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Everything posted by whoknowswho

  1. I've "closed my eyes and thought of England", a time or two in my many years. I just couldn't remember where I had first read it, but I laughed out loud when she said it on screen. I think we all think of England, or make grocery lists, or count ceiling dots, if we live long enough. :) I fell in love with Outlander when the first book came out, and Mom and I voraciously read the first 3 novels. I still have them. Unfortunately, even with bifocals I can't read the book form anymore, so it's on screen, or on screen. I never went further than Voyager, though-- I cared for modern day life a lot less than those wild Scotland days, and I've forgotten so much, watching it on TV I've rediscovered things I loved and hated about the series.
  2. Magnesium Citrate is just a laxative. I would think it would be pretty damn easy to administer at the very least a Fleet enema, and the jail likely even has protocols for it. Robert, like all the other "participants" is really just full of shit. This show is insanely, pathetically fake. The whole premise had potential, but it's gone now as they are practically reading off cue cards. And Barbra--honey--your husband looks to be at most 20 years old--so he really hasn't given his whole life for his country--just maybe a couple of years. Come say that when he's allowed to shave. I hate all these people now. I thought I liked Isaiah with his shit-eating grin, but that is just as fake as the rest of the show's participants are.
  3. http://www.poptower.com/tami-ferraiuolo-caught-red-handed-picture-106520.htm Well now--here's yet ANOTHER reality "star" on yet another "reality" show--drumroll--it's Tami! So, for those keeping score--so far we have Tami, Robert, and Babs all listed in IMDB, and having had some experience in front of the camera in some type of reality TV, or as "actors". Surprise, surprise. Wonder if Deputy Scottie knew she has acting skills, too? :) So disappointed. I had some hope that these might be real people in a real jail for a real reason of ferreting out problems in the Clark County Jail. Why oh why do I allow myself to get sucked into these pretend "reality" TV shows? Only setting myself up for inevitable disappointment.
  4. I didn't see him as under the influence at all anymore, either. He kicked that monkey I think. To me, this is the closest to the old Ragnar we have seen all season--his coming home to Kattegat was bittersweet and showed Ragnar still has fire in his belly. BUT--I would think that Bjorn--born in Kattegat and the oldest child--would be the King if Ragnar died, though Bjorn would not kill him to do it. The other kids though...not so much. Ivar is the only one who sticks up for him, when they were all talking about him. Which gives me hope for the little insane kid that he was, perhaps there's a wee bit of...good in him? One can hope...
  5. My father's name was Ivan--but this guy's name is "IVAR". He was a real person in history, at least in the Viking sagas Ivar the Boneless was a real, and really mean, guy. He's the one who
  6. I think Bjorn really would not have cared much. Not once did he show any interest in baby Siggy while she was alive--so I can't see him getting all sentimental about her death. Lagertha would have been unhappy I think, but Bjorn was too busy going on vision quests in the snow while the child was still alive, and making Aslaug mad because he didn't care--and that's quite something, because she didn't care, either. I didn't much care for the young man playing adult Ivar--because the child was so blond--and this guy is dark haired, and sounds like he's Inuit. The one who's the dead ringer for Erlunder--is he a brother of the actor who played him? My husband and I both thought at first, it was the same actor. They certainly look alike. It wasn't the best episode of the year, but it was nice to see Ragnar come back apparently after having been in Rehab for 6 years--he looks clean and sober! :) Bah, I don't care for Bjorn's character much at all, so when the old guard get's killed off, that will probably wrap up my love of this show. I loved Ragnar and Floki and Lagertha, Helga, Siggy 1 and the kids from the get-go, but the show has become far too big for it's britches, and I'm sort of sad for the show of old that I fell in love with. There were some flashes of brilliance this year, but for the most part I was disappointed.
  7. She got shot in her left arm--on the boat I believe it showed a quick glimpse of her nursing her wound--she was on the right side of the screen. I'm watching it again in an hour so will look--it';s just a brief flash-- you see Lagertha on the floor of the boat and then Torvi.
