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Everything posted by Lucygirl2

  1. I didn't really mind the 30 days to get out part (someone at least learned something from Bethenny & Jason's bullshit) but I did think the part about when Kandi decides she is done was cold, as was the part about him getting nothing if she dies. I can understand wanting to leave the majority to Riley, but how hard would it be to divide it up a bit, like Riley gets 75%, Todd gets 15% & in the event Kandi passes before Joyce, Joyce gets 10%, if Joyce passes first the 10% reverts back to Riley. I don't understand the all or nothing mentality. I have been wondering about Riley's dad & if he was run off by the OLG.... nothing would surprise me at this point.
  2. I really don't care if Aviva has Asthma or not. I'm thrilled any time she isn't on my screen. I did laugh when her & Reid were trying to convince us all that Aviva is a silent sufferer for the most part (when I know more about her phobias & ailments than most of my own family members). I also think she ordered her own wheelchair, just in case she was made to go (it is her job). She needs to draw attention to herself & make it all about her... her own little parade, if you will!
  3. I knew we were in for a whole lot of bullshit justifications the moment I saw her ass sitting criss/cross applesauce (indian style for us older people who didn't grow up in the PC era) in the middle of the perfectly made bed, pulling her straw... er, hair across her shoulders. I have wondered about this since the very first Tori & Dean show, the amount of time they spend with friends (Tori's friends) is astounding. I really love my friends. I really enjoy their company but I don't want to constantly be surrounded by anyone. It always seemed like Dean wasn't just married to Tori but to Mehran, the Guncles, & whatever random chick was her BFF since forever that week. Even now, Jess & Wolf are fulling involved in the McDermott's marital issues. It is fine to have a support system but this isn't just that. I'm trying to find us a portable AC unit to take with us to hell. Looks like it is gonna be crowded :)
  4. The smallest inkling of respect I had for Sonja vanished when she didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with sleeping with Russ while he was still involved with Carole. It isn't cool even if Russ & Carole had been broken up. Where I am from you don't do shit like that to your friends/co-workers/ or anyone else you have more than a passing relationship with. I gave Sonja (sorry that J has lost its sexiness) the side eye last season when she immediately jumped at Lu's sloppy seconds with the Pirate but forgave because Lu wasn't personally invested in him anyway. But Carole & Russ had an actual relationship whether it was open or not. I am completely against slut-shaming but even I was shaking my head at Sonja. While I'm on my Sonja rant, I am so sick of hearing about her different "closets". Go ahead, Sonja, & wear your St. Tropez underwear around NY! When you can barely afford to take a cab downtown, I doubt you'll be jet-setting off to St. Tropez anytime soon.
  5. Apollo's shirt said Nida Fitness & I think the "NP" was NIDA with part of letters becoming other letters. I noticed the first stroke in the N had a dot over it making it an I, the P was probably a D & there was a line across the I\ of the N making it an A. Pathetic as it is I paused the TV to figure it out. I also wanted to chime in about custody in the early 80s, people just didn't run to court over every single thing back then & women had preferential rights. It isn't hard to just not have Kandi there when Titus came to pick her up. He might have felt his hands were tied. According to how old Kandi was & the length of her parents marriage, I am wondering if Kandi's brother isn't from the same dad? Wasn't he several years older than Kandi?
  6. We'll I'm convinced 90% of what Tamra was bitching about about Heather is completely false or at least exaggerated, the look on her face when she thought Shannon might tell Heather was terror. I don't think Heather ever told Tamra to pick a side. Tamra is a lying liar who lies to stir shit. Fuck Tamra & her gym, where just working out without growth hormones or testertone will get you no where.
  7. I knew this wedding special was a bad idea. I have lost all my Kandi love. Joyce is stank but Kandi is a stank-enabler. How you gonna seriously tell your man that your stank face mama called his deceased father a pimp & expect him to bite his tongue? The moment she declined walking Kandi down the aisle would have told me all I needed to know about she felt about me & how much she valued her relationship with me. Also that tongue click-UGH combo Joyce let out when Kandi mentioned she had lunch with her dad was enough for me to believe Kandi's dad's story is probably more accurate than Joyce's. It's like it is her tell & you just know some bullshit lie is going to come out of her mouth.
