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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. I am also, for the record, disappointed that no one has posted photos of Beffy's married lover...are they wandering around with paper bags over their heads? And, how about his high school yearbook...no photos of her twu luv and his now-dumped wife? I am a moron at this sort of thing, but there are clever folks for whom this should be a walk in the park. We could do a little photo-shopping and post them on Ramona's Instagram site or similar. Could be fun to get the old moaner in action on this one.
  2. Too funny. And for all the revolting talk about bleeding buckets, and blood-stained pillows, and bleeding from every orifice, I am disappointed that there has been no announcement of Skinnygirl sanitary pads. Gee, what a marketing opportunity lost. Maybe she is holding out for a deal with Depends.
  3. Seriously, this. Bethy's deal with Andy is to function as a one woman Greek chorus...commenting endlessly on Lu while her own life and privacy are protected. And the harridan always has some "anonymous" friend who just heard some juicy gossip about Lu that the world needs to know. I commend Lu for her restraint...I myself would be tempted to slug the bitch in her botoxed jaw. May karma find her and bust a cap in her ass.
  4. Seriously, he's done. Sonja gave him a ride a few times and even as a player, he could not stand Ramona for more than dinner. So he has Lu...his best option. Dorinda is with John, which is already off-putting, Carole has no sexual vibe at all, which is why she is seated at the children's table, and that leaves Beth who is already screwing a married man while bleeding buckets. Even a player might balk at a night in the sack amid a sea of blood. He may be a player, but he is also a business man..no way does he go near Jules, at least until her messy upcoming divorce is final, no need to be dragged into that. So much for wanting to bang all the howives.
  5. I would just like to note that these women are being entertained on a fabulous yacht, with staff, including a chef and a hairdresser, with drinks and food at hand, with glorious weather, and yet as guests they are catty, backbiting and utter ingrates. Feeling especially worn down by a hard week at work, I was just struck by how little awareness they had of their great good luck. Not one of them had even the most marginal courtesy towards their hostess...I'd like to suggest that Lu toss these hos overboard, and invite some of us to join her.
  6. Sonja wearing a dress better suited to a brothel madam. And having the sadz because her occasional hookup met someone he really liked. Cheer up Sonja, maybe another of your hookups will suddenly decide you are the love of his life. Not. And the horrific Ramona...I think the Bravo cameramen really dislike her...her talking heads with the skanky extensions and what looks like red eye makeup make her look her worst. Of course, she is just an aging floozy with a poisonous attitude, so maybe her THs are truth in television. And old Beth...with her vicious "concern" over Lu's relationship...chick claims she has health issues, and cannot wait to throw one party after another, between vacation jaunts. Has she any idea of how callous and crude her THs are? Has she no self-awareness at all? Maybe if you drink enough Skinny Girl, all the chemical swill addles you. Skinny Girl and Bethy...now there's a toxic brew.
  7. Lu is happy, therefore Beth must destroy her...she is drawn to destroying another's happiness like a heat-seeking missile. And she is just as unthinking and uncaring. She has been vile all season, but it has now escalated to the point that I truly think she has sociopathic tendencies. This sort of vicious cruelty, carried on over months, is not simply a divorced harpy looking for attention, but someone who has unleashed her own inner furies. I think she is becoming dangerous. I would keep a lot of physical distance from this woman, and I hope Lu does as well. Since neither Andy nor Suntory, her corporate owner, are applying any brakes, I hope Lu is being careful of her surroundings, and makes sure that Beth is not in the vicinity for her own safety.
  8. That's it in a nutshell. And it is the writing, not the actors that is the source of the trouble. The big Rachel reveal was unnecessary...it was enough that we knew that Rachel was emotionally unstable, and that that very instability gave her a laser-like insight into the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the various bachelorettes. And in partnership with Quinn, a ruthless willingness to exploit those weaknesses. Around that premise was a hard edged willingness to accept the costs involved. Quinn's personal life was a mess, so was Rachel's attempts at relationships...business and romantic. Everyone else involved was also equipped with enough ambition and moral relativism to keep pushing the envelope. There was no sentimentality just a cold-eyed realism...with plenty of black humor to boot. Since it is a work-related show, we don't need to have insight into their family or childhood dynamics...we don't have those at work either with our colleagues. Instead, we work with what we see, and what we see our work colleagues do...and from that, guess our own best strategies. That's what made the first season work...everyone was in the game, event the most unlikely players.
