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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. It shows you how invested I am in this season, because I completely forgot Wardog and Reem were together for 3 days. Based on editing, which to be honest isn't giving too much away this season, I'd say Rick has the best chance at winning. I'd say Ron has the least. Gavin only seems to pop up when he's part of a crucial vote, Victoria has kind of fizzled out for me (I guess she was a bigger pre-merge player), Lauren hasn't really had much that would make me think she pulls of a win, Julie seems too wishy washy. Aurora is a wild card for me. She doesn't seem well liked, but they still want her out. I think she'd be a long shot, but she might pull an upset. I don't know who from EOE would win.
  2. Someone else is returning (believed to be at the final 6), and everyone on EOE will be the jury. Supposedly this is where the rumor came from that the ending was controversial: that someone from EOE won, and it was because of the bonding they did with the jurors. It was a disadvantage for those that managed to stick with Survivor tradition and not be voted out of the game.
  3. I'm not sure if Ron knows what he is lol I guess last night he'd be classified as a flipper, but I'm thinking be believes he's more a swing vote. Which, how many times has a swing vote gone to TC with the TH "I've got all the power because I'm in the middle" before getting their torch snuffed by Probst that night? A lot of my problem with this season is both the cast and editing, along with the EOE twist. I'm always of the belief that once your torch is snuffed, you're out of the game. It seems to ruin the very spirit of Survivor when you get the chance to re-enter. And now that there's a party on EOE, it doesn't seem like they're suffering. It's basically what Big Brother would be if they did a ship wreck theme. It doesn't help that last season was one of Survivor's best in a very long time, and then we get this follow up. I'm over returning players coming back. TPTB have ruined the excitement and fun of that concept by bringing so many returning players back in the past twenty seasons (I think half of the last twenty seasons featured returning players to some extent), and especially the same ones. But the editing is just weird this season. It's hard to tell whose aligned with who, you have people who are saying they are the only ones playing the game, but getting an edit that says the exact opposite, some people seem stubborn that the vote has to go their way, and I just feel like game play is lacking. I can't even blame too many idols and advantages because there hasn't been any played yet, except for David's. There's something about Joe I forgot about that happened right when this season first started airing. His grandmother passed away, and I know Joe was very close to her (as he seems to be with his whole family). She had health problems, but I wonder if it was relayed to Joe by production that she was passing away (or had already passed) and they gave him the option to quit or stay in the game. I thought Joe has seemed a shell of himself from his previous two stints, so I wondered if that might be it. Seriously, though, this is where I'm at this season: the best part of the episode is EOE. Reem nagging whoever goes within 10 feet of her, and seeing Joe and Kelley bond on the beach and Aubry running over to join in the hug. I'll take that each week than what's going on in the game. Right now I'm in the Aurora for the win camp, followed by Gavin. If someone were to come back and win from EOE, I guess I'd root for any of the returning players. Even Wentworth. Or Reem, because why not.
  4. Everyone on the jury now will be the ones voting for the winner. If Keith and Wendy hasn’t quit this would be the first/probably last season ever to have every single person that was cast still there on Day 39-and voting for the winner. I think even if someone quit now they would still be jury.
  5. It was Aurora, Lauren, and Victoria. It looked like Victoria was reading something that looked like the advantage, so they must have found what Ron gave him. If Ron finds that out, I wonder if he'll let Rick in on it being fake. I can't believe Rick would really fall for Ron giving that to him.
  6. I know it's hard to say without knowing who else would be in the final 3, and what the jury looks like. Who knows, Rick might get voted out, and come back again from EOE. That could really earn him some jury respect. Kelley looked happy to see that Rick had immunity I thought. David would likely be a Rick vote. It's hard to say with the rest. Not everyone has bonded with the Kamas, like Reem, and Aubry wasn't ever with Lauren. It's hard to say, but I do think Rick has the best shot of winning so far. The only thing making me lean away from that is his edit. I don't always think it's that great. If TPTB were really down on this season, could it be someone like Julie winning? I have a hard time believing she would, but that's the kind of outcome that would make Probst want to throw himself in a volcano. Victoria is also intriguing me, because she went almost the whole episode without getting a TH, and I don't feel like she's been getting edited as having much to do with the decision making process. Maybe she really is laying low and trying to make everyone feel like she's with them. I don't know, this season is just odd, even with the EOE twist.