  8. Yeah, I don't find him attractive at all, but that's just me. But he's cuter than say, Robert.
  9. No more than Survivor or Big Brother has to proclaim it's "fake reality" in it's credits. They took totally out of the box characters who stick out like sore thumbs, and stuck them in jail. See who cracks first. Well, most of them have cracked in one way or the other--and it's for our AMUSEMENT--not to fix a broken system--but to make a reality TV series. Why else would Tami be so horribly obnoxious? Why else would Robert be so abundantly nuts? Why would Barbra go from being a shrinking violet to a sista from the hood seemingly overnight? Get Jeff punched in the face (but no marks)--for our amusement. Because that's what makes people watch TV. I'm watching--so it's working. But I'm hate watching now. Kindof like "I am Cait" (only I can't, won't watch her anymore, and never, ever a Kartrashian) MayMay (aka Yaz) Ali--is normal, to temper the crazy that is Tami. Izaiah, is normal, to temper the crazy that is Robert. Zak is the beefcake to make the ladies swoon... Jeff--poor Jeff--there's always one who gets voted off the island--that would be Jeff's role. Totally my thoughts--I have no stake in the game, don't know these people and never want to--nor would you get me to go inside for anything less than a trillion dollars in unmarked commisary dollars. :)
  10. I think it's fake. Some of the inmates are inmates, but I think key others--are not. The ones getting facetime on camera--I think they are pretending to play prisoners. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it'll come out that those fake prisoners will be next year's "reality prison" moles. Possible, eh? Apparently--Tami was only a cop for (without looking)--either 6 or 9 years, not 20 as she claims--so--here we have lying liars, who lie. She was a security guard prior--not police, and then worked in some liaison role after her stint as a cop, and it wasn't being a cop. So at least some of her story is bullshit. How many others are? Barbra--is trying so hard to be "real" and again--fake, and a bad actor. Tell her to cry, she'll cry poorly constructed crocodile tears with half a smile on her face, because she knows she can't act. This is not real life. It shouldn't pretend to be. Because if it is real--then the jail has some seriously fucked up priorities. Get A and E in and make a drama, rather than observing and intervening when violence breaks out. I don't buy it.
  11. I wouldn't go to jail for any reason, not for fame nor fortune.(Not even if my father is Mohamed Ali.) Truly, if they are in general population with minimal supervision--it is pure insanity. There has to be more to this--they simply can't be as unsafe as it appears, or someone would surely get killed. It would be an insurance nightmare.
  12. The Tattoo Brothers, love it. What bothered me, in a stark way--was their callous, workaday "nothing to see here" murder, rape and plunder-- and then they cap it off with a rousing song --a sea shanty from about -600 years before I would envision sea shanties came from. Those guys sure like to sing... While it's kind of neat because I'm a Canadian Maritimer who grew up on Irish drinking songs played in our kitchens, it's quite disquieting to learn where some of those songs may have actually originated from. And I think that was the whole point of the scene. Nothing different from their regular life--kill, rape, pillage, and sing songs. So--I got a chance to see it was indeed Roland in bed with the Emperor. Interesting. Gisla is right--the one closest to the King (Emperer) is the one closest to him. Literally. I do wonder if Therese and Roland are actually siblings, or just pretending to be. I loved the part where Ragnar and Bjorn were with Lagertha, and when she told them to leave--they as one, just backed up and stayed with her. That was worth the price of admission for me. The rest of Ragnar's fall to dangerous lows, was just too depressing this week, it wasn't a favorite episode for me.
