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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. I'm so annoyed that they just made Rick look good in front of the jury with his fake idol play. He's seriously winning this thing, isn't he?
  2. Rick is playing the idol for Gavin. Chris ain't happy.
  3. Poor Gavin. Only man without an idol (real or fake) and not a clue what's about to go down.
  4. Total jury management, which is why I hope it comes back to bite him if the girls play the fake idols.
  5. I hate Rick. I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating. No one can win with this negative of an edit. Right? Hopefully?
  6. So Lauren is thinking that maybe they weren't lucky to find 3 HII that morning, and that one of them is fake.
  7. So Rick says he'll play his idol for Gavin if Gavin promises to take him to the final 3 if he wins immunity and not send him to fire.
  8. So what will happen: Rick decides it's a bad idea to let Julie/Lauren play their idols in front of the jury, knowing it'll make him look bad so he tells them? He plays his idol for one of them, or lets one of them in on the charade? Or does Chris, wanting to have good will towards Lauren, tell her? The EOE twist better head for Ghost Island and take a wrong turn so it is never used again. Rick, you will slightly redeem yourself to me if you play it on Gavin.
  9. If Lauren and Julie play the fake idols, I hope Rick laughs over there, and then gets called out. He did it to Ron and Julie, they should do it to him. I will be so disappointed if Lauren and/or Julie don't. I'm thinking Chris's whole "fool me once" might be foreshadowing to a Lauren boot.
  10. Go Gavin go! Damn it, Rick wins immunity. So now he'll probably play hero and play his real idol for someone at TC after faking them out. Two people who shouldn't even be in the game are running it at the end. Is it next season yet?
  11. I'm hoping for that. He's my only hope for slight redemption this season, if he were to win. I just want to throw stuff at my TV when Rick is on it.
  12. No super fan would realize that there are 3 hidden idols in the finale leading up to the final 4. So Julie is a liar when she said she's been watching this show since season 1 and trying to get on for years. Rick is super slime. He will go down as the worst, most obnoxious, arrogant, toddler-esque winner in history.
  13. I think Julie might have found the fake idol. I hope they do the same thing in front of the jury Rick did, saying he made them look like an idiot.
  14. Now I want Lauren to get voted out, after seeing Chris play his idol that he already had, just for wasting her idol on him.
  15. Do not tell me Rick is going to find another idol!!!!! Oh, Rick tried the old fake idol trick. Seriously, this season is the worst. Surprise, Rick finds the idol! Why not just hand it to him Probst?
  16. I can't wait for Lauren to find out about Chris's half idol. Rooting for Gavin or Chris at this point. Lauren didn't look happy when Jeff announced the final 6 at the start of the finale. I somehow feel like she might not have good jury management.
  17. Well, there goes a huge spoiler-Victoria ain't winning. Maybe Rick or Chris does pull it off after all?
  18. And Victoria is out. Lauren wasted her idol.
  19. And Lauren is an idiot and playing hers for Chris. Hope she isn't too pissed when she finds out about his half idol. Wish Rick would throw him under the bus right now.
  20. Rick's bringing out the water works over Julie not picking him for the reward. Or trying to.
  21. Look at Reem all cleaned up. It's weird seeing the jury all nice and neat.
  22. So far, Chris, Victoria, and Rick seem to have the most face time this finale. Chris asks Lauren to play her idol for him. She says she will if Rick plays one. Me thinks Lauren may regret that decision.
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