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Everything posted by tabloidlover

  1. I made it to the 46 second mark.... I have a question -- how does Jill have money for the acrylic nails while her kids are starving to death?
  2. I lost so many brain cells walking through this disaster of a series...
  3. I'd like to know if there is a way to have my shows show up like they used to - in order of last post, etc. What I see now is just a list of all content I follow with no bolding to tell me if I need to see anything new or not. I'm thrilled the forums are back up - but I need it to be a bit easier to navigate so it doesn't take all day looking for new content. Is anyone else having this issue?
  4. I don't think it's beneath Boob to purpose to convince a Duggar girl to pretend to "backslide" as they call it and do a season of DWTS. Of course, as soon as she is booted off it would be a huge boost to bring back their show big time. We all know there is much manufacturing of storylines with the producers of reality shows, and this would be the same concept. Except for the fact that it would be planned by Boob. And the daughter would go along with it, because daddy said so. Because Jesus.
  5. This is hilarious! You made my morning with this. I thought this was odd as well until I remembered her grammar skills....
  6. I think the rough ride has already begun. The bloom is off the rose, so to speak. Interesting that the Instagram has been removed. Duggar PR magic....
  7. Just read the latest Rodriguii blog entry and both of them are off the rails. It isn't enough to ask for prayers for a printer part, he feels the need to specify the part?? Might as well just say that if anyone has an extra laying around, please send. And Jill's entry (notably on the back) was a hot mess. She signed it "Longing to hear Well Done".... Prideful much? Assholes
  8. Bin being robbed by an 8 year old in the "inner city".... I would watch this a thousand times! Regarding the suggestion to get an apartment for some life experience? Best advice ever. How he thinks ANYone would listen to anything he had to say is absurd. What has he accomplished? I'll wait.... Still waiting.... Umm, while I wait for responses (might be the entire bus ride to hell) he has zero credibility because he has been through nothing and accomplished nothing. Getting married as soon as you hit legal adulthood and making a baby while living under your wife's daddys roof is NOT life experience. For real. Get a job, (as in, a job where you clock in and out and receive a real life paycheck from anyone other than Duggar Enterprises or TLC) get a roof over your family's head (again, one separate from Duggar Enterprises) and grow the hell up. Then you can give advice to others. He's so arrogant that I don't think he understands how ignorant he sounds, nor that no one takes him seriously. Sad.
  9. Anyone else get a negative vibe around Stephanie's husband? "I thought you said you packed the kid's suitcases... where is the ski jacket?"....
  10. Such a dichotomy with the whole man of the house thing. This same man that is supposed to be head of the household in reality does very little for the household. Earn a living, which in most cases in this world leaves them in poverty. That's it for his contribution unless you count making all decisions and being the boss of said household. Yet this same man needs an accountability partner because he cannot be trusted to not be defrauded by knees or shoulders. He needs someone to monitor his internet usage because he is weak. And everyone in this thought free society thinks this is normal? I will never understand it.
  11. Am I the only one grossed out by the combination of mandarin oranges with tomatoes in the tofu salad mess? So gross!!
  12. What are the odds that the paycheck to the Duggars has shrunken due to loss of advertisers and ratings?
  13. Sierra looked so incredibly stressed out during the pedicure! I realize she was "nervous" about Joy doing the last minute preparations, but really? She looked like she was about to stroke out. It's just not that serious girl. She could have avoided all of that if she had just left the house on time. Nothing like rushing the mom of honor through each step of the process. If we are to believe she does this on a regular basis, she sucks at it.
  14. Very excited for season 3, and even more so after watching that clip!
  15. Guess he hates me too.... Off to the prayer closet in hopes of some redemption.
  16. For anyone that is more technically gifted than myself - there is a moment about 18 minutes into the show that MUST become a GIF... It is a talking head with Jessa and dummy looking even more clueless than I have ever seen him. Mouth hanging open, does a double take at Jessa while she's talking even. PRICELESS, people, just PRICELESS.
  17. I have this set to tape, but I have my doubts. The preview shows some scary (as in bad cosmetic procedures) looking women and not much in the way of storylines.
  18. I did a partial click as well. Could not get all the way thru it. Skipped to Jill's part and had to stop - so self-serving.
  19. While it's true that Tammy was a mess, her nephew WAS in fact on his way out when Kenya jumped in again with her comment. It wasn't necessary. JMHO
  20. Love this! If you don't feel sure about leaving your infant with his/her father for an hour, perhaps you should re-think your choices. For reals. It's almost as if they don't feel safe being themselves with one another - always with the fake persona. I couldn't live like that for a single day...
  21. Exactly! What the everlovinghell is she supposed to do when she finds any of this? It doesn't make sense! The man, I mean headship, is in charge of everything and everyone, yet the wife, err helpmeet, is supposed to police his online activity? I just don't get it. If my husband can't control his penis, I sure as fuck don't want him in charge of my entire life and our home.
  22. This episode was so boring that I fell asleep while it was on. Just when you think they cannot be any more dumb, they manage to top themselves yet again.
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