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Everything posted by lookattheflowers

  1. Hate to be mean but, Nicole seems the type that can’t exist unless she has a man in her life. In both her seasons she had showmances going.
  2. Paulie was Cody’s brother. Corey and Paulie looked similar, so I can see why you could get them confused, lol!
  3. Well, it would have been really weird if Corey was there, since they hooked up on the show, lol!
  4. All kinds of awkward. Why is Dani, Brittany and Josh there, had she ever met them before? This made me LOL!
  5. Tyler won HOH, surprise, surprise. It’s going to be another boring week. Wish TPTB would get a clue that this battle back shit is pretty much useless.
  6. I have never seen this show focus so much on a week 2 los...I mean evictee. Wow! Even Jody didn’t get this much attention, lol!
  7. Why do they always have to have these twists??? Why can’t they let the game happen organically??
  8. The NBC Facebook page is cracking me up! Every topic that is posted people are bombarding it with #renewaltimeless. Post about Jane Lynch: #renewtimeless. Brooklyn 99 coming to NBC: #renewtimeless. I really hope this show gets renewed. I think the Sunday night time slot did not do it any favors. If not, I hope someone else picks it up.
  9. And that was the cherry on top!!! Hahahaha!
  10. Gotta love a bitter jury! Shocked that Alex didn't vote for Paul!
  11. Yay! The look on Paul's face was glorious!!!!
  12. Ugh, the dreaded clip show! When I look at these three, I just keep thinking how in the world did we get here? Worst F3 since BB15. I may or may not tune in for the Finale as I quit caring weeks ago and it's quite obvious who is going to win. The only thing that could redeem this season is if Josh wins HOH and Vanessa's Paul, but I somehow doubt that is going to happen.
  13. A few thoughts: Raven, honey, you do know they do make waterproof mascara, right? And BTW, I don't think Matt will ever talk to you again once this show is over. Matt, STFU. Josh (!) actually hit the nail on the head. You just NOW are starting to play the game? I'm sick of the Whistle-nut shirt, does this dude own another other articles of clothing, jeez..... I hate Paul, but he sure is lining himself up nicely until the end. Too bad these dodos will never see it until finale night. I just don't get this cast, in past seasons there was always note comparing, but not with these people. This season is officially BB19: The Season of Backdoors. It's seriously becoming ridiculous!
  14. Jeebus, I would self evict just to get away from Josh. Holy Crap! Seriously a Lord of the Flies vibe this season, yikes!
  15. This season is way too long, they need to wrap up this crap before Labor Day, like other summer shows do. I am ready for Fall shows and this show seems to be going on and on and on. Derrick is still as boring as he was 2 years ago, glad to see that some things never change.
  16. I was LOL'ing so hard at Paulie crying over the butterfly and the WTF look on James's face! Seriously one of the most LOL moments this season. Living spirit indeed!
  17. Welp....I'm out. I have come to the realization that this is quickly becoming BB16 part deux, except with a poor man's version of Derrick (Paulie) and Cody (Paul), and this is coming from someone who hated those two with the fire of a thousand suns. Here is hoping that there is a shakeup, but who am I kidding, we all know that this will never happen with these suck players.
  18. Pretty good episode with the exception of the god awful cliffhanger. AL did a hell of a good job, he actually made me feel what he was feeling. I despise Comic Negan, I have a feeling that I'm also going to despise TV Negan. Way too cartoonishy already, they just omitted the f-bombs. I actually enjoyed the Carol/Morgan storyline. The endless Lucille speculation that is going to continue for another 7 months, makes me want to jump out of a window. Did anyone else expect Katniss Everdeen to pop out from behind the trees when the whisteling started? No? Guess it was just me then.
  19. I just don't see the GA tolerating having Negan alive indefinitely, especially if he kills Glenn. Hell, I got tired of TG in the same season, and it seemed like they would never kill him off.
  20. Sorry, I 100% disagree. No way in hell are they going to kill 2 major characters from S1 in one episode, maybe the series finale. Too many people are invested emotionally in the Atlanta 5, and to kill both in 1 episode, no way, that would be show suicide, imo. No way is Reedus leaving either. He has said in multiple interveiws that this show is the best thing that has happened to him and saved his acting career, I just don't buy him wanting to leave now.
  21. Hmmmm, I see Jesus more of Maggie's right hand man in the comic. Jesus lives at Hilltop and is seen more with Maggie, imo.
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