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  1. Zoe might just be dull. She’s pretty enough to get attention, but if she were ugly, she’d be a total wallflower. Her only significant screen time this season was when the others were mad at her and she showed a stunning lack of personality on that one group date when everyone else was joking around and giving funny answers, she was sitting there like a bump on a log giving straight, dull answers. And Grant doesn’t have a strong enough personality to draw her out. Yeah, the season feels short but I also have zero interest in seeing any more of it. I expect any engagement resulting from this season to last less than a month. I’m assuming it’ll be Juliana and her ever present implants shoved up to her chin*, standing there spouting instagram cliches and babbling about fairy tales just long enough to get on tv a few more times before they part ways because they have no actual interest in each other. * on that note, was she wearing actual underwear on her 1-1 date? That looked like some kind of shapewear, except that she didn’t wear anything over it. Between Jenn’s disaster season and this dud, the show desperately needs a refresh. There’s not a single contestant from this season that I could even fathom as a possible bachelorette, maybe that’s why they’re taking a break. Possibly going to dig back to a prior season to find someone with a personality.
  2. That’s exactly what I thought. While I usually joke that the lead is gonna say “can I walk you out” when someone unloads some significant, previously unrevealed fact about themselves, but in this case, I was thinking Litia was going to walk HIM out when he gave that tired old response about how he likes religion but doesn’t think it needs rules or whatever. I also thought she had a whiff of missionary during that conversation, her eyes were all wide and she showed far more enthusiasm for the topic than she has the entire time. I’m sure she’d be thrilled to convert him, but I don’t see that working out once they’re out of this bubble. This feels like the shortest season ever, it seems like it just started and already hometowns? I’ve barely learned names and there are one or two that I swear haven’t been there the whole time. i was surprised that he sent Carolina home, he seemed genuinely interested in her. And she made some valid points with Dina, like it DOES matter that it was Grant stealing her and not the other way around. As usual, it’s someone without a real connection to the lead (Seraphina? I think)who’s policing other people and another person who’s trying to ass kiss their way into a connection (Dina). Seraphina ended up the discard pile right off the bat and Dina will be next, there’s nothing there. Also, Dina looks like a walking filter. Did she take an AI-drawn face to her plastic surgeon and just say “here, please remove any identifiable features I had and make my obvious surgery the only notable thing about my face”? I assume that’s what she and Juliana hated most about Carolina, the fact she walked around with messy hair and beanies and still looked prettier.
  3. CK is a mystery to me, I really can't get a sense of her as a person at all. That being said, I was thrilled to see her boot Seychelle and her irritating accent that comes and goes in strength. And really, I didn't blame her for going for that safety case, these people don't trust her already and that's not changing, so why not save your own skin when you get the opportunity. The structure of this game makes it possible to get to the end without any friends at all. There is the opportunity to gain safety through the challenges that prevents you from being sent home and you can win against the banker, so there's not a ton to be gained in trying to repair the relationships and it's unlikely that she'd be able to anyway. I have to say that David fooled me in his talks with Will, I was baffled as to why he'd send Dickson home over Will, but it seemed like that was the path he was taking. I can see why he won Survivor, his social game is very good. Is Parvati ever going to be in any kind of danger in this game? It's like she has a plastic bubble around her.
  4. Juliana is an absolute dead ringer for pledgemaster Becca from MTV's Sorority Life back in the very early aughts, but Google is being maddeningly stingy with an image search. It's actually eerie how much Juliana resembles her, like AI took Becca's face, eliminated the early 2000s flipped ends haircut and casual outfits and added surgical enhancements to create a 2025 version (who is less nice).
  5. Yeah, that absolute disaster of a season that was Jenn's Bachelorette season followed by this dud, they're lucky the men of Joan's Golden Bachelorette season were so unexpectedly fun or the whole franchise would be circling the drain. I would say maybe it's run its course, but I genuinely enjoyed both Charity and Joey's seasons, so it's not like they CAN'T have good seasons, just hard to predict. Juliana's vibe seems very second-tier sorority girl, like the one who wasn't born particularly pretty but has worked out and surgeried herself into a person who gets attention. And frankly, it seems like her biggest gripe with Carolina is that Carolina is very naturally pretty and low key attractive vs Juliana's duck lips, shiny botoxed forehead, and massive implants. I mean, the whole group seems to hate Carolina, but I guess I keep blinking and missing exactly what she's doing. Yes, the cocktail parties keep going off the rails, but it seems like the other girls have their hands in that too. That blonde chick who was being nice to Carolina this episode but appears to turn on her next week is another monument to plastic surgery turning a young person old before their time. She could be 50 or 25, that generic surgery face makes it hard to tell.
