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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. Getting right into the re-entry challenge. Gotta give it up to Reem for lasting 36 days. Never would have expected her to make it to the end.
  2. No manbun for Joe, just letting the locks flow. Wow, Lauren looks amazing.
  3. Was Anthony the author is the original post that’s now deleted? He said on Sucks he deleted it because of people not being nice in the comments, if that was him. Some obvious things to expect: someone will likely get idoled out at final 6 (whether it’s Rick or Lauren that plays it). If Rick loses immunity he’s definitely playing his idol. I think Gavin or Victoria, if she doesn’t win, are likely good candidates to be the first boot tonight. Victoria wasn’t happy with Gavin last week for voting off Aurora over Julie, and warned him Lauren wanted Julie around because she was easy to beat in the final 3. Maybe foreshadowing to Gavin’s downfall? I’d actually be surprised for Julie not to make the final 3, only because she’d be the perfect goat.
  4. It could just be Rick’s story of being a huge underdog, and will he pull off 3 more wins to stay in the game, or will he scramble and manage to save himself? I get that it was probably a more interesting story arc to follow than a majority Kama strong alliance dominating until the end, with Lauren thrown in. And maybe TPTB were mad that the Kama’s were more anti-returning player than Manu. So they under edit them all season as punishment (yeah, I can actually see TPTB being that petty).
  5. I’d throw Ron into the mix. I hope we get a montage of Wardog’s challenges fails.
  6. I’ve been saying this for years. I say do a no idol/advantage season, but don’t tell them. I think it would create great paranoia. David and Goliath was so good and so well received, that I was hoping S39 would be the same. I don’t know why TPTB think having returning players (especially those who’ve returned over and over again) adds anything to a season that isn’t an all star season. S38 I’m happy that the newbies wanted the returning players out and weren’t just going to let them coast to the final 3. Yet I also found the newbies annoying for wanting the returning players out lol I think it was more they weren’t getting favorable edits and the focus at Kama seemed to be about voting off Aubry/Joe so everyone else got their turn. I really don’t get the point of this twist, but I hope there isn’t a ton of focus on the island of Sandra and Rob.
  7. I think the idea with EOE was that more people would quit, and that the castoffs would be essentially bullying other people into quitting to increase their chances of getting back in the game. Yet we had 2 quits and the whole mood out there was chill (except for Reem if she didn’t like who got voted off). I don’t know that it helped that they kept it such a mystery at first. The first half of the group didn’t even really know what was going to happen. This is why I would love Big Brother in a case like this. They would inflict all kinds of self made mental torture on them to ensure they had fireworks and quitters. I’ve heard TPTB we’re disappointed with both the cast and/or the outcome. I actually think this could have been a good cast and season without including the returning players and EOE twist. I don’t dislike Victoria, but I don’t like her either. I’ve been intrigued by her all season. I can’t tell if she’s a follower or mastermind lol She seemed to have a more visible edit pre merge but I forgot about her most of the post merge half. I wonder if that’s why she’s been sarcastic in a lot of her Twitter comments all season, about her game play not being shown.
  8. So for a season that had incredibly inaccurate spoilers, looks like some of them were correct right at the end after all. Have to say, while Chris is nice and everything, it just sucks that he was voted out so long ago, and now is not only making the final 3 (allegedly) but also deciding who makes the final 3. And I'm not ruling out that he wins. This twist should have either ended at the merge, or be done sooner. I am looking forward to seeing Rick grand stand like a 3rd grader when he idols Gavin out, only to finally put those of in the anti-Rick camp out of our misery when his torch is snuffed for the second time at the next vote. If all of this is true, the editing is so bizarre this season.
  9. I'm getting way too excited, because I know Probst is going to crush my spirits when he says 'the winner of Survivor EOE is...' and then dramatically turns the last parchment paper to the audience, despite the fact that we can count and saw that Rick had every previous vote. However, with the final 3 rumors, the person winning 3 challenges in a row (which, if that person is correct, would be Chris), and David's vague comment about Victoria's social game, maybe Rick isn't the winner? There was, of course, the original rumor that someone that was voted off early on ended up winning the game after re-entering and that TPTB hated the outcome as a result. I'm still extremely skeptical of that, unless the finale goes from the Rick show to the Chris show. Chris might know he has no chance in hell of actually winning, so I suppose it's possible he tries to keep Rick around knowing he will.
