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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. How did your Mom do with a scooter, @Scarlett45?
  2. Seeing her kissing that vulnerable baby's head when we know that she regularly has cold sores made me concerned enough. But if he indeed has RSV, he should only be touched by his parents and the medical staff. Period!
  3. I really hoped that the one good thing that would come out of Covid, would be the end of people blowing all over birthday cakes. It's really a gross tradition! Anyway, no such luck. Personally, I pass on having a piece of birthday cake, but I'm happy to join in on the singing! I would guess that missing front teeth would lead to even more spittle! 🤯
  4. I think in general, when it comes to fundie influencers, that the focus is on appearing to be a modest and humble, devoted Christian, rather than to actually be one.
  5. @Leeds - I'm so sorry you are going through this. That sounds upsetting, especially when you don't know why. Is there someone in the group of friends that you would feel comfortable asking about this?
  6. C&E are so childish and impulsive. I really feel sorry for their kids.
  7. I've been listening to this podcast. It's infuriating to think of how that selfish, addicted nurse put so many women through tortuous pain. It's also infuriating that no one listened to these women!
  8. In other news...I got an Apple Watch today. While I was playing with my new toy, I forgot that I was supposed to meet a friend at the movies! Now we're going to the later show instead. I switched from Android to iPhone last December. I'm kind of a rookie at this ios stuff! And one might think I'm a rookie at remembering stuff!
  9. I think that your standing up for yourself re the caregiving situation may have led them to the very good decision to put cousin in a group home. That sounds ideal to me and would take a lot of the pressure off of his aging parents. Bless you for showing up when you can as they go through this process, @oliviabenson! I know it's not easy when you are responsible for this difficult to care for cousin, but I truly believe you helped them to come to this decision. I hope cousin is ultimately happy in the group setting and that you and your family members can breathe a sigh of relief! ♥️
  10. Really? I did get an email stating that, but it wasn't for this site - it was for a similar site. Yikes!
  11. I'm sorry for your loss, @AstridM It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. I hope you can take comfort in happy memories of your kitty. I bet he/she had a good life with you!
  12. @oliviabenson - sometimes when it rains, it pours. It sounds like you're in one of those times right now. I'm so sorry about your cousin and that you had to miss your mom's friends's funeral. Please take some time for self care. Thinking of you! ♥️
  13. It's too bad Gothard didn't cover who becomes headship during the time when one's headship is in Federal prison for possession of CSAM. You would think a perv like Gothard would have a contingency umbrella plan for such circumstances, a contingency plan that would make it clear that everything is the wife's fault!
  14. Hey Carlin! If you happen to turn around, you'll see that everyone else is WATCHING THE GAME. Oh well, at least you have proof that this was a "business" expense.
  15. I wonder how much the older sisters, who have benefited so much from Addie & Ellie's unpaid assistance, will help Addie & Ellie when they start pumping out babies?
  16. Someone on Reddit commented that they honored Lord Daniel with the middle name! 🤣
  17. @Nysha - you are a blessing to your daughter and your grandson. Sounds like you are doing great with him. Keep us posted. I'm glad to hear that it's wonderful having him there!
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if Jill is embarrassed by Kaylee's lack of makeup! She has very screwed up values. How dare that shrew force them to smile for the camera when they are probably worried sick? She's so out of touch with normal human behavior. Anyway, I hope their little baby will be all right. And that Jill doesn't make things too unpleasant for K&J and all of the other patients.
  19. Right back atcha! It's a beautiful day here. We're sitting on the porch enjoying the breeze and ignoring the neighbor's occasional firecrackers!
  20. Someone on Reddit did a year in review video of "Ham Finger" and I'm dying! 🤣 I hope I can link properly. https://www.reddit.com/r/RodriguesFamilySnark/comments/14pxbbm/ham_fingers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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