination to be the best squire to her he could be...and his advice, especially his knowledge of Lysa Arryan and Sansa's relationship to her, helped her finally to find Sansa. Jaime finally managed to penetrate that protective wall she has erected around herself...and we saw a great deal more of the true Brienne. I don't think people really resent her...the fight with the Hound was an all-out battle of equals, until Brienne won...which event even the Hound acknowledged later with the church folks. And I was a real supporter of Stannis...until he burned Shireen...but I understood as did Stannis himself, that she had to kill him...it was her sworn duty. Stannis and Brienne in that last moment understood one another. I think people root for her...she has her flaws as does every character on GOT, but she is a striking example of GRRM's willingness to give a female character an unexpected and powerful role.
  14. The juniors would have blown these designers off the runway. None of the these have anything new or interesting to present.
  15. Shut up Brett. Just shut up. And Sunday too...I know she didn't say anything, but I am so done with these two. They bring nothing to the game...nothing. And then Brett tries to dump on Ken...just shove it. Adam should shut up too...he is so volatile and he is usually wrong. At this point he should know that and just shut it. I cannot stand that Jay is in the catbird seat again...I have the Richard Ramirez thing in my head and cannot lose it. But Zeke who I kind of liked really revealed himself...he sold Brett down the river without a qualm, and in a heartbeat, decided to take out Hannah. So Chris targeted Jess, and got taken out himself. And Jess could not make a choice, and the rocks made it for her. Gen-X had the numbers and could have finished off the millennials, but no....had to go crazy. Oh well.
  16. Many thanks to Grailking and Wouter...I am trying to catch up. Again, my thanks.
  17. If anyone could help, I would be grateful. I have been scrolling thru these posts, but I can't find info on Varys. When last seen he was with Olenna and Ellaria and the Sand Snakes in Dorne. Does he meet Dany when she lands at Dragonstone? Of hook up with her later? In fact, if anyone can point me to a timeline of Dany's fleet vs Euron it would help. Yes, I am a GOT addict, and I need help. I seem to not be able to locate the initial info on what happens with the Iron Islanders and how the Dorne crew gets taken down. Many, many thanks.
  18. I hadn't even thought that far, but you are certainly right to raise a caution flag. We have always taken free speech for granted in many ways, but we have never had an administration like this one is shaping up to be...complete with threats against the First Amendment. Seth is my go-to guy, and he is no longer a replacement for Jon Stewart to me, he stands wholly on his own ground. I often tune in to find a dose of sanity. If they start pressuring him or the network, I hope he finds a way to alert us. Of course, with his best buddy, Leslie Jones on his side...he has a fighting chance. Thanks for bringing this up. It is important.
  19. I do think Jon would ask, which lords? It would be important information...no way does Jon not find out who Dany burned. And remember his reaction to seeing Mance burned..it does not sit well with him. He will swing the sword if he must, but not burn men.
  20. "I wonder if any woman who has ever seen this season of Survivor would ever be so stupid as to marry Good Old Tayls". Well let's see...he has a girlfriend back home, who finds out she is pregnant while he is gone, and she gets to watch him go gaga over Figs on national TV. That would be pleasant. Then he breaks with Figs, for the good "of my family". And yes, he and Michelle have a couple of weeks together in Fiji...I'm guessing they'll find a way to pass the time. Taylor is an idiot and as faithful as a rabbit...a smart girl, albeit pregnant, would walk. I am guessing if she has spent time with Taylor, she is a dummy as well.
  21. Adam is probably a nice guy, but he is overwhelmed in dealing with Taylor and Jay. Neither has any real ethos beyond winning, and staying in the game. Yeah, this is Survivor, but under these conditions...limited food, isolation on an island, and social pressure...people tend to default to their base lines, and their game play fragments. This works for people like Taylor or Jay...they are remorseless competitors...even with one another. I expect this is how they react in real life...off the island. Adam runs a homeless shelter and comes from the negotiate and compromise school...Jay and Taylor read that as weakness. Jay is just a better shark...he encouraged his bro Taylor to blow himself up at TC, which he did. I reiterate...Brett and Sunday are dunderheads...getting washed on booze is not smart in the middle of the game, and deciding to pick off one of your own Gen-Xs, while the numbers are working for you is plain stupid. I thought Sunday might have a brain...but she has convinced me otherwise. Ken impresses...but David is still in it. And I think Chris is not just brawn, but much shrewder than the editing is showing. I think he has Jay's number...but we shall see.