  7. I'm failing to see why everyone is eager to get Aurora out. According to them, she's got no allies, and is at the bottom. Isn't that the kind of person you want around? My impression is they don't think she can win, either, and just say 'she's a challenge beast'. I really wonder if Ron might have proved himself untrustworthy or not. The fact that he relishes being in the middle so he can have control I feel like won't end well for him.
  8. Rupert wasn't going to last much longer, and I'm glad he didn't end up taking a team out that will likely do better than him. I can't get over Colin's hair from all those years ago. I'll never forget Colin saying in the premiere episode of S5 how he was going to be the most intense person ever to run the race. He definitely lived up to that comment! My favorite about taxi cab gate was the other teams saying they were disappointed in him for not winning the argument. I'm with those who don't know what to make of the mellow Colin that's gracing our screens. I'm glad he's got a sense of humor about his past. I'm getting a charge out of the BB and Survivor teams finding this race so difficult. Always love seeing new countries, and Laos was a nice addition. I don't like Leo/Jaamal, and don't get their point of lying to Nicole, or disliking the Survivor teams. Was that only because Corinne/Eliza wouldn't let their tuk tuk pass on the road? U-turning people this early was stupid.
  9. Family visit next week. And we see Ron give Rick his outdated advantage that I forgot about. I kind of hope that Rick sees through it just to make Ron look stupid, because I'm sure we'll get a TH of Ron bragging about how he's pulling one over on Rick, saying he's the man. Also, if Ron's plan does succeed and Rick makes a fool of himself at TC because of it, I'm going to assume that won't win Ron brownie points with the jury. And Reem is going to let Wardog get it at EOE. She's out for people she was never even on a tribe with! Like I said, I love Reem just for being candid.
  10. Which is why this twist is so stupid at this point. It reminds me of the seasons where the jury started before the merge, and people who were on the jury didn't have a chance to even be on a tribe with one or both of the finalists. At least her eye rolls and mean girl glares make more sense on the jury. But I did giggle at the 'revenge for me' with the two hands to her heart. Perhaps it was that on Lauren's part, but more that Wardog was an egotistical dick who more or less made the case for himself tonight as to why he should be voted out. I will say that I thought Wardog was playing a decent game, he just needed to reign it in majorly when it came to being in control and his outbursts. But with this group it isn't hard to do okay at the game.
  11. I'm wondering if there's a chance Rick ends up winning. It would fit with the spoiler (which I'm calling a rumor at this point), that an early boot from EOE wins. He seems well liked. He's got the underdog story going on. I don't know who still on EOE could come back and win, as two of the rumors (Eric and Chris) have barely gotten any screen time since arriving there.
  12. At this point I'm rooting for Gavin and Aurora. I loved how they showed Ron saying he was going to try and get in Aurora's good graces (by giving her back something that was already hers) to dictate how she votes...and then two seconds later is picking a fight with her. I guess the editors must have had fun piecing that together. To show what a great gamer Ron is. If you figure it out let me know. Same with Rick. Who I loved seeing clench his mouth so tight his lips almost disappeared as the votes were being read.
  13. Usually I get Survivor induced rage after the vote, but this is the first season (I think ever) where I had it before the vote. Tonight I wanted to scream that they were making it so obvious who needs to go. These people are so frustrating I can’t stand it. I was so worried that all the talk about Wardog going meant he was safe. I will say I would have much rather seen Ron go than Wardog. At least Wardog brings comedic relief. I will especially miss seeing him bumble his way through the challenges. Thanks for giving me a slip off the platform and swimming to the wrong one for the road, ‘dawg! I love Reem. I think she's just at EOE to nag everyone.
  14. Well, Stephenie was a good advisor at how to lose challenge after challenge...so I guess Sandra can advise how to burn ugly hats, and Rob can show that you can win on your 4th try if TPTB cast the right brainless sheep against you. I still think this is more to hype up S40 than anything else.
