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Everything posted by humbleopinion

  1. Thanks for the catch who had the wet bag. Thought it was karma biting Larry in the behind, once again.
  2. Circling the emotional drain this week on Alone are... Larry. The anger and intensity of his cussing not fitting with the offense is frightening. Glad the mouse was caught on night vision, it is literally one mouse and not just a metaphor for the uncontrollable forces ruling Larry's real life. Feel bad for Larry's family who have endured his white, hot temper behind closed doors and now the world is privy to his behavior. After Larry moved to his new camp, fleeing Mighty Mouse, his is sleeping bag got wet from ground water. Larry's sleeping bag is wet, could you feel the top of his head exploding? Will this be the straw that breaks the camel'(Larry's) back? We will have to wait until next week for the swear-fest, the burning of his wet sleeping bag and anticipated melt down of Larry's psyche. Randy. Mr. Champagne, did you read the production TV contract? Key words you glossed over: Alone. A-a determiner that can indicate one in number Lone-having no companions; solitary or single. Vancouver ISLAND, not Vancouver Desert. Not liking the editing of the show this season. No Justin "Lord Love a Duck" in this episode, unless I blinked and he popped up throwing away more food. Does anyone even remember what he looks like? Obviously, the editors don't. Mike, I am sure had a full launching dedication speech of the S.S. Barbara to Barbara where he thanked Barbara for being Barbara, wishing Barbara was there in all her Barbara-ness, supporting him in her Barbara way that only Barbara and ONLY Barbara can. When we get more Mike in future episodes, gonna have to initiate the Barbara shotski game, get your adult beverages of choice lined up if you are playing along to tip it back every time Mike says Barbara.
  3. Met Charlie Jagow, a 20 year old who grew up in the refuge and is going to stake his claim carrying on for the next generation. Charlie's dad was taught how to make sets by Bob Harte and Charlie's dad taught him, full circle. Charlie is a pilot flying his yellow plane nicknamed "Tweety" by his family. Bob was a pilot, full circle. Charlie will be a great addition to this fine show. At the top of the episode, each of the families say something nice about Charlie-his abilities to succeed and his character. Spoiler alert! Heimo got a moose for he and Edna.
  4. You saw Mike launching the S.S. Barbara in the preview.
  5. For those who missed the episode and shut out of watching the last week's show online, your friends here will reenact the episode with shadow puppets. Palm undulating is Nicole's giant fish. Honestly, the posts here are more entertaining than a good portion of last week's episode. I can do with a lot less of David staring angrily at the realization that he doesn't have the emotional or mental fortitude to go the distance to win. Hope he doesn't use any of the video he self shot on VI on his Christian Mingle profile.
  6. You can watch the new episode on the History Channel on Thursday evening like most posters on this forum do. On Animal Planet they show their "new" episode of Alone later than on History Channel. So while History Channel viewers have seen it, it is new to Animal Planet viewers.
  7. Thought it was Mike because you can see the big black plastic container in the episode he demos his foot pedaled sink.
  8. In the tease for next week's episode we do see what Mike has been up to ...building the S.S. Barbara. Using a big black plastic container that washed up on his beach, he creates a boat.
  9. What if the kelp emitted an allergic irritant to sensitive areas? Don't be placing body parts into other things willy nilly. Revenge of the kelp.
  10. David saw his therapist couch (the log he likes to recline on and slip into full gloom and resting sad face) get washed away. Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Sigmund Freud... David reveals he HAS to win the money to make up his inability to provide for his kids, for the divorce and his choice of low paying occupation. He had the 1000 yard stare which means if he doesn't find a way to psychologically pull himself back from the abyss he will be the next to tap out. The self realization that he hasn't been putting in his best efforts to provide the basics for himself in the 2 weeks of good weather will come to head if there is an extended period of miserable weather. Put a clock on David, get the fork ready because he looks done... Did anybody else think that if a good stiff wind coming in at the right angle will blow Nicole's house down and crush her under the weight of the unsupported logs? They don't look structurally as sound as Randy's walls but leaning on each other to counter support their weight. Especially worrisome is that 2 ton door. Randy's shelter is coming together. But he may be exhausting himself to the point of starvation. He needs to put that much effort into fishing. Why he isn't fishing all day, everyday puzzles me.
