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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Assuming that Bethy wrote or spoke this line herself...could she be any more divorced from her own reality? Just watching her on Reunion 1 &2, it is so clear that this is an angry, resentful woman, ever on attack mode, prone to black-out rampages and hints of physical violence. "Love yourself"??...this woman appears not to have any center, but is constantly engaged in fending off perceived slights, eagerly looking for any weakness in those around her to ridicule, mock or attack. Truly, love has nothing to do with this woman.
  2. The sister-in-law was Terry DeFalco, who is a well-known ghost-writer in publishing, who asked the questions and recorded the answers. If you think there is any similarity in the writing in What Remains, and anything that actually has Carole's hand on it...well, it's a free country and you can believe what you want.
  3. That is how an "as told to book" is put together. That she has no gift for written language is evident in her blog posts. Besides her constant grammar mistakes, her writing is broken and stilted in construction. She simply is not a writer, but any definition. That her publisher handed over the tapes to be edited and polished by a professional is standard operating procedure for someone with an interesting story that can be marketed, but who does not have the skills to produce the work herself. Yes, it is "her" story, but the person who did the work shaping the story in book form often is willing to forgo a byline in exchange for money. A famous example currently is Donald Trump who never wrote "The Art of the Deal"...the man who did was willing to write it and forgo a byline in exchange for a cut of the profits. Celebrity books are usually produced in exactly this way. And yes, Aviva was right.
  4. Chief Evangelist?? Really. His deal is his "banks" provide advance funding for structured settlements, at an enormous discount. Most structured settlements are pro-rated over decades...say 20 or 30 years. The recipient gets a monthly check...but has no way to access the total amount awarded. Since many are victims of horrific auto accidents, or medical malpractice, and have to wait for the settlement to be finished, they are often unable to work and in dire financial straits. So, vultures like Shields and Company swoop in, offering a large cash amount in exchange for the total settlement. The discounts are enormous...sometimes they grab 40 or 50% of the total, the ruthless even more. It is telling that these operators are held in even lower esteem by Wall Street than the payday loan hyenas. JG Wentworth and Peachtree Funding are major players in this as well.
  5. Even the desperate Sonja and Ramona have no interest in Dennis, the Undivorced. Bethy has no competition at all for her man. While they were lining up for Tom. The married guy with the scar-crossed skull is all hers. What a prize.
  6. That clip of Bethy and Carole just ditching Jules after visiting her home was despicable and mirrors their behavior at Dorinda's house. Neither of them have any manners...they are a perfectly trashy pair. I just don't think Carole is very bright. And I do think that her book was ghostwritten...she simply does not use language well. Her blog is full of grammatical mistakes and witless retorts. And that scene with her former editor was telling...she just doesn't have feel for the style or rhythm of good writing. Aviva was right on that one...it was a "as told to" book effort. Someone edited and polished her memories...and took the cash to forgo a byline. I wish someone clever would make a gif of Bethy rolling her eyeballs...she did that a zillion times. I guess she figures Adderall is a scrip drug and that leaves her in the clear. And Dennis thinks her foul-mouthed rampages are funny...marriage to Bethy should be a laugh-riot.
  7. Why would Bethy's mom want to meet her after 15 years? Has she not seen what her daughter has become? Does she think this will be a pleasant reunion? Bethy will be riding a hellfire missile, aiming straight for mom...hoping to annihilate her. Just say no, mom.
  8. Dorinda for the win...telling Carole she was old enough to be Jules' mom. And it's true. The only ones making age shaming comments are Bethy and Carole...both under the delusion that they are still younger than springtime. And no, Carole, you are not in the same generation as Jules. With an 18 year age difference, Jules is in an entirely different cohort. Being well past 50 myself, you gotta love it. Most of the crazy is behind you, and finally, you have a sense of who you are and what you love. Bethy thinks reunion means show and tell...after her phone call with some ditz claiming to be her lover's daughter, she has a little video of herself crying over some empty apartment. Yeah, very moving.Probably remembering all the good times screaming at Jason. She probably misses the divorce...four years of endless fighting, what could be better for our Beth. Jules is just gorgeous...and she presented herself with dignity. Loved Dorinda standing for her as well. Ramona is a geriatric adolescent. Her evidence is some initials she wrote on her palm?? Is this being filmed in a mental ward? And Sonja...STFU. If you want more than a hook-up, then change your game plan. Lu is actually having a life...whether anyone approves or not...good for her. Carole, Sonja and Ramona got nothing. Bethy is just her ugly self. Dorinda would be fun to know, and Jules is doing fine.
  9. I have seen her in person, in the lobby of the coop she was renting on the Upper West Side, and yes, she is very good looking...though she is not skinny or emaciated. And yes, she has something, your eyes are drawn to her. I can see men would follow her around. That would be enough to set off a lot of resentment and jealousy in other women her age or younger.
  10. The point is that Bethy has branded herself The Skinny Girl and she's going to cling to that brand for all she's worth...even if it means swilling chemicals in the brew and watering down the tequila. And hey, do not mention eating disorders or Adderall in her presence. But feel free to insult anyone within hearing, and make criminal accusations of drug use. Because, hey, she's The Skinny Girl.
  11. This. And clearly Bethy wants to erase the porno films she made in LA in her twenties. Or the expensive boarding school she attended. And a great deal else. She's created a narrative for herself that is heavily edited, and by omission, dishonest.
  12. And Andy by the way. He likes to maintain his jovial demeanor on screen, but I have no doubt he is as ruthless as Bethy. Of all those involved, those two strike me as being soulmates. They are willing to scrap with each other over money and show running, but they are on the same page essentially. Andy has demonstrated this season his utter contempt for women, and Bethy her more generalized contempt for everyone. I think he's simply surprised that his little front woman is now exposed as the cruel creature that she is...and the audience is not amused.
