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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. While watching Karen skate, I was reminded of Michelle. Both skate with elegance, know how to interpret the music even while dealing with athletic challenges, and they both delivered when it counted.
  2. Wow...I put on the ladies LP and was dumbfounded by Johnny's outfit and backdrop. He looks like a dandy in a Victorian novel (I *think* dandy is the right word). He's perched on a fancy looking chair. I think he's finally outdone himself :>)
  3. Why are Chock/Bates in 3rd? Did something similar to Nationals happen? Well...if they don't win Worlds, I could handle S/K atop the podium. But dear skate gods...please spare us the sight of the entitlement twins on that lofty perch!
  4. Watching Men's SP, it felt like the '18 Olympics while Nathan was skating. Somebody's in his head.
  5. I am so sorry to learn about this. Gilliland was perfect as J.D. And he worked so well with the other characters. I always enjoyed the episodes he was in.
  6. We need a face that shows nervous clenched teeth!
  7. annzeepark914


    Is she doing this to get hair out of her face? This bugs the heck out of me when women on these shows wear hairstyles that fall onto their faces so they have to toss their heads to get it out of their eye. Gloria (on CNN) used to do this a lot but not any more. Alex Wagner is doing it this week. Can't think of the others right now but I find myself watching the hair start falling forward and it's irritating. I wanna yell, "Go get a barrett so I can concentrate on the news!"
  8. So, the ISU has rules but it's ok when the Russians don't comply. Uh-hunh. Anyone not wearing a mask should be kicked out of the arena. Why are the ISU folks so afraid of the Russians?
  9. Lentil soup with slices of turkey kielbasa.
  10. I wear a slip whenever I wear a dress or skirt. But, I can't remember the last time I did that... certainly before the pandemic shutdown. Back to Alex--those are some mighty strange, nerdy comments!
  11. The Norwegians know how to build tunnels! We took the Flam train that enters a mountain tunnel high up and curves around inside the mountain. You emerge at the base of the mountain, at a fjord.
  12. Sure, Babs, sure. Prior to their Free Dance, the cameras were following these two around the backstage area. They never spoke to each other, brushing past each other. They didn't look at each other it seemed until they were at center ice and into their starting positions. The commentators couldn't stop talking about it. At the end of the Free Dance, she seemed to thaw and they hugged. I don't think ice dance has ever been as exciting before or since that crazy night of the Original Dance.
  13. Well I just finished watching the Free Dance in Torino 2006. What a difference from today's looks & styles of ice dancing. A number of the costumes were scanty (esp the ones worn by Russian women)...or just messy looking compared with today's costumes. No vocals so no dreary ballads. I enjoyed watching Dobriasko/Vanagas from Lithuania who had returned to competitive skating after touring for a few years. They showed a scene from the Original Dance where Barbara was dropped by Maurizio as he stumbled, followed by her lengthy death glare. Belbin/Agosto looked so good. It was fun hearing Dick Button after all these years. He and Tracy were quiet during the best performances (so unlike the babbling done today). Heh...Dick mentioned that one team's skating "was exceedingly nice". I miss that guy!
  14. IMO they shouldn't have been allowed to continue. They had stopped skating for several minutes. I remember her slamming into that wall & wondering how could she continue
  15. About 15 years ago I was reading an article about farm to table. It was accompanied by a photo of the farmer holding a baby lamb. I wondered how he could be so sweetly holding that adorable lamb and then have to kill it soon after. Haven't been able to eat lamb ever since. Now, if I see a photo of a farmer holding a piglet or a little chick? I may have to sign up for vegetarian cooking classes!
  16. Oh yeah... lots of stumbles, falls, and the worst was when one of the Canadian skaters was dropped by her partner (or she lost her grip on him during a spin). Somehow they finished but I think she went to a hospital afterward. So it must have been the short dance. And, of course, the icing on the cake that night was the death stare.
  17. FYI: the Olympic channel is showing skating from previous games. Now here's an important question: which segment of the '06 ice dancing competition produced all the gobsmackin' drama? They're showing the 2006 Free Dance at 5:30 PM today. Something tells me it was the short dance, or whatever it was called in '06. I can't remember her name but she was Italian. Her unfortunate partner (Massimo?) stumbled and in their final pose, the expression on her face, as she stared at him, was terrifying! Everyone felt sorry for the poor guy.
  18. I sure hope Tucci sticks with highlighting the different foods (with a little history of these places along with shots of the beautiful old bldgs). Rick Steves can take us around for scenery & folk dancing. But for me? When you say Italia, I immediately think of that country's wonderful cuisine. I love the kitchen scenes--professional and home--with the chefs & cooks talking about the foods they're preparing. These people are so into what they're doing they could be in another "Big Night" style movie.
  19. Stanley... you ate a donkey? How could you? That really shocked me. Poor animals, work so hard for these people, only to be eaten by them. The rest of this episode was interesting. The food is so different from the Italian food I've eaten. I think he said Palermo reminded him of New Orleans, didn't he? I'd like to try the wine that young woman is producing. She's very impressive. Good show. I'm going to miss traveling Italy with Stanley.
  20. Why is it harder to lose weight as you get older? Because by that time your body and your fat have become really good friends. What happens when you leave an outfit hanging in your closet for a while? It shrinks two sizes.
  21. This must be from a few years ago. He wasn't like this last summer while grilling on his back porch. I don't recall a lot of goofiness. He came across as a nice dad & husband. And, as a good cook. Now, back in the studio again? Geez... where's the mute button.
  22. Amen & hallelujah for home delivery! It has saved my sanity during the pandemic shutdown. Love these intrepid delivery folks who are out there in all kinds of nasty weather.
  23. I was just thinking about the Dollar Store last night, wondering if it's safe to enter. Haven't been to one in several years but I almost always feel like a kid in there, with the low prices.
  24. Well, on the one hand I agree it would take half a second to ring the doorbell as one is placing the package on the front stoop. However...I'm so glad these folks are delivering things I can't find in local stores, or just delivering things to my home in general. During the holidays I put out water bottles, candy (for energy!!), and various packages of crackers, etc. These delivery folks work hard... UPS, Fed Ex, Prime, the wonderful good old USP Service!
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