  8. Did this woman actually say in the same breath that Eddie wants her to stop botox & she doesn't want to but then is upset that Ryan is so consumed with how he looks that he would inject himself with hormones? She sat there in the doctors office with her son & practically ranted about not wanting to grow old & being willing to do whatever it takes. Tamra must use the "do as I say not as I do" method of parenting. It isn't working, Tamra, try the practice what you preach method, it is more effective.
  9. I wonder what Kandi would do if Joyce talked to Riley about her weight like she does Kandi? It can't be far off. I am ready for Todd to lay into Mama Joyce about her antics regarding his momma. Because I don't care how much I love someone, I best not hear their momma saying anything negative about my momma. Todd's mom could be the highest paid ho in the country & it still isn't Joyce's (ki-ki- "I'd swing from a pole to feed my kids if I had to" ki-ki) business. What kills me, is the reunion was filmed after all this "his momma a ho & daddy a pimp" talk so evidently only Nene & Joyce are allowed to do whatever it took to feed their children. Stank-face Joyce is bound & determined to ruin any chance Kandi has at happiness
  10. I don't think much of Avery only feeling comfy driving their car whether it is a BMW or not, my son did most of his learning in my car & it took a while before he was comfortable driving my husband's truck. Now he can drive anything. I don't think Sonja was "commando" in her tiny shirt dress. For a brief moment the pixelating got messed up & I saw white underwear. Anyone else? I think Bravo took an opportunity to make us wonder, besides, it fits with Sonja's tagline.
  11. I don't know why they are attempting to be sly, like we wouldn't recognize that stringy hair & those linebacker shoulders & not know it is cuckoo Kelly. I bet Miss USA is thrilled to be named as a 3some participant with Cryptkeeper George & his "fiancé" on national TV. For fuck sake, Aviva, not everyone wants their business put on blast! Especially if it isn't true...
  12. Even though all the other ridiculous shit would be a no go, requesting a tattoo from Mr. Lucy might have gotten me a request for a divorce LOL. I have 2 of them & they don't bother him anymore (the first one I got because he forbade it, I was young & rebellious "no one is gonna tell me what to do"), he is opposed to having one himself... I knew how far I could push.
  13. So when Mr. Lucy got home tonight I told him we needed to change some things in our fairytale. I needed grand gestures at least twice a month, I need to be spoon fed on Sunday mornings & never again shall a tissue be held by my dainty hands, all nose wiping needs to be done by him. All apologies will now be done by song. All said with a total straight face. He looked at me like I was crazy & said are you still capable of wiping your own ass or is that my responsibility too? Did the forums closing make you lose you mind? I couldn't help but laugh & said according to Tori Spelling it is the only way to guarantee a happy ending. He thinks I need to quit watching this shit. LOL
  14. Once again I finished an hour of this shit feeling angry. Dean looked like total garbage the entire 6 episodes, looking like he hasn't seen a shower in a long time. And all is good, chapter 2 of the fairytale is being written & Dean is all showered, hair is cut & clean. I am really sick of hearing the words "Happy Ending" from these 2, mostly because they can stick it out for 20 more years & even have a decent marriage but that is still no guarantee the ending will be a happy one. The only thing that will provide me with a happy ending concerning Dean & Tori will be if they fade into oblivion. And finally, not that I wanted to hear anything about whether they were having sex or not but it pissed me off that she acted like the question was an invasion of their privacy... seriously? with all the shit she has published in books & talked about on all these shows?
