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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. And Lauren is an idiot and playing hers for Chris. Hope she isn't too pissed when she finds out about his half idol. Wish Rick would throw him under the bus right now.
  2. Rick's bringing out the water works over Julie not picking him for the reward. Or trying to.
  3. Look at Reem all cleaned up. It's weird seeing the jury all nice and neat.
  4. So far, Chris, Victoria, and Rick seem to have the most face time this finale. Chris asks Lauren to play her idol for him. She says she will if Rick plays one. Me thinks Lauren may regret that decision.
  5. Oh for god's sake, now Chris has an immunity idol? Oh, it's the half idol. He gave half of it to Rick.
  6. I guess go Gavin and Victoria at this point? Why is Chris feeling betrayed at getting voted out by Rick? Rick and David tried to warn him about going to Wardog with the plan to vote out Wentworth.
  7. Everyone knows Rick is going to play his idol, right? Oh, Lauren and Julie think it's fake. And Chris is proving right here why bringing someone back from EOE this late in the game was a bad idea.
  8. Good sign that maybe he won't win? I loved it. Victoria and Lauren: "Go Julie!" Rick: "Remember they wanted to split the vote on you last time." Julie: "I just want to win something Devins." Chris: "Let me help you" and abandons his challenge. Rick: "Chris what are you doing?" I think everyone stopped what they were doing to help Julie. Jeff, noticing Rick's reaction to not getting picked for the reward. "I've always gone to bat for Julie, she's never once gone to bat for me." Sadly, he's probably kinda right, because Julie seems to be the ultimate coat tail rider. But way to rack up the jury votes!
  9. I am loving the challenge play by play. No one wants Rick to win. Julie wins IC and picks Chris and Lauren for reward. Glad you aren't bitter Rick!
  10. Hot damn, Victoria got it on her first try. Chris is still on part one of the challenge, everyone else at the puzzle. ETA: spoke too soon! Now everyone's on the puzzle.
  11. The past few years it was around 1020ish. Let's see if they push it to 1040 this year! Remembering we still have to plug S39, the random CBS summer show, talk to some alumni in the audience that no one wanted to hear from, and get to the "random" kid who correctly picks the winner.
  12. Chris says he's fine if he's voted off next. Victoria rightly says that's BS. Wait, so Rick backstabbed Chris? Wasn't it Wardog? Everyone's leery of Chris but trying to make friends. Chris reveals to Lauren he knows she has an idol. He's a pretty poor deal maker. I'm remembering now why he got voted off in the first place.
  13. I feel Chris has had more airtime in the finale than he did the rest of the game.
  14. So who else will get the pre-reunion show onstage chat with Jeff? Rick, if hopefully he's voted off. I don't see any of the final 6 if not Rick, unless Chris gets voted out.
  15. Joe gets the first onstage at the appearance at the finale. He says he'll probably be back again. Jeff says maybe it's his hair that's holding him back. Jeff will probably get some extra hate tweets tonight for saying that.
  16. I guess not only is this one of the biggest flop of a season, but also the biggest flop of returning players.
  17. Chris for the win! Lol he would be a fitting end to this season. I forgot there was a Julia this season. I love how the EOE castoffs are in tears, and those still in the game are kinda just sitting there like 'eh, moving on.'
  18. Jeff is asking the questions now he should be asking at the reunion show. Everyone has tears, except Chris.
  19. Voted out third, and Chris comes back in the game at the final 6 after living it up on EOE. Not a bad deal. Reem looks as happy now as she did in the beginning. I'll miss ya Reem!
  20. Nail biter! Chris, Joe, and Aurora in the lead. Chris barely lost the re-entry challenge last time.
  21. Thanks for giving me one last challenge fail for the season Wardog!
  22. I only wanted them there still, just so we would have the first finale in history where everyone was still accounted for. I want Joe back in, because I feel he's got the best chance to go on an immunity run, that hopefully leads to Rick getting voted out.
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