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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
nksarmi replied to Minneapple's topic in Game Of Thrones
I'm going to have to watch it again, but I didn't see Sansa being upset that Jon was crowned KiTN. I don't think she expected any more than he did. I think he didn't give her credit because he was focused on "Wow, we just might make it out of this alive!" See Jon isn't all "yea I get to be king!" because he knows "Winter is here" means that his "kingdom" could be overrun with the dead before he can even begin to gather enough dragon glass to defend it. I think Sansa was mostly happy for Jon and then looked over at Littlefinger and though "crap, what is HE going to do about this?" Because, to me, LF looked caught off guard. I imagine he was expecting there to be some debate about who would rule Winterfell, but I don't think he expected KiTN again. Now what does he do? And to me, that was Sansa's look. She knew LF wasn't getting what he wanted and what happens to people who stand in the way of what LF wants? Per Sansa's experience - those people (Geoffrey / Lysa) die. I saw worry and concern - not jealousy or envy of Jon. I think the North will be somewhat minimized next season now that Dany has to take KL. Cersei will almost certainly align with Eurone since she needs ships and can offer him the same thing he wanted from Dany. With only 7 episodes, I bet they can fill up a lot of time with that story. Depending on how much time they want to spend on the Great War with The Others in season 8, I can see season 7 ending with either Dany being crowned Queen in KL (with the North still in "revolt") or with Queen Dany and King Jon meeting to discuss an accord (and let's face it with the lack of men left on the show - probably a marriage contract). I know Sansa wanted to marry a prince but she never had the dogged desire to be queen that Marg had. I'm sure LF will mess with her head and Jon will be clueless about what LF is doing. But I think in the end Sansa will stay true. Now Martin might piss off TONS of fans and have her go her book route with LF instead of Tyrion, but damn that would be so wrong. Sansa needs to be LF's downfall plain and simple. Once that happens, she can have pretty much any ending - as queen with Jon, back with Tyrion, a love match with a Northern Lord, etc.... Oh and after last year's "No Jon Snow really IS dead" interviews from the cast, I don't care what these people are saying now. It could just be them messing with our heads. I don't think we will see Sansa betray Jon - and I definitely hope we don't get that story. -
Television Vs. Book: Why'd They Make [Spoiler] Such A [Spoiler]?
nksarmi replied to yellowfred's topic in Game Of Thrones
Yeah they ended this last episode in such a way that I couldn't help but think, well, damn it might very well be Jon and Dany in the end. I always conceded that Song of Ice and Fire could mean the Song of Jon and Dany coming together to defeat the Others and rule the 7 kingdoms. I let that idea go at one point, but it sure looks like they might head back in that direction. -
Sansa Stark: A Direwolf In Sheep's Clothing?
nksarmi replied to Carrie Ann's topic in Game Of Thrones
Well the one thing I would say is that IF Sansa and Sandor are meant to be endgame - Martin did not let D&D in on that from the start because I have to say that I think Chris is right and they would have cast someone younger if that was the case. I mean the actor is older than the one who plays his older brother, the Mountain right? If they knew he would someday be paired with the VERY young Sansa, don't you think they would have gone for someone else? And don't get me wrong - I love the actor who plays Sandor. But I don't see any romance there on the show. Of course, I've fully come to accept that the show might not be a very good clue for the books. So anything could happen in the books, but I would be very surprised if it happen on the show. -
Sansa Stark: A Direwolf In Sheep's Clothing?
nksarmi replied to Carrie Ann's topic in Game Of Thrones
Oh and I just wanted to add that I feel like I now know what poor book Sansa fans feel like. I don't care for the character in the books, but I've really liked her on the show this season. And every time someone bitches about how she went down to Ramsey's level - I just want to see the scene with the smile reshot and I want to see her doing a party dance when she walks out of the kennels. I mean a full on "I will survive" dance scene would do it for me. And I know some of her book fans are ones complaining about that scene but I just don't see it. It wasn't a fraction of the scary that was Dany burning down the house with the khals and they just convinced me two episodes later that she might be a good queen after all (assuming Tyrion stays with her). Nor was it as gruesome as Ayra's murder last season and yet, I still mostly saw Ayra as a broken little girl this season as opposed to a brutal killer. Sansa is harder and colder because of what she went through on the show, but I think in many ways - she is probably more sensitive to the plight of other people than young Sansa ever was. I think this Sansa would have seen through Joffrey in a second. I am so interested in who she becomes now and I am definitely cheering for her. -
Plot demanded he be stupid and put the girls' lives in danger?
