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Everything posted by Lucygirl2

  1. I call total bullshit on these "interns" getting college credit. My son is going to be an intern this summer & there are many rules regarding what interns are & aren't allowed to do. There is also a certain amount of paperwork required so they get course credit & I don't see Sonja doing any of it. Now if these are college kids working in exchange for room & board to spend the summer in NYC then that is something else entirely. But if Sonja is supposed to be providing room & board with no hot water then that is bullshit, as well.
  2. I have a strong feeling book-gate would be over if relentless Aviva would just learn to let shit go. Carole clearly didn't want to talk about it anymore. It has the same sort of feeling that the St Barth's trip did last season, everyone returned home, ready to move on, & Aviva just would not let it go. She talked about it non-stop with anyone who would listen & even when they didn't want to listen. I am absolutely certain I will be FFwd through her pity party trip down memory lane next week. I am sorry but I can't find 2 fucks to give about Aviva's tragedy this season.
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