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Everything posted by whoknowswho

  1. My apologies if I have done anything wrong, I think we may have posted around the same time.
  2. I'm in Canada, so I can't vote except by not watching TLC. I remember when TLC meant "The Learning Channel" and was not "Freak of the Week" stuff. I'm saddened by how it's gone from my favorite station to one I rarely now watch. But I did watch the Duggars if only for interest sake, more out of curiosity. Then the scandal broke and I immediately voted with the only thing I could- my email to TLC stating they lose me as a customer and viewer until they cancel that show. It's morally wrong to hold yourself up as some type of wildly godly ideal family when there are huge skeletons in your closet. I'm not Godly, not at all but I have NOTHING in my background like that, I'm beyond amazed that TLC has stayed silent. While I'm only one person, I'm gone.
  3. Please tell me this terrible "experiment" ends next week? Because I may have to gouge out my eyes if it doesn't. Boring, boring, terrible, and boring. Our satellite signal messes up in the rain and I only caught half their words and less actual visual, but I think I missed nothing. I don't like these people- with the exception of Jaclyn and Ryan sometimes- I don't like any of them. I think Sean needs to run away with the expert guy who clearly likes him more than he likes Davina- I want to see Davina move to a deserted Island where she can say "I ,I ,I, me Me me" and no one will have to hear her, Mr Joey Tribiani (other Ryan) needs to watch a few more episodes of "Friends", and Jessica should go back to reception work, and stop trying to be an actress. I'm pissed that I've actually watched as much as I have.
  4. Pretty much sums it up for me, too. I'm watching, but it bores and annoys me. No hope for 2 couples and possibly there is for Jaclyn and Ryan. Pretty much sums it up for me, too. I'm watching, but it bores and annoys me. No hope for 2 couples and possibly there is for Jaclyn and Ryan.
  5. ^^ THIS. Most of us were teenagers, and I'll wager that most of us never molested our younger siblings. Even if we had been molested ourselves. This is more than him just being a sexually repressed horny teenager. I feel he is a sociopath. He acted like one with no regard to the consequences UNTIL HE GOT CAUGHT. And if ANYONE thinks he's changed- that's not something you grow out of. Molestation is about power and control, he demonstrated to his family that he is in control of their bodies, until he got caught, and only then did he act contrite. I would not allow him 1000 feet near me or my family.
  6. Absolutely spot on! Perfect way to sum up my feelings, but I'm not nearly as eloquent. You have hit the nail right on the head with this summary.
  7. I've said it before- Sean screams gay to me- I think he might enjoy a little more of Mr. Grey and a little less of whoever is the female character in the book/movie. I have decided I hate all three couples almost equally. I missed the earlier episodes and came in at the honeymoon--but while originally I kind of liked Ryan and Jaclyn--her ordering food for him like he's a child bugs me to no end. Who in this day and age does this? You take me out to eat and then order for me- you aren't going to get to enjoy that hot meal because I'll have smacked your presumptuous face, and poured my hot tea in your lap! How the hell do you know that I like my steaks rare with baked potato with sour cream- and I judge all restaurants by how well they do steak? Like I said- really bugs me. :) The rest of the show is tripe. The experts are all idiots who seem to know absolutely NOTHING of value, there is nothing even slightly interesting about these people-- I don't care if they all have a gagglefuck together to get higher ratings. Have sex, don't have sex, I just don't care...
  8. It's not just you- the guy screams gay to me.
  9. They are speaking some type of French, because I understood it. I actually understood the Frankish speakers better than the Old English.
  10. I thought Ragnar knew all along that Floki had killed Athelstan? How or who did he think had done it if it wasn't Floki? Second thing I noticed- but only because I'm Canadian, and this is a Canadian-Irish production- there's a mistake on the "Salut". "Salut" is a very informal French (Canadian) salutation, and one that's used amongst equals and friends, both as a hello and goodbye. I would say "Salut" to a friend- but to my husband's mother I would say "Enchante de vous contaitre" (Pleased, or enchanted to meet you.) or "Bon Jour" (Good Day) Perhaps it's also used in France, but surely not in the middle ages... Count Odo- I never saw or read 50 shades of anything- but I immediately thought of the Marquis de Sade. A bit underwhelming a finale...but Rollo was priceless with his charmed smile.