  15. Honestly I don't know where to even begin anymore... Ramona was completely thoughtless to that young woman, especially at her engagement party where she is surely missing her parents. George is so disgusting vile. I still can't believe what he said to Ramona about touching her vagina at her funeral. I can't fathom dating someone who was born while I was well into my 50s, so while George isn't technically a pedophile since Cody is over 18, he is not far off the mark in my eyes. He is the type of guy who waits until the stroke of midnight on your 18th birthday to start playing grab ass.
  16. I agree with you Frisco but I think it is wishful thinking. Once you have agreed to put this kind of shit on display, I believe you no longer have boundaries. I had a few hours yesterday with nothing to do so I rewatched from the beginning & Tori has a tendency to talk out of both sides of her ass. In the first episode she was laying it all out for us & said she never thought for one moment Dean would cheat, later she is saying she has been dreading the possibility from the beginning. She said Dean told her every detail of his 2 day affair when they got home from Liam & Stella's Christmas program but then she is saying she needs details in therapy, like she never received them. The only consistent thing about Tori is her constant victim mentality.
  17. I have never been a fan of anyone on this franchise so I can see that won't be changing. The only reason I am sticking around is to see what happens to Juicy & Tre. I used to be entertained by Milania but as we can see the older she gets the less cute the behavior is.
  18. See Harry wins bonus points from me for divorcing her ass (whether he initiated it or not) & he kinda has to associate with her for a reason that is worth more than Bravo money, it is Harrison. There are certain people you couldn't pay me enough to be around but I would suck it up in the best interest of my son.
  19. I can't believe that vile ass woman got on national TV & called Todd's mama a ho & prostitute! & Even more unbelievable to me was that Kandi again said nothing to shut her ass down. The aunts somewhat redeemed themselves but it was still sad because they never should have had to. They should have never shown their asses to begin with. Broke my cold little heart in the previews when RIley had to finally shut that shit down.
  20. I really started off wanting to be on Tori's side, mostly because it is terrible to be cheated on & have it come out so publicly would be worse, IMO. But I just can't! All this talk of Fairytales, Prince Charming, Knight in Shining Armor & Happy Endings lost me, because it isn't realistic. Tori is like the 12 year old girl with posters of Bieber on her wall, thinking he is some kind of dreamboat she hopes to marry someday. When in reality Bieber is nothing but a spoiled piece of shit. Not to mention the fact that Tori is a cheater herself. It is hard to feel sorry for someone who thought cheating was ok when they were the other woman. Dean needs to keep working, he needs to sock some money away for his kids therapy in a few years. Not a one of them is getting out of this mess unscathed.
  21. For shows like survivor, I think episode threads are fine but with shows like the housewives which are rerun constantly & with older marathons, a single thread is better. I hope we can all adjust because I hate to lose any of the wonderful posters with great insight because of thread formatting.
  22. I admire you all who lurk. My problem is I just can't keep my big mouth shut LOL
  23. I got the last word in on the RHoATL thread on TWoP :). Happy to be here. I just can't believe people was getting banned in the last minutes.... Truly sad
  24. Fran Drescher was brutally raped while her husband, at the time, was tied up & made to watch. Aviva casually throws around the term rape (& tells people to lighten up about it on WWHL) in order for us to believe she was traumatized by a verbal smackdown? The fact that she actually knows someone who has lived through that kind of violation & compares an argument to it is the most vile thing I have ever witnessed. The fact that Reid, who is Fran's cousin, hasn't corrected her on it makes him just as vile. (WWHL was live & recent & that is where she was like "get over it" so I have to assume Reid has not said anything to her). At this point Aviva could do a complete turn around & become the kindest person on the planet & she won't change my opinion of her.
  25. If I remember right didn't Sonja say 'Pickles' was originally nicknamed 'Pizza' because that was all they had to eat & then it was changed to pickles for the same reason? First of all, I find it abhorrent that she nicknamed the only African-American person in her gaggle of interns even though they were all eating only pickles. Second, if that is all she is feeding them (along with no hot water) then they are really getting ripped off in the room & board part of the deal. Prisoners in Attica are treated better.
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