  10. There was a spoiler of a final 3 of Lauren, Victoria, and the EOE returnee. Victoria is also the only other person rumored to win, so maybe that's true? Rick could use his idol at the first TC vote where Gavin/Julie goes, then lose immunity and get voted out at the F5. Julie/Gavin goes out at the fire making challenge.
  11. Some on other sites are speculating that, if the S38 is involved, that might be a way to tie it into the finale and the announcement of S40. They could say whoever wins is going to be competing against 'legends' (I'm going to use that terms loosely until I see who is cast). I'm still skeptical they would announce a season that isn't even going to air for a year, but who knows.
  12. I don't buy much into what the preview says. TPTB are probably just getting my hopes up, it's an incredibly predictable finale, but they need to pretend otherwise. There's speculation about the spoiler that someone wins 3 IC in a row, and some are thinking that involved Chris (or whoever returns from EOE), and that person winds up in the final 3 as a result. Could also go along with Dale's bitter tweets. Kelley and Lauren are friends outside the show, so maybe the EOE returning player screws her chances? There was also a rumor that Rick lost the fire making challenge. My prediction if Rick wins: Gavin goes next (possibly idoled out), Victoria goes 5th, Lauren loses the final 4 firemaking challenge, leaving a final 3 of Rick, Chris, and Julie (whose there as a goat). If Rick loses, it's trickier. I think, with the knowledge that Lauren and Rick have idols, Chris decides to align with Rick and Julie, they bring Lauren in with the assumption that they are voting out Victoria/Gavin, and she gets blindsided at the final 6 and leaves with her idol. Gavin goes next, Rick goes at the final 4 after losing the fire making challenge, leaving a final 3 of Victoria, Julie, and Chris. Victoria wins because of her social game (as alluded to by David).
  13. If an EOE person wins, I’m thinking it would be a returning player. While it’s weird we’ve barely gotten anything the second half of the season out there, it would make sense if it was Joe/Kelley/David/Aubry. We already know them.
  14. Supposedly Probst and company were upset with this season, and how it ended ultimately led to Lynn being fired. Now, I don’t know exactly where that started but I think it was more rumor because of Lynn’s firing, and now it’s gotten turned into being a spoiler. After hearing Angelina say Lynn was going to pass on her last season because she was young and married, I’m inclined to believe that’s a big reason Lynn got fired (for trying to go the BB route and cast a bunch of boring hot 20 somethings for showmance purposes). That said, I can believe Probst and TPTB being upset that the returning players were all voted out before the end (and pretty early for at least 3 of them), and the EOE twist probably didn’t go how they expected, especially if they thought returning players would return, more people would quit, and there’d be more drama. So far I think how Reem will greet the newest castoff is the most dramatic thing happening out there. If any of the above is true, then yeah, Rick probably loses. I’ll have to go see if Redmond said anything about the producers reaction to this season.
  15. I'm still secretly hoping Reem comes back and wins, but I know that's not happening. If Chris were to come back and win...well, at least his name isn't Rick Devins. Aside from the challenges and game aspect, I feel like the EOE castoffs are playing the game of Survivor that many season 1 contestants thought it would be. Hanging on an island, having to catch food, make fire and shelter, and whoever did that the best won. I liked Chris, from what little we've seen of him. If he had listened to Rick and David, he wouldn't have been such an early boot on EOE in the first place. Heck, he might still be in the game. Unfortunately, I'm resigned to a Rick win. I am hoping and praying to the Survivor Gods I'll be wrong, and this is a case where TPTB just liked the guy and hated the winner so he got the strong edit, and the winner got nothing. But a Rick win is a fitting end to one of the worst seasons ever.
  16. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think Aurora was the vote all along. Lauren didn't want to vote Julie off. Gavin wanted to stay loyal with Lauren. Victoria seemed the voice of reason, but she didn't have a majority to keep Aurora. I still think it might have been idiotic, because Julie has no loyalty to Gavin/Lauren/Victoria, and I'd be surprised if she'd work with them. Something about Julie just seems sour. Aurora was no doubt right that Lauren wants Julie around because she's an easy beat in the final 3. Whether this backfires on Gavin/Victoria next week we'll see. Who knows who will come back from EOE.
