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Everything posted by whoknowswho

  1. Unless they are talking about the chickens I raise, which are Silkies, but I can't imagine an island full of fluffy chickens.;)
  2. We just read them as they came out in paperback, so we'd wait for years till the next book was written and out in paperback. When you are voracious readers before the advent of personal computers everywhere, we couldn't afford to buy hard covers, as we all ate books like they were food for the starving. I'm not disappointed with the series, but I am disappointed in some of the episodes this year. I did enjoy this episode far better than last week's. Wee Ian is probably my favorite character, with his "Auntie Claire".
  3. I LOVE Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber--loved. But It became too rapey, and with the constant, constant ridiculous danger--I understand how some still go nuts over the books, I loved the first 2 and part of 3, but when they got on the ship, I was done. I miught have read another, but unlike ASOIAF, I didn't want to commit to a series that went on for most of my life. lol.
  4. Ok, good. I remember Mom and I both decided after Book 3/Voyager we were done, I don't remember why exactly. I lost my eye sight in an eye around that time, and had to give up reading paperbacks. I don't know if she ever went further, but I didn't.
  5. Yes, that's what I meant--did someone else know about the treasure at the same exact time that Ian was off and getting it? I don't remember back that far into book land.
  6. I have a HUGE problem with her outfit--from a straight out of the 21st century blouse with regular buttons and stand up collar, to the corset with it's zipper, and of course I mentioned last episode her surgical tools which look very much like what we use now. Every time I see her in her batsuit, It takes me right out of the story. Some things don't translate well to visual arts. While she made her batsuit to be useful--if anyone touched raincoat polyester way back then, first they'd go YUCK, (I hate polyester) and then they'd wonder what the hell it is, because there's nothing at all like it in the 1700s. At least put a 1700's cloak over it or something to make it stand out less. You can't blame the Colonies on everything... What's up with the ship--landing and immediately grabbing Ian? Did they know--I don't remember this at all? I read the first 3 books many years ago and never re-read them, and never went further than Voyager, so I am not completely invested in the show or the books. I totally wish she had told Jenny the truth--the photographs and clothing would prove what she said, but I suppose it would also get her burnt as a witch, for real this time.
  7. I only recently started watching GOT, well, I've now watched the entire series 4 times, and am on Book 3... Viserion made me very, very sad. When Clair said something snippy about losing her "patient" the jist of it irked me yet again with her holier-than-thou, totally forgot you're in back in Scotland in the 1700s and have zero sense. (ie--dining with the whores like it's the Paris Court) I just had enough. It's piss poor writing. She can still be a special snowflake, but she has to be more sensible in general or she's going to get herself killed or burned as a witch. Her medical instruments concern me, so does her obviously polyester clothing, and updated blouse. I don't remember Claire being as annoying as she is on the TV show...I liked her in the books. Wonder how Laoghaire is going to react to the first Mrs. Fraser coming back in the scene? Not well, I expect. Edit--Well, I watched the rest--and I'm glad I did. I loved young Ian--he looks an awful lot like the actress who plays Jenny to me. I loved him, and I liked him and Fergus together. They were worth price of admission. And of course, Jaimie said "Sassenach", and my heart just melted a bit again. I ended up liking the rest of the episode far better than the first 20 mins I watched. But they need a couple of dragons. Just sayin'. :)
  8. It's been years and years since I read the books--that's right, Jamie is a fair bit younger than Claire, who was in her late 20s, right? She didn't used to irk me--but the whole "I must do surgery on this man who tried to rape me" just was wrong and quite stupid. While drilling a hole in the skull is a perfectly correct thing to do to a person with severe brain swelling --it was just silly here. I actually turned it to GOT, which has more believability, and in a show with dragons, that's saying something! But there, the beautiful people get scars and change over the years. I was born in the 60s, and at my age, have no grey hair and few wrinkles, while my mother was getting grey at 18. But physically, my body has changed--the sands of time have shifted so to speak. And I'm a nurse and still in good shape, but hard work has taken it's toll. Mom and I both quit reading the books after Voyager, and I think a part of it was the constant rapiness, constant constant danger--people may have lived exciting and dangerous lives back then, but damn, these folks never have a day without danger. It's every-single-freaking-day. I'd rather have less action and more character development. I thought I'd be so happy to have Frank dead and gone, and Jamie and Claire in Scotland...but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll try to watch the rest of the episode, I quit after raper-exciseman died. It just isn't doing it for me. And that is kind of sad, because I love Sam...and feel like a dirty old lady perve for liking him. :) But I cannot stand Claire anymore--and that surprised me.
