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Everything posted by Albanyguy

  1. I've just plowed through all those letters and my head is spinning. Are we talking about Josh Duggar or George Bailey from "It's A Wonderful Life"? Just a couple of random thoughts: Is there a Fundie on earth who knows how to use an apostrophe correctly? I know nothing about childbirth, but would a slug of Pepto Bismol really stop contractions that are coming a minute apart? At that point, isn't the baby coming, no matter what? We're hearing a lot about that poor widow Josh has been supporting financially since her husband died, but until I see a letter from the widow herself confirming this story, I'm filing this away with Michelle's missing back muscle and all the other self-serving Duggar lies. Most of the letter writers seem to be tacitly acknowledging Josh's guilt but dismissing it as relatively unimportant compared to his other wonderful qualities. Timothy Burgess, however, is still pushing the theory that Josh is innocent and that the CP was really downloaded by someone else. Does he really think that the judge who sat through the entire court proceedings is going to be impressed by this? A letter from LaCount Reber, but nothing from Mrs. Reber? I'd love to hear what she has to say about Josh. Interesting that in all the talk about how hard-working Josh is, there's lots of stories about him running the car lot, but no mention of his glory days as a Washington DC power broker, doing the Lord's work for the FRC. I'll bet they were all told to stay far away from that topic lest the judge be reminded how and why it all ended.
  2. That's entirely possible. Jurors are only human and the judge's obvious bias may have subconsciously made them more sympathetic to Candy. If Candy had been convicted, her lawyer might have been able to have the verdict overturned on appeal due to the judge's rulings. I have always thought that the "Candy went into a dissociative state when Betty shushed her" defense was a load of crap. I do think that Candy was telling the truth when she said that Betty attacked her with the ax first and there was a terrible struggle. When Candy got hold of the ax and knocked Betty to the floor, it was in self-defense. But instead of taking the opportunity to run to safety and seek help, she stood over Betty (who was probably still alive but unconscious) and repeatedly struck her with the ax. That wasn't a "dissociative state", it was pure unadulterated rage. I'm sure the one thought ringing in Candy's mind was "HOW DARE SHE DO THIS TO ME!" I loved the moment at the end when Candy wondered aloud why her friend Sherry wasn't present in court that day and Pat said "She's probably trying to keep her husband away from you." Go, Pat!
  3. Evidence of Love by John Bloom and Jim Atkinson is an excellent account with lots of background information on the Montgomery and Gore families as well as the internal politics of the Lucas Methodist Church and detailed reconstructions of the crime and trial. Bloom and Atkinson are credited as consultants on this series. According to the book, Betty was actually not pregnant at the time of her death. She was worried about being pregnant because her period was late, but her autopsy revealed that the period was just about to start. Had she lived, that worry would have been put to rest within a day or two.
  4. I find it more disturbing than odd. I think the children have known from infancy that he doesn't like them or want to be bothered by them.
  5. I'm sure that Jeremy has told her that she is.
  6. Yes, Jessa is always having twins until it turns out that she’s not. If one of her sisters or sisters-in-law ever does have a multiple birth, her fury will know no bounds.
  7. I think that both she and Michelle are deluding themselves into thinking that Josh will get off with an unrealistically light sentence and are not at all prepared for what’s really likely to happen. They may not even realize or acknowledge that there’s a mandatory minimum sentence that the judge can’t overrule. There will be meltdowns when Anna hears the sentence in court and when the news is brought home to Michelle. Jim Bob probably has a more realistic grasp of the situation and is probably expecting the worst (I strongly suspect that the wimmenfolk have been excluded from serious discussions about the case). I wonder if he’s now trying to prepare them for what’s going to happen or if he’s encouraging their delusions because it makes life easier in the short term.
  8. Just like Jesus and the Disciples drank at the Last Supper!
  9. Yes, they really are. They're ignorant, but ignorance can be overcome if one has humility and the desire to learn. The problem with the Duggars is that they're proudly, willfully ignorant, convinced that they're innately superior to everyone else and above the rules that guide other people.
