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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. I think Olenna would have no interest in supporting the invading army beyond smashing Cersei and the Lannister army. Her interest is, as she stated, is simply revenge. She despises Dorne, her alliance with Ellaria, a low-born mistress/killer, is one of temporary convenience. And a long-term alliance with the loathed Iron Islands...again, short-term at best. On the show, they have been careful to describe Highgarden as having no legitimate surviving heirs. And in the true spirit of Westerosi Great Houses...I doubt she gives a damn who lives or dies as long as she sees the utter destruction of the Lannisters...in KL and I assume at Casterly Rock. And winter is moving south...how the Iron islanders will fare is open to question..the Dothraki have never seen snow...not have the Unsullied. It ain't a sure win for Danaerys, though she seems to have the numbers.
  2. Love your post. Olenna is onboard for revenge...the food that Highgarden has been sending to KL is done. So Cersei faces terrified and possibly starving small folk in the city, though what is left of the nobility will not have easy access to food either. Cersei is big on revenge, not one for forward planning. The Dothraki are fearsome, but not really disciplined, and like the Iron Islanders, are rapists and pillagers. It's not clear what kind of army Dorne will bring to the party...hopefully with more skills than the Sand Snakes. And the weather is seriously against them...surprising that Tyrion never mentioned that...or any discussion of how to feed and supply this invading army. All of Danaery's fine talk of freeing the people will be of scant comfort to the people of Westeros who, having endured years of war, and now Cersei are about to be overrun by a scavenging army while a thousand-year winter arrives. What's left of the Tyrell army and the Lannister forces are still there...I'm guessing that Randyll Tarly, mentioned by Stannis himself as the best general in Westeros will rouse himself and take charge of the Tyrell forces...and that a disillusioned Jaime joins him with the Lannister army to fight the invaders. And in Dorne, are we supposed to believe that a mistress of Oberyn, having murdered Prince Doran, will now be able to rouse the noble houses and knights to fight on her command? In the acutely class conscious world of Westeros, I would expect some resistance to that. It's true that Dorne has food, so maybe Deanery's is heading there first, not to KL. From this perspective, it looks as if Deanery's is bringing more death and misery to Westeros, not liberation.
  3. Ramona trying to coach Luann on how to "handle" Bethenny and Carole...all the fun of watching a mark try to school a player. Bethenny and her stained pillow...it's show and tell, just like in elementary school. And handing a blood-soaked item to her driver was potentially dangerous to his health, as well as revolting. No employee should be put in that position. Jules has a serious health issue. Eating disorders are not a matter for snark or nasty gossip. Watch old Beth spinning her fibroid story for all the sympathy she can garner, while mocking Jules. Yet another example of why no decent person would wish a friendship with this bitch.
  4. Lu for the win. On screen for less than 10 minutes, and she owns the show. The more time the show gives Beth the more she hangs herself. You have no friends lady because you lack an empathetic or kind bone in your body. So, you lack family...you're an adult. Others in your situation have made close connections to a small group of lifelong friends. Try to be a sincere friend to one person, see if you can manage that. If successful, expand your friend list to two. And know that your daughter will be lacking family as well unless you mend your fences with your in-laws, who clearly adore the child. So, what matters more, your concerns about your money, or your daughter having access to loving family?
  5. On a rewatch, just a couple of small things. Of course, Edmure is back in the cells, and Jaime Lannister's lie about his having a baby was just that...a lie. If Edmure hadn't believed Jaime, the Blackfish could have withstood a siege for 2 years, nicely tying up Lannister forces...and Jaime would have missed his sister's coronation. I guess he deduced that Tommen was dead...but he looked as if mourning his last living son was not his priority. I don't think there's any question that Sansa objects to Jon being KiTN, her concerns center around Littlefinger. As she surmised that Ramsay would pull a sadistic stunt to drive Jon off his battle plan, she also knows that Littlefinger is an entirely ruthless opponent, who kills easily. She was a witness to two of his murders...Dontos and Lysa...both offed after they had served his purpose. Her strength is that she knows Littlefinger, and how dangerous he is. Jon has battlefield experience, most especially with the NK at Hardhome, but his political skills are undergirded by decency and trust...Sansa is far beyond that, she knows power politics, and how truly vicious the players can be. And the music...just wonderful, especially for the scenes in KIng's Landing. And hooray for Michele Clapton...especially Cerise's battle/coronation dress. And with worthless Walder finally dead, and his two heirs, who inherits the Twins. None of his army of off-spring seem intelligent or even clean...with any luck, the Frey litter might start fighting amongst each other...would be nice to see House Frey go down in flames.
