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Everything posted by Lassus

  1. This is definitely an issue with this season (also a bit with RHoBH). There's all this news about their real lives that comes out in real time now. Almost nobody gave a shit that Stassi or Jax or Tom or Kristen were fucking around in real time. But NOW, when it's national entertainment news, who cares about replaying it when we followed every bit of itas it occurred? They are kind of stuck, though. In a weird kind of way, playing backseat producer/director, I think I would have tried harder to lean into the fact that this is going on still really soon after the event. Like do some intermittent dating of the scenes and episodes.
  2. Yeah, that's a pretty big if, from someone who claims he's broke. And fair market value would include consideration of the new interest rates fucking her over as well.
  3. Me too! That being said, I am nervously in preparation setting my expectations very low on this. I am wondering a little if the poisoned mine water is making certain people hallucinate. Which I would like more than standard supernatural items. But if it's a supernatural story, it is, and so be it. Now that I'm speculating I'm also wondering about the ending time frame. I admit I was expecting a time jump in this or the previous episode so that the ending would be closer to the end of night. I would be very surprised (and, maybe impressed?) if there wasn't a SIX MONTHS LATER bit at the end, to see everything in daylight.
  4. Excellent line. Well done. Regarding the poorer reviews in the thread of the episode and the series, I guess I'm seeing the faults but I'm not caring in this particular case. I am a bit annoyed that everyone is so miserable, sure. But the fact that it's about the humans and not the case hasn't bothered me, because the acting is really good. I could have had similar issues with Murder at the End of the World. But this, as with that - I still think it's a great piece of entertainment. I just think I'm generally less negative about the whole thing.
  5. I think it was just a set piece. I'd be stunned if it's anything at all.
  6. Right! And I'm not disputing this at all. But if the sun where you live sets at 7 PM, it's not instantly black because you aren't seeing any sunlight - there are varying levels of dark. My only point is that I think portraying the entire 24-hour periods in Ennis that follow the sunset in the first episode as pitch black is a little bit of a (totally justified and effective for dramatic purposes) fib.
  7. I haven't done the research, but this has to be a bit of dramatic license. (Which I don't really mind at all, just kind of something I was thinking about.) The sun isn't staying 180 degrees away from that spot on the planet for 6 months on a dime, it's still moving beneath the horizon line, closer and farther away. There's no way it's just pitch from the start with no variation.
  8. All this made me think of was the movie Brazil. (I watched season 1 when it came out, but didn't remember that name.) I sort of agree, but also sort of don't. (Strong take, I know) Towns like this are... like this. Lots of internal crap. But I agree it seems like a lot. Maybe it's intentionally crowded and intimately oppressive. (Oppressively intimate?)
  9. As with everyone I think is doing a really great job acting, I did check on the actor playing Peter (young cop protege), and he is in fact is British.
  10. I mostly agree, and maybe I've already missed a similar reply, but in her defense, look at what she had to deal with at that moment, it's a lot. I WISH she had said yes, and then turned around in private and read that fucker the riot act, but oh well.
  11. Not to be a hater, but holy crap was this one boring. Didn't these people belong to Charleston society at some point? Like, they went out and interacted with the public? All they do now is sit around and stare at each other. I'm sorry, but y'all aren't interesting enough to make that work.
  12. Is there a conviction or something? Otherwise it's just everyone talking out their ass.
  13. Fair. Subjectively, for me, it just sorta turned into TOO MANY characters to try and care about over the course of this few amount of episodes.
  14. I'm glad people liked this episode but for me it simply put on a plate everything we were told and were able to ascertain from the context anyhow. Everyone had their own lives and were just grabbed for the TVA. Loki and Sylvie are the McGuffins. I'm sorry, I want more surprises and better writing. This was not that, to me. I kinda hope OB becomes the villain. Or perhaps Sylvie. I hope there's at least ONE surprise in the finale. I'm not hopeful. I feel like it will wrap up and it will be as if nothing had happened at all.
  15. Sure, but when his drug dealer news comes from the indisputable Twitter and the objectively true internet, I think everyone's knowledge of the matter is suspect.
  16. I actually don't understand what anyone's plan or intent was. I've been reading comics since 1974 and have watched every MCU property they've put out. This episode had me more baffled as to the purpose as anything prior. Who is even fighting who, and why? They keep talking about this fight and I'm not even sure why they're fighting. I'm lost. Gotta say I was with Sylvie on this one, both within the story and also in a more meta way than intended. I would prefer less Wes Anderson style - and running around showing off the style - and more narrative movement.
  17. I guess people are defending or loving her, but Madison seems like such a nightmare of a nasty human being to me. To be clear, the entire cast is varying degrees of trash, but Madison to me seems like someone I would never, ever speak to in a group. The adolescent prudishness of this cast is pathetic and awful. Maybe people will love this show this year, but it has such a sheen of being scripted it's very hard to care. And they are SO BORING as a result - this is the best they could come up with?
  18. I want a lot of this to be less filler. I enjoyed it, mostly, but was left a bit wondering about all the wandering around with little narrative movement.
  19. I love Ariana, but she did not need the plastic surgery that has made her face look like this. Boo. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/reality-star-ariana-madix-really-161922768.html
  20. The more steps involved in getting it done, the more gross it seems. I'm not saying it shouldn't have been done AT ALL, I'm just saying the number of scenes and number of characters who got to play grief theater was gross.
  21. ………………. The amount of time they are spending on this non-character death for reality entertainment value has turned super gross.
  22. How old are these fuckers? OMG A NUDE. OMG THEY KISSED. Maybe my years in the late 90s in San Francisco ruined me for shock, but even 2023 Charleston isn’t goddamned Jane Austen. BORING **************************** “Buyer’s remorse”? Die in a fire, ‘bro’.
  23. I know Craig's no prize, and this is an old thing, but I'm a little surprised Craig hasn't fucking punched Shep in the face for having a dog around solely to mock him.
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