  13. I tried to like this show, in the hopes it would be both interesting and informative and ACTUALLY real--but all I see-- is fake. Fake, fake, fake, fakery, fake. Not even good "actors" these reality stars--if Tami was anywhere near as horrible and douchey as a cop, with a badge and gun--someone would have killed her by now, gun or not--I'm guessing her partner would have driven her off a bridge. She's an asshole. Her wife is a saint. If Robert is as "crazy " as he appears to be--anyone--in their right mind, would have removed him immediately from said program. Same with Tami. They are there for DRAMA. Barbra loves the word drama--everything out of her mouth is drama. She's a fake as a 3.00 bill. With credits for "acting" on IMDB. Surprise, surprise. Robert does have frightening eyes, but I think he's just paid to act like that. No way will I believe he's delusional, and then suddenly passes an evaluation. Either you are, or you aren't--not going to switch it on and off that easily unless you are crazy like a fox. Zak--looks and smells like a cop from here--how can he even be considered an inmate by inmates--many of whom I expect are also actors...these are the people we "know" are in the program--are there any others who we don't know about? That would make it more interesting at least. Jeff--poor Jeff--someone saw a mark a mile away--why would anyone let him into such a potentially dangerous situation? How much would it take in money--for someone to get ME to go to jail for 60 days? You could not PAY ME enough! Unless you promised me that I would be safe and watched 24/7 by people who could save my ass from getting killed, and I'd want some serious $$ for it... Sheriff is also a terrible actor--terrible--learn your lines, man--you stink. He can hardly keep a straight face. Did anyone else notice the girl who jumped--backwards--off the balcony thing--was first on her face and then on her back? (Or visa versa) they didn't get the edit right the first time--so had to redo. That little bit of blood on the ground--if you hit concrete with your HEAD--you are going to bleed like a stuck pig--not just a little bit--scalp wounds bleed like CRAZY. She fell a long way! I got run down by a 1000 pound cow in a concrete barn--and it looked like I'd been murdered--blood to my waist, and a pool on the floor--all for a tiny little 2 inch scalp laceration. So--I call foul there, too.(I can't go back and watch it though--I've seen the episode twice but we don't have TV on demand) I do believe Ricky is truly a paranoid schizophrenic. He has the ritualistic behaviors correct, and I worked with some pretty sick ones. But, I also think that suggestions were given to him, and he's unmanageable enough from lack of medication to act on them. Schizophrenic's off medication can be loaded guns, and it's completely irresponsible of the jail to allow this to transpire. You ask them to open their mouth, move tongue up down, and show the nurse or guard they've swallowed the pill. Takes no real time, it's part of the routine for the day.
  14. See what I started? Zoloftblob, you will be forever called ZoloftBOB. Lol, I'm so sorry...
  15. I completely missed it too. I saw Therese leave Roland's bed, and I thought she went to the king's. Creepy as fuck that she sleeps with her brother. I sense close eyed kids and nasty STDs in her destiny.
  16. Oh, cool--now I get why his voice was so recognizable, yet I didn't recognize his face! The eyes, it's in the eyes. Or lack thereof. That part just had me bored, the kid's cute if you like kids--I don't get the cowboy hat (guess it's a pilgrim thing but I swear I saw a concho on it!) but Frankia and Wessex leave me wanting more Vikings, and less everyone else. And yay--Erlandur 's gone. I was getting tired of looking at his snarly little pissed off boy face.
  17. Those two- Harold Finehair and brother Halfdan--aren't my heroes. I doubt they are anyone's who watch this series seriously. They aren't likable in the least--they make Ragnar look all warm and fuzzy in comparison. Nukester--was your family slaughtered by Vikings 1000 years ago? Because you surely do seem to hate them-- as a species, like hating cats or snakes. Speaking of snakes--Did Aslaug kill Siggy, or just ignore her to death? The look she gave Ivar when Seigert told her Siggy was dead...it was a bit chilling. edited because spelling matters.