  6. Darius and Ruby are adorable together, and I think Ruby is totally on board with winning. She is not going to be happy to lose to Chantal or to Beth Ann, the confederate flag wearing southerner. And no, I do not think Quinn would care what happens to Darius' back, or his career, or his future, as long as there is great footage to be had...and her blatant ruthlessness is why I like her. Rachel's manipulations are, when successful, are cloaked in faux concern. She has the advantage of the doctor's opinion that it would take very little would to leave Darius in a wheelchair...but it's not enough to stop her from talking him into the epidural and using wet-eye sincerity to sell him down the river. This is the underhanded, conniving ruthlessness that she owns. When she tries clumsy seduction, it's an outright fail. And of course, you can count on Quinn stomping on the thin ice on which Rachel stands. That both Rachel and Quinn are boxed in by the largely useless men who hold the money and power...Chet, Gary and Coleman...I find it hard to hold their actions against them. It's a mean world out there in reality TV.
  7. After Arya sliced old Walder's throat, did she think to free Edmure, who'd been clapped back in the cells again? Or will she let him rot? He is a Tully, after all.
  8. The face-off between Mel and Davos was beautifully done. Davos was so very real in his grief and anger, and even Mel was not the one-note omniscience that she likes to play...she seemed truly frightened for once...especially meeting Jon's eyes. Banishment, but not execution...well done Jon. Do not repeat Robb's mistakes, but do not let a child's murder pass. Tormund had one line, and owned it. Manderly minus his pies was diminished, but I liked that Cerwyn, having watched his parents being flayed, was still hesitant to embrace Jon. Fear cripples some people, and a traumatized young Cerwyn was believable. We saw nothing of the chaos of the Daothraki invasion of Meeren, just the serenity of the Queen's pyramid. Will Dario and the second sons hang around to rule the place...who knows, and finally, who cares. No more Meeren. Jon may now be king, but I suspect the next battle in the north will be tween Littlefinger and Sansa...they are both scoping each other out. The teacher vs the student. That's the real power play. As for the valonquar...there's the obvious, Jaime. But there is also the Hound, Euron, and is Viserion the younger brother of Drogon?
  9. Just because it's Sunday and I am waiting for the finale...if anyone missed this, it is too funny...Leslie Jones from SNL and Seth Meyers watching highlights from Battle of the Bastards, not to be missed. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/entertainthis/2016/06/24/game-of-thrones-leslie-jones-seth-meyers/86329026/
  10. Pam, Dogs in NYC live charmed lives, as long as they have caring owners. On the west side where I live, there are 3 big dog runs in Riverside Park, and off leash hours before 9am and after 9pm, when the park is filled with dogs and owners running along the river and thru the grass. And, the sidewalks in NY are remarkably clean, as the poop law is enforced, both by the cops,but mostly by peer pressure from other dog owners.
  11. The doggie wedding was to give the wives something to do....and to suggest despite all evidence, that these are warm, caring women. Using living creatures and forcing them to play dress up is just wrong. There are events all over NYC to promote dog health and welfare, among them Cancer Walks, where owners and dogs walk a designated route with sponsors... the one I join each year always raises more than 100k. Staging this event which undermined a dog's natural dignity, and still raised only a measly 10k....epic fail. So this is supposed to be entertainment...one harridan acting as if fibroids were a terminal cancer diagnosis, a tedious princess demonstrating the boredom that is her life, and a newcomer with a imminent divorce from a husband whose fortune was built on a porn website. Other than Lu providing a master class in how to handle a domineering, screeching bitch, what is there to amuse or divert the audience? Probably long since time to cut this show loose.