Sansa Stark: A Direwolf In Sheep's Clothing?
nksarmi replied to Carrie Ann's topic in Game Of Thrones
Well Tyrion hasn't spoken about Sansa, he hasn't had cause to either. On the show, the most appropriate conversation would be likely to take place between Tyrion and Theon in a quiet moment as they sail to Westerous or once they have already landed. Since on the show, Tyrion is all about finding ways to unite the kingdoms through peaceful means - it actually makes sense that he would leverage his marriage to a daughter of the North as a partial means to get Dany the North. I think the red priestesses will play some part in all of that as well. But I think a sit down between Tyrion and Sansa is definitely likely by the end of season seven. Personally, I see Sansa's two most likely matches at the end of the series being Jon or Tyrion. -
I still think if we are talking about "powerful" - we have to give the edge to Supergirl / Martian Manhunter. And frankly, I'm not sure Flash is more "powerful" than Firestorm. And a bunch of mostly non-powered people are traveling through time and will Cisco can open breaches to other worlds. Flash is just the king of "can do really weird shit that makes no sense like kill an earlier version of myself and somehow not erase myself from the timeline" powers.
Sansa Stark: A Direwolf In Sheep's Clothing?
nksarmi replied to Carrie Ann's topic in Game Of Thrones
I always saw Sansa as more of a Tully than a Stark. In the books, only Jon and Ayra have the Stark look, but Robb is his father's son through and through. We know Bran and Rickon have the Stark magical connection - so looks aside, they are their father's sons. But I always saw Sansa as being the least Stark even before Lady died. Personally, I used to think Lady dying meant she was too civilized, too tame to survive and that was a bad sign for Sansa. However - while there is no sign of this in the books - if D&D have made their choices based on Sansa's future story - I think Sansa might be changing INTO her father's daughter rather than going the other way. If Sansa is being paired with LF because she will ultimately be his undoing - think about the significance of that! The man who started her family on the path of ruin and spared her only because she reminds him of her mother finding her inner Stark to take him down. And if GRRM really wants to "break a trope" or whatever it is he is known for - it WILL be the "sweet little lady" that avengers her family rather than the tom-boy of Ayra. Not that Ayra won't get her vengeance on certain characters - but Sansa should be the one to bring LF down. It would just be poetic. At any rate, we'll find out of the next couple of years on the show and maybe the next decade in the books lol. But the show has done for me something the books always failed to do - made me like and cheer for Sansa Stark. Oh and at this point - especially since she has never been bedded in the books - I do think it's at least possible that the Stark line continues through Sansa. That would probably rule out her pairing with Tyrion since his children would be Lannisters, but if we think about who will carry on the Stark family tree - I'd say Sansa's survival rates increase by a ton. -
Sansa Stark: A Direwolf In Sheep's Clothing?
nksarmi replied to Carrie Ann's topic in Game Of Thrones
Well I wouldn't use the idea that Sansa isn't a Stark anymore as an indication that she will die because IF the show gives us a clue to Sansa's book fate - I'd say she was NEVER a Stark until this season (ie book six probably). She hated the Northern life and was completely enchanted with the southern kingdoms. Highgarden would have made her very happy once upon a time. Heck, Casterly Rock probably would have made her happy before the Lannisters killed her family. But now on the show, she has become a daughter of the North and is on her way to becoming a She-Wolf as far as I'm concerned. Besides on the show, Summer is dead and if that happens in the books, it might be a sign that Bran is becoming something else, but I don't think he will die. -
Well I'm not overly happy because my son loves Captain America but I will just buy older comics for that. On the upside, he also loves Falcon so I just won't let him know about the Hail Hydra Steve Rogers and all should be fine lol. I'm sure they'll say it's a fake out at some point - but yuck. Of course, it's also yucky that people rejected Sam as Captain America but whatever. Another reminder that racism isn't dead - just hidden.
Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold
nksarmi replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Legends Of Tomorrow
I love the whole idea of getting Vixen's grandmother in. Is the actress good enough to convince us she's from the 1940's? I like the hair color on CL - she might change it back when filming starts but if they can find a reason for her to keep it - it looks good. -
You know what? Sansa could have done a touchdown dance outside of the kennels and I would have been ok with it. Hell, I'm surprised she can let it go so easily. I'd want his bones burned after the dogs gnawed on them if I were her. Seriously, there is no excessive celebration penalty here as far as I'm concerned. She will mourn Rickon, she probably still fears for her life from the Lannisters, and she knows they have a lot of rebuilding to do. And shit - that's without having a true grasp on the fact that the dead are coming. Poor girl needs her victory moment - leave her alone.:) Personally, all I saw in that smile was "I AM Sansa Stark and Winterfell is my home. You don't scare me anymore." But even if it was "Well now when I wake up screaming in the middle of the night, I will think of this," - I'm ok with that too.
I have NO idea if the show is any indicator for what's to come in the books, but I think Sansa and Tyrion will both survive the series. I know there are some people who view Book Tyrion in a very dark light and I've been increasingly convinced that GRRM could go the route of Sansa and Jon. But IF that doesn't happen, I could see a very changed Sansa and a somewhat changed Tyrion back together at the end of the series - not as queen and king, but important in some manor - and both able to appreciate each other in a different way. I'd say the way the show is portraying those characters - it seems like it could easily happen. I think Jamie is toast by the end of the series - it's just a matter of how. I think Davos probably dies as well, because he is of the older generation and could provide us one last "wise old mentor" death. I'm up in the air about Ayra and Dany. For the first time in a long time, I saw a Dany that I believe could rule the 7 kingdoms in episode 9 so I don't know what to think anymore.