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I only watched for about an hour today, but I'm fairly sure Brittany was in multiple rooms simultaneously talking a million miles an hour in each one.
So... going to out myself as too invested in multiple reality shows with this post, but Tara Kelly Music is getting herself some exposure all over the summer reality TV landscape. And amusingly, Ky has no clue that she already got some primetime exposure for herself. Basically, she was on the Bachelorette Men Tell All episode kissing one the men to prove he was a good kisser. https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/the-bachelorette-the-mystery-woman-connor-b-kissed-revealed-as-singer-tara-kelly/
Is Claire really tall, or are Britini and Alyssa really short? Or both I guess, lol.
Hi all! I feel weird commenting, because I'm mostly a lurker and rarely hop into the prayer closet. It feels somewhat like eavesdropping on a nearby table at a restaurant and jumping into their conversation... That being said, this is my expertise, and more people should know how it works, so I figured I would throw in my two cents. Small disclaimer about my expertise- I'm an occupational therapist who is also in upper management for a rehab company. After a hospitalization, the standard rule is that you need a 3 night hospital stay for a medicare covered rehab stay (if you have standard medicare- some replacement plans have different rules). The 3 night rule has been somewhat relaxed with waivers due to the pandemic- the goal was the empty the hospitals ASAP. Not sure how much longer that will continue or if it will be extended. Once you are admitted to a SNF (skilled nursing facility) for rehab you get UP TO 100 days- those days are not guaranteed. Days 1-20 are 100% covered. After day 20, medicare pays 80%. You need a supplement to pick up the other 20% or you're going to have a big bill. This continues until day 100 IF you qualify. What qualifies you? Skilled need. This could be therapy, daily wound care, IV antibiotics. But, if any of those things are no longer necessary, you will be cut off. And technically we are only required to provide you with 48 hours notice that coverage will cease. Why would therapy stop? If the patient reaches max potential- goes a couple weeks with no real progress and the skilled, educated judgment of the clinician is that further progress is unlikely, we are not only able, but obligated, to stop treating and billing for it. Otherwise it's fraud. Other confounding factors are when people refuse a lot. This one is hard for families "no, daddy is such a hard worker, you must be doing something wrong." People get tired as they age, tired of fighting, tired of trying, and then there are those who have a magical belief that they will automatically be fine upon returning home, and can't see logic that if they can't stand up they likely won't be doing spectacularly alone at home. Very few people stay on Medicare payment for 100 days. Almost exclusively it's people who have had severe strokes, but who are making consistent, demonstrable progress over that period of time. It's a red flag for audit if too many people are billed that long. And, as difficult as the Medicare system is, private insurance companies are FAR worse. Medicare Advantage plans like Humana, UHC, Aetna, etc... advertise about choice, freedom, stellar service. Bull. They cut people off so quickly. They say in their paperwork to us (not sure what the patient sees) that they anticipate that the patient will go home requiring 50% assist with self cares, 25% with mobility, etc... They require us to send updates roughly every 3-7 days, and they cut people off QUICKLY. Some in about ten days, the absolute max is usually about 30. The one lady I will never forget was 93, had a massive stroke. Came to us unable to eat, swallow, move her R side. Couldn't feed herself, swallow safely, stand, and used a sling lift to transfer. 3 weeks later we had her walking with 50% assist, transferring, and could swallow an almost normal diet. They cut her off saying "this is new baseline, anticipate need for custodial care for remaining life." So, sorry for the novel. I was as brief as I can be, lol. But it's so important to know. People hear about the 100 days and assume they have time to make plans. Typically you do not. Start planning for all contingencies from the day someone has an injury or illness requiring rehab. Feel free to ask questions. :)
Oh man, I'm an idiot. And now a very let down idiot. I am off work on Friday, so tomorrow's my last day of work for the week. As such, I have my days screwed up in my head and somehow thought tonight was Thursday. I was busy packing, so I jumped on here to try to figure out who got evicted. Imagine my chagrin when I got to the end of the posts for today and realized Eeyore and David are both STILL IN THE HOUSE. I thought this week of Big Brother was finally over.
Not to be all armchair psychologist, but I think Nicole and Kevin's hatred for Janelle is all rooted in their own insecurity and lack of self confidence. They don't believe that the pretty, poised, goddess of Big Brother would ever sincerely want to be friends and/or allies with "little old them" and so the only answer is that it must be a plot. It's like they think they're living their own version of a 90's teen flick where the popular kids befriend the nerd as a joke, and they're terrified they're going to be the butt of the popular kids joke. Even though in this particular house Janie is not the "popular" one in terms of numbers, in life she totally is That Girl that everybody is drawn to in some way. Nicole and Kevin can't fathom her actually having interest in them.
It seems they're getting alcohol tonight! It sounds like BB prefaced the announcement by saying it was bad news. Curious how that went down, lol. They all thought it was COVID or world crisis related.
