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Everything posted by Dee

  1. It's not the same. Not in the least.
  2. Fox could've very easily written him out before the end of the season. They're hedging their bets which is totally in their rights. Actors on other shows have done much worse & remained on their shows so it's not as if bad behavior is unprecedented.
  3. If the network felt he was guilty, they could've very easily remained quiet and let Jussie go at the end of the season. The way this is being handled, at least thus far, is very similar to how Shonda & ABC used to react when her/their actors used to find themselves in potential trouble.
  4. But how is the state of the house, Fiona's fault? Sure, she let the guy in and didn't know anything going on; but that's hardly a new trait in the Gallagher home, sober or un-sober.
  5. Fox has reiterated their support, so it's doubtful he's going anywhere anytime soon.
  6. Dee

    Season 5 Chat

    I'm actually loving the Andre & Junior scenes this season. Their bond has progressed from typical father/son sitcom fodder, to something fascinatingly complex.
  7. Dee

    Season 5 Chat

    Kyra (the one with the braces) is Andre's cousin. Kyra's mother wasn't able to take care of her for the time being, so Andre & Rainbow agreed to look after her. Stuntz (the one with the gorgeous afro) is Kyra's best friend. She's Kyra's best friend but doesn't live with the Johnsons.
  8. I hate how the show has rewritten Fiona & Lip's relationship as if Ian never existed. Fiona & Lip have always had a rocky relationship, given their divergent personalities & respective places within the family, but they were never a dysfunctional duo. They were a highly functional trio, at least until Ian hopped a bus & abandoned the family wholesale. An act which has never been properly addressed.
  9. Dee

    Season 5 Chat

    Jack not applying to clown college despite having the grades? I love that kid.
  10. Juwanna Klan made me LOL
  11. Dee

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    'Captain Marvel' Receives Negative Online Reviews Prior to Release
  12. It's likely FOX is rewriting scripts as a potential backup plan and has nothing to do with them having doubts about Jussie.
  13. Lip not saying a word to Debbie about the surprise check was ridiculous.
  14. At least Kevin & Moose got a love scene. Josie & Archie didn't even get that.
  15. As I said, until proven otherwise, he was attacked.
  16. Racists & homophobes were gonna do that anyway. So it's not that big of a deal.
  17. This show is complete trash. Fiona is a mess but Lip has NO right to be SO self righteous. Kev & Vee deserve better. As does Carl. Love Katey Sagal but glad Ingrid is gone Useless Kelly gets TONS of screentime while Liam gets nothing. Classy.
  18. People are free to judge all they want, just as they have been doing all along. That said, until Jussie is formally convicted in a court of law, he remains innocent.
  19. According to Todd Grinnell, Schneider began drinking before he stood up to his Dad. The alcohol was what gave him the courage to confront his father.
  20. Jussie's innocent until proven guilty.
  21. CPD has repeatedly stated Jussie's the victim and that they have no reason to believe the situation was a hoax.
  22. Can Sky have her own story for once?
  23. In the past, she's said the thing she wanted most is to be a legend. Seems as if she's well on her way.
  24. Tegan watched Annalise's back AND got herself some in the process. Now THAT is the definition of a best friend.
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