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Everything posted by leighdear

  1. I cannot tell you how much I LOVELOVELOVE this phrase! *LOL*
  2. Reality Steve has a new column up for last night's show. And FYI, I post over there under the screen name "Angelfish" (long story!), so if any of those posts sound familiar or have the same phrases as mine here, you know why. I am NOT a post-stealer! *LOL*
  3. Why start now? *LOL* Yep, his exit will be untainted and pure. His man-pain was epic and deep. That is the kind of man-pain that operas are written about!....Hey....wait a minute....
  4. Maybe Tasos was fine with not having the rose ceremony televised. I don't actually care for that part myself. It's not as if they do an in-depth interview post-booting. Unless there's a lot of drama, that is. He seemed pretty fun & mellow, so I can't imagine he gave them much on his way out the door. I'm sure there are plenty of contestants that would LOVE to have their shining moment of being exiled unavailable to the viewing public. Maybe they asked him if was ok it it wasn't shown, and he said "Really? I don't have to have that humiliating moment available for people to watch over and over on their DVR's for the rest of my life?" I'll bet most exiting would be happy about that kind of thing. :)
  5. Andi didn't give a eulogy. My impression was that Andi was there ONLY to speak about how she and the rest of the guys were told about Eric and their reactions to the tragedy. I never saw that quick sit-down as damage control or an explanation of her interaction with Eric, who was right or wrong. She wasn't there to give commentary on anything else. To me, that was perfectly appropriate. None of them knew Eric well enough to do anything more than what they did. They paid a brief tribute TWICE and resumed the show.
  6. Exactly! And for a man that traveled the world, "communicating" with so many different cultures and types of people, why did he suck so bad at talking to a normal, American woman? Maybe he couldn't get his point across unless he was squatting in a Yurt and miming what he wanted to say. Weird!
  7. I think the end was supposed to be about Andi, and I think she was fine. This episode doesn't change the fact that I still like her & think she's a great Bachelorette. If I want to know more about Eric, there seems to be at least 2 websites devoted to him, probably more.
  8. I think they ended the episode the right way with Chris & Andi. But I think Eric put on that little show to make it easier to leave. What did he want her to do or say in the little time they had after their date? Express her absolute and undying love immediately? Show up at his room at 3am begging to bang him? He came off as more of an actor than her, as he came off as a storyteller. I think she was totally confused by his accusations. And I think she's been the most relaxed & natural Bachelorette they've ever had. But as for the rest of the show, Seven studs in a tub! Loved it! Bless Dylan's heart, that info about his family was hard to watch. It's tough enough for a guy to spill all that to somebody he barely knows, much less a girl he's trying to impress. Andi seemed very compassionate and caring. She handled the situation and the rose well. Total boredom with the Brian Basketball court thing. A replay with the JP and Nicki Baseball stadium date from last season. At least he finally grew a sack & kissed her. Marcus really was sweet to Andi on the side of that building, distracting her.
  9. I'm also really enjoying Damaris' show. She learned a lot and is really good in front of the camera now. Plus, her recipes are really delicious. Jeff Mauro is one of my absolute faves, and I watch both his Sandwich King and The Kitchen. He works great with the other hosts.
  10. Nope, it's been firmly wedged in mine all day. I tried listening to Country music on my drive in to work, and I'll try some Classic Rock on my way home, but I'm not feeling very confident about getting rid of it anytime soon.....:)
  11. Oh, she'll feel guilty of course. Everybody he encountered recently has probably played that mental "What if...." game, and how their actions may have impacted him. Obviously he died like he lived: full-tilt, balls to the wall and adrenaline rushed to the max. He wasn't perfect at being a contestant, so I'll be he just brushed it off and went on to something else.
  12. So basically, Eric thinks Andi is there "for the wrong reasons". Yeah, no real sympathy from me there. He knew the deal going in and had 20+ seasons of this show to clue him into what it was about. Obviously he was a nice guy in real life, but I think he was ultimately there to promote himself and his global adventure. Andi was just an attractive conduit for him.
  13. I thought the little outtakes at the end with Tasos and Josh snuggling on the couch was hilarious....Obviously enough of the guys get along to keep some humor in their down time.... I can't get those stupid songs out of my head now. And I was almost 30 when they hit big, so it's even more annoying...I didn't make out with anybody then, cause I was already married....*LOL*
  14. John "the biscuit" Cage, aka Peter MacNicol. Yep, I see it! ETA: Crossed post paths with Chocolatine....*LOL*
  15. Awesome line! :) Poor JJ had to "steal" little kisses from Andi through their date. I'll bet watching this back, he'll see that he was totally friend-zoned within 5 minutes of meeting her. If Andrew had kept his mouth shut about that phone number, nobody would have known. Obviously the girl gave it to him on the sly if none of the other guys at that dinner saw or heard the exchange. Pacey made the classic mistake of not checking his ego at the door.
  16. Thanks for the info on Josh's tats, friends! Though I was a little irked that he used the Bukowski "I'm a grown-ass man" phrase. That should have died with him. And agreed, his chemistry with Andi is nuclear. She grabbed his face & latched on. Marcus bothers me, for some reason. I'm ok with facial hair, but his looks grown to hide the fact that he looks about 12. Nick used the word "like" more than Andi does.
  17. @Lamb18 We never got to see Rosie's bar! *lol*
  18. I guess there's some sort of "emergency" contingency plan for all the bachelors. Probably his parents called to tell him about his friend. Must have been a really close one. I Don"t think Ron was really into it anyway.
  19. Ok, I'm dying to know what Josh has tattooed on the inside of his biceps. Looks like Old English lettering. Fun episode. They were all such BAD singers, even Bradley. I felt bad for him at the end, but he was kind of an attention hog during the singing. Cody seems pretty likable and sweet, but definitely not for Andi. Andrew was really getting the shifty/shady/sneaky edit.
  20. Ok, I want Rocky LaPorte to win the whole thing. I absolutely adored him. I didn't care for the DC guy, but the rest very varying levels from OK to pretty damn funny. Lumberjack was good.
  21. Rochelle could win & I'd be fine with that. Nobody else in that place seems to know their ass from their elbow. I'm at the point where I just hate them all, including Gordon. So much repetitive crap, maybe I'll just bypass the rest of the episodes & watch the finale.....*LOL*
  22. It absolutely has to someone that commands a Twitter Army of tweens & teens. Age is the key factor here, because the number of credible YOUNG dancers with an enormous Twitter following is small. Gaga would have been an unbeliebable coup, but she's too busy. As I mentioned upthread, it was a huge debacle on "The Voice" because teen Twitter followers were merely voting for singers they were told to vote for by people they followed. A big % of the votes were from people that had NOT heard any of the contestants sing.
  23. Pretty girl mentioned that she lived with 10-12 foster familes, relatives & assorted people, so I don't think she was sleeping in a cardboard box and eating out of dumpsters. Although maybe she did. She obviously overcame a lot, but only her dancing really mattered to me. I'm there for dancetime, not storytime.
  24. Reality Steve's Thursday column is up, and he's got some good stuff!
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