  11. Looks like we will be getting a new story line with a young settler who is a pilot. Bob reincarnated. Nice touch. New dude, please capture the heart of one of the Lewis girls!
  12. Zach has stated he is an introvert so the off camera producer smust be holding up a sign... SAY SOMETHING Zach! Unfortunately, he is stuck on Tori gives him confidence. Can forgive Zach for beating a dead horse if they start putting thought bubbles over Jer's and Auj's heads revealing their true thoughts instead of boring us with the platitudes they spew of their hipster life. Most of the thought bubbles would be... Shut up Matt. Go away, Matt. Give us the farm, Matt.
  13. In this episode, Heimo and Edna are settling into their new cabin. Heimo is moose hunting, Edna sets snare traps to catch bunnies for meat. The Seldons are making the 80 mile loop of their trap line. They get a lynx. Dogs especially like lynx meat. The Lewis family are in the cabin they had to travel to by boat, rebuild and have added a new "wing" for the girls. Guess the Lewis girls are going to be with the family this season instead of leaving the nest as was implicated last season.
  14. http://extratv.com/2016/05/17/little-people-big-world-matt-and-amy-roloffs-divorce-finalized/ Dunzo.
  15. It's officially over... http://extratv.com/2016/05/17/little-people-big-world-matt-and-amy-roloffs-divorce-finalized/
  16. Apparently the "deeper cut" repeat episodes are named in homage to MK.
  17. I'd go Shawshank... Carve chess pieces like Andy Dufresne. and Make a deck of playing cards with flat pieces of bark. The obvious... whittle a Jenga set. Of course, playing at Larry's camp would mean never winning at the tilted side of VI.
  18. "I kissed a slug, her name was Barbara." Katy Perry will need to rerecord her hit and have a Left Slug and Right Slug dancing with her. We have our "2 Note Song" for the season, folks!
  19. What was the deal with David getting so dehydrated? Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink! Did he think water was going to fall out of the sky? Apparently, he was moaning about how his rain catcher was dry. He has a ferro rod, there is plenty of wood growing out of the ground(trees) and accelerant (resin from the trees) so start a fire and use that pot with the lid you have and boil some to drink. Oh yes, David have your fire on a level surface so the pot doesn't tip over and give you 3rd degree burns. You don't live on the tilted part of VI like Larry. Did anyone else see that blue laundry basket in the background when David was checking for fish? Wonder if it will show up in his camp. Mike would have turned the laundry basket into some kind of cougar trap like in the game Mouse Trap.
  20. MAI for this episode: Jose and Justin Mike has fashioned the first "Alone" line of furniture, soon to be in all the Crate and Barrels nationwide. Table for 6, backless log chair, a three tiered shelving for all your wood storage organization needs-small, medium and large pieces of kindling and a fire pit with custom drying rack. His camp looks sharp with taut tarp, foot pedaled hand washing station, table, fire area and storage. But Mike looks so sad and lonely sitting at that table looking out into the forest. He needs to whittle a statue of his wife, Barbara, sort of a Wilson ball companion like in the movie, Castaway, and have her sitting at the table with him.
  21. Mike: I kissed a slug and I liked it The taste of her slimy wet slick...
  22. Long time viewers have seen Zach and Tori's relationship evolve over the years so theirs is the only one that is real. I'm embarrassed to say I remember the first time they held hands as bf/gf. He was driving that ratty, junky family van back from a day trip with friends and Tori was riding shotgun. Why my head is filled with things like that baffles me. LPBW historian.
  23. Makes me sad that Bob may never come back to his beloved cabin and way of life in the reserve. Talicia's inheritance will be the family's cabin but she won't be able to live there alone without help. Poignant story.
  24. If you go back and watch last season's episodes you can see how Bob has just wasted away in body and vitality. Flying in his plane to his multiple trapping sites. Hunting caribou. I held my breath the last seconds of the episode when they showed the plane carrying him and Nancy flying away...thinking the producers would flash a screen shot of his birth date and date of his demise. A big whew when they didn't.
  25. You can watch the whole episodes on the Alone website. http://www.history.com/shows/alone ...and without commercials.
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