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Everything posted by ScarletLetter

  1. Eleanor specifically stated in "Under His Eye" that she has bipolar. I wish the writers hadn't specified the illness because they just make her as crazy or as lucid as the plot needs her to be and I personally don't think it's a good representation of bipolar. I think her mood swings are just a bit too cartoony at times and it makes me not take the whole character seriously.
  2. And that's a series wrap on Winslow. I felt like there was a ton of potential in that character that went to waste, but oh well. I liked the Serena and Fred stuff this episode, but I think it lacked a lot of impact because they kept waffling back and forth with the characters this whole season. For Fred, I'm never quite sure what he actually wants. It seems like he was enthralled with DC and the power he could have, and his decision to choose Serena and the baby over that should have been meaningful, but it was undercut by last week's episode and his unrelenting fascination with June. As for Serena Joy, I think she was in on Fred getting arrested (I hope so anyway, otherwise they're both dumb to just blindly follow that car for MILES apparently) but she's been so two faced for so long it's hard to care anymore. I hope they both hang, honestly.
  3. I'm going to be bummed if this is the last of Commander Winslow. The only ep of this season I really liked was the DC episode, and I was intrigued by his character, and I love Christopher Meloni as an actor. I checked IMDB and he's only listed as being in four episodes, so the next episode would be his fourth. So seeing him at Jezebel's assaulting June is confusing - since June has had the thickest of plot armor this whole season, I imagine Winslow gets killed in some way.
  4. This! The scene with the "muffins mean yes" was great imagery, and I'm glad we're finally getting somewhere, but I'm also annoyed that June didn't come up with any specific plan beyond "Uh, what if we got a big truck?" Like, no one in the Martha network ever thought of this, and they needed June to give them the idea? They can't even procure Mrs Lawrence's medication anymore, but they're going to smuggle out dozens of children, Gilead's most precious commodity? Whatever. Also, when June was looking through the handmaid's files, I was amused that apparently one child's name was Prudence before Gilead and they changed it to Jennifer! Did they get that backwards?
  5. I think for both of them, their video game relationship was just porn/fantasy/a break from the real world, and not a romantic relationship. When they kissed in person, I believed them that there were no sparks there, because it would be hard to compare to the fantasy. Plus, there's all the real world complications - do they have to come out now? Is he going to have to leave his wife, his kid? I think that's why the wife also got to go out and have her fun - ultimately I think it's just sex, and Anthony Mackie's character and his wife (sorry I've completely forgotten everyone's character names) have the emotional connection and family that they want to preserve. Kind of a new take on an open relationship. It's possible that the friend had more of a yearning on his end, but I think that's because he didn't have the emotional connection to his partner.
  6. I'm really sad that Rizzi went home - her audition was one of my favorites from the blinds. Bummed that Jon didn't steal her. Glad that Kim Cherry made it through. I hope she gets to rap again, you never really get to see that style on shows like this.
  7. I thought having the 14 year old go up against the trio was an odd choice too. I think the reason the trio moved forward was because the kid seemed really nervous and unsure of herself. Her audition was really good, and she definitely has talent, but they probably didn't want another Reagan situation to happen.
  8. This show is so much better when you watch it on YouTube. I watched all the performances, clues, and reveals in like 15 minutes. I'm fine with T-Pain winning, he has such a great sense of humor and his performances were the ones I looked forward to the most from week to week. It's only a title anyway, and it seems like everyone just did the show for fun, even though logically, Gladys should have won. Props to Donny for his work ethic, especially if he was doing two shows at once. I can barely get up in the morning sometimes lol.
  9. I think that's a good idea. Instead of a whole series, it would be cool if it were a live special a few times a year maybe. Then the panel could give actual guesses and there could be a social media tie-in where people make their guesses via Twitter or something. And if they attract good enough talent, maybe it could be an actual competition. That's what intrigued me about the show initially - to see who would win just based on singing alone, and not looks or any other preconceived notions.