This makes me so happy. First of all, because yes, Jackson is such a fucking asshole. But secondly, I didn't get to watch last night's episode until this evening, and I realized that 12 years later I still have a sad little crush on Memphis. I can't help it, I think he's hot. But after that realization I came and read all these pages, waiting to be disappointed and someone would have posted that he did something terrible. Instead, he said this! I can continue my sad little crush without (any more) shame.
All Stars makes sense in a year when casting would be very difficult, if not almost impossible. In other, super weird news, apparently Reality Steve of Bachelor infamy just announced that he and Kat Dunn are a couple.
I don't think he cares at all what Derick thinks. But I do think he cares a LOT what the world thinks. Not because he would change his views based on public opinion, but because public approval helps him with his branding and because he loves being praised. So, if Jill and Derick get a lot of press and praise out of this, he's going to want it for himself. And because, when people try to get their sponsorship gigs pulled because of their views, he'll have something to point to that says "no, see, we're not like them."
Wow. This is huge! Not as a judgment of home schooling vs. public schools. Not as a discussion of the quality of education Izzy will get at a school vs. at home. But as a statement of how far Jill herself has come. This is a huge paradigm shift for 2nd generation Duggars. It's not about whether or not Jill is qualified, it's about her breaking free of the indoctrination she experienced as a child. And in the video she seemed pretty happy about it, not just resigned. I think this speaks volumes about what those boys will be able to experience in the future, and their willingness to expose them to the outside world, where people might not all agree with Daddy Derrick's more spiteful views. This is releasing control over those kids in a big way. I don't think this will change things for the more compound-centric Duggars, but I bet Lissy will end up in a school, because JinJer will see the praise that Jill gets and want it for themselves. And some of the more extraneous howlers and lost girls will hopefully see that the world didn't end when Jill did this, and maybe their future kids stand a chance. This is a big FU Pops and Lolli.
Yeah, I think Alayah is probably annoying, but I don't think changing demeanor when the cameras turn on is that egregious. I mean, I'm a home health therapist, and I have a different phone voice for contacting my patients than I do for when I'm chilling in the office. We all laugh at each other. We sit around, normal voiced, having a conversation. When it's time to call the patients it's all high pitched, perky "Hello, this is Chilis, your occupational therapist. I was wondering if I could set up an appointment for your evaluation?" It's not fake in a malicious way, just in a circumstantial way. There's a difference between acting differently in front of the cameras or the bachelor if you're being a nasty bitch off camera and sweet as pie on camera. Presenting a different voice or posture because being on camera is weird and you want to come off well is an entirely different ball game.
The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah
chilis replied to SpaghettiTuesdays's topic in Counting On
Lol, not quite the same... But my husband and I had our engagement pictures taken at Home Depot (along with some other, more typical places). We had bought a house that needed a lot of work and spent much of our pre-marriage relationship at the Home Depot most weekends. We had more "dates" there than at dinner and a movie. However, I doubt any of the Duggars have that sort of "place." Because they don't seem to work as a team as couples, other than to create a child. Despite being together all the live long day. Maybe one of the young J kids will find a way. Sinner Twin really is kind of cute. -
I get that feeling. I had it with him too, initially. Annoyance, eye roll, get this wanna be Jersey Shore guy off my TV. But, as it turns out, I think he is so far from "that guy." I mean, he plays the role of "that guy," but he himself is a really decent man. Here's a quote from him (part of a much larger quote) about working in a gay bar: "See, I grew up in Upstate New York where being gay wasn’t by any means ostracized, but was not nearly as accepting and open as it is here in Los Angeles, so I was never all that exposed to gay culture. So, with that being said, of course I had ideas of what this place might be like, but all of my ideas were really based on every dumb cliché us 90’s babies had seen in Comedy Films or Television shows, which I can tell you now, is a bad stereotype that needs to end. Also, being a young straight guy, I wondered if I would be accepted in this environment? I wasn’t sure. What I can wholeheartedly tell you today is that working at Oil Can Harry’s is by far, one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life!" This is a link to the article he's quoted in. His contribution is the second from the bottom, right above information about how to get there. I recommend reading the whole thing, because I couldn't decide which paragraph to post and didn't want to copy over a full wall of text. He very well may have been a douche in high school, and he might be from time to time now, but I have rarely seen someone on reality TV who was so different than the archetype they were hired to fill.
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I in no way want to defend Michelle, but when my mother in law died I cried on and off, but what made me sob like no other was when my husband cried. I was sad on my own that she was gone, but seeing this man who I love in such pain is what really caused me to lose it. Of course, I don't have 20 years of performing for cameras informing my behavior, so... Also, one thing that really pointed out their paternalistic bullshit was that when Jim Bob called Michelle to tell her about Mary, he told her to go get one of the older boys. I forget the exact wording, and won't rewatch, but it was something along the lines of "get an older boy, they won't cry and will be strong for all you soft women and children types." No wonder Jed at the funeral just kind of tapped Jackson's shoulder. He's been trained that his job is to be tough for everyone else. Frankly, Jackson is probably "too old" for that emotion in their world.