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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Late to seeing this episode, but I am so over both Erin and Dexter. Yes, Erin you can make a coat, a big coat, and we know you will add some flash element to it...this time oversize pockets. And that is all you did. You contributed no thought to the team's overall presentation, no thought to the red/violet color assigned, and you took Corni's skirt, and then went off with your besti to laugh and eat chips. Not even an offer to help make a skirt to sub for the one you took from Corni. I would not have let you get away with that. But of course, Dexter was Mean Girl 2. His vest had armholes big enough for the sides of one's breasts to slide out, and was open to the navel. If it is a vest, why not make something to go under it. And the skirt was nothing...a pencil skirt in the same fabric. It was a nowhere look...not fully thought out, and all one color. The red stripe in the hair was lame. Both of you are just a nasty pair. And I do not like Cornelius. In fact, you were both so awful, that I was rooting for Corni, whom I do not like. Of course, neither of you liked being called out on your behavior...though why it was a surprise to you both baffles me. And Erin, shove it with your fake embrace of Corni; we get that you are not pleasant...so move on and decide how to make something besides a big coat.
  2. Great video, but I do think his earlier one, The North Remembers is still his best work. I am a Stark loyalist, but even so, to watch that family's arc thru his video is truly thrilling. If you haven't seen it, do watch it.
  3. Late to this, as I watched the series final, but it was a great, great tribal council. I really like Michaela, and in an actual survival situation, you would be glad to have her on board, but she said it herself in her first talking head...this face will show what I'm thinking. On this Survivor, that's a mistake. A big one. Upthread, someone mentioned Jeremy...and how he stayed in the shade of Joe and Spencer...he was not seen as a challenge threat until it was too late...though we in the audience were clear on that...many here called him for throwing challenges. Michaela would have done well to watch Jeremy's strategy and game play prior to her arrival on the island. Forget Jobs and Jordan, she should have studied the Jeremy playbook. And, being a wiseass will cost you. Her "bye, Felicia" was amusing, but expensive for her. Girlfriend is smart, but not shrewd. If Jay and Will think she is crazy smart, that's her mistake. So is too much leadership...this early, you've identified yourself and people want you gone. A strong physical game, but not a standout one, and a subtle social game will take you a long way. Hannah is still there. Ponder that, Michaela. Yeah, she's no threat, just a useful vote, but still, Hannah, the useless, is still on the island. This is how Survivor works.
  4. I was watching this tonight, and I was thinking that Maya and Petie, the junior designers, could have rocked this. That had mad skills, but also an innovative sense of design...and no, they did not simply repeat the same look/technique over and over. Not one of these adult designers is a patch on those two. Maybe the show should just can the adults, and concentrate on juniors. As for tonights designs...are you kidding me? Laurence who made a wonderful dress last week, presented a crotch dropped pant that made the poor model look as if she were wearing droopy diapers that were long past needing to be changed. As ugly as anything I have seen on Project...and again, a leather jacket. Yeah, we get it...you can make a leather jacket. Erin's was even worse...zero construction skills on display...and no sense of proportion in those shorts. That said, everyone else was also determined to make some lame-ass mess, and they did succeed.
  5. This is just my wag, but I think Ken and Michaela would be an awesome duo. Both are great at challenges, and Ken could soften Michaela's bluntness. It seems she's invested in being a millennial, but Ken offers her a lot more than Zeke or Jay. Girlfriend needs to wake up though, and take out Michelle. She is not your friend, and if you want that money, get rid of her now.
  6. Finally, the annoying fig is gone...and the doofus Taylor is plotting revenge. Oh goody. Since he looks as dumb as a box of rocks, this should be entertaining.
  7. So am I. Did he have a chance to take on the Al Smith dinner? I can't find anything...and Seth is my go-to guy.
  8. I join the chorus of love for Laurence's dress...as it came down the runway all I could think is that is exactly what I need in my life...and I rarely think that about PR efforts. Just flawlessly done...it was the perfect length, it hugged the body without being vulgar, it had movement at the legs...and the sleeves were wonderfully done. Perfect. But I am surprised that no one else loved Roberti's look. The dress was also well-fitted and I loved his choice of print. It was a clear break from black, and it was a standout, at least to me. If I can't have Laurence's dress, because of overwhelming demand, I would still be happy in Roberti's. Natalia lacks both sewing skills and taste...and that's a deadly combo. And Jenni's dress was badly made..the hem was uneven, crucial in a shift dress, and the underlying fabric looked cheap. The concept was ok, but the execution would need Laurence's skill and sense of proportion to really pull it off. That said, it was a little theatrical for Laurence, I suspect.
