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Everything posted by Albanyguy

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if Jim Bob is actively encouraging this kind of thinking. Don't underestimate the extent to which they've been brainwashed to believe that Daddy is always right and that he can fix anything. That belief has been sorely tested by Josh's arrest and conviction and the cancellation of Counting On. Jim Bob must be working overtime to stamp out any seeds of doubt and keep them all in line. The easiest way to do that would be to assure them that the loss of their TV "ministry" is just a temporary setback and that they'll be back on the air very soon, if not with TLC, then with a different cable network. He may even be making vague allusions to "offers" that he's considering. In the meantime, they must all pull together, keep the faith and present a cheerful, united face to the world (and the best way to do this is by pretending that Josh no longer exists).
  2. Wow, she was bending over backwards to put the best possible spin on the family!
  3. And he’s holding his hand over his face so we’ll wonder if he shaved off that wispy little goatee. Jeremy must have coached him about how to tease your fans by creating “suspense” in your photos.
  4. Maybe she recently got some flack from a few Fundies about letting her kids watch TV and she decided that she doesn't want to alienate any potential sources of grifting. If that's the case, watch for her to hotly deny that she ever allowed a heathen television set into her home, despite the video evidence to the contrary.
  5. If I were Anna, I'd hunker down at the TTH this Christmas. If she goes to Florida and word gets out, she'll have reporters and cameras swarming around her parents' house and I doubt if the Kellers could provide her with the security and privacy of the Duggar compound. And for all we know, the Kellers may not have invited her this year.
  6. The irony is that their Ugly Christmas sweaters made most of them look much better dressed than they normally are.
  7. Oh, please, Michelle. When did you ever give a crap about keeping track of all your kids in public? You put them in the matching outfits to ensure that you'd get the maximum amount of attention.
  8. The one thing I remember about that is how the leghumpers went into ecstasy over it: how brilliant Josie was to memorize all that at such a young age (despite the fact that you could clearly hear Michelle feeding her the lines off camera), what a Godly inspirational mother Michelle was, etc. This is another reason why the Duggars see no need to grow or change and why they think that they're perfect just the way they are. No matter how lazy or slovenly they appear to us, their fans stroke their egos by lavishing them with exaggerated, undeserved praise (which also makes it easy to dismiss anyone who criticizes them as a "hater").
  9. I used to work in the drug/alcohol services field and I have never heard of a reputable rehab program that allows a spouse to tag along (except in very rare circumstances where a spouse is included in one or two counseling sessions). I’ll bet it was a Fundie operation like the “Jesus Jail” where Josh was sent.
  10. I think that if (when) the house of cards collapses, most of them will make a full-time career of grifting off their leghumpers and fellow Fundies a la Jill Rodrigues.
  11. And this is what's going to really tear her apart inside. Living without Josh himself, having to raise the kids on her own, her reduced status in their world; these are all thinga she can handle. But no more babies?
  12. And a lot of leghumpers lavishing praise on her online and fawning over her in person. She's been told so often that she's the perfect wife and mother and a Godly role model for women everywhere that she's come to believe it herself.
  13. I think it was really because he finds his children tiresome and resents anyone or anything that takes her attention away from waiting on him hand and foot.
  14. Gee, no mention by Fox News about how they bent over backwards to support the Duggars when the molestation news first broke. I guess they're hoping everyone's forgotton the Megan Kelly interview special.
  15. I wonder how many times this has happened with a Duggar child/grandchild and they were just lucky that the kid was unhurt and that no "outsider" saw and reported it? Michelle would probably dismiss it as "just something that all kids do".
  16. I think they'll blame the lawyers for not allowing Josh to take the stand in his own defense: "If Josh had been able to testify, he would have explained everything and proved to the jury that he was innocent!".
  17. Gramps did time in prison? How has that never come out before?
  18. I think it would have already waned if Nathan wasn't always so quick to pick up the check. When Nathan and Nurie first became engaged, Jill was thrilled because Nathan was ANNA DUGGAR'S BROTHER! I think she saw this marriage as her golden ticket to the Duggar family's inner circle. She imagined Nurie becoming BFFs with Anna, Jessa, Joy, etc. and using that to worm her own way into the Duggar compound. But it never happened, probably because Anna isn't especially close to her brother (they may not see each other more than once or twice a year) and had no interest in taking his new wife under her wing. Plus, the Duggar clan has never shown any desire to befriend Anna's relatives, with the exception of Priscilla Waller, whom they embraced because her husband was Bill Gothard's right hand man. So, with that dream dead in the water, Nathan would probably have joined Tim on Jill's shit list except for his willingness to treat Jill and David to expensive dinners and buy them elaborate gifts. When the day inevitably comes that he can't or won't keep his wallet open, he'll be kicked to the curb.
  19. And, honestly, how much is supporting Anna and her kids going to cost him? They're already living in that converted wharehouse on his property (and if he someday needs the wharehouse for Josie and her new husband, he can just move Anna and the kids into an empty dorm room in the big house). Their education will cost him nothing. He can feed them a cheap, starchy diet and dress them in thrift store clothes. He'll provide Anna with food, shelter and clothing, but not a penny for any extras. She can earn her keep by teaching the SOTDRT or, if Jana ever marries and leaves, she can take over Jana's duties. He won't end up losing out on the deal.
  20. And I’ll bet the poor woman has been waiting on Josh hand and foot, making his bed and picking his wet towels up off the bathroom floor. I’ll further bet that when Anna is hanging out with Josh at the Rebers, she doesn’t lift a finger to help Mrs. Reber with anything.
  21. Which ties in with their belief that Josh, as the firstborn male, was singled out for greatness from his cradle and would grown up to achieve great success for the glory of Jesus (and his parents). His destiny was so assured that they saw no point in educating him or instilling any measure of humility or self-discipline in him. They just let him grow up believing that he was the most special young man on earth and we all saw how well that worked out.
  22. But that’s so unfair! If he has to wear a mask, how will he be able to charm the jury with his innocent, sincere boyish smile?
  23. Oh, I don’t think she’d care about bringing the baby into the courtroom or impressing the judge; it’s the TV cameras outside that she’d want to show off to. I could see her leaving the baby with a J’slave in the corridor and then using it as a prop when she and Josh made their big exit. She probably loved all the attention they got last time and had no idea how tone-deaf they appeared. I’m sure the lawyers have warned them both to wipe the smirks off their faces this time.
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