  22. That was a weird TC. it's been a while since high school, so I was not getting why Taylor thought that admitting he stole food and hid it was so endearing and amusing. I am not on an island and I am not hungry, but it still pissed me off having to listen to his laughing and braying like a donkey. I did like the looks on Ken and David's faces...was trying to read their reactions and see if they changed their votes. So, no beer for Will...and he has a beard and everything, just like a real grown-up. And Michelle, sporting the latest look from Little House on the Prairie..girlfriend still strikes me as a born predator. Just not a successful one. And Sunday...neither you nor Brett seem to have any game...running to Jay to give him info without getting anything in return...not smart, not a winning move. I like Chris, but Sunday and Brett are a pair of dunderheads...they have the Gen-X numbers, just roll with it, and get rid of Jay and Will. How hard is that to figure. David did well at the food challenge, and Ken and Chris really bring it..they beat the younger guys. I continue to root for my TV boyfriend Ken to win it all...but Chris has a nice game going, and Zeke does as well.
  23. Erin bugs, true, but to be fair to her, she does know how to sew and finish her seams. She's bright enough, so why the repeating coats with huge outside pockets? And, blowing off Tim...so, she's resistant to any outside advice, which might have helped her get out of Utah, but no longer serves her well. Her opening work with the party favors was bright and well-done...and her yellow coat was at least interesting...but since then...just one coat after another...and a sad little dress that said home ec, first project. Her personal issues are killing her ability to open up and design. I was thinking about Maya and Petie from the Juniors...both very young with great skills and point of view...but always open to advice from Tim, and so at ease with themselves. Both Erin and Dexter would be blown out of the water by those two...maybe Rik and Laurence would tag along after them. I do wish PR would bring them back and put them in competition with their elders...they would all have to up their game or be aufed.
  24. Leeann Marshall and her wave collection, Laura Bennett and that grey velvet evening dress with hand-sewn sparkles with the wide, cinch belt, and of course, Christian Siriano. All three remain my favorites, all three made clothes that I would be happy to wear today. That said, when I heard Erin brush off Tim's advice, i figured her for a goner. She could have taken that coat, and recut it into a suit...jacket and skirt...and done something interesting with the blue material if she was so wedded to it..but that blue was weak against so much oatmeal material. But still, she could have made the effort. But, no, she knows best. Dexter is also too sure he know better than Tim...again with the knit with stuff woven into it. That is not design, that's a craft project. Mah-Jing did something interesting, at least, Corni's still looked like a home ec project, freshman year, Nathalia has no idea how to fit clothes or use proportion to make her mom look good, let alone finish her seams, and Jenni does not have a clue about fitting pants...the rear end was lost in a mess of fabric, the length too short, the fabric not suitable for trousers, and the long white T shirt borrowed from Roberti's winning look last week. I know 12 year olds who can put together a better look from old clothes. Jenni deserved to go, but so did Erin, Dexter and Nathalia.
  25. This was fun...I really enjoyed that. Taylor is such an entitled ass...but he is so annoyingly dumb, that taking out Jay or Michelle was the smarter move. That said, whoever settled on Michelle and gathered the rest of the votes was smart...we know what a player Michelle is...those on the island I think do not. Shut up Adam...i have heard enough from you. That said, I was still yelling at him to play the idol...I really thought his number was up. And when I am wrong, I so enjoy it. Jay is not charming to me...smarter than Taylor, which is not saying much, but who is with him now...Taylor, Will and... I am loving Ken, and I have warmed to Chris. And who would have guessed Brett and Sunday still there, and Jessica showing major strength. Me, I am enjoying this season.
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