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Everything posted by humbleopinion

  1. Guessing Tom did his best work between the sheets the night and/or morning before the unveiling of the bus to put her in a good mood. She had her "love goggles" firmly in place when ohhing and ahhing about his "home."
  2. Thanks for the time line. Purely speculation on my part for the sake of conversation... The reason why Heather is so vehemently grossed out by Derek and as others on this forum have hinted and I am just speculating... he tried to exercise his marital duties/liberties too soon. They didn't cuddle on the first night because she was in the bathroom all night with the door locked. We can only suppose it was one of the following or none of the following- too naked too soon, pushing her hand down there accidentally/on purpose, pressing the morning boner against her backside, dirty talking-whatever it was it must have been a doozy. At brunch, day 2 where you could already see Heather was trying to put on a happy face for her parents but trapped.
  3. Help me with the timeline... Get married That night go home separate to their own places? Next morning brunch with the families. Spend another night separate in their own places? Leave for honeymoon.
  4. Names of Nick's dogs? I bestow them the names Puppy and Doggie. Puppy and Doggie, the best cockblockers of all time! Did you catch that lingering shot on the bag of Beneful brand dog food? Puppy and Doggie are spokespups and have their branding in place. They need to get their show cousin, Zeus a sweet deal too.
  5. Very glad Lily complained that his filthy tootsies grossed her out. Oh, oh Tom...Lily is no longer hypnotized by your dick...the beginning of the end. Makes me question when was the last time he washed those sheets on the bus bed....ewww
  6. Moustachley had an revenge agenda to prove to her family and friends that she wasn't such a big loser by landing a starring role in a cable reality show. Fortunately, it just showed the hundreds of us who watch M@FS that her ex was a genius to dump her since she is a emotionless husk of a human with a fuzzy upper lip. She just sat there and smiled like a cat that just swallowed a mouse the times David was emoting. She was taking her victory laps every time she got a close up. We got a lens full of her stubble.
  7. Call Caesar 911! Nick's comment about having no friends of the opposite sex was an odd edit. Have the producers dropped the pretense so soon in the Nick and Sonia story line? Heather said she was worn out but she meant repulsed, disgusted and revolted by Derek. Looked like she was going to barf all the drinks she had on the plane in the emergency meeting.
  8. If Cheryl is currently single then Ryan will be her new boy toy, Rawr! Kym must be so glad she's retired or she would have been saddled with the ex gov.-she can just dust her diamonds and do commentary if she wishes.
  9. Rick will pull a hammie to have a graceful exit before the first show once he finds out how grueling it is to get his body fit enough to dance.
  10. From Marilu Henner wiki Her mother was president of the National Association of Dance and Affiliated Arts and ran the Henner Dance School for 20 years. Henner took her first dance class at age two then went on to teaching dance at her family's studio when she was 14 and choreographed shows at local high schools and colleges until leaving the Chicago area during her third year of college. Paired with Derek...of course.
  11. To put it in real estate terms... Tom has curb appeal. Lily thinks he is handsome. Even a toad looks good in a fitted tux. Tom looks structurally sound, no major renovations needed. If you surfed everyday instead of working, you'd look fit. With all that salt water spraying his face, he does look older than his age, 28. Maybe it is genetic, looking 40 in your latter 20's. Lily is convinced the "experts" have found her one-of-a-kind find. The pool of dude candidates was shallow,very shallow. To her delight, she married beach front property! Hold on to those champagne dreams and caviar wishes a bit longer Lily, you'll need them when you smell the bus. Second day of the honeymoon Lily demurs that he proved more than move in ready, if you get my drift. One more... Lily married Tom as is, what she sees or doesn't see is what she is has with no guarantees or warranties. Fingers crossed, Lily.
  12. How many pregnant moms are going to name their kid Duane Reade because of this show?
  13. Save your petty dick ish behavior for the show, Nick. Sonia, being Nick's sycophant is like the way you slather on the red lipstick...not pretty.
  14. How's the weather? Are there gathering storm clouds for Lily and Tom? Will it be raining cats and DOGS for Sonia and Nick? Hazy days for Derek and Heather?
  15. Cuz players gonna play...play...play...play...play
  16. I enjoy sausage and don't need to know about all the ingredients and gnarly bits that make it tasty. This show is sausage.
  17. Wish upon a falling star that Nick and Sonia would break the fourth wall on this forum.
  18. Unless I blinked and missed it ... Heather says "Looky there Derek, a casino." Derek replies "Yep." Later in the heated argument Heather rips him a new one for being a smoker AND gambler...say what? First indication that this season's editing was going to be a bigger hatchet job than the past. I couldn't reconcile Heather's accusations with what we saw on the show.
  19. Insider info: The bug was placed on the surfing instructor's chest so Heather could flick it away.
  20. Noticing the dude with his fly zipper down or the gal with the back of her dress tucked up in her underwear, you hate to be the one to point it out to them. Grammar nitpickers are the silent majority on forums.
  21. As a flight attendant she knows how to fake being nice to passengers as she smiles and nods. Buh-bye, buh-bye, buh-bye as the flyers/cattle file out through the aisle/chute. She could conjure up her inner nice person and to act civilly to her husband for a couple of weeks. However, if he misinterprets her niceness as an invitation to sex, she will lower the hammer... hard.
  22. Don't all reality show participants have to take the "Cross My Heart and Hope to Die Honor Pledge?" Color me shocked.
  23. Tell us Heather's ulterior motives, please. Guessing it isn't to advertise her upcoming How to have a Happy Honeymoon Workshop.
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