  18. Torvi is Jarl Borg's widow... They had a child--the child Erlunder is holding hostage.
  19. I'm just hoping it wasn't a dream or a fake out--that he actually killed Yidu. She was stupid, her story line went no where and it wasn't in the least bit interesting--just annoying. But I admit to hating her from the first moment, and I'm not sure why. I think we're supposed to maybe feel sorry for her, to see Ragnar as just being his own typical bad self--so that when his end comes--and it simply will have to at some point unless Hirst is seriously re-writing history--that when his end comes, we won't feel that bad for the end of Ragnar. Will that happen as history says it did or not, is anyone's guess--this is not a historically accurate story of Vikings, and was never supposed to be bang on accurate I don't think--it has probably exceeded Hirst's expectations, as I think it was meant to be a one off mini-series, but it's a great show, and it is popular--and we love it. Most of the time. I'm going to miss Queen Crazypants far more than Yidu--Queen Cra-Cray had personality to burn, and she really wanted to be a man with power. In the end, undone by her baby daddy's wife, and loses her child as well. Well played, Ecbert. I can see Aethelwulf not being too happy with this when he comes back from pilgrimage. Odo--well, nothing's worse than having your lungs hacked out while alive, but beating him to death by whipping--seems like Terese liked that. And she'll be the next female protagonist to hate. God or man-whore, I don't care--I hate Harbard.
  20. Sorry, ZBlob...I am visually impaired--to me, the blob really is a blob!
  21. I'm not sure if I like prison shows or not--this show is a hot mess of bad acting--I wonder how many of the "inmates" are really bit part actors? Just to make things more interesting. Because if not otherwise--Robert is completely and totally insane! Whackanoodles, that one. Tami is just about as bad, and if she's a cop--no wonder people HATE cops! She's a brash asshole. I thought at first it was a serious, documentary--but it's like the typical Breaking Amish "documentary" that wasn't even close to real. This is what reality shows have done to us--everyone has to act sooooo over-the-top to even be interesting. Think about it--the most interesting people, are the craziest ones. Zak's cute but too normal, so he's boring. Maryum--is just dull as dishwater, and the 25 year old Barbra--is so supercilious she can't likely spell her own name without giggling. I'm sure her next book with be a primer on how to survive jail. I sense a Pulitzer coming her way. New Shoes guy--why did you go to jail to get over bullying--who thought that was ANY kind of answer to your problems? On a totally different vein--Zoloftblob, I've been reading your name wrong for at least the last year--always as ZoloftBOB--now I have to totally rename you in my head...
  22. I have the ponehs--2 of them. But Floki is not dead, yet. Sorry... :( All in all--it was a great episode--Ragnar's really struggling--it's blatantly obvious that his control is slipping away, and yeah--he certainly could be on "Celebrity Intervention, Vikling Edition". He is fumbling everything, his drug addiction is out of control and it's sad because it is life in the real world, too. King or Serf, addiction is addiction. Rollo has come into his own. He has a new life, he has power, wealth, high standing in this new community of Frankia--everything he ever wanted. And the hot chick too. I'm ok with that, las ong as he doesn't mess with Lagertha. People screw over people, most especially family members all the time- you can draw parallels with "W"'s story of his Mercian family, and with his new alliance to Ecbert. Please don't let Helga die, she is my favorite character next to Lagertha. She has tended to all of them through the years--healing Lagertha, Ragnar, and was it Rollo or Floki on the first or second season? At least it seems to me she has always been the village doctor/nurse. I remember her cauterizing somebody a couple years ago. There's nothing left for Floki and a part of me feels kind of bad, and wants Helga to live. I think Ragnar chopped it when she was in the bath--I was bored but vaguely remember him cutting her ponytail off.
  23. Ragnar talking to the head, anyone? Who was it? Helga's not dead, but she is not well, either. Back to the head--who saw it? Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio... Carry on.
  24. I had to run to the bathroom during the Harbard/Floki/Aslaug threesome, and missed the happy ending. (Of that part) But I thought the head Ragnar was talking to, was either Harbard, or Half-Dan. But I really couldn't tell...it wasn't Rollo, right? I'll watch it again at 2:00 but someone would have rewatched the ending, I hope?
  25. Help me out--whose head was Ragnar talking to at the very end?
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