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Everything posted by takalotti

  1. I also have the UO that I liked Marty a lot and wished he and Rory had dated. So much so that it's the basis of my main fanfic and the reason my season four GG DVDs have the following autograph: Thanks for rooting for me! Wayne Wilcox. But that's neither here nor there ;) I liked that he was working class, which was more in line with Rory's upbringing. He was rather awkward, like Rory can be, but in an endearing, not painful, way. And he didn't immediately flirt with or pursue Rory the way most of the guys on the show did. They had a friendship first, and an ease around each other which was nice. In the beginning, he was actually moderately confident. He seemed to have made more friends than Rory did, held his own with Richard, and could invite Rory to join the gang without any trouble. Then season five happened, and this is where Marty gets to be more of a sad sack. They still have the same easy friendship, but his confidence is stripped away* when trying to make that shift from friend to boyfriend. Boy cannot assert himself for anything. Everything is passive and indirect and "Why won't she just read my mind?!" I think this is where Marty starts to divide the audience, with or without Logan as a comparison. I still liked him and understood where his timidness could come from even if I wished he'd cut it out. But I can also understand how others were just like, no. And then he fell victim to the SirenRory*. He couldn't resist her nagging in JaCF, and he still wasn't over her TWO years later despite having no contact and managing to have some sort of dating life to the point that he made absolutely no sense*. I still refer to season 7 Marty as PodMarty because that was a clear case of body snatching IMO. I know I'm biased and saw more potential in the early Marty than was necessarily there, but I still blame poopy writers for the * items above. Dear lord, I'm clearly not over this. Maybe I should bring this up with my therapist.
  2. It could involve all the wonderfully naughty things you can do with ice ;)
  3. Is it possible Lorelai was supposed to be a bit buzzed?
  4. Maybe she realized she'd just made a leap
  5. (Not playing, just sharing ... I came to this thread via the Next Unread Topic button. Since ASF's post from yesterday was decently far down the page, I didn't see the thread title and assumed people were just sharing some of their favorite quotes. I've been so confused, thinking things like, "I don't remember Lorelai saying that in Deer Hunters," or, "Really? Logan said that to Rory? When was Rory wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a butt with hands on it? That doesn't sound like her." Finally scrolled up to see the thread title and it all makes sense now!)
  6. I'm with you. Everyone on the show made it seem like Mitchum was eville (like the frooits of the deville) for his review of Rory. He wasn't, but he was a shitty supervisor. The basic rule of thumb for any good supervisor is that there should never be any surprises in a review. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, you address it. You don't wait for a review to do that. During the review you can discuss whether or not the person made adjustments based on the regular feedback, or if more adjustments are necessary. I know there was the little throw away line about him not being around much, but that doesn't excuse him. If he wasn't around, someone else was Rory's next in line supervisor. It would be Mitchum's responsibility to touch base with that person to see what instructions or coaching Rory was given to determine how she was measuring up to that.
  7. <total sarcasm> What are you talking about? She had that huge dry spell freshman year. People were gonna talk. After all, she wasn't even in the Valentine's day picture. Not one picture with a guy. Though there was that one with Eli Yale... </total sarcasm>
  8. I remember the episode being discussed, but I don't remember the WAY Max was making his points to say if he was being creepy about it. But coming from a childhood with two step parents, I'd say his basic points were fair. Lorelai and Max did need to talk about roles and boundaries when it came to parenting Rory. They didn't need to get it all figured out that night, but getting on the same page is almost always a good thing. Sure, Rory was mostly grown up and was responsible and trustworthy, so she could manage herself pretty well. But I think Lorelai was being naive if she thought Max wouldn't have any involvement. Would Lorelai really be home any time Max was home with Rory? Would there never be the case where Lorelai was working late and Rory said she was going out to ____? Is Max supposed to always say, "Sure, see ya when I see ya," even if he sees a red flag just because Lorelai preapproved all of Rory's decisions? Is he supposed to call Lorelai first? Is Rory supposed to behave as she would have if Max weren't there, either calling her mom for the permission or leaving a note? What does it say about your relationship with your husband if you're telling him the household is going to carry on as if he weren't there? Max's idea of what's appropriate for dating teenagers doesn't have to trump Lorelai's by any means, or even carry equal weight. But I think he should feel like he can at least voice his ideas without getting automatically shutdown. All that said, I don't think the episode was meant to take that deep of a look at step-parenthood. I think the point was just to make it obvious that Lorelai liked the IDEA of being married to Max but hadn't actually thought about the reality of it. Or even wanted to think about the reality of it, it appeared.
  9. Well, (1) I didn't understand Dean's reaction then, either, for the same reasons (2) to me, similar only in the sense that it ended in a breakup when they didn't get their desired responses from Rory because (3) they differed in that Dean was rather angry (I get that it came from feeling humiliated, but still, inappropriately angry IMO) and Logan was not.