  15. There've been cast lists posted at Sucks, but I think Redmond said the cast was just finalized recently. I don’t know if the people at Sucks have legit sources or are just taking a lucky guess, because it’s probably semi obvious who will/won’t be back (or at least asked). Bascially, I’ve seen Hatch, Tina, Ethan (may or may not be on), Jenna, Sandra, Danni, Yul, Earl (unsure), Denise, Tyson, Tony, Natalie A., Jeremy, Michele (might be an alternate), Adam, Sarah, Ben, Wendell (supposedly it’s between him and Earl), and Nick as the rumored names coming back. The S38 winner is another wild card. Vee claims she wasn’t asked, but some wondered if she’s trolling fans so as to not give it away (sadly I don’t think she is). Todd is a possibility, and I’ve seen Parvati and Kim’s names thrown out there. So a lot of the usual suspects, and the male winners out number the women so they have slim pickings on the ladies side. But that’s why I say, it’s easy for someone to claim they have the names and just make a very good guess. Pretty much everyone rumored has been back or expressed interest.
  16. I’m curious what this means, given the theme of S40. Are both, one, or neither going to be on there? Is this Probst’s stupid way of introducing the alleged theme of S40 at the reunion because he thinks the viewers needs a visual aide? DvsG was so great, with new people, minimal twists and advantages and idols, and old school Survivor game play and editing. Why can’t they follow that formula? This season has been terrible, mainly because of the returning players and the EOE twist.
  17. He kind of resembles Donathan (or maybe what Donathan would look like if he was a city boy?)
  18. This might explain why Boston Rob has been MIA from twitter since February: http://insidesurvivor.com/two-former-survivor-winners-to-feature-on-season-39-38355
  19. My biggest fear is that somehow it's wrong, and Leo/Jaamal end up winning. That it was TPTB throwing out false info of L/J being behind and not being able to finish the last task. Because it seemed like they were ahead, though maybe not by much, when they arrived at the rappel task. Though C/C and T/K were spotted at the other tasks around Detroit, so I'd have a hard time believing L/J would escape being seen.
  20. During AS Tina and Ethan tried getting the top prize amount raised to $2 million dollars. I figure if the TPTB wouldn’t cave then when the show was in its prime, they won’t cave now.
  21. If it really is one of those 3, I'd go with Ron or Wardog. Ron's edit has been terrible and comedic, in the sense that he thought he was in control and running things, but got a harsh reality check. I also wonder if there's going to be some kerfuffle with the second vote Aurora has-either Ron tells everyone about it, or tries to use it himself and is told he can't. We saw Wardog say those 3 are the only ones playing the game, and they need to get rid of the goats. Usually that translates to someone in that group getting blindsided. Wardog isn't playing a bad strategic game, or at least he wasn't until he blindsided Kelley. Now Wardog's ego is probably going to swell to twice the size that it already is, and he'll really think he's running things. He doesn't realize that he basically did everyone a favor that's been wanting to get rid of Wentworth. That's what Gavin and Victoria have been wanting to do for weeks, same with Rick, and Aurora had nothing to lose. We saw Wardog back when he was with Manu/Lesu that it's his way or no way. So he might end up rubbing Ron the wrong way, and I don't think Rick has any loyalty to him (Wardog was the one who said he didn't want to work with Rick when he came back from EOE). So predictable boot-Aurora. Blindside-Ron or Wardog (if not one of the 3, then I'd say Gavin).
  22. Guatemala was the first season with the idol, and even if you didn’t want to watch the whole season, I’d recommend watching the idol related episodes alone. It’s like the blind leading the blind. No one knew what to make of the idol or where to even begin looking. Judd got a clue as part of a reward as to where the idol was, and he tried convincing everyone it was buried in the ground. Gary caught him one day looking up in the trees, so he assumed rightfully that the idol was in a tree. He found it, and the idol actually had to be played before the vote that season.
  23. Dan’s actually the perfect person to take to the final 3 as a goat. What did Ron say this past episode, that no one wanted to sit next to him in the finals because he’d win? Ron must be seeing a different side to him out there. I do think he’s playing a good game. Everyone has been wanting to get rid of Wentworth, Dan just finally got his hands dirty and did it for them. I wonder if he just wanted to show that he wasn’t dependent on the former Lesus. As of now, I’m assuming he has an enemy in Lauren. We’ll see where he stands with everyone else.
  24. It was pretty amusing last night to see how far out of their element the BB and Survivor teams were compared to the TAR teams. No surprise that the remaining TAR teams make it to the end, with the exception of Victor/Nicole making it to the final 4 over Becca/Floyd. I'm not totally sad about the boot list. I'm glad Rupert is next. Hopefully this is his last hurrah on the reality show circuit. I like Corinne, and I like Britney, so I'll be sad when they are gone (not so much their partners).
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