  17. I was browsing SM tonight to get an idea of where Rick stands. Even those who like him thought he was too much tonight, but many are annoyed by the man and are calling him Ben. One thing that stood out to me, were comments about how Rick really hasn’t done anything but may get credit for it in the eyes of the jury (blindsiding Ron, looking like he made them change their vote to Aurora). However, we at home are seeing that’s not the case. With Aurora on EOE she may not hold back as to what was going on, and that Rick isn’t making all these big moves. He’s just getting lucky. Even tonight, Lauren/Victoria/Gavin didn’t have the usual reaction when someone pulls out an idol. So whether Aurora was the plan going in or they just knew it was changing, they weren’t shaking in their boots. I do wonder if this is what Dale’s tweets were referencing. As for Chris-I can see him returning, but I can not see him winning. I would be stunned. Unless he gets a huge amount of airtime in the finale, because he’s barely gotten anything on EOE (especially post merge). I can actually see. a Victoria win after tonight. She seems like she can put together a sensible case for the jury. And with David’s comment, listening to her TH tonight made me totally see what he was saying. I still see a Rick win, however, but hopefully I’m proven wrong.
  18. Me too. Yet how am I sad that this season is ending next week? For someone that appears to be a designated winner, Rick is pretty arrogant, unbearable, and cocky. Especially for a guy who was voted out once already. I'd really love to know how someone becomes the chosen one from TPTB.
  19. After seeing how Colin greeted the little girl at the pit stop, I officially don't recognize him. Father hood and age has definitely mellowed him out. I was glad to see him and Christie get a first place finish. I thought this episode was a little chaotic. I would have been horrible at the RB. Vietnam is a country I have always enjoyed, however. I won't lie that I like Corinne, mainly for her blunt honesty. I won't miss Eliza, however. I was expecting them to blow up at the Reilly's at the mat.
  20. I think it takes some of the power and negotiating away from Rick. While I believe the intent was to vote Aurora tonight (and if that is the case, I hope Victoria, Gavin or Lauren make that clear to the jury that his idol bluff did not influence their vote), they know he didn't play it for Julie and likely won't play it for anyone but himself if he doesn't have immunity. So people don't have to worry about whether Rick has the idol; they can just go to plan b.
  21. Oh, I'd never heard that before! On the subject of Hatch-I won't be surprised either way. My feeling is, if he isn't back, it's probably because he didn't want to or because of the bad feelings. I do think we're going to get mostly post HvsV winners, with a handful of old schoolers, like Tina.
  22. I'm thinking that as well, which means the joke's on Devin's because he made it so they didn't get their hands dirty. And now they know he has an idol.
  23. I think it shows just how exciting it is in the actual game, when the best they can show in an episode is letter reading. I knew Aurora was a goner 2 minutes in, when she said she wasn’t at the bottom anymore and had an alliance (and then Gavin crushed her hungry hopes and dreams). People sure seem bitter not getting picked for rewards this season. I did laugh when Probst was blowing hot air during the IC and mentioning everyone’s names-and Victoria said “Jeff, I’m playing too.” Anyone going to say they didn’t see Rick finding an idol? And of course, the man who is back because of a twist (likely created to benefit anyone but him) wins immunity. What happened to the days when people were out there hiding in the bushes and wouldn’t give their main target a moment’s peace if they knew they were looking for an idol? Aurora: “I’m just hungry”. Probst: “Gavin, Victoria, Lauren, go get a belly full of food.” Never change Probst.
  24. Tonight was the first time I thought Victoria had a good shot to win, and I can see the social game she's playing, especially after reading David's comment about it. Julie has absolutely zero chance. Lauren and Gavin may get a vote or two, but I'd say their chances are better than her. I do wonder, with someone coming back from EOE next week, if Kelley blabbing about Lauren's hidden idol ends up backfiring on her in some way. I'm Team Reem all the way. I think Rick has an advantage having been on EOE and winning his way back in, and it seems like the group out there has bonded. I kind of want someone from EOE to win, just to hear Probst justify the twist and having everyone out there bonding.
  25. Tonight, on the Rick Devins show: Everyone not named Aurora is an idiot. Of course, Lauren wanted her out and Gavin wanted to side with her, so this can be an excuse to get the deed done. But for real, they can not call themselves super fans, because if they were, they would have known that Mike Holloway pulled this same move during WA when he pretended he was going to save Shirin (in that case, she did end up going home). So sorry Ricky boy, but you aren't original. You're a Ben/Mike mash up. I wonder if Julie realizes she’s only there because she’s absolutely useless and is the only one left that has zero chance to win. Oh, and real super fans know that advantages, twists, and idols aren't done until TPTB say they are done (which is when their favorite is safe in the final 3). I have no one left I’m rooting for. I guess whoever comes back from EOE (yes, even Wardog or Ron).
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