  11. Part of me wants him to die for killing Athelstan, but part of me also wants him to live and to be miserable. Just don't kill Helga. He is absolutely Golem-like, a troll or a crazy leprechaun, but I keep thinking he always pulls through for Ragnar, he's his last friend, the only one who hasn't died and one of my favorite evil characters. The series would be missing a lot if we had no Floki, even if I'm still really mad at him... :)
  12. I don't get on-demand, (nor have a vcr anymore) but am watching the previous episode again. My random thoughts-- I thought when Ragnar hit the wall that way, that he must have one mean kidney injury, and again when he fell to the ground. He's now holding his side, or his belly, or both. He's in trouble, either by internal injury or plague or both. I want to HOPE he lives...guess we find out next week. Floki...I love him in a "maniacal little leprachauny- zealot weasel " kind of way. But, I want him to die slowly. Flayed by fire would have been good, and he can still be slow-roasted. :) He's such a great character...I will miss him if he gets killed, but he can get killed any time now. I'm still pissed about Athelstan. This is a series that you have to watch over and over as it's SO busy, so many things happen and you notice more every time you watch. Princess Gisela- I'm Canadian with an Francophone ex husband- so I have no problem understanding her. I recognize it isn't a French- Canadienne accent-- it's "France-French." She does have a lisp in this show, I've never watched her in anything so don't know whether this is her normal accent. I absolutely LOVE to loathe King Eckbert, who is so enigmatic. Love him. Just when I think he might be a tiny bit good, he proves that he is a diabolical bastard, but a delicious one.
  13. Thank you, you put things in prospective nicely. Can't believe the season's over next week!
  14. We have crows on our farm- they are old couples and their young- they come when they are called, as I feed them my old eggs. They know my face and my voice and even if I can't see them- they are present- let a hawk come near a chicken, and the crows will chase it from the skies overhead. Because they are so exceptionally smart, they also know how to hide the eggs I've thrown them, in clods of dirt made by the horses- and you CANNOT find them ,even if you are looking. We've tried. Outsmarted us. Crows and their raven cousins have my utter respect.
  15. . I like Lagertha's all-female commandos. However, I do not understand why it has to be all-female. Is it something historically valid with a good technical reason, or is it just for dramatic effect? As well, I like the Franks' war engineering. From last week multi-spear launcher and this week spiked wheel of death.Meanwhile, the Vikings relies mostly on brute strengh. I applaud the use of old French in the show. I do not understand the conversation among the Franks. Well, for that matter I do not understand the conversation among the Anglo-Saxons as well. Kudos for the use of old languages. The Paris of this show, is it only l'Île de la Cité? That is the small island in the middle of the Seine. However, that island is far, far away from the sea. Watching Athelstan's explanation and the Vikings' approach to Paris, I have the impression that it is close to the mouth of the river. I have a theory regarding the whole King Aelle thing. I don't know how to put a spoiler tag on, but I'm going to try a cut and paste. Remember in Season 1 where ? I think originally Vikings was meant to be a one off, one season mini series, and historical accuracy wasn't needed. They picked Ragnar's and then loosely built a show around him. Then- Holy poop- it was a very popular series- and they couldn't waste Ragnar so early, so they used a bit of history and swapped out the officer, thus saving Ragnar for another season. Same way that they named Bjorn "Bjorn Ironsides" which is actually correct, and "Seighart (sp) Snake in the eye" another of Ragnar's kids, along with Ivar the Boneless (who I thought became a warrior?). I admit to being fascinated with Norse history and going hunting early in the series for information on Ragnar and his story. Their's was not a written language, so their stories and legends only lived from the tongues of one person to the ear of another's. I think since early on in the first season the writers and director realized they have an interesting, beautiful, horrific and compelling show, and have had to try to bring it back to some semblance of history, but are not going to be successful because early on what should have happened, didn't happen. Or, maybe it will down the road if Ragnar doesn't die from internal injuries. I could be totally wrong and haven't read enough or heard enough to see why they are playing fast and loose with history- except that those early mistakes made, can't now be unmade. Did that make any sense? And- how about that wheel of spikes? That was pretty intense!
