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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. I still have to wonder if Dreck tantrumed and hissy-fitted his way to a Boob/TLC payout. Der's bitchfest with TLC and Boob coincided w/the timeline he would need to apply to law school. He could have taken a scorched earth approach with Boob and threatened to reveal the Duggar family dirt if Jill didn't get her payout for all her 'volunteer' years on TLC. This would also explain why Dreck appears to be persona non grata at the TTH while Jill is still apparently welcome. Now I half expect to see a 'we're one big happy family' photo with Boob and Dreck to deflect any rumors in 3, 2, 1.
  2. If it comes from a can Silly Jilly knows about it.
  3. This morning I found myself gushing with YAYS before I gasped and bit my tongue. In my defense it was my response to my 10 week old puppy piddling outside for the first time. I guess if Jill can train Derelict to pee outside he'd be worthy of a yay from me too. Maybe she can also teach him not to bite the hand that feeds him.
  4. Truth be told, I really don't see much difference between their 'ugly' clothes and their every day clothes.
  5. To each his own of course. Imho the latest outdoor pic is by far the worst. Between her saggy sad stretched out jeans and dumpy t-shirt/cartigan combo Jill is a walking advertisement for what not to wear. If I owned Oliver & Otis I'd ask her to stop wearing my clothes. It's bad for business.
  6. Her headship must like that color on her, or some other ridiculous bullshit like that. Is the little girl in the striped dress standing under the 'S' of Honduras Jordyn? Her face is in the shadow so its difficult to tell.
  7. No Dreck, you've never outsmarted any system, anywhere, anytime...ever. Trust me.
  8. I wonder if Josh's daddy will boo hoo again that its a conspiracy against the Duggar family by detractors looking to take them down. I bet the Washington county planning dept made double sure to follow procedures to the T. You know Jim Blob loves himself a good lawsuit.
  9. Silly, it's so Jill can jump onto Dreck's lap at a moment's notice should a scantily clad hussy so much as look at him. Gotta defend her territory and let everyone know he's taken.
  10. When I look at those tacky gold platform heels I immediately think 'stripper shoes'. I swear, what is it with this family and their footwear choices? It's not that hard, really.
  11. If 19K&C has taught us anything it's that kids can sleep anywhere: staircases, floors, countertops, etc... Bedrooms? Who needs actual private bedrooms? That's almost as ridiculous as pajamas or sheets on beds!
  12. So let me get this straight. Dreck is competitive when it comes to winning doughnuts but not so much when it comes to oh say, actually working and providing for his family?? Yup, sounds about right. Asshole.
  13. I'm kinda disappointed with the wedding as a whole. While any real food served is certainly miles ahead of the usual Duggar standing room only popcorn and pickles heehaw fest, I guess I was unrealistically hoping for more. I really was hoping for some dancing like at Abbie's sister's wedding. Mind you, nothing crazy like a DJ or anything but really, would a classical string quartet be that much of a satan fortress building risk?
  14. My best quess is Derelict threw a hissy fit about Jill not receiving compensation for her many years on the show and Boob gave them a lump sum payout to shut him up. If this is the case, the money wont last long. Once they piss it away the Dullards will be back to grifting as per usual IMHO.
  15. Maybe Jill used 'low sodium' black beans and thats why the photo dish appears to be tomato based, with red & pinto beans and absolutely nothing like the food being fed to Sammy. The key question is, did she serve it with a huge salad and fresh baked bread?
  16. That D is so pathetic looking. It's as if Boob threw $5 out of his wallet and said 'bring back the change'. Poor Si.
  17. I was dragged to a Carl Sagan lecture when I was 7 and sick with bronchitis. Zahdii & Jynnan, at least you got to see pretty colored cars go round and round.
  18. 'Cause there's nothing a 3 yr old likes better than a good financial seminar. Leave Paw Patrol and goldfish crackers to those heathen hell bound 3 yr olds who are buried in debt.
  19. Ahem.....he reads Men's Health for the articles only (wink)
  20. Wasn't it later revealed that the CA house the Dillards stayed in was in a gated compound with 24hr security? To me, that's the real kicker.
  21. Way to bite that hand even harder Derelict. I'm sure JB will just lovvvve being referred to as "filth", not to mention Jessa & Jeremy. I get the impression that as a child Derelict would pitch a hissy fit and Cathy would cave to his demands. The real world doesn't work that way D, and no amount of pissing, bad mouthing and complaining is going to get the show moved to UP. You screwed yourself, now live with it.
  22. I wonder if Anna is encouraging Smug to eat all he wants thinking it will make him less attractive to other women. When JoshUa is a big fat greasy blob he'll finally be all her's.
  23. A dear family friend gave my mama this recipe years ago. Get the totally big can of tuna from Sam's. Dump a really really big block of Velveeta on it. Throw it in the oven for a while. Wal-la! Tuna melt!! Serve with a huge salad & fresh baked bread.
  24. Of all the M kids Mason looks the most like Josh. Poor kid
  25. The problem is while Jill herself didn't post hate filled tweets she has repeatedly posted #besthubbyever (or something like that) implying that she thinks Derelict and his beliefs are great. Yes, Jill was raised to blindly follow her headship husband off a proverbial cliff but the majority of American women weren't raised this way. To them, Jill's hastage is an endorsement of Drek and all his ugliness. I can't say I blame FFF for not wanting to be associated with Jill.
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