  10. So, I'm kind of middle of the road on the proposal 'ultimatum.' On the one hand, I don't understand how a person can love someone enough to propose marriage, and yet call off the relationship if they don't get a resounding yes. If they get a 'No, I don't ever see myself marrying you,' then I understand because the person learned it's not going anywhere and they want to be free to find that with someone else. But that's not how Rory responded. On the other hand, Logan wasn't indignant or offended by her answer. He didn't have a petulant or ego-driven 'I didn't get my way!' reaction. Maybe he just saw it as, if she can't say yes now, she probably won't be able to later, so just call a spade a spade. I mean, where would they be if they stayed together after her 'not a yes but not a no' answer? How will he know when she's ready for him to propose again? Should he wait for her to propose? If they end up breaking up, will he resent (or feel foolish for) having stayed with her after her 'not now' answer? Rory tends to avoid hurting people with directness (probably because she seems like one of those people who doesn't want people to dislike her). Her "we can try long distance" was kind of wishywashy. Maybe Logan saw Rory's real answer as 'I'm not saying yes, but I'm not saying no, but only because saying no makes me the bad guy.' There was a point in time where I thought 'Hey Rory, being engaged doesn't mean you have to get married right way. You can say yes, follow your career, and get married later, you know.' But then I realized Rory was right. What's the point of getting engaged if you know you're not going to even start planning the wedding in the foreseeable future? What's the point of following your career if you're already saying you're going to either pick a career path that factors in Logan or change your path for Logan later?
  11. My understanding is that there's just one landing with stairs going up and down, and they redress it (apt numbers, mats, plants, caution tape) for each floor.
  12. Oh my goodness, thank you. Since Gigi was being discussed right before this, for some reason I let myself think "the grandfather" was Straube. Thank you for unscrambling my brain.
  13. Absolutely! I wish Lorelai had called him out on that when she went over instead of being his frickin cheerleader. Ugh. Wait, I'm confused. Christopher had a brother who died? How did I miss this?
  14. What a great Christmakuh present for them!
  15. I liked his giggle :) Don't even care if it was authentic. One part that made me laugh was the bit between John and Jane about him helping her cheat. Not saying it was innovative; just struck me the right way for some reason. I actually kind of liked John during that whole scene. He managed to convey pissed off/seething inside but sarcastically playing along pretty well. On the flip side, unrealistic talking to oneself is hella annoying. Not saying that good shows have never done that, but it certainly didn't do Mulaney any favors in my eyes.
  16. This is a perfect example of thinking too hard, but here's how I always fan wanked it. So on the night of Keg! Max! Rory comes downstairs crying, Dean thinks Jess did something to her and fights him, all right in front of Lindsay. After the fight gets broken up, I always imagine Lindsay takes Dean to task for defending Rory, accusing him of still having feelings for her. To prove her wrong, or to prevent Lindsay from dumping him, or just to show "No no, I really do love you the most!" he proposes. Being so young, Lindsay would just see the "romance" in the proposal and not the illogic of it and say yes. Now, what really doesn't make sense is why her parents are shown being all excited about it in Chicken or Beef. I could buy them accepting that it was happening and not trying to talk her out of it or otherwise protesting, but I wouldn't expect them to be all "this is awesome!"
  17. This was sometime during the summer/fall of 2011. The play was The Normal Heart. I suppose a case could be made that the heavy drama of the play makes it harder to be all friendly with fans afterward, but he was also rather rushed after Harvey (I didn't get to interact with him that time since I was at the back of the stagedooring crowd, but I did see him exit, autograph down the line, and then get into his car). So I do think it's just his personality, which is perfectly fine. I just didn't consider that possibility beforehand so I wasn't prepared for the "cold shoulder" treatment. I am still very happy to have met him and had what little interaction I did. Especially after the Harvey experience, I realize the Normal Heart stagedooring was downright intimate. Any disappointment I still have about that night really is directed at myself for being silly enough to think I'd have all the time in the world with him to get a picture. (Well, Mr. Takalotti did get one of JP and the back of my head during the autograph). I have seen various videos of him interacting with fans, too. And perhaps they are partially to blame for me building up my expectations. Looking back at them now, I'd guess the fact that they're staged and controlled (and filmed for an interview) are a big factor in how he behaves. Again, I'm not saying this with bitterness. It makes sense that a person, even an actor, might not like being approached by strangers all the time but goes along with it for an interview piece. ShadySab, I certainly didn't mean to get your hopes *down* (I know I didn't really since you said you don't despair). You should still have your hopes up for a great experience if you meet him because now you know your time may be limited so you'll be prepared to get the most out of it! Good luck!
