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Everything posted by humbleopinion

  1. Put an X on the wall, hit my forehead on X. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. I'm in for the new season. Sonia, social worker and crier hope she is matched up with Derek, ex-Navy now marketing guy who is not going to be manipulated by crocodile tears like Neil. Tom, bus dweller needs to be paired with the real estate agent Lilian, just because I want to see her turn her nose up/show stank face at his bling out, tricked out bus. Nick, real estate agent-hope it isn't a repeat of basement Ryan sneaking off the hook up with his ex while married to Tito's Vodka, Jackie. Pair him with Heather the flight attendant. Both are too used to doing their own thing on their own time, let's see if they can make a marriage with their busy schedules and Heather flying hither and yon.
  2. Karl is so full of crap and his son, Adam is calling him on it. Karl is outraged when the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Lots of moving parts in this episode.
  3. Kudos to Casting for this series. Explaining to friends that Glenne Headly had a roman candle career, peaking with Dick Tracy and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in the late 80's/early 90's. Her voice and steady eye gaze still her bread and butter. Michael K Williams has a show on Viceland, check it out. Jumpy throughout the show, so the editors succeeded on creating tension. Liked the parallel of Naz's and the cat's fate and circumstance both in the hands of Stone.
  4. Did you catch the kid brother of Steve Buscemi, Michael, in the eczema support group? Family resemblance but hard to believe Michael is only 3 years younger.
  5. The commercial for M@FS has Dr. Pepper introducing her 2 new co-conspirators. Good riddance to last couple of season's "experts."
  6. Boring. Host was bland. Sad little fire. Producers could have livened up the dull hour by: Aloners playing Mike's games together and interacting with each rather than being stuck on their log. Frolicking with the wolf/dog playing fetch. Paddling around in the S.S. Barbara and Jose's Folly, trying to dunk each other. Catching and cooking a group meal together. Give each Aloner a few minutes of camera time to correct any dubious editing of their time on VI
  7. Karl is becoming Elise's best friend. Dinner with his family, revealing about her twin's death, joking in her Elise way with him. Gael is becoming too needy and is about to get jettisoned by wanting more from Elise.
  8. Want to see the S.S.Barbara vs. Jose's Folly in a obstacle course and boat race in the reunion show
  9. Jose was branding himself from Day 1. Jose is the Kim Kardashian of Alone. Winning would have been great but Jose was always about the branding of his image and cashing in on seminars and appearances like this weekend's event with Nicole.
  10. Dave was up to his eyeballs in debt, having to give half of what little money he made from book sales and wilderness businesses to his ex-wife, no way to pay for his kids' college educations and no big money making prospects, so his thousand yard stare into tapping out adding yet another failure to his big pile made him to resolve to not give up. Watching Season 1 is crucial to knowing who Alan(everyone do their best Julia Child imitation), Lucas( 2 Note Song) Sam (mouse connoisseur) Mitch(lovely) Brandt(brackish water drinker causing his hallucinations of Indian symbols in his tent) are when we refer to them in a snarks. Alone Season 1 would be a good binge watching.
  11. The new group of Aloners will need to figure out better shelters and a way to have indoor heat without killing themselves with carbon monoxide for the next season in Patagonia. Jose could have built a sweat lodge(like Randy did) with hot rocks and steam, run out NAKED in the freezing water to drop his anchor rock then crawled into the sweat lodge to warm himself quickly. He was determined to use his useless kayak, wearing every stitch of clothing he owned AND his boots to launch a bad plan. Jose thought the audience would be fooled by his noble tap out scenario but we saw through his bull shit charade. Doubtful he will admit to such at the reunion show next Thursday.
  12. Jose standing next to his boat, waiting for the camera crew to arrive, making sure his boots and clothes were thoroughly soaked reminded me of a baby waiting to be lifted out of a tub. All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up. Shauna, that performance was for you. Sorry, you still have to support your husband and listen to his stories for the umpteenth time.