  16. Me neither. He gets annoyed with the flowery scenes, foreshadowing and flashbacks- Athelstan's death had me sobbing, and he was just annoyed with the whole thing. Then I reminded him of the beauty and horror of (I think it was) Lief's death at...? Wherever it is they go every 9 years- that was season one wasn't it? The music for that episode has been running through my mind since I heard it. Vikings is a beautifully crafted show- not historically correct but wonderful none-the-less. Hubby really loves it too, he just doesn't like staying up after his bedtime!
  17. Except that I'm old and I pee'd myself laughing, I wish we were done with the pee, too.
  18. Yes! I asked my husband last week- where's Helga's baby? He replied it's way too artsy-fartsy for him this season, and went to bed.
  19. I was 9 10 and 3/4 ounces and my poor mother was only 5 feet and 93 pounds soaking wet! I was also a high forceps baby and have an oddly shaped skull thanks to it. Israel. Of course...Izzy dilly.
  20. My mom too. She didn't plan it but my sister came nine months after their wedding.
  21. People in the horse world who had live streaming barn cameras used to- probably still do- use tactics like giving the mare a due date that was actually 2 weeks early so lots of people would be watching, and the drama would ratchet up the longer the mare went over her supposedly correct due date. Sometimes a mare would go over by a month- making it impossible and obvious the date was incorrect. I think Derrick and Jill are using the same type of game, to keep them in the headlines and have lots of people worried over her so called over-due date. Seems to be working too.
  22. I only saw a bit of the wedding, and I've only been sort of watching this show for a couple months, so I don't have the built up hate that many seem to have for them. They are weird, yes. My sister at 25 married an 18 year old Penticostal guy from her church. They had one child and eventually divorced after a few years- he went on to a fantastic and totally non Fundamental career in the military where he is now a Lieutenant Colonel about to inherit his own base. I was scandalized that she was marrying a guy younger than ME, but it was their lives, not mine. I actually didn't realize the Duggars weren't Mormans- I just assumed, with all those kids, that they were. Until realizing that Jill was not marrying at a Temple, and then discovering this forum and educating myself a bit. I still don't hate them- I really like the girls, Michelle not so much and Daddy is just weird, but I think he loves his children as they are a reflection of him. So maybe it's hard not to stand there and say- "I remember when it was Michelle and I getting married, and now I'm giving away my second daughter" or words to that effect. I like Jessa and Binjermin (yup- I was saying it to the television, too!) and I see them as a couple deeply in love. Maybe after 15 kids the bloom will wear off, but often that is the case in many marriages. I hope they wait, but they won't because it's in their extreme culture to pump out a bunch of kids. I don't see him as dumb as a rock--I see him as a bit uncomfortable in the limelight, and as a artistic person who is also now married into a very weird cult type family. I actually like Derrick and Jill, too. The song he had his friend sing when he proposed to her, is still in my head. I see him as totally exhausted- look at the bags under his eyes. I think they are as normal a young couple as you can be in that very odd religion/cult/family. I love Jinger, and I think Jana is beautiful, and the rest of the family I really have no opinion of- the kids are noisy and screamy and probably typical kids. Jim Bob annoys the shit out of me, and Michelle's baby voice drives me crazy. But I have to give the devil his due. I cannot fathom how weird/hard it would be to have a TV crew in your life for years and years, filming all your ups and downs and never having time to be totally your own person. They are all a public persona, and maybe they are different in private...I don't know. I don't understand what would cause people to want to put themselves out there for so many years. It's part of the reason I watch now, because it's fascinating in a way to see how they live.
  23. My husband and I are 50 year old hippies who got married at our favorite waterfall last summer wearing...CROCS! Gasp! (It was just us, our witnesses and a Justice of the Peace, who wore Birkenstocks and capris, it was that kind of wedding.) Mine were cute, flat 2 tone burgundy to match my skirt, and good for a very difficult climb down to the water, and I'm a barefoot person too. I'm either barefoot or wearing flats all the time, except when I'm in rubber boots in the barn. Haven't worn heels in 25 years, and am thankful for that. That said, we don't have a widely visible family or TV show, and we don't care about anything other than comfort...
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