  18. ShadySab, I can't say I share the same passion as you, but I also have a crush on JP. He has the number two spot on my sexeption list. I know he's not considered sexy by the general public, but tall, lanky, and nerdy is just my type (and I do think JP himself is nerdy, not just as Sheldon). Whenever they muss him up on the show (first example that comes to mind is the Halloween episode when he scares Leonard) I get all twitterpated. He's also been in some magazine photo shoots that make me swoon. Dude cleans up nice and has some very camera lighting friendly eyes. I did get a chance to "meet" him once, and sadly I'd say it was a rather disappointing experience. I'm sure it was mostly my fault for building it up in my head beforehand, but still. I'm not sharing this to burst your bubble; I just want you to be prepared so that maybe you have a better time than I did, should you get the opportunity. Basically I was waiting at the stage door after a play he was in. He rushed through the line of people waiting for autographs as fast as possible. While he signed my playbill, I paid him a compliment, and he said "Oh, thank you," but then he was on to the next person before I could ask to take a picture with him. I tried to catch his attention, and it's possible he didn't see me, but it felt like he was ignoring me (and I'm sure others, I swear I wasn't creepy) so he could get out of there. I have since heard that he HATES that part of his life. So it's understandable that he makes an effort to create some sort of compromise in those situations. After all, while I wouldn't say he was very gracious, he was far from rude. For all I know, he has some sort of internal rule where a fan either gets a signature or a picture, but not both, and rushes through as a passive way to make that happen (since actually saying, "Oh no, you don't get an autograph because you already got a picture," won't go down well). I did see him taking pictures with some people, so if I could do it all over again I think I'd be very direct and just ask if I could have a picture with him. If he doesn't stick around long enough to hear a compliment after that, his loss :)
  19. I know how you feel. We live in northeastern PA. The first opportunity to see PTX live after TSO:S3 was at Ben Folds' Acapellapalooza in Boston. We stayed with a friend to save money, but she and her housemates would ask (with politely veiled judgment) "Sooo, you came all the way up here just for this?" Some of them joined us, and part way through PTX's set they leaned over and said, "Ok, now I get it." And now other friends and family are taking notice. Yay!
  20. Unless I missed it, I was a little surprised that Nick didn't mention Pitch Perfect 2 when listing PTX's achievements in their intro. Was that info not released at the time of taping? I was happy for them that they got to sing their original Xmas song on TV, though I would have expected Mary Did You Know to be in the line up due to how high it's charted. Though I usually don't go for the "previous contestants super group" for some irrational and inexplicable reason, I did like The Exchange. I was especially tickled to see Jamal and Aaron, whom Mr. Takalotti and I refer to as Froggy* and Baby Spice. We actually didn't recognize them visually at first, but during the opening group song Mr. Takalotti literally said, "He sounded like Froggy." * I just feel the need to note that this isn't meant as an insult. We like his voice. It just has a certain quality that sounds kind of croaky to us, like a very well trained frog.
  21. I know I'm late to the game on a lot of these, but I hope it's still okay if I weigh in... I can't tell you how much I loved Marty's raking. Not only was he #7, he was also ahead of both Logan and Dean. That pretty much nails it in my book. That article had a link to a Gilmore Girls Superfan Quiz. While I did well (47/50), I was more delighted with how well Mr. Takalotti did. His result was "32/50. You're Luke. You speak the language, even if you don't always want to." Ha! Spot on! Thanks for the confirmation!
  22. Just watched Troop Beverly Hills today. I totally forgot Craig T. Nelson was in it. Too funny! XD
  23. So, does anyone here know how I can get my local radio station to play PTX music? I called in to request that they play anything off either of their Christmas albums, and they said they don't have them. I know nothing about logistics at a radio station. Do I keep calling in to create "demand"? Can I offer to buy the albums and send them to the station? I hear Baby It's Cold Outside three times a day. It's not like they have so much music that they don't have room for any more. There's one moment in Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy that cracks me up. Right after Mitch's wail, first Mitch does this move where his chest comes forward followed by his head in this sort of lurching motion. Then Scott does it. Then Kirstie ... well, Kirstie TRIES to do it, but she kind of ends up just doing this pigeon thing because she doesn't get her chest into it. Too cute. Also, Avi is SICK!!!
  24. Yeah, the show could remove Mrs. W from the story, either with her passing or moving away. I suppose they could bring on another off screen voice actor to continue the role, though I do wonder if Lorre and all would actually be for this ("No! No one can fill her shoes!"). However, I think another possibility could be that Mrs. W remains in the story without a voice actor at all. We've seen instances where Mrs. W calls someone and we don't hear her side of the conversation. We've had various characters doing impressions of her while relaying a conversation (not saying that wouldn't be hard for the actors at first, but still doable). I don't think it's the most likely scenario, but I think this is the one I prefer. I don't really want the character gone, but I don't want to always be thinking about whether or not a new person sounds like her.
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