  9. David is a little weasel, but he is amusing to me, so glad he is still on the show. He reminds me a bit of Tai, but he tries hard to be a player, not a victim, so I enjoy him. Way to miss voting off the most dangerous player on your team, Michelle. Again, we have seen more of her, and seen her moves, but I was hoping to lose her. I just don't like her. The power couple are repellent, but I am still liking Adam, and Ken finally has a friend. Even Chris is more interesting, now that he has been separated from Brett...who seems increasingly useless. But Michaela...her saying that no one in her family had been able to hold onto success, was such a raw, insightful comment...and then watching her make fire, and nail the challenge...I want to see her go far. Really, that's a Survivor.
  10. Joe and Tre are a pair of criminals. Full stop. They were brazen enough to go on television and still expected to be just fine. Unlike a lot of criminals, they have been able to milk Bravo for plenty of cash to keep on living a pretty lush life. They have always hustled their kids in front of the cameras...and there is no way Bravo was not going to film a teary going away to the big house scene. All of these folks are essentially trailer trash...though that is unfair to decent people who live in mobile homes. i have zero sympathy for criminals, especially these two, who seem to be in total denial of any guilt. I still want to know if Joe is deported after he finishes his sentence...if he were Latino, there would be no doubt of his departure.
  11. Colbert, Oliver and Bee are working like crazy and I appreciate their efforts, but Seth is hitting it out of the ballpark.
  12. Not if I get there first. Joe is my major TV crush, I am still waiting for his return. I will reluctantly sacrifice Ken if you keep your hands off Joe.
  13. My Ken crush continues...I would have had the same reaction to Lucy...do not dictate to me, especially with a list of orders. This is not Stalag 17. And is Jessica as dumb as a rock? Could she not have sidled up to someone else...say Dave, and scoped out the situation? If she's an ADA, I figure the defense lawyers have a better than even chance of beating her in negotiations. I feel for CeCe...she just seemed stunned by the game play...and she is rarely brought into the scheming. She is loyal though to Ken and Dave, and she did fight hard in the first challenge. Chris, though, is intensely valuable in physical challenges...and he still carries a big grudge...I still think he and Bret will off Jessica if they get a chance. Lucy deserved the boot...her ethnicity had nothing to do with it.
  14. Now that was a great tribal...totally seemed up in the air. My guess was the smart move was to off Jessica, and sort out the tribe later...but Dave's move was a surprise. Jessica is an idiot but Lucy is not a tiger mom...she's a born dictator. And her explanation...it works at home, it should work here won't fly...presumably your family loves you and your coworkers have no choice. At tribal...it is all about choice. Not so smart, Lucy.
  15. I don't care who the sponsor is...but an inarticulate pretty boy, who seems to have no discernible relationship with design, is an epic fail. You could put an architect or an interior designer in his place and have a better insight into proportion and color. Does everything have to be dumbed down to the lowest possible level? I was always amazed that a show shot in NYC never asked the great photog Bill Cunningham to stop by...especially when they do their "average women designs". He was the master of spotting street fashion...on women and men of all ages and sizes. He is missed. But Runway could at least try...this is NYC...their are design experts everywhere...how about the in-house designers for Tiffany or any other noteworthy NYC store?
  16. Not necessarily. My crush Joe was the killer in any physical challenge, and he was also the main food provider, but he was never brought into a tight alliance. Of course he was gorgeous , with a awesome bod. For the same reason that the poster above has such a negative view of a good-looking, skilled guy like Ken, the other gen-xers might have been resentful. Not one of the rest is a looker, and not one of them can catch a fish. And Joe was a nice guy...I'm betting Ken is as well.
  17. Ken is handsome, has abs for days, and is actually catching fish, and is good at the challenges. So, of course, the bros don't like him. Paul, the windbag is gone, but the other two are the kind of men who need to buddy-up to face the world. Ken is more independent, which is a threat to them. Plus, he does not seem to share their dismissive attitude towards the women in the tribe. David revealed himself to be a fool at strategy. He gave away too much information at the meet, while gathering none. He id'd the alpha male, and offered to ditch his whole tribe in return for a ride on their coattails. Which would tell me he has no loyalty, and is someone they can use and dispose of, without a second thought. Could he not attempt to find out how the power structure in the other tribe works, and id the weaker players there who might be good allies after the merge? Nope. My hopes are riding on Ken...and rooting for the ejection of Figgy and her doofus boyfriend.