  13. Personally, I think Bravo has done its best to give Beth the best edit it can...what has been shown is what Andy can salvage from the season. I expect that to be true to the upcoming reunion footage as well. After her Berkshires rampage, and the hideous why she tried to undermine Lu's private life, was anyone surprised that she ramped it up further by throwing out drug accusations, calling the daughter of her lover to confirm the start of her affair with a still married man, and standing up and threatening Lu all the while her her eyes seemed to be fixed in an thousand-yard prison stare. Lu is the only one who is willing to stand up to this harridan. The others are intimidated...not simply because of their paychecks, but because I suspect they know once on her bad side, she will stop at nothing to go after them...and she now has the money and resources to make good on that.
  14. Good question? Is this Andy's doing? Does he hate women so much that watching a group descend into such hellish mire amuse him? I may be wrong, but didn't Bethy admit she goes into black-out rages, that her rampages are beyond her control? I'm amazed that anyone wants to line up and use her SG logo on their products...do they really think there is value there?
  15. I saw zooeysmom's poll...and though I loathe Bethy, I really want only Carole to be axed. Reason...I would like to see Bethy continue to twist in the wind. I would encourage her to continue to be her hateful, ugly self. And I would like to see her without her lapdog for support. I suspect if Carole takes a fall, the other howives will not be so frightened of Bethy, and we might have a real show again.
  16. Carole's late husband refused the title, which was merely a courtesy title anyways, which means Carole is not and never was a princess, even of the courtesy title variety. She could call herself the Queen of Romania if she wants to...it's a free country, but calling herself that will not make it so.
  17. Agreed. Why wouldn't a good plastic surgeon urge someone that thin to consider proportion when buying implants? Admittedly, I don't like her, but she would look so much better with implants that were smaller and not so high on her chest wall. She's got that Fox female anchor look...as if she has been remade to suit Roger Ailes.
  18. Shaving her jaw really did improve her looks. But redoing her nose? The old one wasn't that bad. Of course, sometimes a person needs to rebuild their nose when too much snow causes it to begin collapsing. Of course, I am sure that is not true of this purveyor of tequila mixed with chemical swill. In fact, no matter how many people might think that, I am sure it is just a terrible, terrible rumor. After all, Frankel would never accuse anyone of something she is doing, would she? That would be so out of character, I am surprised anyone might think that. Really.
  19. I hope Dorinda does not let this rest This is incredibly damaging, and will haunt her, and could very possibly damage his business. I sincerely hope she has contacted her lawyers. Bethy is spraying not just poison, but making criminal allegations on national television. Bravo by the way is complicit in that this is not a live show...they have the power to edit the footage and they chose to include this. Sue the bitch. And take Sonja with her. Like I said...this is the time to contact the lawyers...criminal allegations have been made and continue to be made. Clear your name and protect John's business...sue the bitches.
  20. Say what you will about John, I like Dorinda for defending her man. It's her choice, and it is no one's business. And, before you slap John, we have not had the pleasure of meeting Dennis...he of the scar-crossed skull. We do know that he is banging Bethy while not having filed for divorce and that he is chill with pimping out his daughter on national TV to cover his cheating ass. In comparison, John looks like a gentleman of the old school.
  21. Respectfully, I disagree. She denies that her boyfriend is married, which he is, and announces she has a "time stamp" that proves she was just seeing him, not sleeping with him. To back this up, she hits her phone with a pre-arranged call, not bothering even to greet the alleged daughter, but has her launch into her script. And you think this is believable? The husband/father apparently gives zero fucks, though one might expect even a cheating husband to be a little more protective of his daughter...but, not this family. If Bethy wanted to prove anything, why not call the wife...she is an adult, and could speak for herself.
  22. Assuming that the person on the phone was in fact the daughter. Do we have any evidence of that? Bethy wouldn't use her name, held the phone so that no one could read the number, and simply announced that said voice was the daughter. Since it was clearly a pre-arranged call, probably scripted, why the reluctance to provide confirming details? Bethy's already used the daughter, or the daughter's name, presumably her father doesn't care, the mother either doesn't know or care, and the daughter, if real, is happy to double-cross her mother. Strange people, these.
  23. Over on Lipstick Alley, they have the details on the Tom/Regency reveal, sourced from a closed group on Facebook called bitch sash...said that the production crew was at the Regency having drinks, and after the crew needed for Miami left, the ones still there caught Tom with some chick at the bar and took pictures. It was the producers who involved Bethy, and she spent the day of the yacht party negotiating with Bravo for production credit before doing her number on Lu. The interns were pressed to go back to the Regency and interview bartenders and waiters for times and details, as per Bethy's demand that she needed details to back up her story. http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php/1075880-Real-Housewives-of-NYC-Season-8-Reunion-Thread/page8
  24. Dorinda needs to reopen the drug question...just for the sake of her own reputation. Demand that Bethy explain herself and provide some proof for her attack. That I would not let rest. It is something that will haunt Dorinda down the road. And I would go for Sonja as well.
  25. Assuming it was the daughter. Who knows, could have been a Bethy employee told to read her lines. Paging Mr. Cohen...why not ask the age of said daughter? Or if Bethy would like her daughter dragged into a fight between howives? And, before Sonja opened her big mouth, there was a nice lawsuit on the table, just waiting for Bethy. Of course, she got her slander on TV without a shred of backup or evidence. Ugly business, but par for the course for Bethy. I am enjoying Lu silencing Carole. And using the Polish pronunciation of Radziwill.
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