  12. So Martha shunned Bethenny ...score one for Martha, once again demonstrating sound judgement. Would anyone want to cultivate an acquaintance with that screeching harridan? After her rampage at Dorinda's home, she seems to be using her health issues as a way to deflect viewer revulsion. So, she has heath concerns...she has money, so find medical attention and deal with it. I have no doubt that she would be dismissive of any other housewife with a similar issue. Skipping the undereye concealer and looking sad is a little too studied. I loathe this woman.
  13. Just two thoughts...when Sansa said, "no one can protect us" did anyone think of Arya? And when Jaime said last episode, "girls like Sansa don't tend to live very long"...foreshadowing, or just that Jaime has not met the now experience-hardened Sansa?
  14. On a rewatch, the scenes between Jon and Sansa were pretty tense. Sansa calling out Jon for not asking her advice on how to deal with Ramsay...she did point out that she knew the man, knew how he liked to bait and trap people, an insight that Jon largely brushed aside. Her statement that no one could protect anyone...and her distrust of Jon's assurance that he had fought and won against tougher opponents/odds was much more apparent than on first watching. She really doesn't know Jon, but life and experience has taught her that depending on anyone else for help is likely to cost her terribly. Jon is talking to her as if she is still the girl he knew at Winterfell, badly treated, but still a vulnerable girl. Sansa is demonstrating that she can handle things on her own...in fact not telling Jon, since he fails to treat her as an equal, is her response. I think she did know that Littlefinger and the Vale army were in the vicinity...but she was weighing the price that Littlefinger would charge for his help. Jon's reluctance to treat her as an equal pushed her into riding off and making the deal with LF on her own.
  15. True to form, Ramsay the sadist was a coward. He backed off the one on one challenge from Jon, he spent the lives of the Karstark and Umber men so their corpses would form part of his wall, and when the Vale cavalry arrived, he quit the battle and ran along back to Winterfell. Might even have been safe for a bit, but for Wun Wun punching thru the gate. Loved the wildlings overrunning the Bolton garrison. There were so many great moments...Tormund ripping out Umber's throat with his teeth, Jon almost suffocating under the weight of the dead, Lyanna Mormont as fierce as any commander, and the great overhead shots of the encircling strategy of the Bolton forces...really wonderfully done. As for Jon whirling and slicing thru the enemy while covered in dirt and blood....the man rivals Ragnar Lothbrok.
  16. I think it is a financial concern, more than anything else. Her finance may be a nice guy for all anyone really knows...but he is from a very rich family. She's living at Sonja's house...apparently without heat. i think she is squeezed for cash. And yes, all of these women seem to crave the attention, despite the attendant humiliations involved. But, since we are playing an aging adult version of mean girls...no one wants to be publicly outmaneuvered and driven from the herd. Some of this is just very sad..newcomer Jules is onboard just in time to be publicly dumped by her husband. On another note, it is odd to me that Beth's spirit animal Carole has not learned from her mentor how to work the show to her advantage...if she would write her essays or her novel..she could leverage the show to drive some sales. The cookbook idea would need better foodie cred...and Adam in the kitchen is not compelling.
  17. Calling these women "wives" is a misnomer. You have widows, you have divorcees and the soon to be dumped. Not a housewife in the crew. I do have the producers ditch Carole..she is beyond tedious. A sixty-year old widow who fosters cats is very sweet...but not for this show. She is clearly fostering her boy-chef, while pretending to write a cookbook. Of course, she has blown off her deadlines for contracted books, showing utter disregard for her editor and publishing house, while snagging a good chunk of the advance. And trying to hold onto her grudge against Luann a year later is simply sad for her. Woman has nothing real happening in her life. Since Bravo is giving Beth the sweetheart edit, it is amazing that she shows herself such a vulgar, angry bitch. Imagine what the editors left on the cutting room floor. She is clearly threatened by Luann...but why? Old Beth has the money, the success, the kid, the apartment and the Hamptons house...yet, she is to the bone ugly, adding meth head to her attacks on Lu, after last weeks "whore, slut, whose" chorus. Must be the realization when she wakes every morning, that yes, she is still Bethenny, and there is no escape.