  9. And therein lays my entire problem with this show, and with the books. I would have stayed put, would have saved a lot of time and angst. I actually only watched 20 mins of this episode and decided, I'm just done with it. The first season was so, so good--so far this season the only episode I enjoyed was Helwater. And I HATE that Claire brought a medical instruments kit--and leaves it open for Willowby and everyone to see--want to get tried as a witch again? You could at least hide your instruments. I hated that Jamie had little reaction but shock to last week's photographs--they've carved this show up in a way that the magic is just gone for me. They spent 20 years apart--and it worked in the books, but visually we are seeing 2 people who have not aged. I'm 54, and my once nice body has changed a great deal from it's 35 year old self. Especially after you've had kids. I loved the first three books, but made a decision to stop reading after that, and I guess that's where I am in the show, too. Somehow I would have made it that they hadn't spent 20 years apart, but I guess with Brianna, you can't cheat and only make it say 10 years. 20 looks great on paper, but not so much with perfect skin and rock hard bodies on screen.
  10. I was about to give up on this season after last week, so I am so relieved to be fast forwarded past the Frank Angst years. I forget the books pretty much, because I read them many years ago, but I know they went the speed of light through pretty much 20 years of Claire and Jamie's life. Which I am not exactly complaining about--I loved the past, not Claire's life with post Jamie Frank. Frank, was always Black Jack Randall in my eyes so I hated every bit of screen time he had. Sorry, Tobias--I liked you in GOT, just not Outlander, I had such visceral hatred of Black Jack that I could not see Frank at all, without seeing BJR. I wasn't sure that was Murtagh, honestly I kept looking and trying to squint and praying I was seeing him. But I completely missed and misunderstood the whole White Witch conversation with the dying man--it was important, and I missed it. So I need to rewatch. Giving they aren't going to give us weeks and weeks of torture post Culloden, I'm thankful I can rewatch it later. Was a good episode, 1000X better than last week's was to me. I really appreciated the lack of drama in comparison, this week, Frank's death notwithstanding.
  11. I've watched the entire series twice, start to finish in the past month. I watched a second time because there were so many characters, I found it hard to keep track. I admit that I have not loved season 7 nearly as much as the previous seasons.
  12. I just watched the entire series from the start for the first time, and have not read the books. I started off hating Sansa for being a brat about her "beloved" Joffrey, letting her father get killed (I know, she really didn't, but I'd at least have smacked Joffrey's ugly face!) and didn't really ever like her until she showed guts with Ramsey getting chewed on by his hounds. I totally love Arya, though--I might not be totally thrilled with her this past episode, but as long as she doesn't kill The Hound, I'm good. Sansa though, I don't know what's up with her--is she planning on killing her little sister or what? She's learned subterfuge, developed a backbone, and become a force in Winterfell, but she's still family. I hope she has a secret plan to have Littlefinger's face removed by her little sister. I'd be down with that.
  13. And there's the rub. Capaldi got blamed for not being a good Doctor--when it was a lot of the writing and casting decisions which weren't good. What Moff and Matt Smith pulled off, IMO--was the goofy puppy, bumbling funny, brilliant and sometimes incredibly angry 11. It didn't work with Capaldi--he tried to be cool, it didn't work. He was cranky, officious, rarely happy, morose, and infinitely OLD, terribly old, and I think terribly tired. Where 10 wanted to stay so badly, and 11 was not ready either to regenerate, or die--I think 12 is--he just wants to end. Now we will have a young woman play and even older Doctor. Will she be angry? Funny? Brilliant? Infinitely old, pained by the losses of so many people and worlds? If she can do at least some of those things, great. But if it doesn't work--it won't be blamed on the writing crew--it will come squarely down upon her head. And 13 is unlucky, it's said--so she has to pass that test as well.
  14. Strax wouldn't notice the difference, he never gets gender correctly! :) He's my favorite Mr. Potato Head. "Boy, I say, prepare to meet a glorious death!" or words to that effect. :) OOps-- I meant to do multiquotes, it didn't work, now I have to go back and make a cogent thought. I had more of them...
  15. And now the 13th Doctor is a woman. I wonder if she'll get a cute name like Missy did. I'm still pissed--call me shallow--I like my Doctor to have interesting clothing, maybe nice on the eyes, be angry and funny, incredibly clever, and male. But they just had to beat us over the head with a female Doctor to go with last year's Missy. I'm a woman, BTW. Just in case I get yelled at for being misogynist.