  6. Is it confirmed that some people have categories assigned to them? Why would that be? It would seem unfair for some people to have categories they genuinely have knowledge in and others to have random categories. But if they do choose their own categories, that sushi lady should be embarrassed, as should the country singer lady. I would give the country singer lady a slight pass because I wouldn't have known some of those more current singers by face, BUT Loretta Lynn is someone you would know if you genuinely had a strong knowledge of female country singers. A lot of the people categories can be tough because you can't be sure what era they will be pulling from. The easiest categories seem to be the ones with objects, like kitchen utensils or whatever.
  7. I suspect it's a gender thing, the 60/70 year old Golden Bachelorette ladies can teasingly flirt and make comments about 20-something male contestants and people would just find it amusing, but a group of 60/70 year old men flirting or making comments about 20-something female contestants probably would not go over well. It looked the men were aware of this and kept an extreme distance (even though as someone pointed out above, without cameras, Jonathan looked like he probably would have been right up in the mix, lol).
  8. I don't really think that would make much of a difference to me if I were his wife. In one of the pics posted in the media thread, she's got her arms wrapped around his neck and he's got his hands on her hips, there's really just no reason for the two of them to be cuddled up that way, people can be friends/alliance mates and still hold a conversation sitting in their own chairs. Especially when there are cameras there and this will be broadcast for the wife/kids, families, friends to see, it's just not a great look.
  9. That outburst sounded like something he practiced in front of the mirror a few too many times, like he was trying to create a moment for himself. The group has a whole lot of unlikable people, very hard to find someone to root for, but it has gotten much more interesting as it's gone along. David seems like a pretty good player, but I wonder if his relationship to Parvati is going to sink him in the end. He seems like a likable guy and capable of inspiring loyalty from the others, but the connection to Parvati seems like a big target. Also, for a married guy, the physical touching seems a bit much between those two.
  10. Also, her age was listed as 30?!? Between her hair, her demeanor, and her outfit, she could easily pass for a woman in her 50s. oh my God, I forgot about this guy and his creative naming conventions. Individual couch...lololololol. He did have a couple gems, but I can't remember them off the bat. Kenny and Mari from the Bachelor franchise are there too. I'm relieved to learn that there is stunt casting happening because several people looked very familiar to me and I couldn't figure out why.
  11. Was Rose on some kind of downers or what? Her demeanor was so flat when talking to Grant. I guess I must have stepped out for a few minutes and missed the whole Rose/Carolina conversation, but I can't fathom a reason for Rose to tell that to Carolina, even if she indeed hear Grant say it or whatever. And how screamingly awkward to sit there and have that conversation with Grant when he gave every appearance of wanting to send her packing right then. The whole situation was just odd. Zoe the tech engineer/model (wtf does that mean, BTW?) is another one who seems like she might be on some kind of downer, unless that's just her personality, or lack thereof. Grant needs to look past the appearance with that one because she is absolutely humorless and charm-free. The guys from the Golden Bachelorette appearance was a bit of a flop. I get that they were trying to capitalize on the goodwill people have for that season, but it wasn't well-executed. And I guess they've given up on pushing Kelsey's dad for next Golden Bachelor since he didn't attend and they're openly advertising for a new GB.
  12. He's not a bad singer, but he's also not particularly good, IMO. It's awkward when he tries to shoehorn the singing into random moments. If this is supposed to be a springboard to a music career, it's not the best showcase.
  13. Gotta agree with her that superfans don't make the game better. An occasional doofus who practices a simple puzzle at home for fun is okay, but when you have people creating full scale models of common challenges in their backyards, it's just a bit much. Kinda makes you miss the days when people tried to hide their nerdy habits and tendencies, lol.
  14. Hard to judge from that pic, but I wouldn't agree with her assessment that they look "so natural." She's a stick with zero body fat, so any addition was going to really stick out on her frame. Probably looks nice in clothes though.
  15. Honestly, even the swimming in that swimming + math challenge was a smidge more difficult than I thought they should have made it. I was thinking more like the silliest tasks of way back challenges from the glory days, like when teams had to figure out a slide puzzle by moving stick shift cars or teams had to eat a giant ice cream sundae without using their hands, or sit on a spinning disk without flying off (this one could be extra entertaining with older folks, spinning shit hits different after 40). These types of tasks wouldn't wear people out so they could do one every day and truncate the filming time to something manageable for people with work and families. If there's an appearance fee, that could be a nice chunk of change for a week's work. I personally don't need all the drama between people, the best parts of the RW Reunion seasons was old favorites just catching up and reliving old times, so Mark's original vision of All Stars was a perfect extension to the Reunion seasons, but it lost its way so quickly.
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