  10. The audience seemed smaller than that. I think camera tricks make it seem like there's more people then there actually are. Plus, a lot of the audience seemed like plants or extras - everyone magically seems to find the camera and give an over the top reaction, like they're determined to be made into a gif or something. I don't think everyone in the audience was a plant, but having a smaller group probably made it easier to keep things under wraps.
  11. I watched a little bit of the Korean version of this show, so I think I got my hopes up a little too high when watching the American version. It's definitely more about the costumes and it being a guessing game then it is about the singing. Also, the panel is absolutely awful. I'm glad you can watch a condensed version of the show on YouTube and see only the performances/clues/reveal and limit having to listen to the brain trust they assembled make truly dumb guesses. Since it seems like the show is pretty successful, I hope if there is a second season they can get a brand new panel and maybe attract more singing talent. That being said, the show has piqued my curiosity, so I'm going to keep following it. The costumes are really well made and pretty cool to look at. I also lol'd when they showed that picture of Joey Fatone - it's like the stock photo jokes of Homer they'd have on The Simpsons.
  12. I really dislike these Chicago crossovers. If their goal was to make me watch the other show, then mission failed because the crossover actors just seem incredibly wooden and boring. That female detective especially - that ending sequence was rough. Not only did she do the most hilarious face plant in the woods, but the dive out of the way of Roberts' truck that had to only be going 2 miles an hour was funny too. I've seen better choreographed action sequences in those Syfy original movies. There was a lot of clunky lines in this ep too - like the prison guard saying "Now we have to check the spouts on all these waterheads." Yiiiikes. Who wrote that? WHO WROTE THAT.
  13. I have to say, I got a pretty big belly laugh at the whole "secret society" thing. When that kid showed everyone the names behind the portrait of George Washington, I thought we were going into National Treasure territory where their next target was going to have sex with the Declaration of Independence or something. Bless you SVU, for inserting a wacky touch into an otherwise standard episode.
  14. The Noah drama - *sigh*. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that Benson's natural evolution of her character was she was going to be put in charge of the SVU squad, and this baby makes her look incompetent at every turn. I get that it's extremely difficult to have a high-stress, complicated job while raising a child on your own, but I don't need to see this drama play out in every episode. The show makes me think Benson can't handle walking and chewing gum at the same time, let alone running a whole squad while making sure her baby doesn't die from one ridiculous thing or another. Seriously, Noah has lost his drug-addled mother, been abused, shot at, and had the measles before he could even walk! Let's just cool it a little on torturing this kid, show. Sorry, rant over.
  15. I wanted to like Dodds, but his behavior this episode was a 180 from the last one. In the last ep, he seemed incredibly competent and was putting in the work, but this ep, he's all "Meh, this seems too hard. Let's just forget about it." Plus his comment at the end - "I thought we were taking rapists off the streets, not out of churches." So... you want to keep rapists in churches? I hope they hammer out what his character is supposed to be, because I'm not feeling it right now. The not-Duggar Mom also bugged me - you were fine when you thought your own son got your 13 year old daughter pregnant, but the priest was too far?
  16. Marceline, you can also read Rolling Stone's official apology here, which includes a summary of events. Basically, it played out very similarly to what happened in the episode - they took the girl's word for it and went ahead with the story without fully investigating the other side of it, because they didn't want to make her feel like she was lying, and because she was afraid of retaliation from her attackers. It's a tough situation. You want to give the victim the benefit of the doubt, but they really needed to get their facts straight before going forward with the story in such a public way.
  17. Ah, another story set in the rape capital of the world, Hudson University. You'd think they would just ban fraternities on campus all together for how many headaches they've caused.
  18. I really like Carisi, but I think the actor was really out of his element in the action scenes. He looked pretty uncomfortable holding and firing the gun - and that run down the hallway? Yikes. He couldn't have looked more ridiculous if he was slipping on a banana peel.
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