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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. It does seem that in every fundie home of these people, the baby and his/her high chair are out in Siberia. I always sat right next to my babies and monitored/helped them with eating. They are part of the family, so they sat with us. Sadly, it seems that elders are also set apart from the family for eating. The times of life when you most need to communicate and may need help, you are out in "Siberia" as @floridamomsaid.
  2. I shudder at the thought of leaving Jilldo with my grandkids, but I'm sure her brainwashed kids would think nothing of it. They'll do what Jill & Dave demonstrated for them. Jill probably thinks the grands should fill in and provide the waif look for her grifting career, but we'll have to see if their "headship" dads and dils agree to that.
  3. I saw that one too, if she was talking about turning in progress reports on the 9 or 10 kids she's homeschooling. She couldn't remember how many! Also, her hair was totally fried in that one. She must have taken out her extensions. I believe it was from 2019.
  4. I could get onboard with this story. I'd like to add that the heartbreaking part to Jill was that she can't spend their SS check anymore!
  5. I think we've seen 4 episodes of Season 2. I'm really enjoying it! I wish Jeremy hadn't dissed Meghan Markle so thoroughly and publicly. I'd have enjoyed a 3rd season as well. I'm falling in love with his cows. He's pretty snarky, but he does have the ability to laugh at himself, which is mitigating.
  6. It's snowing again here (Northern IL).
  7. It does seem like it might be something related to the retreat or the power outage, since those are most recent in Jill's mind. You may be onto something, @oliviabenson that it has to do with either Tim or AndKaylee.
  8. My fingers are crossed that one of her kids actually stood up to her. Not likely, but a girl can dream.
  9. @sagittarius sue- your Mom was wise to recognize what she needed. We woke up this morning to quite a bit of snow and I believe more is on the way. It's very pretty, but enough already!
  10. Yes, they are a cute couple and they remind me of a real life couple I know. When Whitney cries, so do I. She really seems to care about the Duggar kids and all they've been through. Well, cares about most of them, with one notable exception!
  11. Next homeschool lesson will be on "Don't come knockin' when the RV is rockin'!" (unless of course, you are Jill!)
  12. We were getting our information from JB and Meech, who are not known for being realistic and honest. We also heard from their coached, victim daughters. I can't imagine growing up the way those kids did, with those parents and that privileged brother. It must have been a nightmare. As they venture out into the real world, some of those kids must be starting to realize that Mama, Daddy and Bill Gothard did not have all the answers! I hope so anyway, for the sake of their offspring.
  13. I love that podcast! Now that I've listened to all of them, I re-listen to some as I wait for a new one to come out. It's fun, informative and very chill.
  14. Maybe Jill is waiting or just the right torn up piece of cardboard to decorate with the news.
  15. @zoomama - Welcome home. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed after a long time away. I'm sure they appreciated your help.
  16. @Jeeves - the woulda coulda shouldas do nag at us, but clearly you did all you could under the circumstances. The pandemic has been so hard on everyone. I think of kids doing remote learning, parents trying to help and to keep their jobs, college kids missing graduations, postponed weddings and old people who are confused as to why they no longer had visitors. And of course all the untimely deaths and long term covid cases. It was all new for all of us and we plugged along as best we could!
  17. My phone runs pics up in the right hand corner. A pic of my Mom from her 90th birthday popped up and I was shocked to see how much her health has declined in the past 2.5 years. She was standing unassisted and holding flowers that were a gift to her. She can no longer stand or walk unassisted. It was a sad eye opener. She had a joyful smile in the picture and now she's mostly down. I took her to the doctor the other day. It was quite an ordeal getting her in and out of the car and around the building, and helping her to use the restroom. We used her wheelchair, but it was still difficult. We "kids" range from 57 to 70, so we're not getting any younger. She has insisted on staying in her own home. How I wish she had moved to assisted living years ago. Although, I have to admit that during Covid pre-vaccinations, I was grateful that she wasn't in a group setting. I guess there is no perfect answer. 😥
  18. I love how they inserted a pic of Josh in a birthday hat after stating that he spent his 35th birthday with "a downright crazy and nasty" (their words) transgender person! Made me lol.
  19. When my brother was two and our younger brother was born, he went to the bassinet and hit the baby with a toy gun. In his 2 year old mind, he was told he had a new brother to play with, so maybe he was trying to get him to start playing? That's our family lore. I think that Nemo is still a baby himself and is puzzling out what to do with this new creature that has most of his parents' focus right now. I'm not worried about his behavior except that his parents should stop laughing and labeling it as "love" for his brother and correct him to pat gently. Not just with words, but by demonstrating gentle patting. Nurie seemed to be very happy with her two boys and started to say so, I think. But she's got that scary, high pitched Jill voice, so it's hard to know what she's thinking!
  20. That sounds really interesting, @sagittarius sue! I love old houses. I've lived in 2 of them and modern conveniences were always welcome!
  21. I got right back on the horse today. Well, the ground anyway. My knee was feeling better, so I went for a walk, steering clear of the stupid watery ice. Which has melted anyway. It's a beautiful first day of spring, so we also got the new car washed. It's red and it looks gorgeous all cleaned up! I got a 90 on my sleep number, so I'm definitely feeling better. I feel like I need to keep moving though, because my knee stiffens up. I'm sure there's arthritis there anyway. I get sick of the flipping shows too. Even when I like the work, the hosts seem to do pretty much the same thing in every house. If you follow the Duggars/Bates on Reddit, some poster has been posting various parts of the episode where the Duggars helped the Bates by making a huge addition on their house. The videos have everything. JB thinking big, 55 people using one bathroom that is likely on a septic system, the kids when they were adorable, questionable looking meals, and a pregnant Kelly Jo. It's probably on YouTube, but I've been enjoying it in 12 minute increments, with funny comments!
  22. It's also on Jill's Facebook page. (David Jill Noyes Rodrigues). Anyone can look. Only humpers may comment!
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