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Everything posted by raytch

  1. Agreed superman1204, the more the reveal simmers in the back of my head, the more I find it jarring, and a last minute option to be honest.
  2. I think the writers found themselves in a corner once she wanted out. Leaving town is very out of character and killing her off would be cruel and useless (see the OC killing off Marissa though I cheered in glee when that happened), I think it was a good exit for her and really liked that we got back to basics Elena. As for her only existing as Damon's prize... Well she always has, and the fact that she was so well written in the first few seasons is kind of a luxury. It's CW after all... I don't mean to diss all their shows but from the ones I've seen, female characters don't have much agency and as you said, exist for the mere purpose of being the love interest. Good examples would be Laurel on Arrow (especially in seasons 1 and 2) and Iris on The Flash.
  3. Looks like we'll be getting plenty of Defan. I'm all in.
  4. This is why I have a problem with the Charlotte reveal. If you don't like it it's because you have a problem with a trans character not because you are pointing to the fact that they backtracked 6 seasons of background story to accommodate the character. It's plausible deniability because there are people out there who do have a problem with trans people and trans characters being portrayed on TV shows. Does anyone else feel they went there because they thought they wouldn't be able to please everyone and figured they'd be able to bump the bad reactions if they could just say "Now a lot of people are having trouble accepting that we told the heartbreaking story of this transgender person because they had theories about someone else and or because they refuse to accept that A was meant to be trans all along because of their own conservative convictions" Ugh.
  5. I loved Mona / Ezra! Everytime I watch that scene I wanna high five someone because of how much they both nail it. Of course I usually end up high fiving myself cause I usually watch alone.
  6. They could've used the A is a girl callback. I think Heather is a bit too worried but her heart is in the right place, and she has a point when she says not everyone wants to be part of a constructive discussion. ABC should apologize for this and stop treating the fandom like shit.
  7. I always thought it was Ezra who took all the stuff from Mona's lair because his "research center" in Ravenswood contained a lot of things from Mona's lair. Like the Alison diaries and a couple of other things that I can't remember now.
  8. At least a veronica and Buffy crossover would have been awesome! Which Ravenswood was certainly not.
  9. Bonnie will make them pancakes the next morning when they wake up hungover. She'll also go all Mama Smash on them. I'd watch the shit out of that.
  10. Nope. Just that he's a decoy planted by Charlotte. Go figure!
  11. Avery - the one girl from Sara's old group of friends that didn't show up to meet with the PLLs - will end up playing an important part somewhere down the line. Not so much a prediction but more a hope: That not only does Noel Kahn come back but so does his brother Eric. Bringing back Eric could tie in to (a) his relationship with CeCe (b) Maya having had taken refuge at the Kahn's and what was it exactly that "Maya knew" © the secrets Ali had on Noel. Yes but mostly Noel Kahn because he's the best eye candy.
  12. Yeah but to own that and an apartment you have to have a pretty good amount to begin with. Anyway, sorry for straying away from the thread. I often go on tangents :)
  13. Rounds up on reactions to the reveal. Some are hilarious! http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20944509,00.html
  14. Found this old article about the EzrA reveal back in season 4. Ezra's research proved invaluable... http://www.buzzfeed.com/jarettwieselman/lucy-hale-aria-finds-out-interview#.okVX8z5zy
  15. Haha yes! That was like the equivalent of the Sookie Eric Bill threesome dream sequence on TB! Also, Web Site Page forever!
  16. Ouch Shaftoe. That is some Marin way to break the bad news
  17. Honestly, I never understood how the Humphreys were poor and yet could afford to own a house in Brooklyn. I mean... It's not much but in NY prices it still has to cost a fortune. They also owned that gallery / coffee shop or whatever that was.
  18. True. I was just putting out the best case scenario going from this finale. I just wanna see the liars kick some ass!
  19. My take on Jessica is that the writers tried to show her as a woman in an impossible situation. Which would have been great if we didn't know that she had 2 affairs outside her marriage. If it wasn't for that it would have been easy to believe that she did love her husband and wanted to find a way to keep him while still taking care of Charlotte. But seriously... She could have avoided all this when he wanted to send off Charlotte to Radley. Just call him on his shit, tell him the real reason he's admitting her is because he has serious trouble accepting who she is and leave his conservative ass with the 3 kids.
  20. Yes for all of this. The biggest problem this season has been the liars acting worse than their season 1 self in terms of sleuthing and jumping to conclusions. How they did not see Sara Harvey coming is beyond me and basically just a thing for plot, so they would end up yet again locked in a room in puffy dresses. For the time jump though, did anyone else pick up a "Now that we're done with girls and women torturing each other we can finally focus on fighting the real enemy here? (He being the patriarchy) " I'm probably way off on this but the way I see it it's the only logical thing for the show to do at this point... Not that logic counts for anything with the writers anymore.
  21. Well the new mystery seems somewhat interesting. The fact that Sara Harvey was revealed as Red Coat, that we didn't know who killed Mrs D and never saw Bethany's face when she was no longer a kid makes me think whoever this He is, he's out for blood. Maybe he's Bethany's father? And maybe Bethany is a *sigh* twin or yet another sister?
  22. I just wanna see Alaric and Damon getting shitfaced together. That is all, really.
  23. About the spoilers: - Ezria have undeniable chemistry. Come on y'all it's the future not an alternate universe. - We all have baggage , isn't that a thing Wren once said? - I'm guessing they made Harvey Red Coat because she ties into the new mystery. - Didn't Lucas do an interview a few months before the finale saying he was involved with the A reveal? What was that about?
  24. I think they just wanna make a point that this reveal isn't flying with them
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