  9. Agreed, but still a distance from the first season. Finally the reveal on the source of Rachel's fragility, and that Coleman is just the narcissistic dick that he first appeared to be. Quinn going toe to toe with Rachel's mom was fun, Ruby blowing off Darius, and Jay laying down some hard facts to Darius was like the old UnREal. Not so cool...Romeo is shot, but he is ok?? The cops have the evidence, but have agreed to sit on it? How likely is this? Another poster called Yael as a reporter, so props for that. And Tiffany is an odd duck...she's gorgeous, rich, smart and well-connected and she's on a reality dating show and, in between events, is anybody's baby? Really? Possible, but there's no reason why, except plot. Too much sad, not enough snark and backstabbing. Jameson the cop had some game, but she was offed just as she started to show some spark. And did Adam just head back to Westeros? They have a lot of pieces flying around, but but it hasn't really come together.
  10. This is a very good point. Naz is Muslim, and the show has not shied away from keeping that in focus. Stone knows how this will play in the tabloids, since it was a particularly gruesome murder, and in a well-to-do community on the West Side. Crowe certainly knows, as her "prop" associate attorney can attest. Even Freddy, in prison, has a view on the subject. There are others who may find it useful to exploit that. It may be another fact that helps the actual murder get lost in the shuffle, to quote Neurochick.
  11. No lawyer works for free. A murder one case...50k did not sound like much. Talking money upfront with his parents was necessary...the alternative is Legal Aid, and they are underfunded and overloaded. Khan's parents do not have much ready cash...and the introduction to the criminal justice system is a brutal awakening, from the bored guards to the invasive if necessary body searches of visitors, to the costs involved. A lot of defendants on serious charges have no resources and must rely on Legal Aid... with no disrespect to Legal Aid lawyers, who do their best with incredibly limited resources. Judicial outcomes can be very different if you can afford to mount an extensive defense. That's a fact. The pro-bono attorney...I'm guessing this is a serious move for her...a high profile case, with lots of political overtones, and constant media attention. It could make her career...or catapult her into politics. Been done before. That's the big payoff she smells. Whether Khan is found innocent or guilty...she becomes a constant TV presence and that might be a win win for her. It's not only the young attorney who's a prop...it's Khan and his family and ultimately his community. No lawyer works for free...it's just how they collect that differs.
  12. I'm not sure about that. John has pure leadership qualities...in that men are willing to follow him into dangerous situations and trust his skill and ideas. As for verbally defending himself...well, he managed to negotiate twice with Mance, he made an ally of Tormund, he managed to make most of the wildilng leadership listen to him at Hardhome, he impressed Stannis, and he brought the doubting wildlings into the battle at Snowball. He may not put himself forward forcefully, but he can negotiate and turn enemies and rivals into allies. Not all of course, but he can be tough and unyielding as well...I am thinking of his clear orders to Janos Slynt, and his swinging the axe afterward.
  13. That was from a post I wrote on Jules letting a consultant and a film crew in to watch her daughter on the toilet. I found it an incredibly poor decision on Jules' part. it had nothing to do with Beth or her mother.
  14. I am with the brilliant poster film noire on this one. She calls Lu the OG of the franchise, who storms the place like a boss. True that. And I am sure that her happiness has made the other howives even more nutso than usual. Really, that photo of Tom and Lu from RadarOnLine shows a well-matched, happy couple. Good for both of them...and may their happiness increase. I mentioned a few weeks ago here that I used to see Lu in Riverside Park in my neighborhood on the Upper West Side when she was renting a coop here. And I found her, as she walked her dog with the rest of us dog folks, friendly but a little shy, not at all brassy or tough. She is also tall and very good looking. I was never a fan, but she made a very good impression on me. And the screech fest from Bethy and the rest is because Beth used her engagement and wedding as a way to get her own show...that it ended in a miserable divorce, is on her. That she wants to hide her current relationship, while bitching at Lu is also on Bethy. That Mario stuck it out with Ramona that long is amazing. I couldn't be around that woman for 10 minutes. And yes, Sonja, it is indeed possible to stay too long at the fair. I do think this franchise is winding down...the only highlights have been Lu going toe to toe with Beth, and shutting her down. With a marriage, why would Lu need this any more...she will have everything she wants...she can blow this pop stand.
  15. I'm with you on this...though I found the whole situation crass and exploitive for her young daughter, I was also shocked at the remarks of her young son. How is a child allowed to say that and not be disciplined? Worse, Jules laughed and thought it amusing. The editors did include a shot of the poor nanny working at the sink...she did not look charmed by the goings-on. If Jules does not want to pass along her issues to her daughter, then bringing in an outside consultant and an entire film crew is not a smart move. And just making a simple meal and eating with your children at a regular time...I thought that was pretty basic. their health, and gives the mom time to talk with her kids and to instill good manners. Or it used to.
  16. I'm sorry, now I'm confused. I was just stating that I am still stunned by the crassness of the potty training being shown on television. I did not think I was directly responding to anyone, just posting in the flow. I should not post before I have had enough coffee..sorry for any confusion I have caused.