  16. I disliked Clara because she and her story become more important than The Doctor, IMO. Her first episode as the Dalek/Souffle Girl--I liked her just fine, but when she became "the Impossible Girl", when it seemed like it was The Clara Show with guest appearance by The Doctor--it was just too much. If she had died or been written out a year (or two) sooner, I'd have been happier--I felt she was Peter Capaldi's albatross, and I don't think he had a chance to get out from under her, to have a run of his own until it was too late. I am pissed at Stephen Moffatt specifically for that reason, because many fans didn't like her and he just kept bludgeoning us with more Clara, Clara, Clara. I would have enjoyed another year of Bill with or without Nardole far more. And I loved the Ponds and hated how they were written out--so anyone who came after them was going to have a hard time from me, and did. I have no problem with women playing strong female characters--River is one of my favorites, Kate Stewart is another.
  17. Donna was awesome, and Doctor/Donna was a beautiful thing. Maybe because she was so normal-- she was a typical person, not too thin, too beautiful, too clever or too rich. Of all the Doctor Who episodes--the Ood episodes were the ones I've watched the most and loved. (the singing gets me) My hands-down favorite companion was Donna. Many hated her. Her losing her memories, and going back to her sad little "Best Temp in the World" life absolutely broke my heart to bits. Plus Wilf, was my favorite Grand dad ever, ever, ever. I'm going to watch them again, and mourn a bit tonight.
  18. Cardigirl--Ioved Matt Smith too. He's where I came in again after not having seen Who for years. I loved him, as the character, he is "my" Doctor (well, and a bit of Tom Baker from the old days). I also loved David Tennant too for different reasons, and having watched Ecclestone's season again this past couple weeks, I liked him too. He was Fantastic. :) Capaldi I wanted to love so much, and parts of him I did but he was saddled by so much of Clara and messy scripts, I haven't "loved" his run. Till this year--I really liked Bill, Nardole and less cranky/more fun messy hair Capaldi. I don't know this actress, I'll be unspoiled completely as I have been by most UK actors, as I'm in Canada (still a member of the Commonwealth, but still...) but I'm not sold on having a male character, beloved by millions, change gender. I'm personally not ready, as I am not sure how it will be played--or more importantly, written. She may be brilliant. I'm hoping I'll be happy with 13 eventually, but today, I'm just sad about it.
  19. If they had Donna back on it would probably be the only reason I'd watch. I absolutely adored her, "Oiy"! I've been rewatching their series this past week. The only one's I haven't watched more than once, are the Capaldi seasons, and only because Clara annoyed me forever. Bill's season this year was great.
  20. I loved Missy--she was brilliant, but then I loved 10, too. And 9, and 11. And sort of 12, at least some of the time. I'm just not happy, and no amount of telling me how good it'll be can make me less unhappy. Will this young, pretty woman capture the age and anger and angst we've come to know in our Doctors? I don't know--I'm not British and I don't know the actress. We've had lesbian companions, we've had Captain Jack Harkness and his shifting sexuality--does anyone think this will not be sexualized in some way? Anyone? I know Moffat is gone, but his pall will still hang over the show. They've lost me. The only ageless people in Doctor Who are all women--Ashildr/Me, Clara, and now--this new actress as 13. Bah.
  21. No, but Missy suddenly developed a conscience--from the insane, hateful Master--we get tears from Missy. I don't trust the show writers to not play it this way. I don't. I imagine we'll get a male companion to keep the female fans engaged, too. I am not happy--I've watched Doctor who since I was born the 60s, (casually, I am not a born Whovian like my sister) but I am not happy today. I'm allowed to be disappointed, I think they did it for political correctness, and for me, it sucks.
  22. Well, damn. I'm a woman. I was born one and will die one, but I absolutely do not want Doctor Who to be a woman. I don't think it' brave, I think it's catering to the politically correct. No, you are not alone. I'm not a manbaby either, but I am just not happy today over this. I've been watching the whole reboot again, and loving it to 12, I haven't rewatched his episodes yet. I'm done--I think this is a mistake because the Doctor is a male charactor, or was at least till now--now I imagine we'll have to listen to PMS problems and hormonal shit, and it will kill Doctor Who for me. Damn.
  23. These are Mondasian Cybermen. I don't know the mythology of them terribly well as they were from Classic Who, but my understanding is that they are a far more primitive form than the regular Cybermen--towards the end of the show they were being upgrading to the far more nasty versions we know from Nu Who. But I do agree. They looked less than terrifying to me-- more like metal mesh sock puppets than nightmares in silver.
  24. Bolded by me. Why not Straxx, too? He was my favorite part about that trio. They shouldn't have been included, they were never companions. Were they Steven Moffatt's creations? Maybe he only picked the people he liked to pay homage to. No idea why include them but not Rory.
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