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Everything posted by itsadryheat

  1. Thank you for the research. I admire anyone who stands up for themselves, especially legally, as it is much easier in the short term to take it and maintain the status quo. Interesting they would introduce a hint of Noah #MeToo content, with no follow thru, with this in the background.
  2. Interesting article. ( . . . especially in light of Noah's #MeToo experience) "Some background: In September of 2015, Ashlynn Alexander showed up to work to be the body double for Affair star Ruth Wilson. She then says she found that assistant director Travis Rehwaldt had listed her role on that day’s call sheet as “Alison Sexytime Double” instead of “Alison Body Double,” which is what was usually used." Anyone know the outcome of Ashlynn's lawsuit? I failed in my attempt to come up with any current updates, except for possible 2019 Rehwaldt marriage. Good for Ruth if her departure was in allegiance with Ashlynn. (listened to the interview clip . . . so accustomed to Alison that Ruth's British accent took me by surprise)
  3. Wow. Her poor kids. Awful. Bet old Luis is regretting his choice to leave this classy lady.
  4. I now believe we will be watching Darcy searching for love well into her retirement community living. Hobbling in her stilettos with a walker. Dating hearing impaired men that do not have to listen to her but just gaze at her awesomeness. 90 Day Fiance Seniors.
  5. What's with his "outfit". Is elf clothing on someone from Easter Island a thing?
  6. By the look on his face, this was never going to happen. The slo mo way he rose from the chair combined with his zombie face and body language there was no way he was going to risk ruining his one good nail. He was 100% detached from the girl drama. Appeared to me someone said, Caesar stand up, Caesar sit down.
  7. This is what I want to know. Who, what, where, when, and the most important . . . Why?
  8. How sad is this concept - having her around you as you leave this life. Please God, I'll be good!
  9. OMG-Avery with the relationship advice. At the wise age of 19.
  10. Way behind you guys-totally gobsmacked at Angela's performance art as TLC's Social Justice Warrior. She is so full of herself she will never be off of our screen.
  11. Curious on the back story of how Caesar got into his profession. My brain shuts down when I try to think about it.
  12. I thought it was Mare Winninghams. "Winningham has alternated her film career with a music career,[13] and has used some of her films as a way to showcase her singing."
  13. FYI Found this on p9, Laura Aladin couples thread “Laura then got a job driving a school bus for a bus company in Canada. She was promoted to safety trainer for her branch. Later the bus company sent her to college for a management course. She then became a branch manager.” https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-p8RMHr_z/
  14. Fuzzily remember Laura (pompously) stating she worked in transportation/with vehicles (or maybe she just played with little Liam's toy cars), while she and Aladin were in his car. I think the car was making a weird noise perhaps, and they had a brief testy exchange.
  15. Laura’s public addressing of Aladin’s lack of sexual prowess was VERY DISRESPECTFUL. IMO, that is a personal issue not something for public discussion. Not sure, but don’t think a middle eastern male would be ok with this being on blast. What man (or woman) would? Her tears make me sick. These adult idiots believing in unicorns and rainbows and failing to do even the most basic research on the movie they are participating in while choosing to have it filmed, are beyond baffling. I vacillate watching these shows – am I being punked and the American’s are really good actors or am I watching a documentary on human delusion. Am on the fence if I am being entertained.
  16. I don’t believe Tom was trying to impress Darcy with his dancing prowess. He HAS Darcy, by being a male. He enjoys it and, if showing off, it was for himself and us, the viewing audience. Either poor, pathetic Darcy is devolving before our eyes or she was better at keeping her high level of pathetic hidden with Jesse. Darcy knew in advance they were going Salsa Dancing. She chose to dress like a Vienna sausage on toothpicks. Did she not express: 1. She didn’t want to go because she couldn’t dance. 2. If she wanted to try to dance, she couldn’t because of her awful attire. Heck, she can barely walk in those toothpick boots. And why wear any top, just let those girls out Darcy! You know you want too. 3. Who did she think he was going to be dancing with? 4. If she knew all this beforehand, what’s up with the disgusting pity party.
  17. I'm looking forward to these two "exploring" Syria followed by a camera crew.
  18. I try to give Corey Feldman slack- but he is so taxing to listen to. Comes across extremely arrogant and full of himself. But its only episode 1.
  19. Thanks for this sad info. When I asked my dearly departed father when I'd be getting my trust fund, he said "I gave you $5 that day when I dropped you off to college. You need to make your own". She's way to old to be living like this. I guess that explains her pitiful personality. I don't see this getting better. I feel like I should feel sorry for her, but honestly just want to watch the fall, and 100% interested in her back story. Her kids seem hopeful. What does Pop Silva Twins do to support these two really old millennials. Her fashion statement alone this last episode was a cry for help. I. for one, was screaming, Help! . . . for me watching, her poor, painful ready to burst boobs, and anyone in her zip code. None of these stories make logical sense. A huge step below standard soap operas. I don't even know what category this stuff fits into . . . sideshow freaks from the 50's; Annie Liebowitz photos circa 60's. This can't be scripted, right? If so, they are not bad actors. If not, who would act this way in public, on tv? I'm so confused. And yet here I am. There must be 2 Darcey's - cyber Darcey and real life Darcey. How in the heck could 007 Tom not get a hint of real life Darcey from the years of interacting with cyber Darcey through the Jesse Love Story? Makes me feel a little better. I chalked up my ex husband's personality disorder / dysfunction to quirks, until it slapped me in the face so hard, I couldn't deny reality. I'm choosing to see this gradual realization on 007 Tom's face. I'm hoping to see him seek sanctuary in the English embassy in Albania for safety, call his sister to do the dirty work he's to dapper to do, and we see a Three's Company Albania edition with the remaining three.
  20. Curious how Darcey funds her life. Two teen kids, continual body enhancements, fake hair, tlc designer clothes, trips and the normal stuff, rent/food/gas/health insurance/utilities, etc.
  21. Count me in as enjoying the Voice. What I really like is the variety of contestants, variety in age, style, years performing. With all the hostile crap in the news, incl Bravo, and lack of quality tv shows it’s nice to be entertained by good vocals and what appears to be a fun camaraderie among the hosts. How unique it would be to work with people I had fake/not fake fun with.
  22. How'd he get the mole on his forehead to move sides?
  23. I just posted this in the Angela Michel thread. I am scarred for life.
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