  17. That assistant who was with Beth, giving her some sensible advice, is the clear winner. And Beth with her, "I don't want to disappoint my child" rap is beyond silly. And why would you inform your child that you bleed when you urinate? That info is more than a child should be asked to process. If someone is not well, you cancel a trip and focus on your health...simples. A child relies on a parent to make responsible decisions. And to withhold info that would be potentially frightening to a small child. Saying "Mommy does not feel well, so we will be staying home now, and doing our trip together later" would be sufficient.
  18. Adam is the least enthusiastic lover I have ever seen. He sits as far away from Carole as he can...and has that polite but slightly bored look men have when their mother's friends come to visit. Man, he is already done with her, but does Carole realize that? Maybe they are just playing this one out until the end of the season.
  19. I promise you that before that child finishes middle school, the other kids will be trolling her with videos of her on the toilet. Really, do these folks not remember anything about being a kid? has Jules no instinct to protect her child?
  20. I really felt for Jules' child in that episode. This is the kind of thing kids will hammer her daughter with in school...and yes, they will find it. Parents used to just embarrass their kids with shots of a naked baby on a rug...but this is unfair to the child. And, isn't this something a parent should manage together with her child...I've somewhat vague on this, but I recall from college psych 101 that toilet training is a big deal in child development...not a public spectacle. Of course, it turns out Jules is clueless on basic hygiene...I just can't with this. Sonja, at first trying to stop Ramona from getting into Tom's business, surprisingly showing some sense. But when jealousy stalks your soul, and you are at a party, try to keep your game face on...Sonja, major, major fail. Lu looked great and very happy. She also looks like she trusts her coworkers not at all, but she is willing to play along...which is good office politics. I would not trust any of these women either. I also suspect that Carole knows she is being hammered on social media, and is trying to make nice...and she made a decent show of it. But she bores me to tears, as does Andrew...and that any editor would waste time with her is somewhat surprising, but I suspect it is not the cookbook but the chance that a Howives tell-all or tie in possibility that makes said editor not want to drop her entirely. And spare me from Beth's talking heads...I just mute the sound and hope she goes away.
  21. Bus trips to local casinos...bore me to death. The Amazing Race had some great episodes in Argentina and Colombia...horses and cattle ranches, beaches, great food, beautiful colonial architecture. Or Chile...the ski resorts are some of the best in the world, and now is their season. Why is this group of housewives riding around on rented buses? I know folks with much more modest salaries who take more interesting, more adventurous trips. Lu and Sonja are up for anything, Jules would probably like to blow town, and Dorinda has game. Why not do something worth watching. Beth and Carole can grate cauliflower together and discuss fibroids in Manhattan.
  22. I don't understand the show now....Romeo is shot, and Darius had his back twisted dangerously, and we are supposed to be concerned about Rachel...who initiated the whole mess? Even if the Unreal was trying to show the lengths to which producers might go...by shifting the focus entirely on Rachel, and her sorry self, and ignoring the well being of Darius and Romeo...is this a story about sad, misunderstood TV producers? Really?? I am seriously confused and disappointed by the show.
  23. Beam, now Suntory, was promoting Skinnygirl as a drink for "ladies". Their term...cue Beth screaming fuckdoll, whore and whatnot in a holiday themed rampage. Again, where is the Suntory marketing department? They have real money invested in this...and supposedly Skinnygirl is still being run out of the Chicago office...are they not correlating falling sales with their brand spokesperson running amok on television?
  24. I was so hoping that this would be a 90 minute episode...like the Hound, I am totally invested in this show. Though it chills me...I have been a juror several times in the courthouse, and heard the "no bail, Rikers" call on a dozen cop shows. But until that van slowly entered the courtyard of Rikers, I never felt revulsion and fear. Every detail feels raw to me. Agreed, that the casting, the writing and the production are just enthralling. Really can't wait for next week.
  25. This is from 2014...explaining why sales tanked 26%...the last year that Beam, now owned by Suntory, released sales figures for Skinnygirl... "In explaining the reverse in fortunes, Chief Executive Officer Matthew Shattock said on conference calls last year that it was tough to cycle against “really explosive growth.” He blamed bad summer weather for hurting Skinnygirl’s sales, because it caused retailers to devote less display space to the brand, which is “three times more reliant on impulse purchases.” The whole ready-to-serve cocktail category, which makes up 60% of Skinnygirl’s sales, was hit by the unfavorable weather, he said. He remained optimistic on Skinnygirl though, saying that “calorie control cocktailing for women is an important concept,” and Frankel, who was on The Real Housewives of New York City, might help reinvigorate the brand with her new talk show. “Bethenny Frankel, our partner, will be coming back on the airwaves herself with her new daytime talk show, which I think will help inject the awareness and excitement that the brand needs,” he said at a conference sponsored by Barclays in September." Talk show tanked as well...so back on Rhony....any financial incentives apart from the upfront money are tied to sales...so, it's product placement in every episode.
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