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Everything posted by lookattheflowers

  1. Correct. Well actually it is on the return trip to Hilltop that Glenn gets Lucilled. He and Maggie are going to Hilltop because Maggie is pregnant and they want a better life.Also before the Lucilling Abraham gets shot in the head by an arrow from Dwight.
  2. I know, I know it's ridiculous. My poor 65 year old mother who I watch the show with (who doesn't follow spoilers or the GN) will forget who all the semi important redshirts(Ron) are and all the hints that were revealed, by the time the MSP rolls out. This would of been like them ending the S4 MSF at the point that the Guv. whispered "liar."
  3. A few random thoughts: I Lol'd at Michonne's expression when Tara gave Rick the bird. They sure aren't trying to hide Alanna's pregnancy, when she turned to the side you could totally see her big ol' bump. The background music has got to go. The piano sounds like we are sitting in a 70's lounge. Carl is getting WAY to old for that hat. Rick stressing that they have to be quiet, then he and Tobin make a racket pounding away at the boards.
  4. Seriously. And don't forget the f-bomb every other word. I was so mad in the comics that Rick just sat there and didn't even try to fight for Glenn. If they have TV Rick sit there with his mouth hanging open it will look ridiculous, IMO.
  5. Lots of spec on other forums that it might be Morgan, because of his "life is precious". We know what always happens to the moral compass on this show. Also from what I've read LJ only promised TPTB 1 season. *shrugs* who knows, guess we will have to wait and see.
  6. NR's new series has already partially been filmed. Plus it is only 6 episodes, they are almost finished filming TWD(today I believe is the last day of filming) so he has roughly 5 1/2 months to film the rest of the series before TWD filming begins again. I read he sold his home either because of fan stalking or that is the home he shared with his ex,
  7. You and me both. I don't understand how everyone lurves Negan and the Saviors, they are just a bunch of bullies.
  8. I just hope that they write him better in the show then the comics. I stopped reading the comics after Negan was introduced, he was so OTT and ridiculous.
  9. Why do they always feel the need to kill animals on this show???
  10. I'm going to post this here, as I think it is more appropriate then the spoilers thread because it involves the comics. There is a lot of speculation on spoil the dead that Negan will appear in the finale. And there is a lot of speculation of who is going to get Lucilled. The majority think that the candidates are Glenn, Darryl and Morgan. So, what say you Previously TV?
  11. Can we discuss comic spoilers in regards to the show in this thread?
  12. I have a real soft spot for awkward nerds, so I was happy with Steve's win. IMO, it beats the past 2 seasons, which I still have an irrational hatred for Derrick. Vanessa could of had it but alas she lost the last part. Steve would have been a complete idiot if he would have taken her to F2. You could tell that this was his life long dream when Julie announced his win. Also, happy that James won AFP! Thanks guys for all the snarky comments, You all have provided me with many LOL moments this summer! See ya next summer! ETA: Please for the love of God, TOTB, DO NOT bring back TOTB next year!!!!
  13. Austin is just.so.gross. I literally cringed when he strutted out of the house in his crusty yoga pants and bare feet.
  14. I could have gone my whole life without having to hear about Austin's kissing abilities. Just ew.
  15. Exactly! At least there was a smidge of a power shift that one week James was HOH. I'm just enjoying this season better then last,.
  16. I have to respectfully disagree. Last year was way, way worse. Everyone pretty much handed Derrick the $500,000.
  17. Well, that sucked. I don't even know why I bother anymore.
  18. Boo! Did not like how the DE turned out! I enjoyed Jackie, she seems to be one of the only ones that saw through the BS. A couple of random thoughts: 1. Don't you love it when the HG's mics are still turned on when they are cutting to commercial? James: Do we have time to go pee? Nice. 2. I would never, ever go on this show as an unnatural blonde. Liz and Julia's roots could be their own house guest.
  19. Thank you gawd that Tbotb is over! Best news all summer!
  20. I literally groaned out loud when Julie announced the return of BOtB. It is like we picked right back up from where S16 ended, except with different faces.
  21. I wonder if they are replacing Holly with Francine as Abe's new love interest. Although I did hear them mention Noah talking to a Holly this episode. I hope they don't do the whole Abe cheating on Rosita with Francine thing- I hated that part of the comics as it just didn't make since. ETA: I'm disappointed that Heath and Denise are not on the show. Guess Darryl is taking Heath's place.
  22. Of the group only Carol and Judith are dead compared to where they are now on the TV show.Edited to add: TV Carol is completely different then her comic book counter part.
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