  18. The Freys hold Riverrun and will take Edmure as captive, once again. Though I expect them to execute him as he has outlived his usefulness to them. The Lannister cells are in Casterly Rock, and no one is going to transport him there. The cells in KL are in the Sparrow's charge, so no chance of Jaime taking Edmure there. There was no evidence of any baby, or toddler as it has been a couple of years, no evidence that Roslyn ever gave birth. Jaime got his quick surrender from a weak Edmure by channeling Tywin, and like Twyin, has no further interest in his victim's future.
  19. You are not a pessimist, you're a realist. Edmure, admittedly weakened by a few years in a Frey dungeon, was an exhausted, broken man, and as we saw earlier, in his dealings with Blackfish and Robb over his quick marriage to a Frey girl, easily bullied. There was no advantage to be had, only his hopes...but the Freys have no reason to keep him alive, he has no value now as a hostage. Jaime blew smoke with a talk of some baby, with no evidence that such a child exits. The reality of what he did was the soldier who insisted on allowing Edmure to enter the castle as the rightful lord...and the look of horror on his face when he realized a total surrender was on the agenda...Edmure is toast, as is the Tully garrison in the castle, and the Frey armies will loot the villages and towns dependent on the Tully's as payment, as is medieval tradition. The Blackfish could have withstood a 2 year siege, while Jaime has an urgent need to return to KL and Cersei, where the situation is deteriorating and her trial is upcoming. Even with an all out attack, a well-defended castle would have cost the Frey and Lannister armies dearly. And why not...if death is on the agenda, make your enemies pay dearly, don't just quietly lay down for the slaughter.
  20. Eyes High, If that summary is accurate, it looks like Cersei survives. If so, where on earth does she go? Back to Casterly Rock? With the Mountain and Qyburn in tow? Jaime is presumably heading back to Kings Landing...does he not get there in time for the wildfire? I hadn't thought about where/or what Cersei's plans for herself would be...maybe Jamie and she meet on the road leading out of KL.
  21. This. It was terrible writing. No explanation of where the money came from, no explanation of her sudden, swaggering confidence. All of this put at odds her declaration later to Jaquen that she is not no one, "I am Arya Stark". There was no dramatic payoff since she had already made this decision. And, just as Lady Crane became interesting, she was summarily killed off...whatever potion she was reaching for left unexplained. Arya's wounds would have left her unable to walk, let alone swim, walk, enter a building and hide herself. She would have long-since bled out. Whatever magical arts Lady Crane may have possessed to render Arya fighting fit were left hanging..or Arya has super Stark genetics. If we are to believe in magical healing, then finish the thought...if Arya is immune to human frailties as a Stark, then finish the thought.The Bravos arc was disappointing, but this was a serious hash of an ending.
  22. When a siege collapses, the Lannister/Frey would be forced to withdraw. That is a win. And keeping the Lannister army tied up at Riverrun while things go to hell for Cersei in KL is a win for the Blackfish. Jaime clearly knows he has a short time to get this done. Cerise is a dead woman if he can't bring the Lannister forces back to the outskirts of KL before her trial. The Tryell forces presumably still there will not lift a finger on her behalf. Brienne simply does not know what is going on in King's Landing, or the urgency of Jamie ending this siege quickly. She's working without significant info on Jaime's motivations.
  23. She won't. Edmure has no value as a hostage to the Freys now that they have Riverrun, so he's a dead man. There is no evidence that any baby exists, just Jaime blowing smoke, and since she is a Frey, the god have already cursed her.
  24. The Blackfish had two years or food on hand...he could outlast a siege. Plenty of sieges failed...disease begins to run thru siege camps...especially what was known as the "bloody flux"...highly contagious intestinal disease. The poster above mentioned Henry V111, one of his efforts in France collapsed, despite superior numbers and arms as his army was ravaged with disease. And time was on the Blackfish's side...the situation in KL is so unstable with the Sparrows and Cersie's trial, that Jaime himself would not stay 2 years to take the castle. The Blackfish taunted him about the time factor. There is no evidence that any baby exists...Edmure is clearly shocked when Jaime lays that on him...and a weak and physically weakened man chose to buy Jamie's lies, and knew they were lies as he did so. He sold out his uncle, his uncle's men and all the peasants who depend on the Tullys. They will find no mercy from the Freys. That is the cost of surrender.
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