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janie jones

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Everything posted by janie jones

  1. I'm actually surprised that garbage collectors anywhere manually pick up the cans anymore. My parents live in the sticks and their pickup people switched to the the trucks that pick up the trash themselves a few years ago. I was working for a few weeks across the country in 2019, and I got caught behind a garbage truck on the way into the office in the morning. I was surprised both that there was someone out there picking up the cans themself, which I didn't realize still existed, and also that he was hanging on the back of the truck between stops, which I had only ever seen on TV. During lockdown, my parents' garbage collectors required them to use can liners and tie them off, but not anymore.
  2. I was taking the trash out (as in, from my house to the outdoor garbage can) last week and saw that someone had put their dog poop bag in there at some point between it getting emptied and us bringing it back to where we keep it, behind our fence. I wasn't worried about it bursting or stinking, or anything, but I was perturbed at the presumptuousness.
  3. I teach English as a Second Language, and one thing we talk about in speaking or pronunciation classes is pausing in the right places. I've always thought that Jeremy is a good example of a misplaced pause causing misunderstanding. In normal, non-hesitating speech you wouldn't say "Jeremy spoke in (pause) class." I think it's perfectly logical that one's brain would interpret "Jeremy spoke in + unusual pause" as "Jeremy spoken + predictable pause." (I actually love using mondegreens to teach pronunciation/speaking, because they can be used as either cautionary tales, or as like, "even native speakers hear X as Y, and this is the reason, so don't be discouraged if you do the same thing.")
  4. I just overheard an ad for constipation medication. One of the side effects given was "increased bowel movements."
  5. That was my first thought, too. Would Tim Allen have flashed her if he'd known her to be in a relationship, let alone to be in a relationship with someone who seems like he might kick someone's ass?
  6. M&Ms is heavily implying that the regular spokescandies will be doing something for the Super Bowl: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mms-maya-rudolph-spokescandies-super-bowl-145727629.html Plus the Ma&Yas are apparently going to be available until the Super Bowl.
  7. He probably thinks that if someone does something nude for work, they're okay getting nude at any time, and are okay with seeing anyone else nude. He therefore thought she'd find his "joke" funny. (And/or like what she saw.) Like, it's the same mentality that makes people think prostitutes can't get raped.
  8. I always think the same thing. I wish he talked about his grandfather starting "this company" or something.
  9. Yeah but Baldwin probably hasn't taken a gun safety course, and may have less than basic knowledge about how to appropriately handle a gun. And as a result treated the gun like any other prop. Are armorers an American thing? Wouldn't they be needed on set in any country?
  10. I think he got lucky with Boyhood. No one got arrested or died or whatever. And even if they had gotten arrested or died, he could have written it into the script, which he can't do if he's adapting something.
  11. I was in Old Navy today and I think the sorry not sorry commercials make sense to me now. They have a big poster up that says something like, "If celebrating the holidays the way I want to is wrong, then I don't want to be right. #sorrynotsorry" I mean, the commercial is still ridiculous because they didn't show them celebrating the holidays in any particularly strange way, but at least I get the use of "sorry, not sorry" now.
  12. Did she take him seriously? I don't think her email address is actually smalldickenergy@getalife.com. She was blowing him off. He just refused to be blown off.
  13. The State Farm commercial with the guy smelling his beard is the most repulsive thing I've seen in quite some time.
  14. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm not sorry," or alternatively, "I'm sorry if it bothers you that I'm not sorry about what I've said/done."
  15. I hate the Johnny Cash version of "Hurt." It's terrible. (And don't try to tell me that Trent Reznor approves of it. I don't care.)
  16. I have a friend who has always had terrible handwriting. When he decided to become a doctor I thought that sounded about right.
  17. I do know who she is and the commercial still doesn't make any sense. They don't show anything to be sorry/not sorry about.
  18. One thing I do like about the Apretude commercial is that it shows a straight couple (who are African-American). I don't think I've seen an HIV PrEP commercial with a straight couple before, but heterosexual African-American women and heterosexual African-American men are the fourth and fifth most at-risk subpopulations in the US, respectively. (source) It's unfortunate that the commercial includes LGBTQ stereotypes, but I do appreciate it not perpetuating the idea that HIV/AIDS is exclusively an LGBTQ disease. Why bathe when you can just spray on some eau de toilette?
  19. That ad is hilarious and I love it. I don't think it's weird to get people the scent they usually wear. But I do agree with you that it's not usually* a good gift to get someone something random and new. *I have a friend who loves trying new perfumes, and I think she'd probably enjoy getting something random and new.
  20. I agree with you but others beg to differ 😄
  21. I mean, the math makes sense, not that the guy is sensible about his healthcare.
  22. Makes sense. He hasn't gone to the doctor since he left for college (which would have been 21 years ago if he's 39).
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