  10. You could be right. Michelle seems to be heavily invested in keeping Josie a perpetual baby.
  11. You're not expecting Josie to be married and pregnant by then?
  12. Many of the hardcore leghumpers that follow the Duggars on their Facebook page are still expressing their support for Josh. Some have come to their senses and given up on him, but too many still adore him. They fall into two categories: some insist that he was completely innocent of any wrongdoing and was framed by his family's enemies and some admit that he did download child porn, but they insist that since Jesus will forgive him anything, he shouldn't have to face any earthly punishment. I'm sure a few of them have been stupid enough to send him money along with letters of love and support. They'd probably be knitting him socks and baking angel food cakes for him if it were allowed.
  13. I wonder if anyone has explained to Jim Bob that when King James wasn’t busy writing the Bible, he was having hot man-on-man sex with his boyfriend, the Duke of Buckingham? There wouldn’t be enough Aqua Net in the world to keep his head from exploding. And why would Phillip have to write all those “inspiring” letters to Jill when he’s probably never been away from her side for more than a few hours at a time?
  14. I always thought that Cade would look much less douche-y if he lost the Weird Al Yankovich hairdo, but apparently, I was wrong.
  15. Those are called "Salt Potatoes" and they're an upstate New York specialty. They originated in Syracuse, New York and are popular throughout the Central New York region. Tiny bite-sized white potatoes (not big red potatoes covered with eyes like Jill used) are boiled just until tender in heavily salted water. As the potatoes cook, the salty water forms a white crust on the skin, and the higher boiling temperature allows the starch in the potato to cook more completely, giving a creamier texture. They're served with a small bowl of melted butter for dipping (and you dip the potato in the butter, you don't pour the butter over it the way David did). Properly made, salt potatoes are delicious. But leave it to Jill to turn hers into a nasty, shriveled-up, unappetizing mess.
  16. Being pregnant at the same time as your daughter is the Holy Grail of Fundie motherhood (even better than a multiple birth). If Jill is, we'll never hear the end of it.
  17. I don't either. But I think Jim Bob will there and that he may bully one or two of the boys into going with him to provide a show of family solidarity. What I really wonder is, will Anna be there?
  18. I hope that's the case, but sadly, I think Anna's only long-range plan right now is to wait for Josh to get sprung from prison so she can get pregnant again the day he comes home. For her, the worst that can happen is that she'll have a longer gap than usual between kids. I think she's still living in denial, clinging to the belief that Josh's conviction will be overturned on appeal or, failing that, he'll be given a very light sentence and be out in a few years. And I doubt if she realizes how different and difficult their life will be when he finally does come home.
  19. Why is everything Spurgeon wears too tight for him? Look at the collars of the other kids' jammies. They'll all loose and comfortable-looking; Spurgeon's looks like it's choking him. And his hair always looks damp and sweaty.
  20. Anna may simply not feel up to socializing these days, or it may be that Jim Bob and Michelle didn't want her there as an unpleasant reminder of the most recent and damaging family scandal. Also, if Anna did attend, she might have been in for some dirty looks and whispered comments. Given the warped way Fundies regard marital relations, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people at the wedding blame her more than Josh for his crimes.
  21. Added to which, they are together 24 hours a day, 7 seven days a week. It's inevitable that they would get on each other's nerves (and when that happens, I'm sure that Jessa is allowed to fully vent her annoyance with him, while Spurge has to stifle his). The poor kid needs to be in school, if only to give him and Jessa a break from each other. It would also help if Ben got him out of the house regularly for some father-son time, but I'm not sure if that ever happens.
  22. And I doubt if Josh would have wanted her there for any extended period of time. Before his arrest, he never looked particularly happy to be around her. I think he's always found her to be cloying and tiresome. As long as he had Mrs. Reber there to make his bed and pick his wet towels up off the floor, he probably didn't encourage Anna to hang around much after she dropped off his daily supply of Cheetos and Ben and Jerry's. ETA: Of course, there probably was the occasional "conjugal visit", but as Michelle observed "It doesn't take that long".
  23. "Nathan is such a blessing to our family". Yeah, he will be as long as he keeps picking up the tab at restaurants. It's all he has to offer, now that being "Anna Duggar's brother" has lost it's cachet.
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