  18. But can I say thank you to Gen-X for refusing to give the tadpoles fishing gear. Thank you. Go hungry you jerks.
  19. Now that was satisfying. Goodbye Paul, you oversized windbag. And the look on his two bros faces was priceless. What...the "girls" made a move? But, women are so dumb...how could they do that? Could not have made your contempt for the women on your tribe more obvious, Paul. And your two sidekicks are just as dumb.
  20. I think your post is insightful... I was a completely self-involved 19 year old, and even if high, I am reasonably sure I would notice my apt. door being wide open, and blood stains and more in the bathroom...enough that I would be cautious and look to see if anyone else was in the apt. It's possible that the difference is that Knox was high, and I was a drinker...or that she was simply socially more naive. But her other reactions were so off-kilter...singing to herself when tense, doing yoga moves while waiting to be interrogated by police, showing little affect when told her roommate was murdered...suggest to me more than self-involvement. I think it is reasonable to surmise she may be on the spectrum, and that her family is unaware, accepting instead of her "quirks" as normal. But to the rest of the world, she did not present well, her behavior opened her to suspicion, and I would like to include the simmering antagonism in Italy toward relatively privileged Americans. it all became a toxic brew. And yes, the Kircher's suffered a terrible loss. One of the horrible consequences of murder is that the dead are soon overlooked in the search for the killer. Knox has suffered as well, but she is still alive and well...Meredith was brutally killed and gone forever from her parents' lives.
  21. Roberti gets no love from the judges, possibly because he has real talent, and construction skills. His work was the best, but he is unable to spin a narrative with his outfit, which Erin can do so well, so he gets a lousy edit. Did not notice Nina's awful pants...thanks for the poster who pointed them out. I ask you, are they editorial? Are they fashion-forward? Do they reek of pop culture? Of course not, they look like mom jeans made for a school picnic. And that guest judge...thank you to the poster who identified her. Otherwise, who dat?
  22. Margherita's post is interesting, and offers something fresh about this awful case. Everyone seems to agree the local police bungled the investigation, and from there, it became a story about a relatively rich, beautiful American who committed murder and expected to get away with it. The Italian tabloids ran with this version of reality and it fed into a groundswell of antagonism about entitled Americans. You can still see this edge in British newspapers, which have sided with the Kirchner family and their certainty that Knox was guilty to some degree, though the forensic evidence does not support this. They display almost a primal resentment that Knox is alive and their daughter dead. The British tabloids, like the Italian, have made plenty of money from their Foxy Knoxy narrative. Amanda Knox herself does not present well, despite the angelic face, and that helped spin the belief that she was an apparent Madonna with the soul of the devil. That she may be on the spectrum, with reactions and behaviors that confused her interrogators, is something that I did not see brought up at trial. Why wouldn't her family engage a forensic psych with familiarity with autism to explain some of this. Is is not allowed in Italian trials? Or does her family consider her high-functioning and not wish to have her labeled as autistic? Thank you for that post.
  23. This is a fabulous idea. Truly. Mah-Jing, had he an inkling of your smarts, should have run with this. It would have been editorial, and pop culture, and whatever lame and dated criticism Nina chose to employ to describe it. Nina herself no longer offers any real criticism, she just adds these tags, as if they mean something to a designer. Earn your money, Nina, say something specific about proportion, color or fabric choices, construction, or design influences. It will not make you sound old, Nina, it will make you appear to know your subject and have some objective standards. And I could respect that.
  24. GaryB answered the inventory discrepancy...she multiplied retail price, instead of cost. Except that is wholly misleading, if not intentionally dishonest. How closely does Marcus look at the numbers provided by one of his potentials? And Max herself was not a pleasant TV presence. I have to hand it to Martha Stewart...who started this whole personal branding craze. Her products are usually good value...and her cookbooks have recipes that have been exhaustedly tested and work. She may be the front-runner, but she has assembled a great team. And her persona is accessible and pleasant. That link from speac above shows another wannabe, who styles herself, her home and her children, to move into personal branding. But she brings nothing new...she is at best bug-eyed and annoying, at worst, dishonest and reasonably stupid. Her husband looks unenthusiastic. And if you want to sell your overpriced stuff to the rich, to be used by foreign maids, get Trump to back your action. Leave Marcus alone.
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