  13. Patagonia is the home of Season 3 and coming soon.
  14. David digging deep and Larry's ups and downs in the final 2 hours redeemed this season for me. Larry will regret his tapping and it will eat at him for the rest of his life unless Alone has a very special season of "close but no cigar" contestants. Looking forward to the reunion show. What question would you want the Aloners, producers, editors to answer about this season? How much weight did each of the last 5 tap outs lose? Larry lost 32 pounds, one fifth of his body weight.
  15. Hey History Channel, help Jose get his green card or the Canadian equivalent so the dude can get a job. You'd be doing a brother and Mrs. Jose a solid. Jose couldn't outlast 2 guys who were essentially weekend bush crafters while he fancied himself an expert. The kayak's name should be Jose's Folly. Glad he took it home as a reminder of his fail, Larry would have stomped it to splinters and set it on fire at the beach.
  16. Number of Day For the Win 72. I do not want Jose to win. Because making us watch him build his boat bored us to angry tears. I want Pastor David to win the 500K. Because I want to see his shame as he blows through the 500K in 6 months leaving a trail of Golden Corral buffet receipts, strippers and rib/fried chicken bones. The winner will be Dave. Because...mmmm...ribs. Kill: Larry by a Giant Dead Fall Trap Set. Triggered by Kia Soul Hamsters. I'd watch that.
  17. Sophie's mother is an negligent nut job. And her father is weak and negligent. The samurai was at least welcoming and made no demands on her. The fact that he had no recall who she was didn't concern her since he didn't ask her to leave. He did promise her big doings tomorrow so some action in this story line next week.
  18. Hoping she was on a cruise with gal pals and couldn't be reached by needy Mike until she docked a week or two later. Fuming because he wussed out so early.
  19. IMHO, Mike didn't miss Barb as much as he was fearful that she didn't miss him. His continuing childhood fear of abandonment, insecurity and his inability to reassure himself by being with her is what made him tap out. The editors were too heavy handed, manipulated and yanked our chain too much this season. The teases were the worst, I demand to see the who set up the camera that the wolf jumped on. Thinking it was editors...stop ruining a once good show.
  20. The time has come for Alone forum posters to put their prognosticating powers into play. Three Remain: David, Jose, Larry. If you want to participate, please answer in this format for simplicity. Number of Day For the Win________. I do not want _________ to win. Because... I want ____________to win the 500K. Because... The winner will be_____________. Because... No BS answers like, any of the final 3 is fine with me. Definitive answers. Take a stand, formulate an opinion, or as Larry would so eloquently put it... Sh*t or get off the pot. Any posts after the start of the final 2 shows on Thursday 9pm EST will be too late. Optional: Fuck: Marry: Kill: This for our amusement, be kind if you disagree with someone's answers. Shout out to the posters who have to wait a week between the last 2 shows: Canadian History Channel blows. Thank you for your participation, you are far too kind.
  21. Guess Karl and his wife didn't realize there can still be live bullets in the chamber even though you've been snipped, takes a while for all the swimmers to be taken out of the stream. Or they partied recklessly before the clipping.
  22. Just going on what each Aloner videoed of themselves, Nicole was the only one confident in her knowledge of wild edibles to munch a meal by what she found in her designated area. Even though they all got the memo on what wasn't going to kill you plant wise on VI, the risk of GI blowout was not worth getting their daily dose of fiber even though they learned it isn't poisonous/toxic/deadly. Bull kelp was the go to bulk fiber for David...dude, TMI about your "train" schedule.
  23. You would want a wide spectrum of Boy Scout Leaders from the hardcore who were Eagle Scouts themselves to the urban Scout Leaders who lead packs made of city kids that spends minimal time outdoors. With the week of basic survival skills afforded to all Aloners the ones who spent less time outdoors could learn and hone the basic skills needed to participate. As the second season winds down, it look likes the will to win supersedes the level of survival skills. I'd watch that.
  24. Didn't even put a hold on their subscription to Field and Stream.
  25. How about a dozen Boy Scout Leaders? I'd watch that.
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