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  1. I thought the sketch looked like Ice-T.
  2. Hey did y'all notice that Karen is a cast member on some other show? Looked like some soap opera type show.
  3. That was posted earlier
  4. I'm sure those email or chat conversations are part of the evidence. He was told to bring condoms, responded he didn't know what they were, and Silva told him to ask at the local bodega. Absolutely no need for the Benson bravado.
  5. When Heavenly joined this show he had a lot to say about how a married woman should dress. Now she wears strips of lycra that are easily dislodged as she rants. She was always certifiable. Now add being an empty nester with menopause and hot flashes.
  6. I didn't like Candiace much and thought her mouth would get her in trouble. However IIRC, Candiace toned it down this season. But during the season, Monique kept targeting Candiace in ways that were clearly a set up. She kept itching for a fight until she got one. That mess was Monique's doing.
  7. Interesting that while Dr G tried to restrain Sweet T, Damon didn't intervene with Heavenly at all. He only seemed to be blocking camera angles. Toya completely exposed her bosom during that outing she and Eugene has with the new couple. When she hoisted herself into the car the top of her dress just hung open and her right boob came out of the side and you could see the nipple ring. It was clear the halter top was not providing any coverage so it was an interesting choice she made for that occasion.
  8. Shoot I was embarrassed by her bag worship. Toya wants to make out with Eugene in front of the boys to show them how it's done. She's already displayed a strange obsession with their maturing bodies and nighttime habits.
  9. I can't judge Greg either way because the whole conflict is this show and his unwillingness to be gossip fodder. Of course there's money and d-list fame, but this RH career is nothing but a cesspool. Of course Gizelle and the others advised Kierna to dump Greg and wade in their waters. I liked the spunk Stacey showed. She heard Gizelle's message loud and clear and pushed back on that fealty demand.
  10. Red potatoes. Isn't that the most scrumptious presentation?
  11. Besides knowing who won in the end, I don't know the details of these battles. It's been 50 years since I studied the period. I guess Jamie was free to quit but given how many times he was pushed into service, I didn't realize he could tell them to take this job and shove it. Claire has been roaming Scotland and the early Americas for a long time. Peeing in a bedside bucket would not bother her in the least. And after that fake bit of shyness, she and Jamie talk about sex when she hasn't washed her hiney or hands. I don't know how long after the initial surgery this scene was depicted, but she's been bed panning it for a while.
  12. Sorry, I was typing on a MacBook Air and this forum nearly kills it with all the ads. Editing and editing on it is a bear because it freezes every few words. I'm old and it's a miracle I can remember anyone's name☺️
  13. Totally agree. Claire was going to be executed. They are both mourning the loss of Jamie yet they marry to save her life. He implores her to get the with program, so to speak, to ensure the marriage appears legitimate. Jaime comes back, Claire reunites with him and Lord John steps aside. I have no problem with that, however the townsfolk have been transformed into fan girls because this situation is not acknowledged. Some posters told me that everyone in Lord John's circle left. But the Brits are locking up whores who kill their men. But no one's going after the spy who has left her British husband and gone back to the rebel Jaime who's leading a battalion against them? Lousy writing. Nice of Jamie to abandon his post and enjoy nursing Claire back to health with no interruptions or repecussions.
  14. Not a bad episode, but the acting was somewhat annoying. The victim kept doing the facial overacting like Hargitay does. The other actress was a perfect stereotype of a blue collar New Jersey resident who writes "whore" on the other woman's property. But I found the interrogation scene off. They told the detectives their stories within earshot of each other, but the lack of reaction would be indicative of interviews done in isolation from each other. If they were trying to demonstrate misdirected anger from the wife, they failed with bad staging. When the other new cop was interviewing the guy at the school and got a bit of info out of him, she slams her hand down and says"now that's a good start". Unnecessary cowboy affectation. After the show went on, I realized they never mentioned Carissi's struggles. Then, boom, they had him flame out in court for no good reason.
  15. Well Claire and John hosted that dinner and in return they received several invites. John told Claire it was necessary to accept at least one invitation. There was definitely a social circle which conveniently disappeared when Jaime showed up.
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