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Everything posted by nutty1

  1. Thanks ApprenticeFan, for bringing all the spoilers over!
  2. I had to go look him up, and YES, he does look just like Blake. And now I will remember his name, because "Dean".....I always think of Dean from the Bach franchise. I looked through all the players from this season and probably knew the names of only 4 or 5! 😮
  3. No surprise....a little quicker than I thought though.
  4. How does this actually work? Does someone from the losing tribe always send someone? Or was that just for the first person, as that person then chose a name from the other tribe? I wonder if this continues after the merge?
  5. Long IG post from Cassie....it was an impressive post, IMO. Sometimes in pictures I see, she just doesn't look happy. I think it is in her eyes....and smile. I hope they make it, if it is what they both really want. I think Colton would marry her tomorrow. But she is doing this the sensible way, and I give her credit for that!
  6. Just a little Instagram eye candy.... you're welcome!!
  7. What's happening in Paris? I saw on IG that Tayshia, Caelynn and Dylan & Hannah are there.
  8. Filming began yesterday (Friday). How sad is it that I woke up around 4 AM EST and thought “they’re probably just filming the first rose ceremony”. I need a life.
  9. Can every future contestant get a copy of this?!
  10. What don't you believe? That he was interviewed? He told all about the spreadsheet he made of the type of women he likes. He said (and Rachel agreed) they do ask for your preferences.
  11. An interesting tidbit from Mike's interview. He definitely interviewed to become the Bachelor and just found out the day of the taping of the BIP reunion that he was not chosen. He was quite bummed.
  12. I think that is a little unfair. I think if all is equal, we can talk crap about, or fawn over, any contestant, regardless of skin color. For example, if Peter said he had a disabled parking permit (per my last post), I would be all over that also. I am not afraid to speak positive or negative about any of them.
  13. I liked Kenny too. And Eric (?Bigger - I am bad at names) too.
  14. I am listening to Rachel and Ali's podcast. Rachel is interviewing Mike right now. He told a story about having a disabled parking permit because he is a veteran. No one respects veterans more than me. But I did not see one thing that would lead me to believe he has a physical disability that warrants a disabled parking permit. Am I missing something?
  15. I started listening to Ali & Rachel's podcast. Though she did not bash Peter, she was quite angry about Mike not being Bachelor. She said the past years, the men have all been white and boring. I am all for a person of another race being the lead. However, what bothered me about Rachel's rant is that 3 out of 4 of her final 4 were "boring white men". And so is her husband. That's a bit hypocritical, IMO.
  16. Mike did not speak ill of Peter. But I thought this was a strange answer..... Why do I think it wasn't me? I have no idea. I can only speak on my personality and the wonderful man that I am.
  17. Maybe Mike made it clear he didn't want it? No one knows. I would be very happy if some diverse became Bachelor. But only if I think he'd be a good lead. I would not want someone picked simply because of his skin color. Truthfully, I can't imagine ABC not being open to a black Bachelor. I'd love to hear what goes on in those meetings when they are deciding.
  18. Yea, marriage is tough. But the engagement and honeymoon phase should NOT be all hard work. Like you said, if they aren't having fun now.... Do yourselves a favor and bag this relationship sooner than later!
  19. Kate Casey (whoever she is) had JPJ on her podcast. It was done yesterday, per her tweets (lots of people were asking her). Seems JPJ and Tayshia are still together. https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL3JlYWxpdHktbGlmZS13aXRoLWthdGUtY2FzZXk&episode=Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL0VEdWJ6ZHlDNnBaT1VBSWR0NG1sMnk2OGJKNU4tUlgtR3N2RVJHTExsc00&hl=en&ep=6&at=1568823270454
  20. Kate Casey (whoever she is) had JPJ on her podcast. It was done yesterday, per her tweets (lots of people were asking her). Seems JPJ and Tayshia are still together. I’ll post the link in the media thread. Not sure I can post it here.
  21. There has been talk about them. Nothing concrete. Fans picking up on things from social media. There’s some discussion about it in the BIP spoiler thread.
  22. Yet Tayshia tweeted to JPJ about 15 minutes ago and he answered lovingly. And supposedly she was with his sister tonight. Everyone on Twitter was questioning RS.
  23. I am ok with Peter. I would have watched no matter who it was.
  24. The next Bachelor. The worst kept secret.
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